progress-bar.js 4.78 KB
import { extend } from '../../vue';
import { NAME_PROGRESS_BAR } from '../../constants/components';
import { PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING, PROP_TYPE_STRING } from '../../constants/props';
import { htmlOrText } from '../../utils/html';
import { isBoolean } from '../../utils/inspect';
import { mathMax, mathPow } from '../../utils/math';
import { toFixed, toFloat, toInteger } from '../../utils/number';
import { makeProp, makePropsConfigurable } from '../../utils/props';
import { toString } from '../../utils/string';
import { normalizeSlotMixin } from '../../mixins/normalize-slot'; // --- Props ---

export var props = makePropsConfigurable({
  animated: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, null),
  label: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING),
  labelHtml: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING),
  max: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING, null),
  precision: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING, null),
  showProgress: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, null),
  showValue: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, null),
  striped: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, null),
  value: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING, 0),
  variant: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING)
}, NAME_PROGRESS_BAR); // --- Main component ---
// @vue/component

export var BProgressBar = /*#__PURE__*/extend({
  mixins: [normalizeSlotMixin],
  inject: {
    getBvProgress: {
      /* istanbul ignore next */
      function _default() {
        return function () {
          return {};
  props: props,
  computed: {
    bvProgress: function bvProgress() {
      return this.getBvProgress();
    progressBarClasses: function progressBarClasses() {
      var computedAnimated = this.computedAnimated,
          computedVariant = this.computedVariant;
      return [computedVariant ? "bg-".concat(computedVariant) : '', this.computedStriped || computedAnimated ? 'progress-bar-striped' : '', computedAnimated ? 'progress-bar-animated' : ''];
    progressBarStyles: function progressBarStyles() {
      return {
        width: 100 * (this.computedValue / this.computedMax) + '%'
    computedValue: function computedValue() {
      return toFloat(this.value, 0);
    computedMax: function computedMax() {
      // Prefer our max over parent setting
      // Default to `100` for invalid values (`-x`, `0`, `NaN`)
      var max = toFloat(this.max) || toFloat(this.bvProgress.max, 0);
      return max > 0 ? max : 100;
    computedPrecision: function computedPrecision() {
      // Prefer our precision over parent setting
      // Default to `0` for invalid values (`-x`, `NaN`)
      return mathMax(toInteger(this.precision, toInteger(this.bvProgress.precision, 0)), 0);
    computedProgress: function computedProgress() {
      var precision = this.computedPrecision;
      var p = mathPow(10, precision);
      return toFixed(100 * p * this.computedValue / this.computedMax / p, precision);
    computedVariant: function computedVariant() {
      // Prefer our variant over parent setting
      return this.variant || this.bvProgress.variant;
    computedStriped: function computedStriped() {
      // Prefer our striped over parent setting
      return isBoolean(this.striped) ? this.striped : this.bvProgress.striped || false;
    computedAnimated: function computedAnimated() {
      // Prefer our animated over parent setting
      return isBoolean(this.animated) ? this.animated : this.bvProgress.animated || false;
    computedShowProgress: function computedShowProgress() {
      // Prefer our showProgress over parent setting
      return isBoolean(this.showProgress) ? this.showProgress : this.bvProgress.showProgress || false;
    computedShowValue: function computedShowValue() {
      // Prefer our showValue over parent setting
      return isBoolean(this.showValue) ? this.showValue : this.bvProgress.showValue || false;
  render: function render(h) {
    var label = this.label,
        labelHtml = this.labelHtml,
        computedValue = this.computedValue,
        computedPrecision = this.computedPrecision;
    var $children;
    var domProps = {};

    if (this.hasNormalizedSlot()) {
      $children = this.normalizeSlot();
    } else if (label || labelHtml) {
      domProps = htmlOrText(labelHtml, label);
    } else if (this.computedShowProgress) {
      $children = this.computedProgress;
    } else if (this.computedShowValue) {
      $children = toFixed(computedValue, computedPrecision);

    return h('div', {
      staticClass: 'progress-bar',
      class: this.progressBarClasses,
      style: this.progressBarStyles,
      attrs: {
        role: 'progressbar',
        'aria-valuemin': '0',
        'aria-valuemax': toString(this.computedMax),
        'aria-valuenow': toFixed(computedValue, computedPrecision)
      domProps: domProps
    }, $children);