import { createWrapper, mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { isVue3 } from '../../vue' import { waitNT, waitRAF, getInstanceFromVNode } from '../../../tests/utils' import { BModal } from './modal' import { BvModalEvent } from './helpers/bv-modal-event.class' // The default Z-INDEX for modal backdrop const DEFAULT_ZINDEX = 1040 describe('modal', () => { const origGetBCR = Element.prototype.getBoundingClientRect beforeEach(() => { // Mock `getBCR()` so that the `isVisible(el)` test returns `true` // Needed for z-index checks Element.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = jest.fn(() => ({ width: 24, height: 24, top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0 })) }) afterEach(() => { // Restore prototype Element.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = origGetBCR }) describe('structure', () => { it('has expected default structure', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true, id: 'test' } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) // Main outer wrapper (has z-index, etc.)... The stacker
expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('DIV') expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(0) expect('absolute') expect(`${DEFAULT_ZINDEX}`) // Should not have a backdrop expect(wrapper.find('div.modal-backdrop').exists()).toBe(false) // Main modal wrapper const $modal = wrapper.find('div.modal') expect($modal.exists()).toBe(true) expect($modal.attributes('id')).toBeDefined() expect($modal.attributes('id')).toEqual('test') expect($modal.attributes('role')).toBeDefined() expect($modal.attributes('role')).toEqual('dialog') expect($modal.attributes('aria-hidden')).toBeDefined() expect($modal.attributes('aria-hidden')).toEqual('true') expect($modal.classes()).toContain('modal') expect($'none') // Modal dialog wrapper const $dialog = $modal.find('div.modal-dialog') expect($dialog.exists()).toBe(true) // Modal content wrapper const $content = $dialog.find('div.modal-content') expect($content.exists()).toBe(true) expect($content.attributes('tabindex')).toBeDefined() expect($content.attributes('tabindex')).toEqual('-1') wrapper.destroy() }) it('has expected default structure when static and lazy', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true, lazy: true } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) expect(wrapper.element.nodeType).toEqual(Node.COMMENT_NODE) wrapper.destroy() }) it('has expected default structure when not static', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: false } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) expect(wrapper.element.nodeType).toEqual(Node.COMMENT_NODE) wrapper.destroy() }) it('has expected structure when initially open', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true, id: 'test', visible: true } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitRAF() // Main outer wrapper (has z-index, etc.)... The stacker
expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('DIV') expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(0) expect('absolute') expect(`${DEFAULT_ZINDEX}`) // Main modal wrapper const $modal = wrapper.find('div.modal') expect($modal.exists()).toBe(true) expect($modal.attributes('id')).toBeDefined() expect($modal.attributes('id')).toEqual('test') expect($modal.attributes('role')).toBeDefined() expect($modal.attributes('role')).toEqual('dialog') expect($modal.attributes('aria-hidden')).toBeUndefined() expect($modal.attributes('aria-modal')).toBeDefined() expect($modal.attributes('aria-modal')).toEqual('true') expect($modal.classes()).toContain('modal') expect($'block') // Should have a backdrop const $backdrop = wrapper.find('div.modal-backdrop') expect($backdrop.exists()).toBe(true) // Modal dialog wrapper const $dialog = $modal.find('div.modal-dialog') expect($dialog.exists()).toBe(true) // Modal content wrapper const $content = $dialog.find('div.modal-content') expect($content.exists()).toBe(true) expect($content.attributes('tabindex')).toBeDefined() expect($content.attributes('tabindex')).toEqual('-1') wrapper.destroy() }) it('renders appended to body when initially open and not static', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: false, id: 'test-target', visible: true } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitRAF() expect(wrapper.element.nodeType).toEqual(Node.COMMENT_NODE) const outer = document.getElementById('test-target___BV_modal_outer_') expect(outer).toBeDefined() expect(outer).not.toBe(null) expect(getInstanceFromVNode(outer)).toBeDefined() // Target if (!isVue3) { expect(getInstanceFromVNode(outer).$'BVTransporterTarget') } expect(outer.parentElement).toBeDefined() expect(outer.parentElement).toBe(document.body) // Destroy modal wrapper.destroy() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Should no longer be in document expect(outer.parentElement).toEqual(null) }) it('has expected structure when closed after being initially open', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true, id: 'test', visible: true } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Main outer wrapper (has z-index, etc.)... The stacker
expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('DIV') expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(0) expect('absolute') expect(`${DEFAULT_ZINDEX}`) // Main modal wrapper const $modal = wrapper.find('div.modal') expect($modal.exists()).toBe(true) expect($modal.attributes('aria-hidden')).toBeUndefined() expect($modal.attributes('aria-modal')).toBeDefined() expect($modal.attributes('aria-modal')).toEqual('true') expect($'block') // Should have a backdrop const $backdrop = wrapper.find('div.modal-backdrop') expect($backdrop.exists()).toBe(true) // Now we close the modal via the value prop await wrapper.setProps({ visible: false }) await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() expect($modal.attributes('aria-hidden')).toBeDefined() expect($modal.attributes('aria-hidden')).toEqual('true') expect($modal.attributes('aria-modal')).toBeUndefined() expect($'none') // Backdrop should be removed expect(wrapper.find('div.modal-backdrop').exists()).toBe(false) wrapper.destroy() }) it('title-html prop works', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true, id: 'test', titleHtml: 'title' } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() // Modal title const $title = wrapper.find('.modal-title') expect($title.exists()).toBe(true) expect($title.html()).toContain('title') wrapper.destroy() }) it('has correct header tag when "header-tag" prop is set', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true, id: 'test', headerTag: 'div' } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() const $header = wrapper.find('.modal-header') expect($header.exists()).toBe(true) expect($header.element.tagName).toBe('DIV') wrapper.destroy() }) it('has correct footer tag when "footer-tag" prop is set', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true, id: 'test', footerTag: 'div' } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() const $footer = wrapper.find('.modal-footer') expect($footer.exists()).toBe(true) expect($footer.element.tagName).toBe('DIV') wrapper.destroy() }) }) describe('default button content, classes and attributes', () => { // We may want to move these tests into individual files for manageability it('default footer ok and cancel buttons', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true } }) expect(wrapper).toBeDefined() const $buttons = wrapper.findAll('footer button') expect($buttons.length).toBe(2) // Cancel button (left-most button) const $cancel = $ expect($cancel.attributes('type')).toBe('button') expect($cancel.classes()).toContain('btn') expect($cancel.classes()).toContain('btn-secondary') expect($cancel.text()).toContain('Cancel') // OK button (right-most button) const $ok = $ expect($ok.attributes('type')).toBe('button') expect($ok.classes()).toContain('btn') expect($ok.classes()).toContain('btn-primary') expect($ok.text()).toContain('OK') wrapper.destroy() }) it('default header close button', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true } }) expect(wrapper).toBeDefined() const $buttons = wrapper.findAll('header button') expect($buttons.length).toBe(1) // Close button const $close = $ expect($close.attributes('type')).toBe('button') expect($close.attributes('aria-label')).toBe('Close') expect($close.classes()).toContain('close') wrapper.destroy() }) it('ok-title-html and cancel-title-html works', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true, okTitleHtml: 'ok', cancelTitleHtml: 'cancel' } }) expect(wrapper).toBeDefined() const $buttons = wrapper.findAll('footer button') expect($buttons.length).toBe(2) // Cancel button (left-most button) const $cancel = $ expect($cancel.attributes('type')).toBe('button') expect($cancel.text()).toContain('cancel') // `v-html` is applied to a span expect($cancel.html()).toContain('cancel') // OK button (right-most button) const $ok = $ expect($ok.attributes('type')).toBe('button') expect($ok.text()).toContain('ok') // `v-html` is applied to a span expect($ok.html()).toContain('ok') wrapper.destroy() }) it('modal-ok and modal-cancel button content slots works', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true }, slots: { 'modal-ok': 'bar ok', 'modal-cancel': 'foo cancel' } }) expect(wrapper).toBeDefined() const $buttons = wrapper.findAll('footer button') expect($buttons.length).toBe(2) // Cancel button (left-most button) const $cancel = $ expect($cancel.attributes('type')).toBe('button') expect($cancel.text()).toContain('foo cancel') // `v-html` is applied to a span expect($cancel.html()).toContain('foo cancel') // OK button (right-most button) const $ok = $ expect($ok.attributes('type')).toBe('button') expect($ok.text()).toContain('bar ok') // `v-html` is applied to a span expect($ok.html()).toContain('bar ok') wrapper.destroy() }) }) describe('button and event functionality', () => { it('header close button