EmpInfoMapper.xml 32.4 KB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.chinagas.modules.system.mapper.EmpInfoMapper">
<!--                  1 `id` 1                2 `id` 2                 3 `id` 3-->
<!--                  1 `emp_name` 1          2 `emp_name` 2           3 `emp_name` 3-->
<!--                  1 `emp_id` 1            2 `emp_id` 2             3 `emp_id` 3-->
<!--                  1 `emp_no` 1            2 `emp_no` 2             3 `emp_no` 3-->
<!--                  1 `pst_name` 1          2 `pst_name` 2           3 `pst_name` 3-->
<!--                  1 `pst_id` 1            2 `pst_id` 2             3 `pst_id` 3-->
<!--                  1 `dep_name` 1          2 `dep_name` 2           3 `dep_name` 3-->
<!--                  1 `dep_code` 1          2 `dep_code` 2           3 `dep_code` 3-->
<!--                  1 `dep_id` 1            2 `dep_id` 2             3 `dep_id` 3-->
<!--                  1 `org_name` 1          2 `org_name` 2           3 `org_name` 3-->
<!--                  1 `org_code` 1          2 `org_code` 2           3 `org_code` 3-->
<!--                  1 `org_id` 1            2 `org_id` 2             3 `org_id` 3-->
<!--                  1 `ident_type` 1        2 `ident_type` 2         3 `ident_type` 3-->
<!--                  1 `ident_id` 1          2 `ident_id` 2           3 `ident_id` 3-->
<!--                  1 `gender` 1            2 `gender` 2             3 `gender` 3-->
<!--                  1 `mobile` 1            2 `mobile` 2             3 `mobile` 3-->
<!--                  1 `e_mail` 1            2 `e_mail` 2             3 `e_mail` 3-->
<!--                  1 `address` 1           2 `address` 2            3 `address` 3-->
<!--                  1 `born_year` 1         2 `born_year` 2          3 `born_year` 3-->
<!--                  1 `status` 1            2 `status` 2             3 `status` 3-->
<!--                  1 `start_time` 1        2 `start_time` 2         3 `start_time` 3-->
<!--                  1 `end_time` 1          2 `end_time` 2           3 `end_time` 3-->
<!--                  1 `crt_date` 1          2 `crt_date` 2           3 `crt_date` 3-->
<!--                  1 `crt_name` 1          2 `crt_name` 2           3 `crt_name` 3-->
<!--                  1 `lstupdt_date` 1      2 `lstupdt_date` 2       3 `lstupdt_date` 3-->
<!--                  1 `lstupdt_name` 1      2 `lstupdt_name` 2       3 `lstupdt_name` 3-->
<!--                  1 `attribute1` 1        2 `attribute1` 2         3 `attribute1` 3-->
<!--                  1 `attribute2` 1        2 `attribute2` 2         3 `attribute2` 3-->
<!--                  1 `attribute3` 1        2 `attribute3` 2         3 `attribute3` 3-->
<!--                  1 `attribute4` 1        2 `attribute4` 2         3 `attribute4` 3-->
<!--                  1 `attribute5` 1        2 `attribute5` 2         3 `attribute5` 3-->
<!--                  1 `attribute6` 1        2 `attribute6` 2         3 `attribute6` 3-->
<!--                  1 `attribute7` 1        2 `attribute7` 2         3 `attribute7` 3-->
<!--                  1 `attribute8` 1        2 `attribute8` 2         3 `attribute8` 3-->
<!--                  1 `attribute9` 1        2 `attribute9` 2         3 `attribute9` 3-->
<!--                  1 `attribute10` 1       2 `attribute10` 2        3 `attribute10` 3-->
<!--                  1 `attribute11` 1       2 `attribute11` 2        3 `attribute11` 3-->
<!--                  1 `attribute12` 1       2 `attribute12` 2        3 `attribute12` 3-->
<!--                  1 `attribute13` 1       2 `attribute13` 2        3 `attribute13` 3-->
<!--                  1 `attribute14` 1       2 `attribute14` 2        3 `attribute14` 3-->
<!--                  1 `attribute15` 1       2 `attribute15` 2        3 `attribute15` 3-->
<!--                  1 `attribute16` 1       2 `attribute16` 2        3 `attribute16` 3-->
<!--                  1 `attribute17` 1       2 `attribute17` 2        3 `attribute17` 3-->
<!--                  1 `attribute18` 1       2 `attribute18` 2        3 `attribute18` 3-->
