{ "name": "@bootstrap-vue/image", "version": "1.0.0", "meta": { "title": "Image", "description": "Create responsive images, optionally adding lightweight styles to them — all via props. Support for rounded images, thumbnail styling, alignment, and even the ability to create blank images with an optional solid background color, and lazy loaded images.", "components": [ { "component": "BImg", "props": [ { "prop": "blank", "description": "Creates a blank/transparent image via an SVG data URI" }, { "prop": "blankColor", "description": "Sets the color of the blank image to the CSS color value specified" }, { "prop": "block", "description": "Forces the image to display as a block element rather than the browser default of inline-block element" }, { "prop": "center", "description": "Centers the image horizontally" }, { "prop": "fluid", "description": "Makes the image responsive. The image will shrink as needed or grow up the the image's native width" }, { "prop": "fluidGrow", "description": "Similar to the 'fluid' prop, but allows the image to scale up past its native width" }, { "prop": "height", "description": "The value to set on the image's 'height' attribute" }, { "prop": "left", "description": "Floats the image to the left when set" }, { "prop": "right", "description": "Floats the image to the right when set" }, { "prop": "rounded", "description": "When set to 'true', makes the image corners slightly rounded. Can also be used to disable rounded corners or make the image a circle/oval. See docs for details" }, { "prop": "sizes", "version": "2.1.0", "description": "One or more strings separated by commas (or an array of strings), indicating a set of source sizes. Optionally used in combination with the srcset prop" }, { "prop": "srcset", "version": "2.1.0", "description": "One or more strings separated by commas (or an array of strings), indicating possible image sources for the user agent to use" }, { "prop": "thumbnail", "description": "Adds a thumbnail border around the image" }, { "prop": "width", "description": "The value to set on the image's 'width' attribute" } ] }, { "component": "BImgLazy", "props": [ { "prop": "blankColor", "description": "Sets the color of the blank placeholder image to the CSS color value specified" }, { "prop": "blankHeight", "description": "The value to set on the placeholder image's 'height' attribute. Defaults to value of the 'height' prop" }, { "prop": "blankSrc", "description": "Placeholder image instead of a blank image" }, { "prop": "blankWidth", "description": "The value to set on the placeholder image's 'width' attribute. Defaults to value of the 'width' prop" }, { "prop": "block", "description": "Forces the image to display as a block element rather than the browser default of inline-block element" }, { "prop": "center", "description": "Centers the image horizontally" }, { "prop": "fluid", "description": "Makes the image responsive. The image will shrink as needed or grow up the the image's native width" }, { "prop": "fluidGrow", "description": "Similar to the 'fluid' prop, but allows the image to scale up past its native width" }, { "prop": "height", "description": "The value to set on the image's 'height' attribute" }, { "prop": "left", "description": "Floats the image to the left when set" }, { "prop": "offset", "description": "Number of pixels away from the viewport edge before the lazy image is loaded" }, { "prop": "right", "description": "Floats the image to the right when set" }, { "prop": "rounded", "description": "When set to 'true', makes the image corners slightly rounded. Can also be used to disable rounded corners or make the image a circle/oval. See docs for details" }, { "prop": "show", "description": "If set to true, will force show the image specified via the 'src' prop" }, { "prop": "sizes", "version": "2.1.0", "description": "One or more strings separated by commas (or an array of strings), indicating a set of source sizes. Optionally used in combination with the srcset prop" }, { "prop": "srcset", "version": "2.1.0", "description": "One or more strings separated by commas (or an array of strings), indicating possible image sources for the user agent to use" }, { "prop": "thumbnail", "description": "Adds a thumbnail border around the image" }, { "prop": "width", "description": "The value to set on the image's 'width' attribute" } ] } ] } }