EmpDepRelationshipMapper.xml 8.61 KB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.chinagas.modules.system.mapper.EmpDepRelationshipMapper">

    <insert id="insertEmpDep" parameterType="com.chinagas.api.system.domain.EmpDepRelationship" keyProperty="id">
        insert into emp_dep_relationship(
<!--        <if test="id            !=null and id            !='' "> id,</if>-->
        <if test="emplId        !=null and emplId        !='' "> empl_id,</if>
        <if test="emplRcd       !=null and emplRcd       !='' "> empl_rcd,</if>
        <if test="effdt         !=null and effdt         !='' "> effdt,</if>
        <if test="effseq        !=null and effseq        !='' "> effseq,</if>
        <if test="company       !=null and company       !='' "> company,</if>
        <if test="companyDescr  !=null and companyDescr  !='' "> company_descr,</if>
        <if test="deptid0       !=null and deptid0       !='' "> deptid0,</if>
        <if test="cgDeptidDescr0 !=null and cgDeptidDescr0 !='' "> cg_deptid_descr0,</if>
        <if test="cgCorpCompany !=null and cgCorpCompany !='' "> cg_corp_company,</if>
        <if test="gpCompanyDescr !=null and gpCompanyDescr !='' "> gp_company_descr,</if>
        <if test="setidDept     !=null and setidDept     !='' "> setid_dept,</if>
        <if test="deptId        !=null and deptId        !='' "> dept_id,</if>
        <if test="deptidDescr   !=null and deptidDescr   !='' "> deptid_descr,</if>
        <if test="cuxCompanyArea !=null and cuxCompanyArea !='' "> cux_company_area,</if>
        <if test="cuxCostCenter !=null and cuxCostCenter !='' "> cux_cost_center,</if>
        <if test="setidJobcode  !=null and setidJobcode  !='' "> setid_jobcode,</if>
        <if test="jobcode       !=null and jobcode       !='' "> jobcode,</if>
        <if test="jobcodeDescr  !=null and jobcodeDescr  !='' "> jobcode_descr,</if>
        <if test="cgJobcodeDescr !=null and cgJobcodeDescr !='' "> cg_jobcode_descr,</if>
        <if test="emplClass     !=null and emplClass     !='' "> empl_class,</if>
        <if test="hrStatus      !=null and hrStatus      !='' "> hr_status,</if>
        <if test="uuid          !=null and uuid          !='' "> UUID,</if>
        <if test="status        !=null and status        !='' "> status,</if>
        <if test="creator       !=null and creator       !='' "> creator,</if>
        <if test="createTime    !=null  "> create_time,</if>
        <if test="modifier      !=null and modifier      !='' "> modifier,</if>
        <if test="modifyTime    !=null  "> modify_time,</if>
        <if test="attribute1    !=null and attribute1    !='' "> attribute1,</if>
        <if test="attribute2    !=null and attribute2    !='' "> attribute2,</if>
        <if test="attribute3    !=null and attribute3    !='' "> attribute3,</if>
        <if test="attribute4    !=null and attribute4    !='' "> attribute4,</if>
        <if test="attribute5    !=null and attribute5    !='' "> attribute5,</if>
        <if test="attribute6    !=null and attribute6    !='' "> attribute6,</if>
        <if test="attribute7    !=null and attribute7    !='' "> attribute7,</if>
        <if test="attribute8    !=null and attribute8    !='' "> attribute8,</if>
        <if test="attribute9    !=null and attribute9    !='' "> attribute9,</if>
        <if test="attribute10   !=null and attribute10   !='' "> attribute10,</if>
        <if test="attribute11   !=null and attribute11   !='' "> attribute11,</if>
        <if test="attribute12   !=null and attribute12   !='' "> attribute12,</if>
        <if test="attribute13   !=null and attribute13   !='' "> attribute13,</if>
        <if test="attribute14   !=null and attribute14   !='' "> attribute14,</if>
        <if test="attribute15   !=null and attribute15   !='' "> attribute15,</if>
        <if test="attribute16   !=null and attribute16   !='' "> attribute16,</if>
        <if test="attribute17   !=null and attribute17   !='' "> attribute17,</if>
        <if test="attribute18   !=null and attribute18   !='' "> attribute18,</if>
        <if test="attribute19   !=null and attribute19   !='' "> attribute19,</if>
        <if test="attribute20   !=null and attribute20   !='' "> attribute20,</if>
        <if test="source        !=null and source        !='' "> source,</if>
        ) values(
