core.ts 5.04 KB
 * @module
 * Core Camera interfaces. 
 * @author mebjas <>

/** Camera device interface. */
export interface CameraDevice {
  id: string;
  label: string;

//#region Features
/** Generic capability of camera. */
export interface CameraCapability<T> {
  /** Returns {@code true} if the capability is supported by the camera. */
  isSupported(): boolean;

  /** Apply the {@code value} to camera for this capability. */
  apply(value: T): Promise<void>;

  /** Returns current value of this capability. */
  value(): T | null;

/** Capability of the camera that has range. */
export interface RangeCameraCapability extends CameraCapability<number> {  
  /** Min value allowed for this capability. */
  min(): number;

  /** Max value allowed for this capability. */
  max(): number;

  /** Steps allowed for this capability. */
  step(): number;

/** Capability of camera that is boolean in nature. */
export interface BooleanCameraCapability extends CameraCapability<boolean> {}  

/** Class exposing different capabilities of camera. */
export interface CameraCapabilities {

  /** Zoom capability of the camera. */
  zoomFeature(): RangeCameraCapability;

  /** Torch capability of the camera. */
  torchFeature(): BooleanCameraCapability;


/** Type for callback called when camera surface is ready. */
export type OnRenderSurfaceReady
  = (viewfinderWidth: number, viewfinderHeight: number) => void;

/** Callbacks around camera rendering. */
export interface RenderingCallbacks {
  onRenderSurfaceReady: OnRenderSurfaceReady;

 * Interface for a rendered camera that is actively showing feed on a surface.
export interface RenderedCamera {
   * Returns the video surface.
   * @throws error if method is called when scanner is not in scanning state.
  getSurface(): HTMLVideoElement;
   * Pauses the camera feed.
   * @throws error if method is called when scanner is not in scanning state.
  pause(): void;

   * Resumes the camera feed, if it's in paused state.
   * @param onResumeCallback callback that is called when camera resumes.
   * @throws error if {@link RenderedCamera} instance is already closed.
  resume(onResumeCallback: () => void): void;

   * Returns {@code true} if the instance is paused.
   * @throws error if {@link RenderedCamera} instance is already closed.
  isPaused(): boolean;

   * Closes the instance.
   * <p> The instance cannot be used after closing.
  close(): Promise<void>;

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Direct Camera Access APIs.
  // The APIs below are in flavour similar to what Javascript exposes.
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Returns the capabilities of the running camera stream.
   * Read more:
   * @returns the capabilities of a running video track.
   * @throws error if {@link RenderedCamera} instance is already closed.
  getRunningTrackCapabilities(): MediaTrackCapabilities;

   * Returns the object containing the current values of each constrainable
   * property of the running video track.
   * Read more:
   * @returns the supported settings of the running video track.
   * @throws error if {@link RenderedCamera} instance is already closed.
  getRunningTrackSettings(): MediaTrackSettings;

   * Apply a video constraints on running video track from camera.
   * Important: Changing aspectRatio while scanner is running is not supported
   * with this API.
   * @param {MediaTrackConstraints} specifies a variety of video or camera
   *  controls as defined in
   * @returns a Promise which succeeds if the passed constraints are applied,
   *  fails otherwise.
   * @throws error if {@link RenderedCamera} instance is already closed.
  applyVideoConstraints(constraints: MediaTrackConstraints): Promise<void>;

   * Returns all capabilities of the camera.
  getCapabilities(): CameraCapabilities;

/** Options for rendering camera feed. */
export interface CameraRenderingOptions {
   * Aspect ratio to setup the surface with.
   * <p> Setting this value doesn't guarantee the exact value to be applied.
  aspectRatio?: number;

/** Interface for the camera. */
export interface Camera {

   * Renders camera to {@link HTMLVideoElement} as a child of
   * {@code parentElement}.
   * @params parentElement Parent HtmlElement to render camera feed into
   * @params options rendering options
   * @params callbacks callbacks associated with rendering
   * @returns the {@link RenderedCamera} instance.
    parentElement: HTMLElement,
    options: CameraRenderingOptions,
    callbacks: RenderingCallbacks)
    : Promise<RenderedCamera>;