package.json 5.5 KB
  "name": "@bootstrap-vue/form-rating",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "meta": {
    "title": "Form Rating",
    "version": "2.12.0",
    "description": "BootstrapVue custom star rating form control for ratings entry or aggregated display.",
    "components": [
        "component": "BFormRating",
        "version": "2.12.0",
        "aliases": [
        "props": [
            "prop": "color",
            "description": "CSS color to use instead of variant. Accepts either a HEX or RGB/RGBA string"
            "prop": "iconClear",
            "description": "Bootstrap Icon name to use for the clear button. Note icon must be registered in your component or globally"
            "prop": "iconEmpty",
            "description": "Bootstrap Icon name to use for the empty icon. Note icon must be registered in your component or globally"
            "prop": "iconFull",
            "description": "Bootstrap Icon name to use for the full icon. Note icon must be registered in your component or globally"
            "prop": "iconHalf",
            "description": "Bootstrap Icon name to use for the half icon. Note icon must be registered in your component or globally"
            "prop": "inline",
            "description": "When `true` renders as an inline element rather than a blick (100% width) element"
            "prop": "locale",
            "description": "Locale (or locales) to use when showing the value when prop `show-value` is set. Defaults to the browser default locale"
            "prop": "noBorder",
            "description": "When `true` disables the default border"
            "prop": "precision",
            "description": "Specify the number of digits after the decimal to show. Defaults to to no defined precision"
            "prop": "readonly",
            "description": "When `true` makes the rating readonly. When `true`, fractional ratings values are allowed (half icons will be shown)"
            "prop": "showClear",
            "description": "When `true` shows the clear value icon button"
            "prop": "showValue",
            "description": "When `true` shows the current rating value in the control"
            "prop": "showValueMax",
            "version": "2.13.0",
            "description": "When set to `true` and prop `show-value` is `true`, includes the maximum star rating possible in the formatted value"
            "prop": "stars",
            "description": "The number of stars to show. Minimum value is `3`, default is `5`"
            "prop": "value",
            "description": "Rating value. This is the v-model"
            "prop": "variant",
            "description": "Applies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the component"
        "events": [
            "event": "change",
            "description": "Emitted to update the v-model",
            "args": [
                "arg": "value",
                "description": "Current ratings value"
        "slots": [
            "name": "icon-clear",
            "description": "Content for the optional clear button"
            "name": "icon-empty",
            "description": "Content for the empty icon",
            "scope": [
                "prop": "variant",
                "type": "String",
                "description": "Value of the `variant` prop, or `null` if disabled"
                "prop": "disabled",
                "type": "Boolean",
                "description": "Value of the `disabled` prop"
                "prop": "readonly",
                "type": "Boolean",
                "description": "Value of the `readonly` prop"
            "name": "icon-full",
            "description": "Content for the full icon",
            "scope": [
                "prop": "variant",
                "type": "String",
                "description": "Value of the `variant` prop, or `null` if disabled"
                "prop": "disabled",
                "type": "Boolean",
                "description": "Value of the `disabled` prop"
                "prop": "readonly",
                "type": "Boolean",
                "description": "Value of the `readonly` prop"
            "name": "icon-half",
            "description": "Content for the half icon",
            "scope": [
                "prop": "variant",
                "type": "String",
                "description": "Value of the `variant` prop, or `null` if disabled"
                "prop": "disabled",
                "type": "Boolean",
                "description": "Value of the `disabled` prop"
                "prop": "readonly",
                "type": "Boolean",
                "description": "Value of the `readonly` prop"