(function(e) { function t(t) { for (var s, i, u = t[0], o = t[1], l = t[2], b = 0, d = []; b < u.length; b++) i = u[b], Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, i) && a[i] && d.push(a[i][0]), a[i] = 0; for (s in o) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, s) && (e[s] = o[s]); c && c(t); while (d.length) d.shift()(); return r.push.apply(r, l || []), n() } function n() { for (var e, t = 0; t < r.length; t++) { for (var n = r[t], s = !0, u = 1; u < n.length; u++) { var o = n[u]; 0 !== a[o] && (s = !1) } s && (r.splice(t--, 1), e = i(i.s = n[0])) } return e } var s = {}, a = { app: 0 }, r = []; function i(t) { if (s[t]) return s[t].exports; var n = s[t] = { i: t, l: !1, exports: {} }; return e[t].call(n.exports, n, n.exports, i), n.l = !0, n.exports } i.m = e, i.c = s, i.d = function(e, t, n) { i.o(e, t) || Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: !0, get: n }) }, i.r = function(e) { "undefined" !== typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, i.t = function(e, t) { if (1 & t && (e = i(e)), 8 & t) return e; if (4 & t && "object" === typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e; var n = Object.create(null); if (i.r(n), Object.defineProperty(n, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: e }), 2 & t && "string" != typeof e) for (var s in e) i.d(n, s, function(t) { return e[t] }.bind(null, s)); return n }, i.n = function(e) { var t = e && e.__esModule ? function() { return e["default"] }: function() { return e }; return i.d(t, "a", t), t }, i.o = function(e, t) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t) }, i.p = "/ofd/"; var u = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [], o = u.push.bind(u); u.push = t, u = u.slice(); for (var l = 0; l < u.length; l++) t(u[l]); var c = o; r.push([0, "chunk-vendors"]), n() })({ 0 : function(e, t, n) { e.exports = n("56d7") }, "034f": function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; n("85ec") }, 3662 : function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; n.d(t, "a", (function() { return r })); n("96cf"); var s = n("1da1"); Array.prototype.pipeline = function() { var e = Object(s["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t) { var n, s, a; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: if (null !== this && "undefined" !== typeof this) { e.next = 2; break } throw new TypeError("Array.prototype.pipeline called on null or undefined"); case 2: if ("function" === typeof t) { e.next = 4; break } throw new TypeError(t + " is not a function"); case 4: a = this.length >>> 0, n = 0; case 6: if (! (a > n)) { e.next = 13; break } return e.next = 9, t(s, this[n], n, this); case 9: s = e.sent; case 10: ++n, e.next = 6; break; case 13: return e.abrupt("return", s); case 14: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e, this) }))); return function(t) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } (); var a = function() { for (var e = this, t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), s = 0; s < t; s++) n[s] = arguments[s]; return n.pipeline((function(t, n) { return n.call(e, t) })) }, r = a }, "56d7": function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; n.r(t); n("e260"), n("e6cf"), n("cca6"), n("a79d"); var s = n("2b0e"), a = function() { var e = this, t = e.$createElement, n = e._self._c || t; return n("div", { attrs: { id: "app" } }, [n("HelloWorld")], 1) }, r = [], i = function() { var e = this, t = e.