# Form Input > Create various type inputs such as: `text`, `password`, `number`, `url`, `email`, `search`, > `range`, `date` and more. ```html ``` ## Input type `` defaults to a `text` input, but you can set the `type` prop to one of the supported native browser HTML5 types: `text`, `password`, `email`, `number`, `url`, `tel`, `search`, `date`, `datetime`, `datetime-local`, `month`, `week`, `time`, `range`, or `color`. ```html ``` If the `type` prop is set to an input type that is not supported (see above), a `text` input will be rendered and a console warning will be issued. **Caveats with input types:** - Not all browsers support all input types, nor do some types render in the same format across browser types/versions. Refer to [Can I use](https://caniuse.com/?search=input). - Browsers that do not support a particular type will fall back to a `text` input type (even though the rendered `type` attribute markup shows the requested type). - No testing is performed to see if the requested input type is supported by the browser. - Chrome lost support for `datetime` in version 26, Opera in version 15, and Safari in iOS 7. Instead of using `datetime`, since support should be deprecated, use `date` and `time` as two separate inputs. - `date` and `time` inputs are native browser types, and are not a custom date/time picker. - For date and time style inputs, where supported, the displayed value in the GUI may be different than what is returned by its value (i.e. ordering of year-month-date). - Regardless of input type, the value is **always** returned as a string representation. - `v-model.lazy` is not supported by `` (nor any custom Vue component). Use the `lazy` prop instead. - `v-model` modifiers `.number` and `.trim` can cause unexpected cursor jumps when the user is typing (this is a Vue issue with `v-model` on custom components). _Avoid using these modifiers_. Use the `number` or `trim` props instead. - Older version of Firefox may not support `readonly` for `range` type inputs. - Input types that do not support `min`, `max` and `step` (i.e. `text`, `password`, `tel`, `email`, `url`, etc.) will silently ignore these values (although they will still be rendered on the input markup) if values are provided. **Caveats with predictive text entry and IME composition entry:** - When using predictive text auto-suggested words, the `v-model` will not update until the auto-suggested word is selected (or a space is typed). If an auto suggested word is not selected, the v-model will update with the current _displayed text_ of the input when the input is blurred. - When using IME composition (ie. Chinese, Japanese, etc.), the `v-model` will not update until the IME composition is completed. ### Range type input Inputs with type `range` render using Bootstrap v4's `.custom-range` class. The track (the background) and thumb (the value) are both styled to appear the same across browsers. Range inputs have implicit values for `min` and `max` of `0` and `100` respectively. You may specify new values for those using the `min` and `max` props. ```html ``` By default, range inputs "snap" to integer values. To change this, you can specify a `step` value. In the example below, we double the number of steps by using step="0.5". ```html ``` **Note:** Range inputs (as do all input types) return their value as a string. You may need to convert the value to a native number by using `Number(value)`, `parseInt(value, 10)`, `parseFloat(value)`, or use the `number` prop. **Note:** Bootstrap v4 CSS does not include styling for range inputs inside input groups, nor validation styling on range inputs. However, BootstrapVue includes custom styling to handle these situations until styling is included in Bootstrap v4. ## Control sizing Set heights using the `size` prop to `sm` or `lg` for small or large respectively. To control width, place the input inside standard Bootstrap grid column. ```html ``` **Note:** Input type `range` currently does not support control sizing unless it is placed inside a `` which has its `size` prop set. **Note:** The native HTML `` attribute `size` (which sets a horizontal width on the `` in characters) is not supported. Use styling, utility classes, or the layout rows (``) and columns (``) to set the desired width. ## Contextual states Bootstrap includes validation styles for `valid` and `invalid` states on most form controls. Generally speaking, you'll want to use a particular state for specific types of feedback: - `false` (denotes invalid state) is great for when there's a blocking or required field. A user must fill in this field properly to submit the form. - `true` (denotes valid state) is ideal for situations when you have per-field validation throughout a form and want to encourage a user through the rest of the fields. - `null` Displays no validation state (neither valid nor invalid) To apply one of the contextual state icons on ``, set the `state` prop to `false` (for invalid), `true` (for valid), or `null` (no validation state). ```html ``` **Live Example** ```html ``` > **Tip:** Use the [``](/docs/components/form-group) component to automatically > generate markup similar to above. ### Conveying contextual state to assistive technologies and colorblind users Using these contextual states to denote the state of a form control only provides a visual, color-based indication, which will not be conveyed to users of assistive technologies - such as screen readers - or to colorblind users. Ensure that an alternative indication of state is also provided. For instance, you could include a hint about state in the form control's `