import VueRouter from 'vue-router' import { createLocalVue, mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { BLink } from './link' import { Vue } from '../../vue' Vue.use(VueRouter) describe('b-link', () => { it('has expected default structure', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BLink) expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('A') expect(wrapper.attributes('href')).toEqual('#') expect(wrapper.attributes('target')).toEqual('_self') expect(wrapper.attributes('rel')).toBeUndefined() expect(wrapper.attributes('aria-disabled')).toBeUndefined() expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(0) expect(wrapper.text()).toEqual('') wrapper.destroy() }) it('renders content from default slot', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BLink, { slots: { default: 'foobar' } }) expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('A') expect(wrapper.attributes('href')).toEqual('#') expect(wrapper.attributes('target')).toEqual('_self') expect(wrapper.attributes('rel')).toBeUndefined() expect(wrapper.attributes('aria-disabled')).toBeUndefined() expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(0) expect(wrapper.text()).toEqual('foobar') wrapper.destroy() }) it('sets attribute href to user supplied value', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BLink, { propsData: { href: '/foobar' } }) expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('A') expect(wrapper.attributes('href')).toEqual('/foobar') expect(wrapper.attributes('target')).toEqual('_self') expect(wrapper.attributes('rel')).toBeUndefined() expect(wrapper.attributes('aria-disabled')).toBeUndefined() expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(0) expect(wrapper.text()).toEqual('') wrapper.destroy() }) it('sets attribute href when user supplied href is hash target', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BLink, { propsData: { href: '#foobar' } }) expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('A') expect(wrapper.attributes('href')).toEqual('#foobar') expect(wrapper.attributes('target')).toEqual('_self') expect(wrapper.attributes('rel')).toBeUndefined() expect(wrapper.attributes('aria-disabled')).toBeUndefined() expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(0) expect(wrapper.text()).toEqual('') wrapper.destroy() }) it('should set href to string `to` prop', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BLink, { propsData: { to: '/foobar' } }) expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('A') expect(wrapper.attributes('href')).toEqual('/foobar') expect(wrapper.attributes('target')).toEqual('_self') expect(wrapper.attributes('rel')).toBeUndefined() expect(wrapper.attributes('aria-disabled')).toBeUndefined() expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(0) expect(wrapper.text()).toEqual('') wrapper.destroy() }) it('should set href to path from `to` prop', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BLink, { propsData: { to: { path: '/foobar' } } }) expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('A') expect(wrapper.attributes('href')).toEqual('/foobar') expect(wrapper.attributes('target')).toEqual('_self') expect(wrapper.attributes('rel')).toBeUndefined() expect(wrapper.attributes('aria-disabled')).toBeUndefined() expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(0) expect(wrapper.text()).toEqual('') wrapper.destroy() }) it('should default rel to `noopener` when target==="_blank"', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BLink, { propsData: { href: '/foobar', target: '_blank' } }) expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('A') expect(wrapper.attributes('href')).toEqual('/foobar') expect(wrapper.attributes('target')).toEqual('_blank') expect(wrapper.attributes('rel')).toEqual('noopener') expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(0) wrapper.destroy() }) it('should render the given rel to when target==="_blank"', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BLink, { propsData: { href: '/foobar', target: '_blank', rel: 'alternate' } }) expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('A') expect(wrapper.attributes('href')).toEqual('/foobar') expect(wrapper.attributes('target')).toEqual('_blank') expect(wrapper.attributes('rel')).toEqual('alternate') expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(0) wrapper.destroy() }) it('should add "active" class when prop active=true', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BLink, { propsData: { active: true } }) expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('A') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('active') expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(1) wrapper.destroy() }) it('should add aria-disabled="true" when disabled', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BLink, { propsData: { disabled: true } }) expect(wrapper.attributes('aria-disabled')).