Name Last Update
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breadcrumb-item.js Loading commit data...
breadcrumb-item.spec.js Loading commit data...
breadcrumb-link.js Loading commit data...
breadcrumb-link.spec.js Loading commit data...
breadcrumb.js Loading commit data...
breadcrumb.spec.js Loading commit data...
index.d.ts Loading commit data...
index.js Loading commit data...
package.json Loading commit data...


Indicate the current page's location within a navigational hierarchy. Separators are automatically added in CSS through ::before and content.


  <b-breadcrumb :items="items"></b-breadcrumb>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        items: [
            text: 'Admin',
            href: '#'
            text: 'Manage',
            href: '#'
            text: 'Library',
            active: true

<!-- b-breadcrumb.vue -->

Items are rendered using :items prop. It can be an array of objects to provide link and active state. Links can be href's for anchor tags, or to's for router-links. Breadcrumb works under the assumption that there is one active link in every set of ordered breadcrumbs, so the active state of the last element is automatically set to false.

<!-- eslint-disable no-unused-vars -->

const items = [
    text: 'Home',
    href: ''
    text: 'Posts',
    to: { name: 'home' }
    text: 'Another Story',
    active: true

Refer to the Router support reference page for router-link specific props.

Manually placed items

You may also manually place individual <b-breadcrumb-item> child components in the default slot of the <b-breadcrumb> component, as an alternative to using the items prop, for greater control over the content of each item:

    <b-breadcrumb-item href="#home">
      <b-icon icon="house-fill" scale="1.25" shift-v="1.25" aria-hidden="true"></b-icon>
    <b-breadcrumb-item href="#foo">Foo</b-breadcrumb-item>
    <b-breadcrumb-item href="#bar">Bar</b-breadcrumb-item>
    <b-breadcrumb-item active>Baz</b-breadcrumb-item>

<!-- b-breadcrumb-item.vue -->

Remember to set the active prop on the last item.

<b-breadcrumb-item> also supports the various <router-link> props such as to, etc.

<!-- Component reference added automatically from component package.json -->