# PortalVue > A Portal Component for Vuejs, to render DOM outside of a component, anywhere in the document.

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For more detailed documentation and additional Information, [please visit the docs](https://portal-vue.linusb.org). > Looking for version 1.\*? [Docs for version 1 are here](https://v1.portal-vue.linusb.org) ## Installation ```bash npm i portal-vue # or yarn add portal-vue ``` ```javascript import PortalVue from 'portal-vue' Vue.use(PortalVue) ``` ## Usage ```html

This slot content will be rendered wherever the with name 'destination' is located.

``` ## Nuxt module Add `portal-vue/nuxt` to modules section of `nuxt.config.js` ```javascript { modules: ['portal-vue/nuxt'] } ```