import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { waitNT, waitRAF } from '../../../tests/utils' import { BFormSelect } from './form-select' describe('form-select', () => { afterAll(() => { console.warn.mockClear() }) it('has select as root element', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect) expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('SELECT') wrapper.destroy() }) it('has class custom-select', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect) expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('custom-select') expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(1) wrapper.destroy() }) it('does not have attr multiple by default', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect) expect(wrapper.attributes('multiple')).toBeUndefined() wrapper.destroy() }) it('does not have attr required by default', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect) expect(wrapper.attributes('required')).toBeUndefined() wrapper.destroy() }) it('has attr required when required=true', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { required: true } }) expect(wrapper.attributes('required')).toBeDefined() wrapper.destroy() }) it('does not have attr form by default', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect) expect(wrapper.attributes('form')).toBeUndefined() wrapper.destroy() }) it('has attr form when form is set', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { form: 'foobar' } }) expect(wrapper.attributes('form')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.attributes('form')).toBe('foobar') wrapper.destroy() }) it('has attr multiple when multiple=true', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { multiple: true, value: [] } }) expect(wrapper.attributes('multiple')).toBeDefined() wrapper.destroy() }) it('has attr size when select-size is set', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { selectSize: 4 } }) expect(wrapper.attributes('size')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.attributes('size')).toBe('4') expect(wrapper.attributes('multiple')).toBeUndefined() wrapper.destroy() }) it('has auto ID attr by default', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect) await waitNT(wrapper.vm) // Auto-ID assigned after mount expect(wrapper.attributes('id')).toBeDefined() wrapper.destroy() }) it('has user supplied ID attr when id is set', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { id: 'foobar' } }) expect(wrapper.attributes('id')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.attributes('id')).toBe('foobar') wrapper.destroy() }) it('does not have attr size by default', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect) expect(wrapper.attributes('size')).toBeUndefined() wrapper.destroy() }) it('does have attr size when plain=true', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { plain: true } }) expect(wrapper.attributes('size')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.attributes('size')).toBe('0') wrapper.destroy() }) it('has class custom-select-sm when size=sm and plain=false', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { size: 'sm' } }) expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('custom-select-sm') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('custom-select') expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(2) wrapper.destroy() }) it('has class custom-select-lg when size=lg and plain=false', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { size: 'lg' } }) expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('custom-select-lg') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('custom-select') expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(2) wrapper.destroy() }) it('has class custom-select-foo when size=foo and plain=false', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { size: 'foo' } }) expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('custom-select-foo') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('custom-select') expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(2) wrapper.destroy() }) it('has class is-invalid and attr aria-invalid="true" when state=false', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { state: false } }) expect(wrapper.attributes('aria-invalid')).toBe('true') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('is-invalid') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('custom-select') expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(2) wrapper.destroy() }) it('has class is-valid when state=true', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { state: true } }) expect(wrapper.attributes('aria-invalid')).toBeUndefined() expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('is-valid') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('custom-select') expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(2) wrapper.destroy() }) it('has attr aria-invalid="true" when aria-invalid="true"', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { ariaInvalid: 'true' } }) expect(wrapper.attributes('aria-invalid')).toBe('true') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('custom-select') expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(1) wrapper.destroy() }) it('has attr aria-invalid="true" when aria-invalid=true', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { ariaInvalid: true } }) expect(wrapper.attributes('aria-invalid')).toBe('true') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('custom-select') expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(1) wrapper.destroy() }) it('has class form-control when plain=true', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { plain: true } }) expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('form-control') expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(1) expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('SELECT') wrapper.destroy() }) it('has class form-control-lg when size=lg and plain=true', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { size: 'lg', plain: true } }) expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('form-control-lg') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('form-control') expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(2) wrapper.destroy() }) it('has class form-control-sm when size=sm and plain=true', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { size: 'sm', plain: true } }) expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('form-control-sm') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('form-control') expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(2) wrapper.destroy() }) it('has class form-control-foo when size=foo and plain=true', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { size: 'foo', plain: true } }) expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('form-control-foo') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('form-control') expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(2) wrapper.destroy() }) it('focus() and blur() methods work', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { attachTo: document.body }) expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe(wrapper.element) wrapper.vm.focus() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) expect(document.activeElement).toBe(wrapper.element) wrapper.vm.blur() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe(wrapper.element) wrapper.destroy() }) it('has option elements from simple options array', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { options: ['one', 'two', 'three'] } }) const $options = wrapper.findAll('option') expect($options.length).toBe(3) expect($'one') expect($'two') expect($'three') expect($'value')).toBe('one') expect($'value')).toBe('two') expect($'value')).toBe('three') expect($options.wrappers.every(o => o.find('[disabled]').exists())).toBe(false) wrapper.destroy() }) it('has option elements from options array of objects', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { options: [ { text: 'one', value: 1 }, { text: 'two', value: 2, disabled: true }, { text: 'three', value: 3 } ] } }) const $options = wrapper.findAll('option') expect($options.length).toBe(3) expect($'one') expect($'two') expect($'three') expect($'value')).toBe('1') expect($'value')).toBe('2') expect($'value')).toBe('3') expect($'[disabled]')).toBe(false) expect($'[disabled]')).toBe(true) expect($'[disabled]')).toBe(false) wrapper.destroy() }) it('has option elements from options array of objects with custom field names', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { options: [ { price: 1.5, display: { text: '1,50 €' } }, { price: 5, display: { text: '5,00 €', html: '5,00 €' } }, { price: 50.75, display: { text: '50,75 €' }, notAvailable: true } ], valueField: 'price', textField: 'display.text', htmlField: 'display.html', disabledField: 'notAvailable' } }) const $options = wrapper.findAll('option') expect($options.length).toBe(3) expect($'1,50 €') expect($'5,00 €') expect($'50,75 €') expect( $options .at(0) .find('span') .exists() ).toBe(false) expect( $options .at(1) .find('span') .exists() ).toBe(true) expect( $options .at(2) .find('span') .exists() ).toBe(false) expect($'value')).toBe('1.5') expect($'value')).toBe('5') expect($'value')).toBe('50.75') expect($'[disabled]')).toBe(false) expect($'[disabled]')).toBe(false) expect($'[disabled]')).toBe(true) wrapper.destroy() }) it('has option group elements with options from options array of objects', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { options: [ { label: 'group one', options: [{ text: 'one', value: 1 }, { text: 'two', value: 2 }] }, { label: 'group two', options: [{ text: 'three', value: 3 }, { text: 'four', value: 4, disabled: true }] } ] } }) const $groups = wrapper.findAll('optgroup') expect($groups.length).toBe(2) expect($'label')).toBe('group one') expect($'label')).toBe('group two') expect($'option').length).toBe(2) expect($'option').length).toBe(2) const $options = wrapper.findAll('option') expect($options.length).toBe(4) expect($'one') expect($'two') expect($'three') expect($'four') expect($'value')).toBe('1') expect($'value')).toBe('2') expect($'value')).toBe('3') expect($'value')).toBe('4') expect($'[disabled]')).toBe(false) expect($'[disabled]')).toBe(false) expect($'[disabled]')).toBe(false) expect($'[disabled]')).toBe(true) wrapper.destroy() }) it('has option group and option elements from options array of objects', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { options: [ { text: 'one', value: 1 }, { label: 'group', options: [{ text: 'two', value: 2 }, { text: 'three', value: 3 }] }, { text: 'four', value: 4, disabled: true } ] } }) const $groups = wrapper.findAll('optgroup') expect($groups.length).toBe(1) expect($'label')).toBe('group') expect($'option').length).toBe(2) const $options = wrapper.findAll('option') expect($options.length).toBe(4) expect($'one') expect($'two') expect($'three') expect($'four') expect($'value')).toBe('1') expect($'value')).toBe('2') expect($'value')).toBe('3') expect($'value')).toBe('4') expect($'[disabled]')).toBe(false) expect($'[disabled]')).toBe(false) expect($'[disabled]')).toBe(false) expect($'[disabled]')).toBe(true) wrapper.destroy() }) it('has option elements from options legacy object format', async () => { const spyWarn = jest.spyOn(console, 'warn').mockImplementationOnce(() => {}) const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { options: { one: 1, two: { value: 2, text: 'Two' }, three: 'three' } } }) const $options = wrapper.findAll('option') expect($options.length).toBe(3) expect($'1') expect($'Two') expect($'three') expect($'value')).toBe('one') expect($'value')).toBe('2') expect($'value')).toBe('three') expect(spyWarn).