<!--                  1 `attribute19` 1       2 `attribute19` 2        3 `attribute19` 3-->
<!--                  1 `attribute20` 1       2 `attribute20` 2        3 `attribute20` 3-->
<!--                  1 `hr_status` 1         2 `hr_status` 2          3 `hr_status` 3-->
<!--                  1 `mar_status` 1        2 `mar_status` 2         3 `mar_status` 3-->
<!--                  1 `cg_fertly_status` 1  2 `cg_fertly_status` 2   3 `cg_fertly_status` 3-->
<!--                  1 `hire_dt` 1           2 `hire_dt` 2            3 `hire_dt` 3-->
<!--                  1 `cg_ter_dt` 1         2 `cg_ter_dt` 2          3 `cg_ter_dt` 3-->
<!--                  1 `start_dt_chn` 1      2 `start_dt_chn` 2       3 `start_dt_chn` 3-->
<!--                  1 `cg_join_chngas_dt` 1 2 `cg_join_chngas_dt` 2  3 `cg_join_chngas_dt` 3-->
<!--                  1 `cg_join_company_dt` 12 `cg_join_company_dt` 2 3 `cg_join_company_dt` 3-->
<!--                  1 `cg_adj_anle_mons` 1  2 `cg_adj_anle_mons` 2   3 `cg_adj_anle_mons` 3-->
<!--                  1 `cg_forw_dt` 1        2 `cg_forw_dt` 2         3 `cg_forw_dt` 3-->
<!--                  1 `reg_region` 1        2 `reg_region` 2         3 `reg_region` 3-->
<!--                  1 `ethnic_grp_cd` 1     2 `ethnic_grp_cd` 2      3 `ethnic_grp_cd` 3-->
<!--                  1 `birthdate` 1         2 `birthdate` 2          3 `birthdate` 3-->
<!--                  1 `data_type` 1         2 `data_type` 2          3 `data_type` 3-->
<!--                  1 `data_version` 1      2 `data_version` 2       3 `data_version` 3-->
<!--                  1 `middle_name` 1       2 `middle_name` 2        3 `middle_name` 3-->
<!--                  1 `pswd` 1              2 `pswd` 2               3 `pswd` 3-->
<!--                  1 `emp_class` 1         2 `emp_class` 2          3 `emp_class` 3-->
<!--                  1 `emp_class_desc` 1    2 `emp_class_desc` 2     3 `emp_class_desc` 3-->
<!--                  1 `pst_code` 1          2 `pst_code` 2           3 `pst_code` 3-->
<!--                  1 `emp_uuid` 1          2 `emp_uuid` 2           3 `emp_uuid` 3-->
<!--                  1 `update_time` 1       2 `update_time` 2        3 `update_time` 3-->
<!--                  1 `last_upddttm` 1      2 `last_upddttm` 2       3 `last_upddttm` 3-->

<!--    <resultMap type="SysJob" id="SysJobResult">-->
<!--        <id     property="id"          column="id"          />-->
<!--        <result property="jobName"        column="job_name"        />-->
<!--        <result property="jobGroup"       column="job_group"       />-->
<!--        <result property="invokeTarget"   column="invoke_target"   />-->
<!--        <result property="cronExpression" column="cron_expression" />-->
<!--        <result property="misfirePolicy"  column="misfire_policy"  />-->
<!--        <result property="concurrent"     column="concurrent"      />-->
<!--        <result property="status"         column="status"          />-->
<!--        <result property="createBy"       column="create_by"       />-->
<!--        <result property="createTime"     column="create_time"     />-->
<!--        <result property="updateBy"       column="update_by"       />-->
<!--        <result property="updateTime"     column="update_time"     />-->
<!--        <result property="remark"         column="remark"          />-->
<!--    </resultMap>-->
    <resultMap id="EmpInfoResultMap" type="com.chinagas.modules.system.entity.vo.EmpInfoVO">
        <id property="id" column="id"/>
        <result property="empId" column="emp_id"/>
        <result property="empName" column="emp_name"/>

<!--    <sql id="selectJobVo">-->
<!--        select job_id, job_name, job_group, invoke_target, cron_expression, misfire_policy, concurrent, status, create_by, create_time, remark-->
<!--        from sys_job-->
<!--    </sql>-->
    <insert id="insertEmpInfo" parameterType="com.chinagas.api.system.domain.EmpInfo" keyProperty="id">
        insert into emp_info(
<!--            <if test="id             != null and id             != ''"  >id,</if>-->
            <if test="empName        != null and empName        != ''"  >emp_name,</if>
            <if test="empId          != null and empId          != ''">emp_id,</if>
            <if test="empNo          != null and empNo          != ''"  >emp_no,</if>
            <if test="pstName        != null and pstName        != ''"  >pst_name,</if>
            <if test="pstId          != null and pstId          != ''"   >pst_id,</if>
            <if test="depName        != null and depName        != ''"  >dep_name,</if>
            <if test="depCode        != null and depCode        != ''"  >dep_code,</if>
            <if test="depId          != null and depId          != ''"  >dep_id,</if>
            <if test="orgName        != null and orgName        != ''"    >org_name,</if>
            <if test="orgCode        != null and orgCode        != ''"  >org_code,</if>
            <if test="orgId          != null and orgId          != ''"  >org_id,</if>
            <if test="identType      != null and identType      != ''"  >ident_type,</if>
            <if test="identId        != null and identId        != ''"    >ident_id,</if>
            <if test="gender         != null and gender         != ''"  >gender,</if>
            <if test="mobile         != null and mobile         != ''"  >mobile,</if>
            <if test="eMail          != null and eMail          != ''"  >e_mail,</if>
            <if test="address        != null and address        != ''"    >address,</if>
            <if test="bornYear       != null "  >born_year,</if>
            <if test="status         != null and status         != ''"  >status,</if>
            <if test="startTime      != null "  >start_time,</if>
            <if test="endTime        != null "    >end_time,</if>
            <if test="crtDate        != null "  >crt_date,</if>
            <if test="crtName        != null and crtName        != ''"  >crt_name,</if>
            <if test="lstupdtDate    != null "  >lstupdt_date,</if>
            <if test="lstupdtName    != null and lstupdtName    != ''"    >lstupdt_name,</if>
            <if test="attribute1     != null and attribute1     != ''"  >attribute1,</if>
            <if test="attribute2     != null and attribute2     != ''"  >attribute2,</if>
            <if test="attribute3     != null and attribute3     != ''"  >attribute3,</if>
            <if test="attribute4     != null and attribute4     != ''"    >attribute4,</if>
            <if test="attribute5     != null and attribute5     != ''"  >attribute5,</if>
            <if test="attribute6     != null and attribute6     != ''"  >attribute6,</if>
            <if test="attribute7     != null and attribute7     != ''"  >attribute7,</if>
            <if test="attribute8     != null and attribute8     != ''"    >attribute8,</if>
            <if test="attribute9     != null and attribute9     != ''"  >attribute9,</if>
            <if test="attribute10    != null and attribute10    != ''"  >attribute10,</if>
            <if test="attribute11    != null and attribute11    != ''"  >attribute11,</if>
            <if test="attribute12    != null and attribute12    != ''"    >attribute12,</if>
            <if test="attribute13    != null and attribute13    != ''"  >attribute13,</if>
            <if test="attribute14    != null and attribute14    != ''"  >attribute14,</if>
            <if test="attribute15    != null and attribute15    != ''"  >attribute15,</if>
            <if test="attribute16    != null and attribute16    != ''"    >attribute16,</if>
            <if test="attribute17    != null and attribute17    != ''"  >attribute17,</if>
            <if test="attribute18    != null and attribute18    != ''"  >attribute18,</if>
            <if test="attribute19    != null and attribute19    != ''"  >attribute19,</if>
            <if test="attribute20    != null and attribute20    != ''"    >attribute20,</if>
            <if test="hrStatus       != null and hrStatus       != ''"  >hr_status,</if>
            <if test="marStatus      != null and marStatus      != ''"  >mar_status,</if>
            <if test="cgFertlyStatus != null and cgFertlyStatus != ''" >cg_fertly_status,</if>
