McOperationLogMapper.xml 7.64 KB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="com.chinagas.modules.schsf.mapper.McOperationLogMapper">

    <resultMap type="com.chinagas.modules.schsf.domain.McOperationLog" id="McOperationLogResult">
        <result property="id"    column="id"    />
        <result property="dataForm"    column="data_form"    />
        <result property="dataId"    column="data_id"    />
        <result property="procRole"    column="proc_role"    />
        <result property="procUser"    column="proc_user"    />
        <result property="procTime"    column="proc_time"    />
        <result property="procAccount"    column="proc_account"    />
        <result property="opName"    column="op_name"    />
        <result property="opType"    column="op_type"    />
        <result property="opRemark"    column="op_remark"    />
        <result property="beforeDataJson"    column="before_data_json"    />
        <result property="afterDataJson"    column="after_data_json"    />
        <result property="procId"    column="proc_id"    />

    <sql id="selectMcOperationLogVo">
        select id,
        from mc_operation_log

    <select id="selectMcOperationLogList" parameterType="com.chinagas.modules.schsf.domain.McOperationLog" resultMap="McOperationLogResult">
        <include refid="selectMcOperationLogVo"/>
            <if test="dataForm != null  and dataForm != ''"> and data_form = #{dataForm}</if>
            <if test="dataId != null "> and data_id = #{dataId}</if>
            <if test="procRole != null  and procRole != ''"> and proc_role = #{procRole}</if>
            <if test="procUser != null  and procUser != ''"> and proc_user = #{procUser}</if>
            <if test="procTime != null "> and proc_time = #{procTime}</if>
            <if test="procAccount != null  and procAccount != ''"> and proc_account = #{procAccount}</if>
            <if test="opName != null  and opName != ''"> and op_name like concat('%', #{opName}, '%')</if>
            <if test="opType != null  and opType != ''"> and op_type = #{opType}</if>
            <if test="opRemark != null  and opRemark != ''"> and op_remark = #{opRemark}</if>
            <if test="beforeDataJson != null  and beforeDataJson != ''"> and before_data_json = #{beforeDataJson}</if>
            <if test="afterDataJson != null  and afterDataJson != ''"> and after_data_json = #{afterDataJson}</if>
            <if test="procId != null  and procId != ''"> and proc_id = #{procId}</if>

    <insert id="insertMcOperationLog" parameterType="com.chinagas.modules.schsf.domain.McOperationLog">
        insert into mc_operation_log
        <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
            <if test="id != null">id,</if>
            <if test="dataForm != null and dataForm != ''">data_form,</if>
            <if test="dataId != null">data_id,</if>
            <if test="procRole != null">proc_role,</if>
            <if test="procUser != null and procUser != ''">proc_user,</if>
            <if test="procTime != null">proc_time,</if>
            <if test="procAccount != null and procAccount != ''">proc_account,</if>
            <if test="opName != null">op_name,</if>
            <if test="opType != null">op_type,</if>
            <if test="opRemark != null">op_remark,</if>
            <if test="beforeDataJson != null">before_data_json,</if>
            <if test="afterDataJson != null">after_data_json,</if>
            <if test="procId != null">proc_id,</if>
        <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
            <if test="id != null">#{id},</if>
            <if test="dataForm != null and dataForm != ''">#{dataForm},</if>
            <if test="dataId != null">#{dataId},</if>
            <if test="procRole != null">#{procRole},</if>
            <if test="procUser != null and procUser != ''">#{procUser},</if>
            <if test="procTime != null">#{procTime},</if>
            <if test="procAccount != null and procAccount != ''">#{procAccount},</if>
            <if test="opName != null">#{opName},</if>
            <if test="opType != null">#{opType},</if>
            <if test="opRemark != null">#{opRemark},</if>
            <if test="beforeDataJson != null">#{beforeDataJson},</if>
            <if test="afterDataJson != null">#{afterDataJson},</if>
            <if test="procId != null">#{procId},</if>

    <select id="getUserMenuPermsByRoles" resultType="String" parameterType="String">
        SELECT DISTINCT r.role_name as roleName FROM (
            SELECT  role.role_name
            FROM sys_menu menu
                  INNER JOIN sys_role_menu roleMenu on roleMenu.menu_id=menu.menu_id
                  INNER JOIN sys_role role on role.role_id= roleMenu.role_id
                  INNER JOIN sys_user_role userRole on userRole.role_id = role.role_id
                  INNER JOIN sys_user us on us.user_id = userRole.user_id
            WHERE role.data_scope='1'
            and menu.perms= #{menuPerms}
            AND us.user_id= #{userId}
            SELECT  role.role_name
            FROM sys_menu menu
                  INNER JOIN sys_role_menu roleMenu on roleMenu.menu_id=menu.menu_id
                  INNER JOIN sys_role role on role.role_id= roleMenu.role_id
                  INNER JOIN sys_user_role userRole on userRole.role_id = role.role_id
                  INNER JOIN sys_user us on us.user_id = userRole.user_id
                  INNER JOIN sys_user_dept userDept  on userDept.user_id=us.user_id   and userDept.dept_id = (SELECT company_code FROM mc_visit  WHERE id= #{dataId} )
                  INNER JOIN mc_visit visit on visit.company_code =userDept.dept_id
            WHERE role.data_scope='3'
            and menu.perms= #{menuPerms}
            AND us.user_id= #{userId}
            SELECT  role.role_name
            FROM sys_menu menu
                  INNER JOIN sys_role_menu roleMenu on roleMenu.menu_id=menu.menu_id
                  INNER JOIN sys_role role on role.role_id= roleMenu.role_id
                  INNER JOIN sys_user_role userRole on userRole.role_id = role.role_id
                  INNER JOIN sys_user us on us.user_id = userRole.user_id
                  INNER JOIN sys_user_dept userDept  on userDept.user_id=us.user_id
                  INNER JOIN sys_dept dept on dept.dept_id =userDept.dept_id
                  INNER JOIN sys_dept dept2 on dept2.dept_id in (SELECT a.dept_id FROM sys_dept a WHERE a.dept_id = dept.dept_id or find_in_set(dept.parent_id , ancestors ) )
             and dept2.dept_id  =(SELECT company_code FROM mc_visit  WHERE id= #{dataId}  )
            WHERE  role.data_scope='4'
            and menu.perms= #{menuPerms}
            AND us.user_id=#{userId}
            SELECT  role.role_name
            FROM sys_menu menu
                  INNER JOIN sys_role_menu roleMenu on roleMenu.menu_id=menu.menu_id
                  INNER JOIN sys_role role on role.role_id= roleMenu.role_id
                  INNER JOIN sys_user_role userRole on userRole.role_id = role.role_id and userRole.user_id = (SELECT create_by FROM mc_visit WHERE id= #{dataId}  )
            WHERE role.data_scope='5'
            and  menu.perms= #{menuPerms}
            AND userRole.user_id= #{userId}
       ) r