import { initMixin } from './init' import { stateMixin } from './state' import { renderMixin } from './render' import { eventsMixin } from './events' import { lifecycleMixin } from './lifecycle' import { warn } from '../util/index' import type { GlobalAPI } from 'types/global-api' function Vue(options) { if (__DEV__ && !(this instanceof Vue)) { warn('Vue is a constructor and should be called with the `new` keyword') } this._init(options) } //@ts-expect-error Vue has function type initMixin(Vue) //@ts-expect-error Vue has function type stateMixin(Vue) //@ts-expect-error Vue has function type eventsMixin(Vue) //@ts-expect-error Vue has function type lifecycleMixin(Vue) //@ts-expect-error Vue has function type renderMixin(Vue) export default Vue as unknown as GlobalAPI