            <if test="hireDt         != null and hireDt         != ''"    >hire_dt,</if>
            <if test="cgTerDt        != null and cgTerDt        != ''"  >cg_ter_dt,</if>
            <if test="startDtChn     != null and startDtChn     != ''"  >start_dt_chn,</if>
            <if test="cgJoinChngasDt != null and cgJoinChngasDt != ''">cg_join_chngas_dt,</if>
            <if test="cgJoinCompanyDt!= null and cgJoinCompanyDt!= ''" >cg_join_company_dt,</if>
            <if test="cgAdjAnleMons  != null and cgAdjAnleMons  != ''" >cg_adj_anle_mons,</if>
            <if test="cgForwDt       != null and cgForwDt       != ''"  >cg_forw_dt,</if>
            <if test="regRegion      != null and regRegion      != ''"  >reg_region,</if>
            <if test="ethnicGrpCd    != null and ethnicGrpCd    != ''"    >ethnic_grp_cd,</if>
            <if test="birthdate      != null "  >birthdate,</if>
            <if test="dataType       != null and dataType       != ''"  >data_type,</if>
            <if test="dataVersion    != null and dataVersion    != ''"  >data_version,</if>
            <if test="middleName     != null and middleName     != ''"    >middle_name,</if>
            <if test="pswd           != null and pswd           != ''"  >pswd,</if>
            <if test="empClass       != null and empClass       != ''"  >emp_class,</if>
            <if test="empClassDesc   != null and empClassDesc   != ''"  >emp_class_desc,</if>
            <if test="pstCode        != null and pstCode        != ''"    >pst_code,</if>
            <if test="empUuid        != null and empUuid        != ''"  >emp_uuid,</if>
            <if test="lastUpddttm    != null "  >last_upddttm,</if>
        ) values(
<!--            <if test="id             != null and id             != ''">#{id             },</if>-->
            <if test="empName        != null and empName        != ''">#{empName        },</if>
            <if test="empId          != null and empId          != ''">#{empId          },</if>
            <if test="empNo          != null and empNo          != ''">#{empNo          },</if>
            <if test="pstName        != null and pstName        != ''">#{pstName        },</if>
            <if test="pstId          != null and pstId          != ''">#{pstId          },</if>
            <if test="depName        != null and depName        != ''">#{depName        },</if>
            <if test="depCode        != null and depCode        != ''">#{depCode        },</if>
            <if test="depId          != null and depId          != ''">#{depId          },</if>
            <if test="orgName        != null and orgName        != ''">#{orgName        },</if>
            <if test="orgCode        != null and orgCode        != ''">#{orgCode        },</if>
            <if test="orgId          != null and orgId          != ''">#{orgId          },</if>
            <if test="identType      != null and identType      != ''">#{identType      },</if>
            <if test="identId        != null and identId        != ''">#{identId        },</if>
            <if test="gender         != null and gender         != ''">#{gender         },</if>
            <if test="mobile         != null and mobile         != ''">#{mobile         },</if>
            <if test="eMail          != null and eMail          != ''">#{eMail          },</if>
            <if test="address        != null and address        != ''">#{address        },</if>
            <if test="bornYear       != null ">#{bornYear       },</if>
            <if test="status         != null and status         != ''">#{status         },</if>
            <if test="startTime      != null ">#{startTime      },</if>
            <if test="endTime        != null ">#{endTime        },</if>
            <if test="crtDate        != null ">#{crtDate        },</if>
            <if test="crtName        != null and crtName        != ''">#{crtName        },</if>
            <if test="lstupdtDate    != null ">#{lstupdtDate    },</if>
            <if test="lstupdtName    != null and lstupdtName    != ''">#{lstupdtName    },</if>
