# Tooltip > Easily add tooltips to elements or components via the `` component or > [`v-b-tooltip`](/docs/directives/tooltip) directive (preferred method). ```html
Hover Me Hover Me I am tooltip component content!
``` ## Overview Things to know when using tooltip component: - Tooltips rely on the 3rd party library [Popper.js](https://popper.js.org/) for positioning. - Tooltips require BootstrapVue's custom SCSS/CSS in order to function correctly, and for variants. - Triggering tooltips on hidden elements will not work. - Specify `container` as `null` (default, appends to ``) to avoid rendering problems in more complex components (like input groups, button groups, etc.). You can use container to optionally specify a different element to append the rendered tooltip to. - Tooltips for `disabled` elements must be triggered on a wrapper element. - When triggered from hyperlinks that span multiple lines, tooltips will be centered. Use white-space: nowrap; on your ``s, ``s and ``s to avoid this behavior. ## Target The target is the _trigger_ element (or component) that will trigger the tooltip. The target is specified via the `target` prop, and can be any of the following: - A string identifying the ID of the trigger element (or ID of the root element of a component) - A reference (ref) to an `HTMLElement` or an `SVGElement` (e.g. `this.$refs.refName`) - A reference (ref) to a component that has either an `HTMLElement` or `SVGElement` as its root element (e.g. `this.$refs.refName`) - A function (callback) that returns a reference to an `HTMLElement` or `SVGElement` For more information on references, see the official [Vue documentation](https://vuejs.org/v2/api/#vm-refs). **Note:** The target element **must** exist in the document before `` is mounted. If the target element is not found during mount, the tooltip will never open. Always place your `` component lower in the DOM than your target element. This rule also applies if a callback function is used as target element, since that callback is called only once on mount. `HTMLElement` refers to standard HTML elements such as `
`, `