import { stringifyQueryObj, parseQuery, computeHref, isRouterLink, computeRel, computeTag } from './router' describe('utils/router', () => { // stringifyQueryObject() utility method describe('stringifyQueryObj()', () => { it('returns empty string when noting passed', async () => { expect(stringifyQueryObj()).toEqual('') }) it('handles special chars', async () => { expect(stringifyQueryObj({ foo: ", !'()*" })).toEqual('?foo=,%20%21%27%28%29%2a') expect(stringifyQueryObj({ ", !'()*": 'foo' })).toEqual('?,%20%21%27%28%29%2a=foo') }) it('handles multiple keys', async () => { const obj = { foo: 1, bar: 'baz' } expect(stringifyQueryObj(obj)).toEqual('?foo=1&bar=baz') }) it('handles array as values', async () => { const obj = { foo: 1, bar: ['a', 'b', 'c'] } expect(stringifyQueryObj(obj)).toEqual('?foo=1&bar=a&bar=b&bar=c') }) it('skips undefined values', async () => { const obj = { foo: 1, bar: undefined, baz: 2 } expect(stringifyQueryObj(obj)).toEqual('?foo=1&baz=2') }) it('skips undefined values in arrays', async () => { const obj = { foo: ['a', undefined, 'c'] } expect(stringifyQueryObj(obj)).toEqual('?foo=a&foo=c') }) it('leaves in null value keys', async () => { const obj = { foo: 1, bar: null, baz: 2 } expect(stringifyQueryObj(obj)).toEqual('?foo=1&bar&baz=2') }) it('leaves in null values in arrays', async () => { const obj = { foo: ['a', null, 'c'] } expect(stringifyQueryObj(obj)).toEqual('?foo=a&foo&foo=c') }) }) describe('parseQuery()', () => { it('returns empty object when empty query', async () => { expect(parseQuery('')).toEqual({}) expect(parseQuery('?')).toEqual({}) }) it('parses simple query', async () => { expect(parseQuery('?foo=bar')).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' }) expect(parseQuery('?foo=bar&baz=buz')).toEqual({ foo: 'bar', baz: 'buz' }) }) it('parses empty values', async () => { expect(parseQuery('?foo')).toEqual({ foo: null }) expect(parseQuery('?foo=bar&baz')).toEqual({ foo: 'bar', baz: null }) expect(parseQuery('?foo=&baz')).toEqual({ foo: '', baz: null }) }) it('handles null key/value pairs values', async () => { expect(parseQuery('?foo=bar&&baz=fiz')).toEqual({ foo: 'bar', '': null, baz: 'fiz' }) expect(parseQuery('?foo=bar&=&baz=fiz')).toEqual({ foo: 'bar', '': '', baz: 'fiz' }) }) it('handles values with = characters', async () => { expect(parseQuery('?foo=bar=baz')).toEqual({ foo: 'bar=baz' }) }) it('parses duplicate keys as arrays', async () => { expect(parseQuery('?foo=bar&foo=baz')).toEqual({ foo: ['bar', 'baz'] }) expect(parseQuery('?foo=&foo=baz&foo')).toEqual({ foo: ['', 'baz', null] }) expect(parseQuery('?foo=bar&baz=buz&baz=fiz')).toEqual({ foo: 'bar', baz: ['buz', 'fiz'] }) }) }) // computeHref() utility method describe('computeHref()', () => { it('works with href', async () => { const obj = { href: '/foo/bar?baz=123' } expect(computeHref(obj)).toEqual(obj.href) }) it('parses nothing to default', async () => { expect(computeHref()).toEqual('#') expect(computeHref(undefined, undefined, '/', '')).toEqual('/') expect(computeHref(undefined, undefined, '', '')).toEqual('') }) it('returns null when tag is not `a`', async () => { expect(computeHref({}, 'div')).toEqual(null) expect(computeHref(undefined, 'div', '/', '')).toEqual(null) expect(computeHref(undefined, 'span', '', '/')).toEqual(null) }) it('returns href when both href and to provided', async () => { const obj = { href: '/foo/bar?baz=123', to: '/baz/bar' } expect(computeHref(obj)).toEqual(obj.href) }) it('parses empty `href` to default', async () => { expect(computeHref({ href: '' })).toEqual('#') expect(computeHref({ href: '' }, 'a', '/', '')).toEqual('/') expect(computeHref({ href: '' }, 'a', '', '')).toEqual('') }) it('parses `to` when string', async () => { const obj = { to: '/baz/bar' } expect(computeHref(obj)).toEqual( }) it('parses `to` with only path', async () => { const obj = { to: { path: '/baz/bar' } } expect(computeHref(obj)).toEqual( }) it('parses `to` with only hash', async () => { const obj = { to: { hash: '#foobar' } } expect(computeHref(obj)).toEqual( }) it('parses `to` with hash missing "#"', async () => { const obj = { to: { hash: 'foobar' } } expect(computeHref(obj)).toEqual('#foobar') }) it('parses `to` with only query', async () => { const obj = { to: { query: { foo: 'bar' } } } expect(computeHref(obj)).toEqual('?foo=bar') }) it('parses empty `to` to fallback default', async () => { expect(computeHref({ to: {} })).toEqual('#') expect(computeHref({ to: {} }, 'a', '#', '')).toEqual('#') expect(computeHref({ to: {} }, 'a', '/', '#')).toEqual('/') }) it('parses complete `to`', async () => { const obj = { to: { path: '/foo', query: { bar: 1, baz: ['a', 'b', 'c'], bif: null, zap: undefined }, hash: '#fizzlerocks' } } expect(computeHref(obj)).toEqual('/foo?bar=1&baz=a&baz=b&baz=c&bif#fizzlerocks') }) }) // isRouterLink() utility method describe('isRouterLink()', () => { it('works', async () => { expect(isRouterLink('a')).toBe(false) expect(isRouterLink('router-link')).toBe(true) expect(isRouterLink('nuxt-link')).toBe(true) expect(isRouterLink()).toBe(false) }) }) // computeRel() utility method describe('computeRel()', () => { it('works', async () => { expect(computeRel({ target: '_blank', rel: null })).toBe('noopener') expect(computeRel({ target: '_blank', rel: undefined })).toBe(null) expect(computeRel({ target: '_blank' })).toBe(null) expect(computeRel({ target: '_blank', rel: 'foo' })).toBe('foo') expect(computeRel({ target: '_notblank', rel: null })).toBe(null) expect(computeRel({ target: '_notblank', rel: undefined })).toBe(null) expect(computeRel({ target: '_notblank', rel: 'foo' })).toBe('foo') expect(computeRel({})).toBe(null) }) }) // computeTag() utility method describe('computeTag()', () => { it('works', async () => { const context1 = { $router: {} } const context2 = { $router: {}, $nuxt: {} } const context3 = {} expect(computeTag({ to: '/foo' }, context1)).toBe('router-link') expect(computeTag({ to: '/foo' }, context2)).toBe('nuxt-link') expect(computeTag({ to: '/foo' }, context3)).toBe('a') expect(computeTag({}, context1)).toBe('a') expect(computeTag({}, context2)).toBe('a') expect(computeTag({}, context3)).toBe('a') expect(computeTag({ to: '/foo', disabled: true }, context1)).toBe('a') expect(computeTag({ to: '/foo', disabled: true }, context2)).toBe('a') expect(computeTag({ to: '/foo', disabled: true }, context3)).toBe('a') expect(computeTag({ disabled: true }, context1)).toBe('a') expect(computeTag({ disabled: true }, context2)).toBe('a') expect(computeTag({ disabled: true }, context3)).toBe('a') }) }) })