{ "name": "@bootstrap-vue/skeleton", "version": "1.0.0", "meta": { "title": "Skeleton", "description": "The component can be used to scaffold a loading state, while your data is loading.", "version": "2.17.0", "slug": "skeleton", "components": [ { "component": "BSkeleton", "props": [ { "prop": "animation", "description": "Changes the component animation, leave empty or `null` to disable the animation" }, { "prop": "height", "description": "Sets the `height` of the component" }, { "prop": "size", "description": "Sets the `width` and `height` of the component" }, { "prop": "type", "default": "text", "description": "Changes the type, refer to the [types](/#types) section" }, { "prop": "width", "description": "Sets the `width` of the component" } ] }, { "component": "BSkeletonWrapper", "props": [ { "prop": "loading", "description": "Determines whether the loading slot should be displayed" } ], "slots": [ { "name": "default", "description": "Content to show when the `loading` prop is `false`" }, { "name": "loading", "description": "Content to show when the `loading` prop is `true`" } ] }, { "component": "BSkeletonTable", "props": [ { "prop": "animation", "description": "Animation used for the component in each cell, leave empty or `null` to disable the animation" }, { "prop": "columns", "description": "Amount of columns to display" }, { "prop": "hideHeader", "description": "Hides the header of the table" }, { "prop": "rows", "description": "Amount of rows to display" }, { "prop": "showFooter", "description": "Enables the footer of the table" }, { "prop": "tableProps", "description": "Supports the same props as ``" }, { "prop": "variant", "description": "Applies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the component in each cell" } ] }, { "component": "BSkeletonImg", "props": [ { "prop": "animation", "description": "Animation used for the component, leave empty or `null` to disable the animation" }, { "prop": "aspect", "description": "Control the aspect ratio of the image" }, { "prop": "cardImg", "description": "If used as an card image, use this prop to set the position. Accepted values are `top`, `bottom`, `left` and `right`" }, { "prop": "height", "description": "Sets the height of the image. Best used with `no-aspect` set to `true`" }, { "prop": "noAspect", "description": "Removes the aspect wrapper around the skeleton" }, { "prop": "width", "description": "Sets the width of the image. Best used with `no-aspect` set to `true`" } ] }, { "component": "BSkeletonIcon", "props": [ { "prop": "animation", "description": "Animation used for the component, leave empty or `null` to disable the animation" }, { "prop": "icon", "description": "Icon to display" }, { "prop": "iconProps", "description": "Properties to pass on to the icon. Refer to `` property references" } ] } ] } }