# Visible > `v-b-visible` is a lightweight directive that allows you to react when an element becomes visible > in the viewport and/or when it moves out of the viewport (or is no longer visible). ## Overview - `v-b-visible` will call your callback method with a boolean value indicating if the element is visible (intersecting with the viewport) or not. - The directive can be placed on almost any element or component. - Changes in visibility can also be detected (such as `display: none`), as long as the element is within (or partially within) the viewport, or within the optional offset. Note: transitioning to a non-visible state due to `v-if="false"` _cannot_ be detected. - Internally, BootstrapVue uses this directive in several components, such as ``. - The `v-b-visible` directive requires browser support of [`IntersectionObserver`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Intersection_Observer_API). For older browsers that do not support `IntersectionObserver`, you will need to use a [polyfill](/docs/#js). - If `IntersectionObserver` support is not detected, then `v-b-visible` will assume the element is _always visible_, and will call the callback once with the argument set to `true`. ## Directive syntax and usage ```html
``` Where `callback` is required: - A function reference that will be called whenever visibility changes. The callback is passed a single boolean argument. `true` indicates that the element is intersecting (partially or entirely visible) in the viewport, or `false` if the element is not visible/intersecting with the viewport. The callback will be called each time the element's visibility changes (except when the `once` modifier is used. See below for details) Where `[mod1]` or `[mod2]` can be (all optional): - A positive integer number representing the offset (margin) in pixels _away_ from the edge of the _viewport_ to determine when the element is considered in (or just about to be in) the viewport. The value adds a margin around the viewport. The default value is `0`. - The keyword `once`. When this modifier is present, the callback will be called only once the first time the element is visible (with the argument of `true` indicating the element is intersecting/visible). Note the callback _may be_ called prior to this with an argument of `false` signifying the element is not intersecting/visible. The order of the modifiers is not important. ### Usage syntax examples In all use cases, the callback function is required. #### Basic (no modifiers) ```html ``` #### With viewport offset modifier In this example, the modifier value represents 350px (if the element is outside of the physical viewport by at least 350px, then it will be considered "visible"): ```html ``` #### With the `once` modifier ```html ``` #### With both `once` and offset modifiers ```html ``` ## Live examples Here are two live examples showing two common use cases. ### Visibility of scrolled content Scroll the container to see the reaction when the `` scrolls into view. Note that visibility state will also change if the element is scrolled out of the viewport. ```html ``` One use case for this, when combined with the `once` modifier, is to see if a user has scrolled to the bottom of a page or scrollable div (i.e. has "read" the entire terms of service). ### CSS display visibility detection Click the button to change the `
` visibility state. Note that visibility state will also change if the element is scrolled out of the viewport. ```html ``` ## See also For more details on `IntersectionObserver`, refer to the [MDN documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Intersection_Observer_API)