triggers modal close and is preventable', async () => { let cancelHide = true let trigger = null let event = null const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true, id: 'test', visible: true }, listeners: { hide: bvEvent => { if (cancelHide) { bvEvent.preventDefault() } trigger = bvEvent.trigger event = bvEvent } } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() const $modal = wrapper.find('div.modal') expect($modal.exists()).toBe(true) expect($'block') const $buttons = wrapper.findAll('header button') expect($buttons.length).toBe(1) // Close button const $close = $ expect($close.attributes('type')).toBe('button') expect($close.attributes('aria-label')).toBe('Close') expect($close.classes()).toContain('close') expect(wrapper.emitted('hide')).toBeUndefined() expect(trigger).toEqual(null) expect(event).toEqual(null) // Try and close modal (but we prevent it) await $close.trigger('click') expect(trigger).toEqual('headerclose') expect(event).toBeInstanceOf(BvModalEvent) await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Modal should still be open expect($'block') // Try and close modal (and not prevent it) cancelHide = false trigger = null event = null await $close.trigger('click') expect(trigger).toEqual('headerclose') expect(event).toBeInstanceOf(BvModalEvent) await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Modal should now be closed expect($'none') wrapper.destroy() }) it('footer OK and CANCEL buttons trigger modal close and are preventable', async () => { let cancelHide = true let trigger = null const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true, id: 'test', visible: true }, listeners: { hide: bvEvent => { if (cancelHide) { bvEvent.preventDefault() } trigger = bvEvent.trigger } } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() const $modal = wrapper.find('div.modal') expect($modal.exists()).toBe(true) expect($'block') const $buttons = wrapper.findAll('footer button') expect($buttons.length).toBe(2) // Cancel button (left-most button) const $cancel = $ expect($cancel.text()).toContain('Cancel') // OK button (right-most button) const $ok = $ expect($ok.text()).toContain('OK') expect(wrapper.emitted('hide')).toBeUndefined() expect(trigger).toEqual(null) // Try and close modal (but we prevent it) await $ok.trigger('click') expect(trigger).toEqual('ok') await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Modal should still be open expect($'block') // Try and close modal (and not prevent it) cancelHide = false trigger = null await $cancel.trigger('click') expect(trigger).toEqual('cancel') await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) // Modal should now be closed expect($'none') // Modal should have emitted these events expect(wrapper.emitted('ok')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('ok').length).toBe(1) expect(wrapper.emitted('cancel')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('cancel').length).toBe(1) expect(wrapper.emitted('hidden')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('hidden').length).toBe(1) wrapper.destroy() }) it('pressing ESC closes modal', async () => { let trigger = null const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true, id: 'test', visible: true }, listeners: { hide: bvEvent => { trigger = bvEvent.trigger } } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() const $modal = wrapper.find('div.modal') expect($modal.exists()).toBe(true) expect($'block') expect(wrapper.emitted('hide')).toBeUndefined() expect(trigger).toEqual(null) // Try and close modal via ESC await $modal.trigger('keydown.esc') expect(trigger).toEqual('esc') await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) // Modal should now be closed expect($'none') // Modal should have emitted these events expect(wrapper.emitted('hide')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('hide').length).toBe(1) expect(wrapper.emitted('hidden')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('hidden').length).toBe(1) expect(wrapper.emitted('ok')).toBeUndefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('cancel')).toBeUndefined() wrapper.destroy() }) it('click outside closes modal', async () => { let trigger = null const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true, id: 'test', visible: true }, listeners: { hide: bvEvent => { trigger = bvEvent.trigger } } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() const $modal = wrapper.find('div.modal') expect($modal.exists()).toBe(true) expect($'block') expect(wrapper.emitted('hide')).toBeUndefined() expect(trigger).toEqual(null) // Try and close modal via click out await $modal.trigger('click') expect(trigger).toEqual('backdrop') await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) // Modal should now be closed expect($'none') // Modal should have emitted these events expect(wrapper.emitted('hide')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('hide').length).toBe(1) expect(wrapper.emitted('hidden')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('hidden').length).toBe(1) expect(wrapper.emitted('ok')).toBeUndefined() expect(wrapper.emitted('cancel')).toBeUndefined() wrapper.destroy() }) it('mousedown inside followed by mouse up outside (click) does not close modal', async () => { let trigger = null let called = false const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true, id: 'test', visible: true }, listeners: { hide: bvEvent => { called = true trigger = bvEvent.trigger } } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() const $modal = wrapper.find('div.modal') expect($modal.exists()).toBe(true) const $dialog = wrapper.find('div.modal-dialog') expect($dialog.exists()).toBe(true) const $footer = wrapper.find('footer.modal-footer') expect($footer.exists()).toBe(true) expect($'block') expect(wrapper.emitted('hide')).toBeUndefined() expect(trigger).toEqual(null) // Try and close modal via a "dragged" click out // starting from inside modal and finishing on backdrop await $dialog.trigger('mousedown') await $modal.trigger('mouseup') await $modal.trigger('click') await waitRAF() await waitRAF() expect(called).toEqual(false) expect(trigger).toEqual(null) // Modal should not be closed expect($'block') // Try and close modal via a "dragged" click out // starting from inside modal and finishing on backdrop await $footer.trigger('mousedown') await $modal.trigger('mouseup') await $modal.trigger('click') await waitRAF() await waitRAF() expect(called).toEqual(false) expect(trigger).toEqual(null) // Modal should not be closed expect($'block') // Try and close modal via click out await $modal.trigger('click') await waitRAF() await waitRAF() expect(called).toEqual(true) expect(trigger).toEqual('backdrop') // Modal should now be closed expect($'none') wrapper.destroy() }) it('$root bv::show::modal and bv::hide::modal work', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true, id: 'test', visible: false } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() const $modal = wrapper.find('div.modal') expect($modal.exists()).toBe(true) expect($'none') // Try and open modal via `bv::show::modal` wrapper.vm.$root.$emit('bv::show::modal', 'test') await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Modal should now be open expect($'block') // Try and close modal via `bv::hide::modal` wrapper.vm.$root.$emit('bv::hide::modal', 'test') await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Modal should now be closed expect($'none') wrapper.destroy() }) it('$root bv::toggle::modal works', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true, id: 'test', visible: false } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() const $modal = wrapper.find('div.modal') expect($modal.exists()).toBe(true) expect($'none') // Try and open modal via `bv::toggle::modal` wrapper.vm.$root.$emit('bv::toggle::modal', 'test') await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Modal should now be open expect($'block') // Try and close modal via `bv::toggle::modal` wrapper.vm.$root.$emit('bv::toggle::modal', 'test') await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Modal should now be closed expect($'none') // Try and open modal via `bv::toggle::modal` with wrong ID wrapper.vm.$root.$emit('bv::toggle::modal', 'not-test') await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Modal should not be open expect($'none') wrapper.destroy() }) it('show event is cancellable', async () => { let prevent = true let called = 0 const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true, id: 'test', visible: false } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() const $modal = wrapper.find('div.modal') expect($modal.exists()).toBe(true) expect($'none') wrapper.vm.$on('show', bvEvent => { called = true if (prevent) { bvEvent.preventDefault() } }) // Try and open modal via `bv::show::modal` wrapper.vm.$root.$emit('bv::show::modal', 'test') await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Modal should not open expect(called).toBe(true) expect($'none') await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Allow modal to open prevent = false called = false // Try and open modal via `bv::show::modal` wrapper.vm.$root.$emit('bv::show::modal', 'test') await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Modal should now be open expect(called).toBe(true) expect($'block') wrapper.destroy() }) it('instance .toggle() methods works', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true, id: 'test', visible: false } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() const $modal = wrapper.find('div.modal') expect($modal.exists()).toBe(true) expect($'none') // Try and open modal via `.toggle()` method wrapper.vm.toggle() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Modal should now be open expect($'block') // Try and close modal via `.toggle()` method wrapper.vm.toggle() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Modal should now be closed expect($'none') wrapper.destroy() }) it('modal closes when no-stacking is true and another modal opens', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BModal, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { static: true, id: 'test', visible: true, noStacking: true } }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() const $modal = wrapper.find('div.modal') expect($modal.exists()).toBe(true) expect($'block') // Simulate an other modal opening (by emitting a fake BvEvent) // `bvEvent.vueTarget` is normally a Vue instance, but in this // case we just use a random object since we are checking inequality wrapper.vm.$root.$emit('bv::modal::show', { vueTarget: Number }) await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Modal should now be closed expect($'none') wrapper.destroy() }) }) describe('focus management', () => { it('returns focus to previous active element when return focus not set and not using v-b-toggle', async () => { const App = { render(h) { return h('div', [ h('button', { class: 'trigger', attrs: { id: 'trigger', type: 'button' } }, 'trigger'), h(BModal, { props: { static: true, id: 'test', visible: false } }, 'modal content') ]) } } const wrapper = mount(App, { attachTo: document.body }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitNT(wrapper.vm) const $button = wrapper.find('button.trigger') expect($button.exists()).toBe(true) expect($button.element.tagName).toBe('BUTTON') const $modal = wrapper.find('div.modal') expect($modal.exists()).toBe(true) expect($'none') expect(document.activeElement).toBe(document.body) // Set the active element to the button $button.element.focus() expect(document.activeElement).toBe($button.element) // Try and open modal via `.toggle()` method wrapper.findComponent(BModal).vm.toggle() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Modal should now be open expect($'block') expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe(document.body) expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe($button.element) expect($modal.element.contains(document.activeElement)).toBe(true) // Try and close modal via `.toggle()` method wrapper.findComponent(BModal).vm.toggle() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Modal should now be closed expect($'none') expect(document.activeElement).toBe($button.element) wrapper.destroy() }) it('returns focus to element specified in toggle() method', async () => { const App = { render(h) { return h('div', [ h('button', { class: 'trigger', attrs: { id: 'trigger', type: 'button' } }, 'trigger'), h( 'button', { class: 'return-to', attrs: { id: 'return-to', type: 'button' } }, 'trigger' ), h(BModal, { props: { static: true, id: 'test', visible: false } }, 'modal content') ]) } } const wrapper = mount(App, { attachTo: document.body }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() const $button = wrapper.find('button.trigger') expect($button.exists()).toBe(true) expect($button.element.tagName).toBe('BUTTON') const $button2 = wrapper.find('button.return-to') expect($button2.exists()).toBe(true) expect($button2.element.tagName).toBe('BUTTON') const $modal = wrapper.find('div.modal') expect($modal.exists()).toBe(true) expect($'none') expect(document.activeElement).toBe(document.body) // Set the active element to the button $button.element.focus() expect(document.activeElement).toBe($button.element) // Try and open modal via `.toggle()` method wrapper.findComponent(BModal).vm.toggle('button.return-to') await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Modal should now be open expect($'block') expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe(document.body) expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe($button.element) expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe($button2.element) expect($modal.element.contains(document.activeElement)).toBe(true) // Try and close modal via `.toggle()` method wrapper.findComponent(BModal).vm.toggle() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Modal should now be closed expect($'none') expect(document.activeElement).toBe($button2.element) wrapper.destroy() }) it('if focus leaves modal it returns to modal', async () => { const App = { render(h) { return h('div', [ h('button', { attrs: { id: 'button', type: 'button' } }, 'Button'), h(BModal, { props: { static: true, id: 'test', visible: true } }, 'Modal content') ]) } } const wrapper = mount(App, { attachTo: document.body }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() const $button = wrapper.find('#button') expect($button.exists()).toBe(true) expect($button.element.tagName).toBe('BUTTON') const $modal = wrapper.find('div.modal') expect($modal.exists()).toBe(true) const $content = $modal.find('div.modal-content') expect($content.exists()).toBe(true) expect($'block') expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe(document.body) expect(document.activeElement).toBe($content.element) // Try and focus the external button $button.element.focus() await $button.trigger('focusin') expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe($button.element) expect(document.activeElement).toBe($content.element) // Emulate TAB by focusing the `bottomTrap` span element // Should focus first button in modal (in the header) const $bottomTrap = createWrapper(wrapper.findComponent(BModal).vm.$refs['bottom-trap']) expect($bottomTrap.exists()).toBe(true) expect($bottomTrap.element.tagName).toBe('SPAN') // Find the close (x) button (it is the only one with the `.close` class) const $closeButton = $modal.find('button.close') expect($closeButton.exists()).toBe(true) expect($closeButton.element.tagName).toBe('BUTTON') // Focus the tab trap $bottomTrap.element.focus() await $bottomTrap.trigger('focusin') expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe($bottomTrap.element) expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe($content.element) // The close (x) button (first tabable in modal) should be focused expect(document.activeElement).toBe($closeButton.element) // Emulate CTRL-TAB by focusing the `topTrap` div element // Should focus last button in modal (in the footer) const $topTrap = createWrapper(wrapper.findComponent(BModal).vm.$refs['top-trap']) expect($topTrap.exists()).toBe(true) expect($topTrap.element.tagName).toBe('SPAN') // Find the OK button (it is the only one with `.btn-primary` class) const $okButton = $modal.find('button.btn.btn-primary') expect($okButton.exists()).toBe(true) expect($okButton.element.tagName).toBe('BUTTON') // Focus the tab trap $topTrap.element.focus() await $topTrap.trigger('focusin') expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe($topTrap.element) expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe($bottomTrap.element) expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe($content.element) // The OK button (last tabbable in modal) should be focused expect(document.activeElement).toBe($okButton.element) wrapper.destroy() }) it('it allows focus for elements when "no-enforce-focus" enabled', async () => { const App = { render(h) { return h('div', [ h('button', { attrs: { id: 'button1', type: 'button' } }, 'Button 1'), h('button', { attrs: { id: 'button2', type: 'button' } }, 'Button 2'), h( BModal, { props: { static: true, id: 'test', visible: true, noEnforceFocus: true } }, 'Modal content' ) ]) } } const wrapper = mount(App, { attachTo: document.body }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() const $button1 = wrapper.find('#button1') expect($button1.exists()).toBe(true) expect($button1.element.tagName).toBe('BUTTON') const $button2 = wrapper.find('#button2') expect($button2.exists()).toBe(true) expect($button2.element.tagName).toBe('BUTTON') const $modal = wrapper.find('div.modal') expect($modal.exists()).toBe(true) const $content = $modal.find('div.modal-content') expect($content.exists()).toBe(true) expect($'block') expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe(document.body) expect(document.activeElement).toBe($content.element) // Try to focus button1 $button1.element.focus() await $button1.trigger('focusin') expect(document.activeElement).toBe($button1.element) expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe($content.element) // Try to focus button2 $button2.element.focus() await $button2.trigger('focusin') expect(document.activeElement).toBe($button2.element) expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe($content.element) wrapper.destroy() }) it('it allows focus for elements in "ignore-enforce-focus-selector" prop', async () => { const App = { render(h) { return h('div', [ h('button', { attrs: { id: 'button1', type: 'button' } }, 'Button 1'), h('button', { attrs: { id: 'button2', type: 'button' } }, 'Button 2'), h( BModal, { props: { static: true, id: 'test', visible: true, ignoreEnforceFocusSelector: '#button1' } }, 'Modal content' ) ]) } } const wrapper = mount(App, { attachTo: document.body }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() const $button1 = wrapper.find('#button1') expect($button1.exists()).toBe(true) expect($button1.element.tagName).toBe('BUTTON') const $button2 = wrapper.find('#button2') expect($button2.exists()).toBe(true) expect($button2.element.tagName).toBe('BUTTON') const $modal = wrapper.find('div.modal') expect($modal.exists()).toBe(true) const $content = $modal.find('div.modal-content') expect($content.exists()).toBe(true) expect($'block') expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe(document.body) expect(document.activeElement).toBe($content.element) // Try to focus button1 $button1.element.focus() await $button1.trigger('focusin') expect(document.activeElement).toBe($button1.element) expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe($content.element) // Try to focus button2 $button2.element.focus() await $button2.trigger('focusin') expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe($button2.element) expect(document.activeElement).toBe($content.element) wrapper.destroy() }) }) })