$createElement, n = e._self._c || t; return n("el-container", { staticStyle: { width: "100vw", height: "100vh" } }, [n("el-header", { staticStyle: { background: "#F5F5F5", display: "flex", height: "40px", border: "1px solid #e8e8e8", "align-items": "center" } }, [n("div", { staticClass: "upload-icon", on: { click: e.uploadFile } }, [n("div", { staticClass: "upload-icon" }, [e._v("打开OFD")]), n("font-awesome-icon", { attrs: { icon: "cloud-upload-alt" } }), n("input", { ref: "file", staticClass: "hidden", attrs: { type: "file", accept: ".ofd" }, on: { change: e.fileChanged } })], 1), n("div", { staticClass: "upload-icon", style:"display:none", on: { click: e.uploadPdfFile } }, [n("div", { staticClass: "upload-icon", style:"display:none" }, [e._v("PDF2OFD")]), n("font-awesome-icon", { attrs: { icon: "cloud-upload-alt", style:"display:none" } }), n("input", { ref: "pdfFile", staticClass: "hidden", attrs: { type: "file", accept: ".pdf" }, on: { change: e.pdfFileChanged } })], 1), true ? n("div", { staticStyle: { display: "flex", "align-items": "center" } }, [e.ofdBase64 ? n("div", { staticClass: "upload-icon", style:"display:none", staticStyle: { "margin-left": "10px" }, on: { click: e.downPdf } }, [e._v(" 下载PDF "), n("font-awesome-icon", { attrs: { icon: "download" } })], 1) : e._e(), n("div", { staticClass: "scale-icon", staticStyle: { "margin-left": "10px" }, on: { click: e.plus } }, [n("font-awesome-icon", { attrs: { icon: "search-plus" } })], 1), n("div", { staticClass: "scale-icon", on: { click: e.minus } }, [n("font-awesome-icon", { attrs: { icon: "search-minus" } })], 1), n("div", { staticClass: "scale-icon" }, [n("font-awesome-icon", { attrs: { icon: "step-backward" }, on: { click: e.firstPage } })], 1), n("div", { staticClass: "scale-icon", staticStyle: { "font-size": "18px" }, on: { click: e.prePage } }, [n("font-awesome-icon", { attrs: { icon: "caret-left" } })], 1), n("div", { staticClass: "scale-icon" }, [e._v(" " + e._s(e.pageIndex) + "/" + e._s(e.pageCount) + " ")]), n("div", { staticClass: "scale-icon", staticStyle: { "font-size": "18px" }, on: { click: e.nextPage } }, [n("font-awesome-icon", { attrs: { icon: "caret-right" } })], 1), n("div", { staticClass: "scale-icon", on: { click: e.lastPage } }, [n("font-awesome-icon", { attrs: { icon: "step-forward" } })], 1)]) : e._e()]), n("el-main", { directives: [{ name: "loading", rawName: "v-loading", value: e.loading, expression: "loading" }], staticStyle: { height: "auto", background: "#808080", padding: "0" } }, [n("div", { staticClass: "left-section", attrs: { id: "leftMenu", style:"display:none" } }, [n("div", { staticClass: "text-icon", on: { click: function(t) { } } }, [n("p", [e._v("电子发票")])]), n("div", { staticClass: "text-icon", on: { click: function(t) { } } } , [n("p", [e._v("电子公文")])]), n("div", { staticClass: "text-icon", on: { click: function(t) { } } }, [n("p", [e._v("骑缝章")])]), n("div", { staticClass: "text-icon", on: { click: function(t) { } } }, [n("p", [e._v("多页文档")])])]), n("div", { ref: "contentDiv", staticClass: "main-section", attrs: { id: "content" }, on: { mousewheel: e.scrool } })]), n("div", { ref: "sealInfoDiv", staticClass: "SealContainer", attrs: { id: "sealInfoDiv", hidden: "hidden" } }, [n("div", { staticClass: "SealContainer mask", on: { click: e.closeSealInfoDialog } }), n("div", { staticClass: "SealContainer-layout" }, [n("div", { staticClass: "SealContainer-content" }, [n("p", { staticClass: "content-title" }, [e._v("签章信息")]), n("div", { staticClass: "subcontent" }, [n("span", { staticClass: "title" }, [e._v("签章人")]), n("span", { staticClass: "value", attrs: { id: "spSigner" } }, [e._v("[无效的签章结构]")])]), n("div", { staticClass: "subcontent" }, [n("span", { staticClass: "title" }, [e._v("签章提供者")]), n("span", { staticClass: "value", attrs: { id: "spProvider" } }, [e._v("[无效的签章结构]")])]), n("div", { staticClass: "subcontent" }, [n("span", { staticClass: "title" }, [e._v("原文摘要值")]), n("span", { staticClass: "value", staticStyle: { cursor: "pointer" }, attrs: { id: "spHashedValue" }, on: { click: function(t) { return e.showMore("原文摘要值", "spHashedValue") } } }, [e._v("[无效的签章结构]")])]), n("div", { staticClass: "subcontent" }, [n("span", { staticClass: "title" }, [e._v("签名值")]), n("span", { staticClass: "value", staticStyle: { cursor: "pointer" }, attrs: { id: "spSignedValue" }, on: { click: function(t) { return e.showMore("签名值", "spSignedValue") } } }, [e._v("[无效的签章结构]")])]), n("div", { staticClass: "subcontent" }, [n("span", { staticClass: "title" }, [e._v("签名算法")]), n("span", { staticClass: "value", attrs: { id: "spSignMethod" } }, [e._v("[无效的签章结构]")])]), n("div", { staticClass: "subcontent" }, [n("span", { staticClass: "title" }, [e._v("版本号")]), n("span", { staticClass: "value", attrs: { id: "spVersion" } }, [e._v("[无效的签章结构]")])]), n("div", { staticClass: "subcontent" }, [n("span", { staticClass: "title" }, [e._v("验签结果")]), n("span", { staticClass: "value", attrs: { id: "VerifyRet" } }, [e._v("[无效的签章结构]")])]), n("p", { staticClass: "content-title" }, [e._v("印章信息")]), n("div", { staticClass: "subcontent" }, [n("span", { staticClass: "title" }, [e._v("印章标识")]), n("span", { staticClass: "value", attrs: { id: "spSealID" } }, [e._v("[无效的签章结构]")])]), n("div", { staticClass: "subcontent" }, [n("span", { staticClass: "title" }, [e._v("印章名称")]), n("span", { staticClass: "value", attrs: { id: "spSealName" } }, [e._v("[无效的签章结构]")])]), n("div", { staticClass: "subcontent" }, [n("span", { staticClass: "title" }, [e._v("印章类型")]), n("span", { staticClass: "value", attrs: { id: "spSealType" } }, [e._v("[无效的签章结构]")])]), n("div", { staticClass: "subcontent" }, [n("span", { staticClass: "title" }, [e._v("有效时间")]), n("span", { staticClass: "value", attrs: { id: "spSealAuthTime" } }, [e._v("[无效的签章结构]")])]), n("div", { staticClass: "subcontent" }, [n("span", { staticClass: "title" }, [e._v("制章日期")]), n("span", { staticClass: "value", attrs: { id: "spSealMakeTime" } }, [e._v("[无效的签章结构]")])]), n("div", { staticClass: "subcontent" }, [n("span", { staticClass: "title" }, [e._v("印章版本")]), n("span", { staticClass: "value", attrs: { id: "spSealVersion" } }, [e._v("[无效的签章结构]")])])]), n("input", { staticStyle: { position: "absolute", right: "1%", top: "1%" }, attrs: { type: "button", name: "", id: "", value: "X" }, on: { click: function(t) { return e.closeSealInfoDialog() } } })])]), n("el-dialog", { attrs: { title: e.title, visible: e.dialogFormVisible }, on: { "update:visible": function(t) { e.dialogFormVisible = t } } }, [n("span", { staticStyle: { "text-align": "left" } }, [e._v(" " + e._s(e.value) + " ")]), n("div", { staticClass: "dialog-footer", attrs: { slot: "footer" }, slot: "footer" }, [n("el-button", { attrs: { type: "primary" }, on: { click: function(t) { e.dialogFormVisible = !1 } } }, [e._v("确 定")])], 1)])], 1) }, u = [], o = n("8374"), l = o["a"], c = (n("e12b"), n("2877")), b = Object(c["a"])(l, i, u, !1, null, "b0082a62", null), d = b.exports, f = { name: "App", components: { HelloWorld: d } }, h = f, p = (n("034f"), Object(c["a"])(h, a, r, !1, null, null, null)), v = p.exports, g = (n("5717"), n("5c96")), m = n.n(g), y = (n("0fae"), n("ecee")), x = n("c074"), w = n("ad3d"), O = n("bc3a"), S = n.n(O); s["default"].prototype.$axios = S.a, y["c"].add(x["a"]), s["default"].config.productionTip = !1, s["default"].component("font-awesome-icon", w["a"]), s["default"].use(m.a), new s["default"]({ render: function(e) { return e(v) } }).$mount("#app") }, 5717 : function(e, t, n) {}, "67d3": function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; (function(e) { n.d(t, "c", (function() { return f })), n.d(t, "a", (function() { return h })), n.d(t, "b", (function() { return p })); n("99af"), n("4160"), n("c975"), n("baa5"), n("4ec9"), n("b64b"), n("d3b7"), n("ac1f"), n("25f0"), n("3ca3"), n("5319"), n("1276"), n("159b"), n("ddb0"); var s = n("b85c"), a = n("3835"), r = (n("96cf"), n("1da1")), i = n("3662"), u = n("c4e3"), o = n.n(u), l = n("6b33"), c = n("73fd"), b = n("a9c6"), d = n("74db"), f = function(e) { return new Promise((function(t, n) { o.a.loadAsync(e).then((function(e) { t(e) }), (function(e) { n(e) })) })) }, h = function() { var e = Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t) { var n, s, a; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: return e.next = 2, T(t, "OFD.xml"); case 2: return n = e.sent, s = n["json"]["ofd:OFD"]["ofd:DocBody"], a = [], a = a.concat(s), e.abrupt("return", [t, a]); case 7: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e) }))); return function(t) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } (), p = function() { var e = Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t) { var n, r, i, u, o, l, c, b; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: n = Object(a["a"])(t, 2), r = n[0], i = n[1], u = [], o = Object(s["a"])(i), e.prev = 3, o.s(); case 5: if ((l = o.n()).done) { e.next = 29; break } if (c = l.value, !c) { e.next = 27; break } return e.next = 10, v(r, c); case 10: return b = e.sent, e.next = 13, g(b); case 13: return b = e.sent, e.next = 16, y(b); case 16: return b = e.sent, e.next = 19, x(b); case 19: return b = e.sent, e.next = 22, w(b); case 22: return b = e.sent, e.next = 25, O(b); case 25: b = e.sent, u.push(b); case 27: e.next = 5; break; case 29: e.next = 34; break; case 31: e.prev = 31, e.t0 = e["catch"](3), o.e(e.t0); case 34: return e.prev = 34, o.f(), e.finish(34); case 37: return e.abrupt("return", u); case 38: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e, null, [[3, 31, 34, 37]]) }))); return function(t) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } (), v = function() { var e = Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t, n) { var a, r, i, u, o, c, b, d, f, h, p, v, g, m, y, x, w, O; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: return a = n["ofd:DocRoot"], a = Object(l["m"])(a), r = a.split("/")[0], i = n["ofd:Signatures"], e.next = 6, C(t, i, r); case 6: u = e.sent, o = {}, c = Object(s["a"])(u), e.prev = 9, c.s(); case 11: if ((b = c.n()).done) { e.next = 25; break } if (d = b.value, !(d.sealObj && Object.keys(d.sealObj).length > 0)) { e.next = 23; break } if ("ofd" !== d.sealObj.type) { e.next = 22; break } return e.next = 17, D(d); case 17: f = e.sent, h = Object(s["a"])(f); try { for (h.s(); ! (p = h.n()).done;) v = p.value, d.stampAnnot.boundary = Object(l["l"])(d.stampAnnot["@_Boundary"]), d.stampAnnot.pageRef = d.stampAnnot["@_PageRef"], o[d.stampAnnot["@_PageRef"]] || (o[d.stampAnnot["@_PageRef"]] = []), o[d.stampAnnot["@_PageRef"]].push({ type: "ofd", obj: v, stamp: d }) } catch(S) { h.e(S) } finally { h.f() } e.next = 23; break; case 22: if ("png" === d.sealObj.type) { g = "data:image/png;base64," + btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, d.sealObj.ofdArray)), m = [], m = m.concat(d.stampAnnot), y = Object(s["a"])(m); try { for (y.s(); ! (x = y.n()).done;) w = x.value, w && (O = { img: g, pageId: w["@_PageRef"], boundary: Object(l["l"])(w["@_Boundary"]), clip: Object(l["l"])(w["@_Clip"]) }, o[w["@_PageRef"]] || (o[w["@_PageRef"]] = []), o[w["@_PageRef"]].push({ type: "png", obj: O, stamp: d })) } catch(S) { y.e(S) } finally { y.f() } } case 23: e.next = 11; break; case 25: e.next = 30; break; case 27: e.prev = 27, e.t0 = e["catch"](9), c.e(e.t0); case 30: return e.prev = 30, c.f(), e.finish(30); case 33: return e.abrupt("return", [t, r, a, o]); case 34: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e, null, [[9, 27, 30, 33]]) }))); return function(t, n) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } (), g = function() { var e = Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t) { var n, s, r, i, u, o, l, c, b, d, f; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: return n = Object(a["a"])(t, 4), s = n[0], r = n[1], i = n[2], u = n[3], e.next = 3, T(s, i); case 3: if (o = e.sent, l = o["json"]["ofd:Document"], c = l["ofd:Annotations"], b = [], !c) { e.next = 15; break } if ( - 1 !== c.indexOf("/") && (d = c.substring(0, c.indexOf("/"))), -1 === c.indexOf(r) && (c = "".concat(r, "/").concat(c)), !s.files[c]) { e.next = 15; break } return e.next = 13, T(s, c); case 13: c = e.sent, b = b.concat(c["json"]["ofd:Annotations"]["ofd:Page"]); case 15: return e.next = 17, m(d, b, r, s); case 17: return f = e.sent, e.abrupt("return", [s, r, l, u, f]); case 19: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e) }))); return function(t) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } (), m = function() { var e = Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t, n, a, r) { var