{ "name": "@bootstrap-vue/form-file", "version": "1.0.0", "meta": { "title": "Form File", "description": "Customized, cross-browser consistent, file input control that supports single file, multiple files, and directory upload.", "components": [ { "component": "BFormFile", "aliases": [ "BFile" ], "props": [ { "prop": "accept", "description": "Value to set on the file input's `accept` attribute" }, { "prop": "browseText", "description": "Text content for the file browse button" }, { "prop": "capture", "description": "When set, will instruction the browser to use the devices camera (if supported)" }, { "prop": "directory", "description": "Enable `directory` mode (on browsers that support it)" }, { "prop": "dropPlaceholder", "description": "Text to display as the placeholder when files are being dragged and it's allowed to drop them" }, { "prop": "fileNameFormatter", "description": "Method to format the file names for display. Refer to the docs for details" }, { "prop": "multiple", "description": "When set, will allow multiple files to be selected. `v-model` will be an array" }, { "prop": "noDrop", "description": "Disable drag and drop mode" }, { "prop": "noDropPlaceholder", "description": "Text to display as the placeholder when files are being dragged and it isn't allowed to drop them" }, { "prop": "noTraverse", "description": "Wether to returns files as a flat array when in `directory` mode" }, { "prop": "placeholder", "description": "Sets the `placeholder` attribute value on the form control" }, { "prop": "value", "description": "The current value of the file input. Will be a single `File` object or an array of `File` objects (if `multiple` or `directory` is set). Can be set to `null`, or an empty array to reset the file input" } ], "slots": [ { "name": "drop-placeholder", "description": "Placeholder content when files are about to be dropped. Defaults to value of `drop-placeholder` prop", "scope": [ { "prop": "allowed", "type": "Boolean", "description": "Wether its currently allowed to drop files" } ] }, { "name": "file-name", "description": "Scoped slot for formatting the file names", "scope": [ { "prop": "files", "type": "Array", "description": "Flat array of `File` objects" }, { "prop": "filesTraversed", "type": "Array", "description": "Array of arrays of `File` objects when in `directory` mode" }, { "prop": "names", "type": "Array", "description": "Flat array of file names (strings)" } ] }, { "name": "placeholder", "description": "Placeholder content, when no files selected. Defaults to `placeholder` prop value" } ], "events": [ { "event": "change", "description": "Original change event of the input", "args": [ { "arg": "event", "type": "Event", "description": "Native change event object" } ] }, { "event": "input", "description": "Updates the `v-model` value (see docs for more details)", "args": [ { "arg": "file", "type": [ "File", "Array" ], "description": "Will be a single File object in single mode or an array of File objects in multiple mode" } ] } ] } ] } }