env.js 2.33 KB
export var HAS_WINDOW_SUPPORT = typeof window !== 'undefined';
export var HAS_DOCUMENT_SUPPORT = typeof document !== 'undefined';
export var HAS_NAVIGATOR_SUPPORT = typeof navigator !== 'undefined';
export var HAS_PROMISE_SUPPORT = typeof Promise !== 'undefined';
/* istanbul ignore next: JSDOM always returns false */

export var HAS_MUTATION_OBSERVER_SUPPORT = typeof MutationObserver !== 'undefined' || typeof WebKitMutationObserver !== 'undefined' || typeof MozMutationObserver !== 'undefined';
export var WINDOW = HAS_WINDOW_SUPPORT ? window : {};
export var DOCUMENT = HAS_DOCUMENT_SUPPORT ? document : {};
export var NAVIGATOR = HAS_NAVIGATOR_SUPPORT ? navigator : {};
export var USER_AGENT = (NAVIGATOR.userAgent || '').toLowerCase();
export var IS_JSDOM = USER_AGENT.indexOf('jsdom') > 0;
export var IS_IE = /msie|trident/.test(USER_AGENT); // Determine if the browser supports the option passive for events

export var HAS_PASSIVE_EVENT_SUPPORT = function () {
  var passiveEventSupported = false;

  if (IS_BROWSER) {
    try {
      var options = {
        // This function will be called when the browser
        // attempts to access the passive property
        get passive() {
          /* istanbul ignore next: will never be called in JSDOM */
          passiveEventSupported = true;

      WINDOW.addEventListener('test', options, options);
      WINDOW.removeEventListener('test', options, options);
    } catch (_unused) {
      /* istanbul ignore next: will never be called in JSDOM */
      passiveEventSupported = false;

  return passiveEventSupported;
export var HAS_TOUCH_SUPPORT = IS_BROWSER && ('ontouchstart' in DOCUMENT.documentElement || NAVIGATOR.maxTouchPoints > 0);
export var HAS_POINTER_EVENT_SUPPORT = IS_BROWSER && Boolean(WINDOW.PointerEvent || WINDOW.MSPointerEvent);
/* istanbul ignore next: JSDOM only checks for 'IntersectionObserver' */

export var HAS_INTERACTION_OBSERVER_SUPPORT = IS_BROWSER && 'IntersectionObserver' in WINDOW && 'IntersectionObserverEntry' in WINDOW && // Edge 15 and UC Browser lack support for `isIntersecting`
// but we an use `intersectionRatio > 0` instead
// 'isIntersecting' in window.IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype &&
'intersectionRatio' in WINDOW.IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype;