import { extend } from '../../vue' import { NAME_FORM_SPINBUTTON } from '../../constants/components' import { EVENT_NAME_CHANGE } from '../../constants/events' import { PROP_TYPE_ARRAY_STRING, PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN_NUMBER, PROP_TYPE_FUNCTION, PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING, PROP_TYPE_STRING } from '../../constants/props' import { CODE_DOWN, CODE_END, CODE_HOME, CODE_PAGEUP, CODE_UP, CODE_PAGEDOWN } from '../../constants/key-codes' import { SLOT_NAME_DECREMENT, SLOT_NAME_INCREMENT } from '../../constants/slots' import { arrayIncludes, concat } from '../../utils/array' import { attemptBlur, attemptFocus } from '../../utils/dom' import { eventOnOff, stopEvent } from '../../utils/events' import { identity } from '../../utils/identity' import { isNull } from '../../utils/inspect' import { isLocaleRTL } from '../../utils/locale' import { mathFloor, mathMax, mathPow, mathRound } from '../../utils/math' import { makeModelMixin } from '../../utils/model' import { toFloat, toInteger } from '../../utils/number' import { omit, sortKeys } from '../../utils/object' import { hasPropFunction, makeProp, makePropsConfigurable } from '../../utils/props' import { toString } from '../../utils/string' import { attrsMixin } from '../../mixins/attrs' import { formSizeMixin, props as formSizeProps } from '../../mixins/form-size' import { formStateMixin, props as formStateProps } from '../../mixins/form-state' import { idMixin, props as idProps } from '../../mixins/id' import { normalizeSlotMixin } from '../../mixins/normalize-slot' import { props as formControlProps } from '../../mixins/form-control' import { BIconPlus, BIconDash } from '../../icons/icons' // --- Constants --- const { mixin: modelMixin, props: modelProps, prop: MODEL_PROP_NAME, event: MODEL_EVENT_NAME } = makeModelMixin('value', { // Should this really be String, to match native number inputs? type: PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN_NUMBER }) // Default for spin button range and step const DEFAULT_MIN = 1 const DEFAULT_MAX = 100 const DEFAULT_STEP = 1 // Delay before auto-repeat in ms const DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY = 500 // Repeat interval in ms const DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL = 100 // Repeat rate increased after number of repeats const DEFAULT_REPEAT_THRESHOLD = 10 // Repeat speed multiplier (step multiplier, must be an integer) const DEFAULT_REPEAT_MULTIPLIER = 4 const KEY_CODES = [CODE_UP, CODE_DOWN, CODE_HOME, CODE_END, CODE_PAGEUP, CODE_PAGEDOWN] // --- Props --- export const props = makePropsConfigurable( sortKeys({ ...idProps, ...modelProps, ...omit(formControlProps, ['required', 'autofocus']), ...formSizeProps, ...formStateProps, ariaControls: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING), ariaLabel: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING), formatterFn: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_FUNCTION), inline: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, false), labelDecrement: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING, 'Decrement'), labelIncrement: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING, 'Increment'), locale: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_ARRAY_STRING), max: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING, DEFAULT_MAX), min: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING, DEFAULT_MIN), placeholder: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING), readonly: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, false), repeatDelay: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING, DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY), repeatInterval: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING, DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL), repeatStepMultiplier: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING, DEFAULT_REPEAT_MULTIPLIER), repeatThreshold: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING, DEFAULT_REPEAT_THRESHOLD), step: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING, DEFAULT_STEP), vertical: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, false), wrap: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, false) }), NAME_FORM_SPINBUTTON ) // --- Main Component --- // @vue/component export const BFormSpinbutton = /*#__PURE__*/ extend({ name: NAME_FORM_SPINBUTTON, // Mixin order is important! mixins: [attrsMixin, idMixin, modelMixin, formSizeMixin, formStateMixin, normalizeSlotMixin], inheritAttrs: false, props, data() { return { localValue: toFloat(this[MODEL_PROP_NAME], null), hasFocus: false } }, computed: { required() { return false }, spinId() { return this.safeId() }, computedInline() { return this.inline && !this.vertical }, computedReadonly() { return this.readonly && !this.disabled }, computedRequired() { return this.required && !this.computedReadonly && !this.disabled }, computedStep() { return toFloat(this.step, DEFAULT_STEP) }, computedMin() { return