package.json 8.55 KB
  "name": "@bootstrap-vue/tooltip",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "meta": {
    "title": "Tooltip",
    "description": "Easily add tooltips to elements or components via the <b-tooltip> component or v-b-tooltip directive.",
    "plugins": [
    "components": [
        "component": "BTooltip",
        "props": [
            "prop": "boundary",
            "description": "The boundary constraint of the tooltip: 'scrollParent', 'window', 'viewport', or a reference to an HTMLElement or component"
            "prop": "boundaryPadding",
            "description": "The tooltip will try and stay away from the edge of the boundary element by the number of pixels specificed"
            "prop": "container",
            "description": "The container element to append the rendered tooltip when visible. Default's to the body element"
            "prop": "customClass",
            "description": "CSS class (or classes) to apply to the tooltip's root element"
            "prop": "delay",
            "description": "Value for the show and hide delay. Applies to both show and hide when specified as a number or string. Use object form to set show and hide delays individually"
            "prop": "fallbackPlacement",
            "description": "Placement to use when the tooltip would be out of boundaries. Refer to the docs for more details"
            "prop": "noninteractive",
            "version": "2.2.0",
            "description": "Wether the tooltip should not be user-interactive"
            "prop": "offset",
            "description": "Offset (in pixels) for the arrow center compared to the trigger target element"
            "prop": "placement",
            "description": "Placement of the tooltip: One of 'top', 'bottom', 'right', 'left', 'topleft', 'topright', 'bottomleft', 'bottomright', 'lefttop', 'leftbottom', 'righttop', 'rightbottom'"
            "prop": "show",
            "description": "When set will show the tooltip"
            "prop": "target",
            "description": "Element string ID, or a reference to an element or component, that you want to trigger the tooltip"
            "prop": "title",
            "description": "Text to place in the tooltip"
            "prop": "triggers",
            "description": "Specify which triggers will show the tooltip. Supported values are 'click', 'hover', 'focus'. Refer to the docs for special triggers 'blur' and 'manual'"
            "prop": "variant",
            "description": "Applies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the component"
        "events": [
            "event": "bv::tooltip::disabled",
            "description": "Emitted on $root when tooltip becomes disabled",
            "args": [
                "arg": "bvEvent",
                "type": "BvEvent",
                "description": "BvEvent object"
            "event": "bv::tooltip::enabled",
            "description": "Emitted on $root when tooltip becomes enabled",
            "args": [
                "arg": "bvEvent",
                "type": "BvEvent",
                "description": "BvEvent object"
            "event": "bv::tooltip::hidden",
            "description": "Emitted on $root when tooltip is hidden",
            "args": [
                "arg": "bvEvent",
                "type": "BvEvent",
                "description": "BvEvent object"
            "event": "bv::tooltip::hide",
            "description": "Emitted on $root when tooltip is about to be hidden. Cancelable. Call bvEvent.preventDefault() to cancel hide",
            "args": [
                "arg": "bvEvent",
                "type": "BvEvent",
                "description": "BvEvent object. Cancelable"
            "event": "bv::tooltip::show",
            "description": "Emitted on $root when tooltip is about to be shown. Cancelable. Call bvEvent.preventDefault() to cancel show",
            "args": [
                "arg": "bvEvent",
                "type": "BvEvent",
                "description": "BvEvent object. Cancelable"
            "event": "bv::tooltip::shown",
            "description": "Emitted on $root when tooltip is shown",
            "args": [
                "arg": "bvEvent",
                "type": "BvEvent",
                "description": "BvEvent object"
            "event": "disabled",
            "description": "Emitted when tooltip becomes disabled",
            "args": [
                "arg": "bvEvent",
                "type": "BvEvent",
                "description": "BvEvent object"
            "event": "enabled",
            "description": "Emitted when tooltip becomes enabled",
            "args": [
                "arg": "bvEvent",
                "type": "BvEvent",
                "description": "BvEvent object"
            "event": "hidden",
            "description": "Emitted when tooltip is hidden",
            "args": [
                "arg": "bvEvent",
                "type": "BvEvent",
                "description": "BvEvent object"
            "event": "hide",
            "description": "Emitted when tooltip is about to be hidden. Cancelable. Call bvEvent.preventDefault() to cancel hide",
            "args": [
                "arg": "bvEvent",
                "type": "BvEvent",
                "description": "BvEvent object. Cancelable"
            "event": "show",
            "description": "Emitted when tooltip is about to be shown. Cancelable. Call bvEvent.preventDefault() to cancel show",
            "args": [
                "arg": "bvEvent",
                "type": "BvEvent",
                "description": "BvEvent object. Cancelable"
            "event": "shown",
            "description": "Emitted when tooltip is shown",
            "args": [
                "arg": "bvEvent",
                "type": "BvEvent",
                "description": "BvEvent object"
        "rootEventListeners": [
            "event": "bv::disable::tooltip",
            "description": "Disable all or a specific tooltip when this event is emitted on $root",
            "args": [
                "arg": "id",
                "type": "String",
                "description": "Tooltip ID to disable (optional)"
            "event": "bv::enable::tooltip",
            "description": "Enable all or a specific tooltip when this event is emitted on $root",
            "args": [
                "arg": "id",
                "type": "String",
                "description": "Tooltip ID to enable (optional)"
            "event": "bv::hide::tooltip",
            "description": "Close (hide) all or a specific open tooltip when this event is emitted on $root",
            "args": [
                "arg": "id",
                "type": "String",
                "description": "Tooltip ID to hide (optional)"
            "event": "bv::show::tooltip",
            "description": "Open (show) all or a specific tooltip when this event is emitted on $root",
            "args": [
                "arg": "id",
                "type": "String",
                "description": "Tooltip ID to show (optional)"
        "slots": [
            "name": "default",
            "description": "Slot for tooltip content (HTML/components supported)"