import { parse, ParserPlugin } from '@babel/parser' import MagicString from 'magic-string' const defaultExportRE = /((?:^|\n|;)\s*)export(\s*)default/ const namedDefaultExportRE = /((?:^|\n|;)\s*)export(.+)(?:as)?(\s*)default/s const exportDefaultClassRE = /((?:^|\n|;)\s*)export\s+default\s+class\s+([\w$]+)/ /** * Utility for rewriting `export default` in a script block into a variable * declaration so that we can inject things into it */ export function rewriteDefault( input: string, as: string, parserPlugins?: ParserPlugin[] ): string { if (!hasDefaultExport(input)) { return input + `\nconst ${as} = {}` } let replaced: string | undefined const classMatch = input.match(exportDefaultClassRE) if (classMatch) { replaced = input.replace(exportDefaultClassRE, '$1class $2') + `\nconst ${as} = ${classMatch[2]}` } else { replaced = input.replace(defaultExportRE, `$1const ${as} =`) } if (!hasDefaultExport(replaced)) { return replaced } // if the script somehow still contains `default export`, it probably has // multi-line comments or template strings. fallback to a full parse. const s = new MagicString(input) const ast = parse(input, { sourceType: 'module', plugins: parserPlugins }).program.body ast.forEach(node => { if (node.type === 'ExportDefaultDeclaration') { if (node.declaration.type === 'ClassDeclaration') { s.overwrite(node.start!,!, `class `) s.append(`\nconst ${as} = ${}`) } else { s.overwrite(node.start!, node.declaration.start!, `const ${as} = `) } } if (node.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration') { for (const specifier of node.specifiers) { if ( specifier.type === 'ExportSpecifier' && specifier.exported.type === 'Identifier' && === 'default' ) { if (node.source) { if ( === 'default') { const end = specifierEnd(input, specifier.local.end!, node.end) s.prepend( `import { default as __VUE_DEFAULT__ } from '${node.source.value}'\n` ) s.overwrite(specifier.start!, end, ``) s.append(`\nconst ${as} = __VUE_DEFAULT__`) continue } else { const end = specifierEnd(input, specifier.exported.end!, node.end) s.prepend( `import { ${input.slice( specifier.local.start!, specifier.local.end! )} } from '${node.source.value}'\n` ) s.overwrite(specifier.start!, end, ``) s.append(`\nconst ${as} = ${}`) continue } } const end = specifierEnd(input, specifier.end!, node.end) s.overwrite(specifier.start!, end, ``) s.append(`\nconst ${as} = ${}`) } } } }) return s.toString() } export function hasDefaultExport(input: string): boolean { return defaultExportRE.test(input) || namedDefaultExportRE.test(input) } function specifierEnd( input: string, end: number, nodeEnd: number | undefined | null ) { // export { default , foo } ... let hasCommas = false let oldEnd = end while (end < nodeEnd!) { if (/\s/.test(input.charAt(end))) { end++ } else if (input.charAt(end) === ',') { end++ hasCommas = true break } else if (input.charAt(end) === '}') { break } } return hasCommas ? end : oldEnd }