import { IS_BROWSER, HAS_PROMISE_SUPPORT, HAS_MUTATION_OBSERVER_SUPPORT } from '../constants/env' import { getNoWarn } from './env' /** * Log a warning message to the console with BootstrapVue formatting * @param {string} message */ export const warn = (message, source = null) => /* istanbul ignore next */ { if (!getNoWarn()) { console.warn(`[BootstrapVue warn]: ${source ? `${source} - ` : ''}${message}`) } } /** * Warn when no Promise support is given * @param {string} source * @returns {boolean} warned */ export const warnNotClient = source => { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (IS_BROWSER) { return false } else { warn(`${source}: Can not be called during SSR.`) return true } } /** * Warn when no Promise support is given * @param {string} source * @returns {boolean} warned */ export const warnNoPromiseSupport = source => { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (HAS_PROMISE_SUPPORT) { return false } else { warn(`${source}: Requires Promise support.`) return true } } /** * Warn when no MutationObserver support is given * @param {string} source * @returns {boolean} warned */ export const warnNoMutationObserverSupport = source => { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (HAS_MUTATION_OBSERVER_SUPPORT) { return false } else { warn(`${source}: Requires MutationObserver support.`) return true } }