import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { waitNT, waitRAF } from '../../../tests/utils' import { BImgLazy } from './img-lazy' const src = '' describe('img-lazy', () => { it('has root element "img"', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BImgLazy, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { src } }) expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('IMG') wrapper.destroy() }) it('is initially shown show prop is set', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BImgLazy, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { src, show: true } }) expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('IMG') expect(wrapper.attributes('src')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.attributes('src')).toBe(src) wrapper.destroy() }) it('shows when IntersectionObserver not supported', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BImgLazy, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { src, show: false } }) expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('IMG') await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() expect(wrapper.vm.isShown).toBe(true) // It appears that vue-test-utils does not run unbind when the directive is // removed from the element. Only when the component is destroyed... unlike Vue // Our directive instance should not exist // let observer = wrapper.element.__bv__visibility_observer // expect(observer).toBeUndefined() expect(wrapper.attributes('src')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.attributes('src')).toContain(src) await wrapper.setProps({ show: true }) await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() expect(wrapper.attributes('src')).toBe(src) expect(wrapper.vm.isShown).toBe(true) // Our directive instance should not exist // observer = wrapper.element.__bv__visibility_observer // expect(observer).toBeUndefined() await wrapper.setProps({ show: false }) await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() expect(wrapper.attributes('src')).toContain(src) // Our directive instance should not exist // observer = wrapper.element.__bv__visibility_observer // expect(observer).toBeUndefined() wrapper.destroy() }) })