{ "name": "@bootstrap-vue/tooltip", "version": "0.0.0", "meta": { "title": "Tooltip", "description": "Add custom BootstrapVue tooltips to any element. Tooltips can be triggered by hovering, focusing, or clicking an element.", "directive": "VBTooltip", "arg": { "pattern": "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]*", "description": "ID of element to append the tooltip markup when visible. Optional, defaults to the body", "required": false }, "expression": [ "String", "Function", "Object" ], "modifiers": [ { "name": "top", "description": "Positions the tooltip on the top of the trigger element (default)" }, { "name": "right", "description": "Positions the tooltip on the right of the trigger element" }, { "name": "left", "description": "Positions the tooltip on the left of the trigger element" }, { "name": "bottom", "description": "Positions the tooltip on the bottom of the trigger element" }, { "name": "auto", "description": "Positions the tooltip in the best fit place around the trigger element" }, { "name": "topright", "description": "Positions the tooltip on the top-right of the trigger element" }, { "name": "topleft", "description": "Positions the tooltip on the top-left of the trigger element" }, { "name": "bottomright", "description": "Positions the tooltip on the bottom-right of the trigger element" }, { "name": "bottomleft", "description": "Positions the tooltip on the bottom-left of the trigger element" }, { "name": "lefttop", "description": "Positions the tooltip on the left-top of the trigger element" }, { "name": "leftbottom", "description": "Positions the tooltip on the left-bottom of the trigger element" }, { "name": "righttop", "description": "Positions the tooltip on the right-top of the trigger element" }, { "name": "rightbottom", "description": "Positions the tooltip on the right-bottom of the trigger element" }, { "name": "hover", "description": "Trigger the tooltip on hovering" }, { "name": "click", "description": "Trigger the tooltip on clicking" }, { "name": "focus", "description": "Trigger the tooltip on focusing" }, { "name": "nofade", "description": "Disabled the fade animation of the tooltip" }, { "name": "html", "description": "Enables basic HTML in the title", "xss": true }, { "name": "interactive", "description": "Wether the tooltip should be user-interactive" }, { "name": "viewport", "description": "Sets the boundary constraint to the viewport" }, { "name": "window", "description": "Sets the boundary constrain to the window" }, { "name": "v-{variant}", "pattern": "v-[a-z]+", "description": "Sets the tooltip contextual color variant to `{variant}`" }, { "name": "d{###}", "pattern": "d[0-9]+", "description": "The show and hide delay in milliseconds (where `{###}` is the value in milliseconds)" }, { "name": "ds{###}", "pattern": "ds[0-9]+", "description": "The show delay in milliseconds (where `{###}` is the value in milliseconds)" }, { "name": "dh{###}", "pattern": "dh[0-9]+", "description": "The hide delay in milliseconds (where `{###}` is the value in milliseconds)" }, { "name": "o{###}", "pattern": "o-?[0-9]+", "description": "An offset value in pixels (where `{###}` is the number of pixels, defaults to 0. Negative values allowed)" } ] } }