            <if test="attribute1     != null and attribute1     != ''">#{attribute1     },</if>
            <if test="attribute2     != null and attribute2     != ''">#{attribute2     },</if>
            <if test="attribute3     != null and attribute3     != ''">#{attribute3     },</if>
            <if test="attribute4     != null and attribute4     != ''">#{attribute4     },</if>
            <if test="attribute5     != null and attribute5     != ''">#{attribute5     },</if>
            <if test="attribute6     != null and attribute6     != ''">#{attribute6     },</if>
            <if test="attribute7     != null and attribute7     != ''">#{attribute7     },</if>
            <if test="attribute8     != null and attribute8     != ''">#{attribute8     },</if>
            <if test="attribute9     != null and attribute9     != ''">#{attribute9     },</if>
            <if test="attribute10    != null and attribute10    != ''">#{attribute10    },</if>
            <if test="attribute11    != null and attribute11    != ''">#{attribute11    },</if>
            <if test="attribute12    != null and attribute12    != ''">#{attribute12    },</if>
            <if test="attribute13    != null and attribute13    != ''">#{attribute13    },</if>
            <if test="attribute14    != null and attribute14    != ''">#{attribute14    },</if>
            <if test="attribute15    != null and attribute15    != ''">#{attribute15    },</if>
            <if test="attribute16    != null and attribute16    != ''">#{attribute16    },</if>
            <if test="attribute17    != null and attribute17    != ''">#{attribute17    },</if>
            <if test="attribute18    != null and attribute18    != ''">#{attribute18    },</if>
            <if test="attribute19    != null and attribute19    != ''">#{attribute19    },</if>
            <if test="attribute20    != null and attribute20    != ''">#{attribute20    },</if>
            <if test="hrStatus       != null and hrStatus       != ''">#{hrStatus       },</if>
            <if test="marStatus      != null and marStatus      != ''">#{marStatus      },</if>
            <if test="cgFertlyStatus != null and cgFertlyStatus != ''">#{cgFertlyStatus },</if>
            <if test="hireDt         != null and hireDt         != ''">#{hireDt         },</if>
            <if test="cgTerDt        != null and cgTerDt        != ''">#{cgTerDt        },</if>
            <if test="startDtChn     != null and startDtChn     != ''">#{startDtChn     },</if>
            <if test="cgJoinChngasDt != null and cgJoinChngasDt != ''">#{cgJoinChngasDt },</if>
            <if test="cgJoinCompanyDt!= null and cgJoinCompanyDt!= ''">#{cgJoinCompanyDt},</if>
            <if test="cgAdjAnleMons  != null and cgAdjAnleMons  != ''">#{cgAdjAnleMons  },</if>
            <if test="cgForwDt       != null and cgForwDt       != ''">#{cgForwDt       },</if>
            <if test="regRegion      != null and regRegion      != ''">#{regRegion      },</if>
            <if test="ethnicGrpCd    != null and ethnicGrpCd    != ''">#{ethnicGrpCd    },</if>
            <if test="birthdate      != null and birthdate      != ''">#{birthdate      },</if>
            <if test="dataType       != null and dataType       != ''">#{dataType       },</if>
            <if test="dataVersion    != null and dataVersion    != ''">#{dataVersion    },</if>
            <if test="middleName     != null and middleName     != ''">#{middleName     },</if>
            <if test="pswd           != null and pswd           != ''">#{pswd           },</if>
            <if test="empClass       != null and empClass       != ''">#{empClass       },</if>
            <if test="empClassDesc   != null and empClassDesc   != ''">#{empClassDesc   },</if>
            <if test="pstCode        != null and pstCode        != ''">#{pstCode        },</if>
            <if test="empUuid        != null and empUuid        != ''">#{empUuid        },</if>
            <if test="lastUpddttm    != null ">#{lastUpddttm    },</if>

    <insert id="insertEmpInfoBatch" parameterType="List">
        replace into emp_info(
