import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { waitNT, waitRAF } from '../../../tests/utils' import { VBTooltip } from './tooltip' // Key which we use to store tooltip object on element const BV_TOOLTIP = '__BV_Tooltip__' describe('v-b-tooltip directive', () => { const originalCreateRange = document.createRange const origGetBCR = Element.prototype.getBoundingClientRect beforeEach(() => { // Hack to make Popper not bork out during tests // Note: Popper still does not do any positioning calculation in JSDOM though // So we cannot test actual positioning - just detect when it is open // document.createRange = () => ({ setStart: () => {}, setEnd: () => {}, commonAncestorContainer: { nodeName: 'BODY', ownerDocument: document } }) // Mock `getBoundingClientRect()` so that the `isVisible(el)` test returns `true` // Needed for visibility checks of trigger element, etc. Element.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = jest.fn(() => ({ width: 24, height: 24, top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0 })) }) afterEach(() => { // Reset overrides document.createRange = originalCreateRange Element.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = origGetBCR }) it('should have BVTooltip Vue class instance', async () => { jest.useFakeTimers() const App = { directives: { bTooltip: VBTooltip }, template: '' } const wrapper = mount(App, { attachTo: document.body }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() jest.runOnlyPendingTimers() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('BUTTON') const $button = wrapper.find('button') // Should have instance of popover class on it expect($button.element[BV_TOOLTIP]).toBeDefined() expect($button.element[BV_TOOLTIP].$'BVTooltip') wrapper.destroy() }) it('should work', async () => { jest.useFakeTimers() const App = { directives: { bTooltip: VBTooltip }, template: '' } const wrapper = mount(App, { attachTo: document.body }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() jest.runOnlyPendingTimers() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('BUTTON') const $button = wrapper.find('button') // Should have instance of popover class on it expect($button.element[BV_TOOLTIP]).toBeDefined() expect($button.element[BV_TOOLTIP].$'BVTooltip') expect($button.attributes('aria-describedby')).toBeUndefined() // Trigger click await $button.trigger('click') await waitRAF() await waitRAF() jest.runOnlyPendingTimers() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() expect($button.attributes('aria-describedby')).toBeDefined() const adb = $button.attributes('aria-describedby') const tip = document.querySelector(`#${adb}`) expect(tip).not.toBe(null) expect(tip.classList.contains('tooltip')).toBe(true) wrapper.destroy() }) it('should not show tooltip when title is empty', async () => { jest.useFakeTimers() const App = { directives: { bTooltip: VBTooltip }, template: '' } const wrapper = mount(App, { attachTo: document.body }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() jest.runOnlyPendingTimers() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('BUTTON') const $button = wrapper.find('button') // Should have instance of popover class on it expect($button.element[BV_TOOLTIP]).toBeDefined() expect($button.element[BV_TOOLTIP].$'BVTooltip') expect($button.attributes('aria-describedby')).toBeUndefined() // Trigger click await $button.trigger('click') await waitRAF() await waitRAF() jest.runOnlyPendingTimers() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() expect($button.attributes('aria-describedby')).toBeUndefined() wrapper.destroy() }) it('variant and customClass should work', async () => { jest.useFakeTimers() const App = { directives: { bTooltip: VBTooltip }, template: `` } const wrapper = mount(App, { attachTo: document.body }) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeDefined() expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('BUTTON') const $button = wrapper.find('button') await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() jest.runOnlyPendingTimers() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() // Trigger click await $button.trigger('click') await waitRAF() await waitRAF() jest.runOnlyPendingTimers() await waitNT(wrapper.vm) await waitRAF() expect($button.attributes('aria-describedby')).toBeDefined() const adb = $button.attributes('aria-describedby') const tip = document.querySelector(`#${adb}`) expect(tip).not.toBe(null) expect(tip.classList.contains('tooltip')).toBe(true) expect(tip.classList.contains('b-tooltip-info')).toBe(true) expect(tip.classList.contains('foobar')).toBe(true) wrapper.destroy() }) })