        <!--        <if test="id            !=null and id            !='' "> #{id},</if>-->
            <if test="emplId        !=null and emplId        !='' "> #{emplId },</if>
            <if test="emplRcd       !=null and emplRcd       !='' "> #{emplRcd },</if>
            <if test="effdt         !=null and effdt         !='' "> #{effdt},</if>
            <if test="effseq        !=null and effseq        !='' "> #{effseq},</if>
            <if test="company       !=null and company       !='' "> #{company},</if>
            <if test="companyDescr  !=null and companyDescr  !='' "> #{companyDescr },</if>
            <if test="deptid0       !=null and deptid0       !='' "> #{deptid0},</if>
            <if test="cgDeptidDescr0 !=null and cgDeptidDescr0 !='' "> #{cgDeptidDescr0  },</if>
            <if test="cgCorpCompany !=null and cgCorpCompany !='' "> #{cgCorpCompany  },</if>
            <if test="gpCompanyDescr !=null and gpCompanyDescr !='' "> #{gpCompanyDescr  },</if>
            <if test="setidDept     !=null and setidDept     !='' "> #{setidDept },</if>
            <if test="deptId        !=null and deptId        !='' "> #{deptId },</if>
            <if test="deptidDescr   !=null and deptidDescr   !='' "> #{deptidDescr },</if>
            <if test="cuxCompanyArea !=null and cuxCompanyArea !='' "> #{cuxCompanyArea  },</if>
            <if test="cuxCostCenter !=null and cuxCostCenter !='' "> #{cuxCostCenter  },</if>
            <if test="setidJobcode  !=null and setidJobcode  !='' "> #{setidJobcode },</if>
            <if test="jobcode       !=null and jobcode       !='' "> #{jobcode},</if>
            <if test="jobcodeDescr  !=null and jobcodeDescr  !='' "> #{jobcodeDescr },</if>
            <if test="cgJobcodeDescr !=null and cgJobcodeDescr !='' "> #{cgJobcodeDescr  },</if>
            <if test="emplClass     !=null and emplClass     !='' "> #{emplClass },</if>
            <if test="hrStatus      !=null and hrStatus      !='' "> #{hrStatus },</if>
            <if test="uuid          !=null and uuid          !='' "> #{uuid},</if>
            <if test="status        !=null and status        !='' "> #{status},</if>
            <if test="creator       !=null and creator       !='' "> #{creator},</if>
            <if test="createTime    !=null  "> #{createTime },</if>
            <if test="modifier      !=null and modifier      !='' "> #{modifier},</if>
            <if test="modifyTime    !=null  "> #{modifyTime },</if>
            <if test="attribute1    !=null and attribute1    !='' "> #{attribute1},</if>
            <if test="attribute2    !=null and attribute2    !='' "> #{attribute2},</if>
            <if test="attribute3    !=null and attribute3    !='' "> #{attribute3},</if>
            <if test="attribute4    !=null and attribute4    !='' "> #{attribute4},</if>
            <if test="attribute5    !=null and attribute5    !='' "> #{attribute5},</if>
            <if test="attribute6    !=null and attribute6    !='' "> #{attribute6},</if>
            <if test="attribute7    !=null and attribute7    !='' "> #{attribute7},</if>
            <if test="attribute8    !=null and attribute8    !='' "> #{attribute8},</if>
            <if test="attribute9    !=null and attribute9    !='' "> #{attribute9},</if>
            <if test="attribute10   !=null and attribute10   !='' "> #{attribute10},</if>
            <if test="attribute11   !=null and attribute11   !='' "> #{attribute11},</if>
            <if test="attribute12   !=null and attribute12   !='' "> #{attribute12},</if>
            <if test="attribute13   !=null and attribute13   !='' "> #{attribute13},</if>
            <if test="attribute14   !=null and attribute14   !='' "> #{attribute14},</if>
            <if test="attribute15   !=null and attribute15   !='' "> #{attribute15},</if>
            <if test="attribute16   !=null and attribute16   !='' "> #{attribute16},</if>
            <if test="attribute17   !=null and attribute17   !='' "> #{attribute17},</if>
            <if test="attribute18   !=null and attribute18   !='' "> #{attribute18},</if>
            <if test="attribute19   !=null and attribute19   !='' "> #{attribute19},</if>
            <if test="attribute20   !=null and attribute20   !='' "> #{attribute20},</if>
            <if test="source        !=null and source        !='' "> #{source,}</if>