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '[BootstrapVue warn]: BFormSelect - Setting prop "options" to an object is deprecated. Use the array format instead.' ) wrapper.destroy() }) it('has option elements from default slot', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { slots: { default: [ '', '', '' ] } }) const $options = wrapper.findAll('option') expect($options.length).toBe(3) expect($'one') expect($'two') expect($'three') expect($'value')).toBe('1') expect($'value')).toBe('2') expect($'value')).toBe('3') wrapper.destroy() }) it('updates v-model when option selected in single mode', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { options: ['one', 'two', 'three'] } }) const $options = wrapper.findAll('option') expect($options.length).toBe(3) expect(wrapper.emitted('input')).toBeUndefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('change')).toBeUndefined() // select 3rd option $ await waitNT(wrapper.vm) expect(wrapper.emitted('input')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('change')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('input')[0][0]).toBe('three') expect(wrapper.emitted('change')[0][0]).toBe('three') wrapper.destroy() }) it('updating v-model (value) when selects correct option', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { options: ['one', 'two', { text: 'three', value: { three: 3 } }], value: 'one' } }) const $options = wrapper.findAll('option') expect($options.length).toBe(3) expect($ // Select 2nd option await wrapper.setProps({ value: 'two' }) expect($ // Select 3rd option await wrapper.setProps({ value: { three: 3 } }) expect($ wrapper.destroy() }) it('updates v-model when option selected in single mode with complex values', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { options: [ { text: 'one', value: { a: 1 } }, { text: 'two', value: { b: 2 } }, { text: 'three', value: { c: 3 } } ] } }) const $options = wrapper.findAll('option') expect($options.length).toBe(3) expect(wrapper.emitted('input')).toBeUndefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('change')).toBeUndefined() // Select 3rd option $ await waitNT(wrapper.vm) expect(wrapper.emitted('input')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('change')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('input')[0][0]).toEqual({ c: 3 }) expect(wrapper.emitted('change')[0][0]).toEqual({ c: 3 }) wrapper.destroy() }) it('updates v-model when option selected in multiple mode', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { multiple: true, selectSize: 3, options: ['one', 'two', 'three'], value: [] } }) const $options = wrapper.findAll('option') expect($options.length).toBe(3) expect(wrapper.emitted('input')).toBeUndefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('change')).toBeUndefined() // Select 2nd and 3rd option $ = true $ = true await wrapper.trigger('change') expect(wrapper.emitted('input')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('change')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('input')[0][0]).toEqual(['two', 'three']) expect(wrapper.emitted('change')[0][0]).toEqual(['two', 'three']) wrapper.destroy() }) it('updates v-model when option selected in multiple mode with complex values', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { propsData: { multiple: true, selectSize: 3, value: [], options: [ { text: 'one', value: { a: 1 } }, { text: 'two', value: { b: 2 } }, { text: 'three', value: { c: 3 } } ] } }) const $options = wrapper.findAll('option') expect($options.length).toBe(3) expect(wrapper.emitted('input')).toBeUndefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('change')).toBeUndefined() // Select 2nd and 3rd option $ = true $ = true await wrapper.trigger('change') expect(wrapper.emitted('input')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('change')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('input')[0][0]).toEqual([{ b: 2 }, { c: 3 }]) expect(wrapper.emitted('change')[0][0]).toEqual([{ b: 2 }, { c: 3 }]) wrapper.destroy() }) // These tests are wrapped in a new describe to limit the scope of the getBCR Mock describe('prop `autofocus`', () => { const origGetBCR = Element.prototype.getBoundingClientRect beforeEach(() => { // Mock `getBoundingClientRect()` so that the `isVisible(el)` test returns `true` // In our test below, all pagination buttons would normally be visible Element.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = jest.fn(() => ({ width: 24, height: 24, top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0 })) }) afterEach(() => { // Restore prototype Element.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = origGetBCR }) it('works when true', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { autofocus: true, options: ['a', 'b', 'c'] } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() const input = wrapper.find('select') expect(input.exists()).toBe(true) expect(document).toBeDefined() expect(document.activeElement).toBe(input.element) wrapper.destroy() }) it('does not autofocus when false', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BFormSelect, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { autofocus: false, options: ['a', 'b', 'c'] } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() const input = wrapper.find('select') expect(input.exists()).toBe(true) expect(document).toBeDefined() expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe(input.element) wrapper.destroy() }) }) })