        <!--            <if test="id             != null and id             != ''"  >id,</if>-->
        <if test="empName        != null and empName        != ''"  >emp_name,</if>
        <if test="empId          != null and empId          != ''">emp_id,</if>
        <if test="empNo          != null and empNo          != ''"  >emp_no,</if>
        <if test="pstName        != null and pstName        != ''"  >pst_name,</if>
        <if test="pstId          != null and pstId          != ''"   >pst_id,</if>
        <if test="depName        != null and depName        != ''"  >dep_name,</if>
        <if test="depCode        != null and depCode        != ''"  >dep_code,</if>
        <if test="depId          != null and depId          != ''"  >dep_id,</if>
        <if test="orgName        != null and orgName        != ''"    >org_name,</if>
        <if test="orgCode        != null and orgCode        != ''"  >org_code,</if>
        <if test="orgId          != null and orgId          != ''"  >org_id,</if>
        <if test="identType      != null and identType      != ''"  >ident_type,</if>
        <if test="identId        != null and identId        != ''"    >ident_id,</if>
        <if test="gender         != null and gender         != ''"  >gender,</if>
        <if test="mobile         != null and mobile         != ''"  >mobile,</if>
        <if test="eMail          != null and eMail          != ''"  >e_mail,</if>
        <if test="address        != null and address        != ''"    >address,</if>
        <if test="bornYear       != null "  >born_year,</if>
        <if test="status         != null and status         != ''"  >status,</if>
        <if test="startTime      != null "  >start_time,</if>
        <if test="endTime        != null "    >end_time,</if>
        <if test="crtDate        != null "  >crt_date,</if>
        <if test="crtName        != null and crtName        != ''"  >crt_name,</if>
        <if test="lstupdtDate    != null "  >lstupdt_date,</if>
        <if test="lstupdtName    != null and lstupdtName    != ''"    >lstupdt_name,</if>
        <if test="attribute1     != null and attribute1     != ''"  >attribute1,</if>
        <if test="attribute2     != null and attribute2     != ''"  >attribute2,</if>
        <if test="attribute3     != null and attribute3     != ''"  >attribute3,</if>
        <if test="attribute4     != null and attribute4     != ''"    >attribute4,</if>
        <if test="attribute5     != null and attribute5     != ''"  >attribute5,</if>
        <if test="attribute6     != null and attribute6     != ''"  >attribute6,</if>
        <if test="attribute7     != null and attribute7     != ''"  >attribute7,</if>
        <if test="attribute8     != null and attribute8     != ''"    >attribute8,</if>
        <if test="attribute9     != null and attribute9     != ''"  >attribute9,</if>
        <if test="attribute10    != null and attribute10    != ''"  >attribute10,</if>
        <if test="attribute11    != null and attribute11    != ''"  >attribute11,</if>
        <if test="attribute12    != null and attribute12    != ''"    >attribute12,</if>
        <if test="attribute13    != null and attribute13    != ''"  >attribute13,</if>
        <if test="attribute14    != null and attribute14    != ''"  >attribute14,</if>
        <if test="attribute15    != null and attribute15    != ''"  >attribute15,</if>
        <if test="attribute16    != null and attribute16    != ''"    >attribute16,</if>
        <if test="attribute17    != null and attribute17    != ''"  >attribute17,</if>
        <if test="attribute18    != null and attribute18    != ''"  >attribute18,</if>
        <if test="attribute19    != null and attribute19    != ''"  >attribute19,</if>
        <if test="attribute20    != null and attribute20    != ''"    >attribute20,</if>
        <if test="hrStatus       != null and hrStatus       != ''"  >hr_status,</if>
        <if test="marStatus      != null and marStatus      != ''"  >mar_status,</if>
        <if test="cgFertlyStatus != null and cgFertlyStatus != ''" >cg_fertly_status,</if>
        <if test="hireDt         != null and hireDt         != ''"    >hire_dt,</if>