toFloat(this.min, DEFAULT_MIN) }, computedMax() { // We round down to the nearest maximum step value const max = toFloat(this.max, DEFAULT_MAX) const step = this.computedStep const min = this.computedMin return mathFloor((max - min) / step) * step + min }, computedDelay() { const delay = toInteger(this.repeatDelay, 0) return delay > 0 ? delay : DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY }, computedInterval() { const interval = toInteger(this.repeatInterval, 0) return interval > 0 ? interval : DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL }, computedThreshold() { return mathMax(toInteger(this.repeatThreshold, DEFAULT_REPEAT_THRESHOLD), 1) }, computedStepMultiplier() { return mathMax(toInteger(this.repeatStepMultiplier, DEFAULT_REPEAT_MULTIPLIER), 1) }, computedPrecision() { // Quick and dirty way to get the number of decimals const step = this.computedStep return mathFloor(step) === step ? 0 : (step.toString().split('.')[1] || '').length }, computedMultiplier() { return mathPow(10, this.computedPrecision || 0) }, valueAsFixed() { const value = this.localValue return isNull(value) ? '' : value.toFixed(this.computedPrecision) }, computedLocale() { const locales = concat(this.locale).filter(identity) const nf = new Intl.NumberFormat(locales) return nf.resolvedOptions().locale }, computedRTL() { return isLocaleRTL(this.computedLocale) }, defaultFormatter() { // Returns and `Intl.NumberFormat` formatter method reference const precision = this.computedPrecision const nf = new Intl.NumberFormat(this.computedLocale, { style: 'decimal', useGrouping: false, minimumIntegerDigits: 1, minimumFractionDigits: precision, maximumFractionDigits: precision, notation: 'standard' }) // Return the format method reference return nf.format }, computedFormatter() { const { formatterFn } = this return hasPropFunction(formatterFn) ? formatterFn : this.defaultFormatter }, computedAttrs() { return { ...this.bvAttrs, role: 'group', lang: this.computedLocale, tabindex: this.disabled ? null : '-1', title: this.ariaLabel } }, computedSpinAttrs() { const { spinId, localValue: value, computedRequired: required, disabled, state, computedFormatter } = this const hasValue = !isNull(value) return { dir: this.computedRTL ? 'rtl' : 'ltr', ...this.bvAttrs, id: spinId, role: 'spinbutton', tabindex: disabled ? null : '0', 'aria-live': 'off', 'aria-label': this.ariaLabel || null, 'aria-controls': this.ariaControls || null, // TODO: May want to check if the value is in range 'aria-invalid': state === false || (!hasValue && required) ? 'true' : null, 'aria-required': required ? 'true' : null, // These attrs are required for role spinbutton 'aria-valuemin': toString(this.computedMin), 'aria-valuemax': toString(this.computedMax), // These should be `null` if the value is out of range // They must also be non-existent attrs if the value is out of range or `null` 'aria-valuenow': hasValue ? value : null, 'aria-valuetext': hasValue ? computedFormatter(value) : null } } }, watch: { [MODEL_PROP_NAME](value) { this.localValue = toFloat(value, null) }, localValue(value) { this.$emit(MODEL_EVENT_NAME, value) }, disabled(disabled) { if (disabled) { this.clearRepeat() } }, readonly(readonly) { if (readonly) { this.clearRepeat() } } }, created() { // Create non reactive properties this.$_autoDelayTimer = null this.$_autoRepeatTimer = null this.$_keyIsDown = false }, beforeDestroy() { this.clearRepeat() }, /* istanbul ignore next */ deactivated() { this.clearRepeat() }, methods: { // --- Public methods --- focus() { if (!this.disabled) { attemptFocus(this.$refs.spinner) } }, blur() { if (!this.disabled) { attemptBlur(this.$refs.spinner) } }, // --- Private methods --- emitChange() { this.$emit(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, this.localValue) }, stepValue(direction) { // Sets a new incremented or decremented value, supporting optional wrapping // Direction is either +1 or -1 (or a multiple thereof) let value = this.localValue if (!this.disabled && !isNull(value)) { const step = this.computedStep * direction const min = this.computedMin const max = this.computedMax const multiplier = this.computedMultiplier const wrap = this.wrap // We ensure that the value steps like a native input value = mathRound((value - min) / step) * step + min + step // We ensure that precision is maintained (decimals) value = mathRound(value * multiplier) / multiplier // Handle if wrapping is enabled this.localValue = value > max ? (wrap ? min : max) : value < min ? (wrap ? max : min) : value } }, onFocusBlur(event) { this.hasFocus = this.disabled ? false : event.type === 'focus' }, stepUp(multiplier = 1) { const value = this.localValue if (isNull(value)) { this.localValue = this.computedMin } else { this.stepValue(+1 * multiplier) } }, stepDown(multiplier = 1) { const value = this.localValue if (isNull(value)) { this.localValue = this.wrap ? this.computedMax : this.computedMin } else { this.stepValue(-1 * multiplier) } }, onKeydown(event) { const { keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey } = event /* istanbul ignore if */ if (this.disabled || this.readonly || altKey || ctrlKey || metaKey) { return } if (arrayIncludes(KEY_CODES, keyCode)) { // stopEvent(event, { propagation: false }) /* istanbul ignore if */ if (this.