en.json 2.62 KB
  "locale.auto": "System",
  "locale.en": "English",
  "locale.zh-hans": "简体中文",
  "locale.zh-hant": "繁体中文",
  "locale.ja": "日语",
  "index.title": "Hello i18n",
  "index.home": "Home",
  "index.component": "Component",
  "index.api": "API",
  "index.schema": "Schema",
  "index.demo": "uni-app globalization",
  "index.demo-description": "Include uni-framework, manifest.json, pages.json, tabbar, Page, Component, API, Schema",
  "index.detail": "Detail",
  "index.language": "Language",
  "index.language-info": "Settings",
  "index.system-language": "System language",
  "index.application-language": "Application language",
  "index.language-change-confirm": "Applying this setting will restart the app",
  "api.message": "Message",
  "schema.name": "Name",
  "schema.add": "Add",
  "schema.add-success": "Add success",
  "hdk.placeholder":"Please enter the SN code on the product",
  "hdk.tips":"Please enter the SN code to query the product",
  "hdk.sninexistence":"The SN code does not exist. Please enter the correct SN code",
  "hdk.gohome":"Click back to Home",
  "hdk.DescriptionPlaceholder":"Please describe the situation and location of the problem accurately, which is more conducive to solution",