        <if test="cgTerDt        != null and cgTerDt        != ''"  >cg_ter_dt,</if>
        <if test="startDtChn     != null and startDtChn     != ''"  >start_dt_chn,</if>
        <if test="cgJoinChngasDt != null and cgJoinChngasDt != ''">cg_join_chngas_dt,</if>
        <if test="cgJoinCompanyDt!= null and cgJoinCompanyDt!= ''" >cg_join_company_dt,</if>
        <if test="cgAdjAnleMons  != null and cgAdjAnleMons  != ''" >cg_adj_anle_mons,</if>
        <if test="cgForwDt       != null and cgForwDt       != ''"  >cg_forw_dt,</if>
        <if test="regRegion      != null and regRegion      != ''"  >reg_region,</if>
        <if test="ethnicGrpCd    != null and ethnicGrpCd    != ''"    >ethnic_grp_cd,</if>
        <if test="birthdate      != null "  >birthdate,</if>
        <if test="dataType       != null and dataType       != ''"  >data_type,</if>
        <if test="dataVersion    != null and dataVersion    != ''"  >data_version,</if>
        <if test="middleName     != null and middleName     != ''"    >middle_name,</if>
        <if test="pswd           != null and pswd           != ''"  >pswd,</if>
        <if test="empClass       != null and empClass       != ''"  >emp_class,</if>
        <if test="empClassDesc   != null and empClassDesc   != ''"  >emp_class_desc,</if>
        <if test="pstCode        != null and pstCode        != ''"    >pst_code,</if>
        <if test="empUuid        != null and empUuid        != ''"  >emp_uuid,</if>
        <if test="lastUpddttm    != null "  >last_upddttm,</if>
        ) values
        <foreach collection="list" separator=";" item="item">
            <!--            <if test="id             != null and id             != ''">#{id             },</if>-->
            <if test="empName        != null and empName        != ''">#{empName        },</if>
            <if test="empId          != null and empId          != ''">#{empId          },</if>
            <if test="empNo          != null and empNo          != ''">#{empNo          },</if>
            <if test="pstName        != null and pstName        != ''">#{pstName        },</if>
            <if test="pstId          != null and pstId          != ''">#{pstId          },</if>
            <if test="depName        != null and depName        != ''">#{depName        },</if>
            <if test="depCode        != null and depCode        != ''">#{depCode        },</if>
            <if test="depId          != null and depId          != ''">#{depId          },</if>
            <if test="orgName        != null and orgName        != ''">#{orgName        },</if>
            <if test="orgCode        != null and orgCode        != ''">#{orgCode        },</if>
            <if test="orgId          != null and orgId          != ''">#{orgId          },</if>
            <if test="identType      != null and identType      != ''">#{identType      },</if>
            <if test="identId        != null and identId        != ''">#{identId        },</if>
            <if test="gender         != null and gender         != ''">#{gender         },</if>
            <if test="mobile         != null and mobile         != ''">#{mobile         },</if>
            <if test="eMail          != null and eMail          != ''">#{eMail          },</if>
            <if test="address        != null and address        != ''">#{address        },</if>
            <if test="bornYear       != null ">#{bornYear       },</if>
            <if test="status         != null and status         != ''">#{status         },</if>
            <if test="startTime      != null ">#{startTime      },</if>
            <if test="endTime        != null ">#{endTime        },</if>
            <if test="crtDate        != null ">#{crtDate        },</if>
            <if test="crtName        != null and crtName        != ''">#{crtName        },</if>
            <if test="lstupdtDate    != null ">#{lstupdtDate    },</if>
            <if test="lstupdtName    != null and lstupdtName    != ''">#{lstupdtName    },</if>
            <if test="attribute1     != null and attribute1     != ''">#{attribute1     },</if>
