import { BindingMetadata, TemplateCompiler } from './types' import assetUrlsModule, { AssetURLOptions, TransformAssetUrlsOptions } from './templateCompilerModules/assetUrl' import srcsetModule from './templateCompilerModules/srcset' import consolidate from '@vue/consolidate' import * as _compiler from 'web/entry-compiler' import { prefixIdentifiers } from './prefixIdentifiers' import { CompilerOptions, WarningMessage } from 'types/compiler' export interface SFCTemplateCompileOptions { source: string filename: string compiler?: TemplateCompiler compilerOptions?: CompilerOptions transformAssetUrls?: AssetURLOptions | boolean transformAssetUrlsOptions?: TransformAssetUrlsOptions preprocessLang?: string preprocessOptions?: any transpileOptions?: any isProduction?: boolean isFunctional?: boolean optimizeSSR?: boolean prettify?: boolean isTS?: boolean bindings?: BindingMetadata } export interface SFCTemplateCompileResults { ast: Object | undefined code: string source: string tips: (string | WarningMessage)[] errors: (string | WarningMessage)[] } export function compileTemplate( options: SFCTemplateCompileOptions ): SFCTemplateCompileResults { const { preprocessLang } = options const preprocessor = preprocessLang && consolidate[preprocessLang] if (preprocessor) { return actuallyCompile( Object.assign({}, options, { source: preprocess(options, preprocessor) }) ) } else if (preprocessLang) { return { ast: {}, code: `var render = function () {}\n` + `var staticRenderFns = []\n`, source: options.source, tips: [ `Component ${options.filename} uses lang ${preprocessLang} for template. Please install the language preprocessor.` ], errors: [ `Component ${options.filename} uses lang ${preprocessLang} for template, however it is not installed.` ] } } else { return actuallyCompile(options) } } function preprocess( options: SFCTemplateCompileOptions, preprocessor: any ): string { const { source, filename, preprocessOptions } = options const finalPreprocessOptions = Object.assign( { filename }, preprocessOptions ) // Consolidate exposes a callback based API, but the callback is in fact // called synchronously for most templating engines. In our case, we have to // expose a synchronous API so that it is usable in Jest transforms (which // have to be sync because they are applied via Node.js require hooks) let res: any, err preprocessor.render( source, finalPreprocessOptions, (_err: Error | null, _res: string) => { if (_err) err = _err res = _res } ) if (err) throw err return res } function actuallyCompile( options: SFCTemplateCompileOptions ): SFCTemplateCompileResults { const { source, compiler = _compiler, compilerOptions = {}, transpileOptions = {}, transformAssetUrls, transformAssetUrlsOptions, isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production', isFunctional = false, optimizeSSR = false, prettify = true, isTS = false, bindings } = options const compile = optimizeSSR && compiler.ssrCompile ? compiler.ssrCompile : compiler.compile let finalCompilerOptions = compilerOptions if (transformAssetUrls) { const builtInModules = [ transformAssetUrls === true ? assetUrlsModule(undefined, transformAssetUrlsOptions) : assetUrlsModule(transformAssetUrls, transformAssetUrlsOptions), srcsetModule(transformAssetUrlsOptions) ] finalCompilerOptions = Object.assign({}, compilerOptions, { modules: [...builtInModules, ...(compilerOptions.modules || [])], filename: options.filename }) } finalCompilerOptions.bindings = bindings const { ast, render, staticRenderFns, tips, errors } = compile( source, finalCompilerOptions ) if (errors && errors.length) { return { ast, code: `var render = function () {}\n` + `var staticRenderFns = []\n`, source, tips, errors } } else { // stripping `with` usage let code = `var __render__ = ${prefixIdentifiers( `function render(${isFunctional ? `_c,_vm` : ``}){${render}\n}`, isFunctional, isTS, transpileOptions, bindings )}\n` + `var __staticRenderFns__ = [${ => prefixIdentifiers( `function (${isFunctional ? `_c,_vm` : ``}){${code}\n}`, isFunctional, isTS, transpileOptions, bindings ) )}]` + `\n` // #23 we use __render__ to avoid `render` not being prefixed by the // transpiler when stripping with, but revert it back to `render` to // maintain backwards compat code = code.replace(/\s__(render|staticRenderFns)__\s/g, ' $1 ') if (!isProduction) { // mark with stripped (this enables Vue to use correct runtime proxy // detection) code += `render._withStripped = true` if (prettify) { try { code = require('prettier').format(code, { semi: false, parser: 'babel' }) } catch (e: any) { if (e.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') { tips.push( 'The `prettify` option is on, but the dependency `prettier` is not found.\n' + 'Please either turn off `prettify` or manually install `prettier`.' ) } tips.push( `Failed to prettify component ${options.filename} template source after compilation.` ) } } } return { ast, code, source, tips, errors } } }