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.attributes('aria-disabled')).toEqual('true') wrapper.destroy() }) it("should add '.disabled' class when prop disabled=true", async () => { const wrapper = mount(BLink, { propsData: { disabled: true } }) expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('disabled') wrapper.destroy() }) it('focus and blur methods work', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BLink, { attachTo: document.body, propsData: { href: '#foobar' } }) expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('A') expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe(wrapper.element) wrapper.vm.focus() expect(document.activeElement).toBe(wrapper.element) wrapper.vm.blur() expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe(wrapper.element) wrapper.destroy() }) describe('click handling', () => { it('should invoke click handler bound by Vue when clicked on', async () => { let called = 0 let event = null const wrapper = mount(BLink, { listeners: { click: e => { event = e called++ } } }) expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('A') expect(called).toBe(0) expect(event).toEqual(null) await wrapper.find('a').trigger('click') expect(called).toBe(1) expect(event).toBeInstanceOf(MouseEvent) wrapper.destroy() }) it('should invoke multiple click handlers bound by Vue when clicked on', async () => { const spy1 = jest.fn() const spy2 = jest.fn() const wrapper = mount(BLink, { listeners: { click: [spy1, spy2] } }) expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('A') expect(spy1).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(spy2).not.toHaveBeenCalled() await wrapper.find('a').trigger('click') expect(spy1).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(spy2).toHaveBeenCalled() wrapper.destroy() }) it('should NOT invoke click handler bound by Vue when disabled and clicked', async () => { let called = 0 let event = null const wrapper = mount(BLink, { propsData: { disabled: true }, listeners: { click: e => { event = e called++ } } }) expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('A') expect(called).toBe(0) expect(event).toEqual(null) await wrapper.find('a').trigger('click') expect(called).toBe(0) expect(event).toEqual(null) wrapper.destroy() }) it('should NOT invoke click handler bound via "addEventListener" when disabled and clicked', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BLink, { propsData: { disabled: true } }) const spy = jest.fn() expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('A') wrapper.find('a').element.addEventListener('click', spy) await wrapper.find('a').trigger('click') expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() wrapper.destroy() }) it('should emit "bv::link::clicked" on $root when clicked on', async () => { const spy = jest.fn() const App = { render(h) { return h('div', [h(BLink, { props: { href: '/foo' } }, 'link')]) } } const wrapper = mount(App) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() wrapper.vm.$root.$on('bv::link::clicked', spy) await wrapper.find('a').trigger('click') expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() wrapper.destroy() }) it('should not emit "bv::link::clicked" on $root when clicked on when disabled', async () => { const spy = jest.fn() const App = { render(h) { return h('div', [h(BLink, { props: { href: '/foo', disabled: true } }, 'link')]) } } const wrapper = mount(App) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() wrapper.vm.$root.$on('bv::link::clicked', spy) await wrapper.find('a').trigger('click') expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() wrapper.destroy() }) it('should emit "clicked::link" on $root when clicked on', async () => { const spy = jest.fn() const App = { render(h) { return h('div', [h(BLink, { props: { href: '/foo' } }, 'link')]) } } const wrapper = mount(App) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() wrapper.vm.$root.$on('clicked::link', spy) await wrapper.find('a').trigger('click') expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() wrapper.destroy() }) it('should not emit "clicked::link" on $root when clicked on when disabled', async () => { const spy = jest.fn() const App = { render(h) { return h('div', [h(BLink, { props: { href: '/foo', disabled: true } }, 'link')]) } } const wrapper = mount(App) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() wrapper.vm.$root.$on('clicked::link', spy) await wrapper.find('a').trigger('click') expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() wrapper.destroy() }) }) describe('router-link support', () => { it('works', async () => { const localVue = createLocalVue() const router = new VueRouter({ mode: 'abstract', routes: [ { path: '/', component: { name: 'R', template: '
' } }, { path: '/a', component: { name: 'A', template: '
' } }, { path: '/b', component: { name: 'B', template: '
' } } ] }) // Fake Gridsome `` component const GLink = { name: 'GLink', props: { to: { type: [String, Object], default: '' } }, render(h) { // We just us a simple A tag to render the // fake `` and assume `to` is a string return h('a', { attrs: { href: } }, [this.$slots.default]) } } localVue.component('GLink', GLink) const App = { router, components: { BLink }, render(h) { return h('main', [ // router-link h('b-link', { props: { to: '/a' } }, ['to-a']), // regular link h('b-link', { props: { href: '/a' } }, ['href-a']), // router-link h('b-link', { props: { to: { path: '/b' } } }, ['to-path-b']), // g-link h('b-link', { props: { routerComponentName: 'g-link', to: '/a' } }, ['g-link-a']), h('router-view') ]) } } const wrapper = mount(App, { localVue, attachTo: document.body }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('MAIN') expect(wrapper.findAll('a').length).toBe(4) const $links = wrapper.findAllComponents('a') $links.wrappers.forEach($link => { expect($link.vm).toBeDefined() expect($$'BLink') }) expect( $$link => $link.findComponent({ name: 'RouterLink' }).exists()) ).toStrictEqual([true, false, true, false]) expect( $links .at(3) .findComponent(GLink) .exists() ).toBe(true) wrapper.destroy() }) }) })