"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.VideoConstraintsUtil = void 0; var VideoConstraintsUtil = (function () { function VideoConstraintsUtil() { } VideoConstraintsUtil.isMediaStreamConstraintsValid = function (videoConstraints, logger) { if (typeof videoConstraints !== "object") { var typeofVideoConstraints = typeof videoConstraints; logger.logError("videoConstraints should be of type object, the " + "object passed is of type ".concat(typeofVideoConstraints, "."), true); return false; } var bannedKeys = [ "autoGainControl", "channelCount", "echoCancellation", "latency", "noiseSuppression", "sampleRate", "sampleSize", "volume" ]; var bannedkeysSet = new Set(bannedKeys); var keysInVideoConstraints = Object.keys(videoConstraints); for (var _i = 0, keysInVideoConstraints_1 = keysInVideoConstraints; _i < keysInVideoConstraints_1.length; _i++) { var key = keysInVideoConstraints_1[_i]; if (bannedkeysSet.has(key)) { logger.logError("".concat(key, " is not supported videoConstaints."), true); return false; } } return true; }; return VideoConstraintsUtil; }()); exports.VideoConstraintsUtil = VideoConstraintsUtil; //# sourceMappingURL=utils.js.map