$_keyIsDown) { // Keypress is already in progress return } this.resetTimers() if (arrayIncludes([CODE_UP, CODE_DOWN], keyCode)) { // The following use the custom auto-repeat handling this.$_keyIsDown = true if (keyCode === CODE_UP) { this.handleStepRepeat(event, this.stepUp) } else if (keyCode === CODE_DOWN) { this.handleStepRepeat(event, this.stepDown) } } else { // These use native OS key repeating if (keyCode === CODE_PAGEUP) { this.stepUp(this.computedStepMultiplier) } else if (keyCode === CODE_PAGEDOWN) { this.stepDown(this.computedStepMultiplier) } else if (keyCode === CODE_HOME) { this.localValue = this.computedMin } else if (keyCode === CODE_END) { this.localValue = this.computedMax } } } }, onKeyup(event) { // Emit a change event when the keyup happens const { keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey } = event /* istanbul ignore if */ if (this.disabled || this.readonly || altKey || ctrlKey || metaKey) { return } if (arrayIncludes(KEY_CODES, keyCode)) { stopEvent(event, { propagation: false }) this.resetTimers() this.$_keyIsDown = false this.emitChange() } }, handleStepRepeat(event, stepper) { const { type, button } = event || {} if (!this.disabled && !this.readonly) { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (type === 'mousedown' && button) { // We only respond to left (main === 0) button clicks return } this.resetTimers() // Step the counter initially stepper(1) const threshold = this.computedThreshold const multiplier = this.computedStepMultiplier const delay = this.computedDelay const interval = this.computedInterval // Initiate the delay/repeat interval this.$_autoDelayTimer = setTimeout(() => { let count = 0 this.$_autoRepeatTimer = setInterval(() => { // After N initial repeats, we increase the incrementing step amount // We do this to minimize screen reader announcements of the value // (values are announced every change, which can be chatty for SR users) // And to make it easer to select a value when the range is large stepper(count < threshold ? 1 : multiplier) count++ }, interval) }, delay) } }, onMouseup(event) { // `` listener, only enabled when mousedown starts const { type, button } = event || {} /* istanbul ignore if */ if (type === 'mouseup' && button) { // Ignore non left button (main === 0) mouse button click return } stopEvent(event, { propagation: false }) this.resetTimers() this.setMouseup(false) // Trigger the change event this.emitChange() }, setMouseup(on) { // Enable or disabled the body mouseup/touchend handlers // Use try/catch to handle case when called server side try { eventOnOff(on, document.body, 'mouseup', this.onMouseup, false) eventOnOff(on, document.body, 'touchend', this.onMouseup, false) } catch {} }, resetTimers() { clearTimeout(this.$_autoDelayTimer) clearInterval(this.$_autoRepeatTimer) this.$_autoDelayTimer = null this.$_autoRepeatTimer = null }, clearRepeat() { this.resetTimers() this.setMouseup(false) this.$_keyIsDown = false } }, render(h) { const { spinId, localValue: value, computedInline: inline, computedReadonly: readonly, vertical, disabled, computedFormatter } = this const hasValue = !isNull(value) const makeButton = (stepper, label, IconCmp, keyRef, shortcut, btnDisabled, slotName) => { const $icon = h(IconCmp, { props: { scale: this.hasFocus ? 1.5 : 1.25 }, attrs: { 'aria-hidden': 'true' } }) const scope = { hasFocus: this.hasFocus } const handler = event => { if (!disabled && !readonly) { stopEvent(event, { propagation: false }) this.setMouseup(true) // Since we `preventDefault()`, we must manually focus the button attemptFocus(event.currentTarget) this.handleStepRepeat(event, stepper) } } return h( 'button', { staticClass: 'btn btn-sm border-0 rounded-0', class: { 'py-0': !vertical }, attrs: { tabindex: '-1', type: 'button', disabled: disabled || readonly || btnDisabled, 'aria-disabled': disabled || readonly || btnDisabled ? 'true' : null, 'aria-controls': spinId, 'aria-label': label || null, 'aria-keyshortcuts': shortcut || null }, on: { mousedown: handler, touchstart: handler }, key: keyRef || null, ref: keyRef }, [this.normalizeSlot(slotName, scope) || $icon] ) } // TODO: Add button disabled state when `wrap` is `false` and at value max/min const $increment = makeButton( this.stepUp, this.labelIncrement, BIconPlus, 'inc', 'ArrowUp', false, SLOT_NAME_INCREMENT ) const $decrement = makeButton( this.stepDown, this.labelDecrement, BIconDash, 'dec', 'ArrowDown', false, SLOT_NAME_DECREMENT ) let $hidden = h() if ( && !disabled) { $hidden = h('input', { attrs: { type: 'hidden', name:, form: this.form || null, // TODO: Should this be set to '' if value is out of range? value: this.valueAsFixed }, key: 'hidden' }) } const $spin = h( // We use 'output' element to make this accept a `