import { extend } from '../../vue' import { NAME_PAGINATION } from '../../constants/components' import { EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, EVENT_NAME_PAGE_CLICK } from '../../constants/events' import { PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING, PROP_TYPE_STRING } from '../../constants/props' import { BvEvent } from '../../utils/bv-event.class' import { attemptFocus, isVisible } from '../../utils/dom' import { isUndefinedOrNull } from '../../utils/inspect' import { mathCeil, mathMax } from '../../utils/math' import { toInteger } from '../../utils/number' import { sortKeys } from '../../utils/object' import { makeProp, makePropsConfigurable } from '../../utils/props' import { MODEL_PROP_NAME, paginationMixin, props as paginationProps } from '../../mixins/pagination' // --- Constants --- const DEFAULT_PER_PAGE = 20 const DEFAULT_TOTAL_ROWS = 0 // --- Helper methods --- // Sanitize the provided per page number (converting to a number) const sanitizePerPage = value => mathMax(toInteger(value) || DEFAULT_PER_PAGE, 1) // Sanitize the provided total rows number (converting to a number) const sanitizeTotalRows = value => mathMax(toInteger(value) || DEFAULT_TOTAL_ROWS, 0) // --- Props --- export const props = makePropsConfigurable( sortKeys({ ...paginationProps, ariaControls: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING), perPage: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING, DEFAULT_PER_PAGE), totalRows: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING, DEFAULT_TOTAL_ROWS) }), NAME_PAGINATION ) // --- Main component --- // @vue/component export const BPagination = /*#__PURE__*/ extend({ name: NAME_PAGINATION, // The render function is brought in via the `paginationMixin` mixins: [paginationMixin], props, computed: { numberOfPages() { const result = mathCeil(sanitizeTotalRows(this.totalRows) / sanitizePerPage(this.perPage)) return result < 1 ? 1 : result }, // Used for watching changes to `perPage` and `numberOfPages` pageSizeNumberOfPages() { return { perPage: sanitizePerPage(this.perPage), totalRows: sanitizeTotalRows(this.totalRows), numberOfPages: this.numberOfPages } } }, watch: { pageSizeNumberOfPages(newValue, oldValue) { if (!isUndefinedOrNull(oldValue)) { if (newValue.perPage !== oldValue.perPage && newValue.totalRows === oldValue.totalRows) { // If the page size changes, reset to page 1 this.currentPage = 1 } else if ( newValue.numberOfPages !== oldValue.numberOfPages && this.currentPage > newValue.numberOfPages ) { // If `numberOfPages` changes and is less than // the `currentPage` number, reset to page 1 this.currentPage = 1 } } this.localNumberOfPages = newValue.numberOfPages } }, created() { // Set the initial page count this.localNumberOfPages = this.numberOfPages // Set the initial page value const currentPage = toInteger(this[MODEL_PROP_NAME], 0) if (currentPage > 0) { this.currentPage = currentPage } else { this.$nextTick(() => { // If this value parses to `NaN` or a value less than `1` // trigger an initial emit of `null` if no page specified this.currentPage = 0 }) } }, methods: { // These methods are used by the render function onClick(event, pageNumber) { // Dont do anything if clicking the current active page if (pageNumber === this.currentPage) { return } const { target } = event // Emit a user-cancelable `page-click` event const clickEvent = new BvEvent(EVENT_NAME_PAGE_CLICK, { cancelable: true, vueTarget: this, target }) this.$emit(clickEvent.type, clickEvent, pageNumber) if (clickEvent.defaultPrevented) { return } // Update the `v-model` this.currentPage = pageNumber // Emit event triggered by user interaction this.$emit(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, this.currentPage) // Keep the current button focused if possible this.$nextTick(() => { if (isVisible(target) && this.$el.contains(target)) { attemptFocus(target) } else { this.focusCurrent() } }) }, makePage(pageNum) { return pageNum }, /* istanbul ignore next */ linkProps() { // No props, since we render a plain button return {} } } })