            <if test="attribute2     != null and attribute2     != ''">#{attribute2     },</if>
            <if test="attribute3     != null and attribute3     != ''">#{attribute3     },</if>
            <if test="attribute4     != null and attribute4     != ''">#{attribute4     },</if>
            <if test="attribute5     != null and attribute5     != ''">#{attribute5     },</if>
            <if test="attribute6     != null and attribute6     != ''">#{attribute6     },</if>
            <if test="attribute7     != null and attribute7     != ''">#{attribute7     },</if>
            <if test="attribute8     != null and attribute8     != ''">#{attribute8     },</if>
            <if test="attribute9     != null and attribute9     != ''">#{attribute9     },</if>
            <if test="attribute10    != null and attribute10    != ''">#{attribute10    },</if>
            <if test="attribute11    != null and attribute11    != ''">#{attribute11    },</if>
            <if test="attribute12    != null and attribute12    != ''">#{attribute12    },</if>
            <if test="attribute13    != null and attribute13    != ''">#{attribute13    },</if>
            <if test="attribute14    != null and attribute14    != ''">#{attribute14    },</if>
            <if test="attribute15    != null and attribute15    != ''">#{attribute15    },</if>
            <if test="attribute16    != null and attribute16    != ''">#{attribute16    },</if>
            <if test="attribute17    != null and attribute17    != ''">#{attribute17    },</if>
            <if test="attribute18    != null and attribute18    != ''">#{attribute18    },</if>
            <if test="attribute19    != null and attribute19    != ''">#{attribute19    },</if>
            <if test="attribute20    != null and attribute20    != ''">#{attribute20    },</if>
            <if test="hrStatus       != null and hrStatus       != ''">#{hrStatus       },</if>
            <if test="marStatus      != null and marStatus      != ''">#{marStatus      },</if>
            <if test="cgFertlyStatus != null and cgFertlyStatus != ''">#{cgFertlyStatus },</if>
            <if test="hireDt         != null and hireDt         != ''">#{hireDt         },</if>
            <if test="cgTerDt        != null and cgTerDt        != ''">#{cgTerDt        },</if>
            <if test="startDtChn     != null and startDtChn     != ''">#{startDtChn     },</if>
            <if test="cgJoinChngasDt != null and cgJoinChngasDt != ''">#{cgJoinChngasDt },</if>
            <if test="cgJoinCompanyDt!= null and cgJoinCompanyDt!= ''">#{cgJoinCompanyDt},</if>
            <if test="cgAdjAnleMons  != null and cgAdjAnleMons  != ''">#{cgAdjAnleMons  },</if>
            <if test="cgForwDt       != null and cgForwDt       != ''">#{cgForwDt       },</if>
            <if test="regRegion      != null and regRegion      != ''">#{regRegion      },</if>
            <if test="ethnicGrpCd    != null and ethnicGrpCd    != ''">#{ethnicGrpCd    },</if>
            <if test="birthdate      != null and birthdate      != ''">#{birthdate      },</if>
            <if test="dataType       != null and dataType       != ''">#{dataType       },</if>
            <if test="dataVersion    != null and dataVersion    != ''">#{dataVersion    },</if>
            <if test="middleName     != null and middleName     != ''">#{middleName     },</if>
            <if test="pswd           != null and pswd           != ''">#{pswd           },</if>
            <if test="empClass       != null and empClass       != ''">#{empClass       },</if>
            <if test="empClassDesc   != null and empClassDesc   != ''">#{empClassDesc   },</if>
            <if test="pstCode        != null and pstCode        != ''">#{pstCode        },</if>
            <if test="empUuid        != null and empUuid        != ''">#{empUuid        },</if>
            <if test="lastUpddttm    != null ">#{lastUpddttm    },</if>

    <select id="selectByName" resultMap="EmpInfoResultMap">
        SELECT emp_name, emp_id FROM emp_info
        where emp_name like concat('%', #{empName}, '%')