import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { BTable } from './table' import { BTd } from './td' import { BTh } from './th' const items = [{ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, { a: 4, b: 5, c: 6 }] const fields = [ { key: 'a', stickyColumn: true, isRowHeader: true }, { key: 'b', stickyColumn: true }, 'c' ] describe('table > sticky columns', () => { it('has expected classes when sticky column is enabled and responsive', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BTable, { propsData: { responsive: true, footClone: true, items, fields } }) expect(wrapper).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('DIV') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('table-responsive') expect(wrapper.classes()).not.toContain('b-table-sticky-header') const table = wrapper.find('table') expect(table.classes()).toContain('table') expect(table.classes()).toContain('b-table') // Body let trs = wrapper.findAll('tbody > tr') expect(trs.length).toBe(2) let cells ='th, td') expect(cells.length).toBe(3) // First column should be BTh with sticky classes expect( cells .at(0) .findComponent(BTh) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Second column should be BTd with sticky classes expect( cells .at(1) .findComponent(BTd) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TD') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Third column should be td expect( expect('TD') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Header cells trs = wrapper.findAll('thead > tr') expect(trs.length).toBe(1) cells ='th') expect(cells.length).toBe(3) // First column should be BTh with sticky classes expect( cells .at(0) .findComponent(BTh) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Second column should be BTh with sticky classes expect( cells .at(1) .findComponent(BTh) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Third column should be BTh expect( cells .at(2) .findComponent(BTh) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Footer cells trs = wrapper.findAll('tfoot > tr') expect(trs.length).toBe(1) cells ='th') expect(cells.length).toBe(3) // First column should be BTh with sticky classes expect( cells .at(0) .findComponent(BTh) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Second column should be BTh with sticky classes expect( cells .at(1) .findComponent(BTh) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Third column should be BTh expect( cells .at(2) .findComponent(BTh) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') wrapper.destroy() }) it('has expected classes when sticky column is enabled with sticky headers', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BTable, { propsData: { responsive: false, stickyHeader: true, footClone: true, items, fields } }) expect(wrapper).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('DIV') expect(wrapper.classes()).not.toContain('table-responsive') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('b-table-sticky-header') const table = wrapper.find('table') expect(table.classes()).toContain('table') expect(table.classes()).toContain('b-table') // Tbody cells let trs = wrapper.findAll('tbody > tr') expect(trs.length).toBe(2) let cells ='th, td') expect(cells.length).toBe(3) // First column should be BTh with sticky classes expect( cells .at(0) .findComponent(BTh) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Second column should be BTd with sticky classes expect( cells .at(1) .findComponent(BTd) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TD') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Third column should be td expect( expect('TD') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Header cells trs = wrapper.findAll('thead > tr') expect(trs.length).toBe(1) cells ='th') expect(cells.length).toBe(3) // First column should be BTh with sticky classes expect( cells .at(0) .findComponent(BTh) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Second column should be BTh with sticky classes expect( cells .at(1) .findComponent(BTh) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Third column should be BTh expect( cells .at(2) .findComponent(BTh) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Footer cells trs = wrapper.findAll('tfoot > tr') expect(trs.length).toBe(1) cells ='th') expect(cells.length).toBe(3) // First column should be BTh with sticky classes expect( cells .at(0) .findComponent(BTh) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Second column should be BTh with sticky classes expect( cells .at(1) .findComponent(BTh) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Third column should be BTh expect( cells .at(2) .findComponent(BTh) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') wrapper.destroy() }) it('does not have sticky classes when sticky column is enabled and not responsive and no sticky header', async () => { const wrapper = mount(BTable, { propsData: { responsive: false, stickyHeader: false, footClone: true, items, fields } }) expect(wrapper).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('TABLE') expect(wrapper.classes()).not.toContain('table-responsive') expect(wrapper.classes()).not.toContain('b-table-sticky-header') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('table') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('b-table') // Body let trs = wrapper.findAll('tbody > tr') expect(trs.length).toBe(2) let cells ='th, td') expect(cells.length).toBe(3) // First column should be th expect( expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Second column should be td expect( expect('TD') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Third column should be td expect( expect('TD') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Header cells trs = wrapper.findAll('thead > tr') expect(trs.length).toBe(1) cells ='th') expect(cells.length).toBe(3) // First column should be BTh with sticky classes expect( cells .at(0) .findComponent(BTh) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Second column should be BTh with sticky classes expect( cells .at(1) .findComponent(BTh) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Third column should be BTh expect( cells .at(2) .findComponent(BTh) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Footer cells trs = wrapper.findAll('tfoot > tr') expect(trs.length).toBe(1) cells ='th') expect(cells.length).toBe(3) // First column should be BTh with sticky classes expect( cells .at(0) .findComponent(BTh) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Second column should be BTh with sticky classes expect( cells .at(1) .findComponent(BTh) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') // Third column should be BTh expect( cells .at(2) .findComponent(BTh) .exists() ).toBe(true) expect('TH') expect('b-table-sticky-column') wrapper.destroy() }) })