i, u, o, l, c, b, d, f, h, p, v, g, m, y, x; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: i = {}, u = Object(s["a"])(n), e.prev = 2, u.s(); case 4: if ((o = u.n()).done) { e.next = 43; break } if (l = o.value, l) { e.next = 8; break } return e.abrupt("continue", 41); case 8: if (c = l["@_PageID"], b = l["ofd:FileLoc"], t && -1 === b.indexOf(t) && (b = "".concat(t, "/").concat(b)), -1 === b.indexOf(a) && (b = "".concat(a, "/").concat(b)), !r.files[b]) { e.next = 41; break } return e.next = 15, T(r, b); case 15: d = e.sent, f = [], f = f.concat(d["json"]["ofd:PageAnnot"]["ofd:Annot"]), i[c] || (i[c] = []), h = Object(s["a"])(f), e.prev = 20, h.s(); case 22: if ((p = h.n()).done) { e.next = 33; break } if (v = p.value, v) { e.next = 26; break } return e.abrupt("continue", 31); case 26: g = v["@_Type"], m = !v["@_Visible"] || v["@_Visible"], y = v["ofd:Appearance"], x = { type: g, appearance: y, visible: m }, i[c].push(x); case 31: e.next = 22; break; case 33: e.next = 38; break; case 35: e.prev = 35, e.t0 = e["catch"](20), h.e(e.t0); case 38: return e.prev = 38, h.f(), e.finish(38); case 41: e.next = 4; break; case 43: e.next = 48; break; case 45: e.prev = 45, e.t1 = e["catch"](2), u.e(e.t1); case 48: return e.prev = 48, u.f(), e.finish(48); case 51: return e.abrupt("return", i); case 52: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e, null, [[2, 45, 48, 51], [20, 35, 38, 41]]) }))); return function(t, n, s, a) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } (), y = function() { var e = Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t) { var n, s, r, i, u, o, l, c, b, d, f, h; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: if (n = Object(a["a"])(t, 5), s = n[0], r = n[1], i = n[2], u = n[3], o = n[4], l = i["ofd:CommonData"]["ofd:DocumentRes"], c = {}, b = {}, d = {}, !l) { e.next = 21; break } if ( - 1 == l.indexOf(r) && (l = "".concat(r, "/").concat(l)), !s.files[l]) { e.next = 21; break } return e.next = 10, T(s, l); case 10: return f = e.sent, h = f["json"]["ofd:Res"], e.next = 14, S(h); case 14: return c = e.sent, e.next = 17, k(h); case 17: return b = e.sent, e.next = 20, j(s, h, r); case 20: d = e.sent; case 21: return e.abrupt("return", [s, r, i, u, o, c, b, d]); case 22: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e) }))); return function(t) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } (), x = function() { var e = Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t) { var n, s, r, i, u, o, l, c, b, d, f, h, p, v, g; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: if (n = Object(a["a"])(t, 8), s = n[0], r = n[1], i = n[2], u = n[3], o = n[4], l = n[5], c = n[6], b = n[7], d = i["ofd:CommonData"]["ofd:PublicRes"], !d) { e.next = 21; break } if ( - 1 == d.indexOf(r) && (d = "".concat(r, "/").concat(d)), !s.files[d]) { e.next = 21; break } return e.next = 7, T(s, d); case 7: return f = e.sent, h = f["json"]["ofd:Res"], e.next = 11, S(h); case 11: return p = e.sent, l = Object.assign(l, p), e.next = 15, k(h); case 15: return v = e.sent, c = Object.assign(c, v), e.next = 19, j(s, h, r); case 19: g = e.sent, b = Object.assign(b, g); case 21: return e.abrupt("return", [s, r, i, u, o, l, c, b]); case 22: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e) }))); return function(t) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } (), w = function() { var e = Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t) { var n, r, i, u, o, l, c, b, d, f, h, p, v, g, m, y; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: n = Object(a["a"])(t, 8), r = n[0], i = n[1], u = n[2], o = n[3], l = n[4], c = n[5], b = n[6], d = n[7], f = u["ofd:CommonData"]["ofd:TemplatePage"], h = [], h = h.concat(f), p = {}, v = Object(s["a"])(h), e.prev = 6, v.s(); case 8: if ((g = v.n()).done) { e.next = 17; break } if (m = g.value, !m) { e.next = 15; break } return e.next = 13, I(r, m, i); case 13: y = e.sent, p[Object.keys(y)[0]] = y[Object.keys(y)[0]]; case 15: e.next = 8; break; case 17: e.next = 22; break; case 19: e.prev = 19, e.t0 = e["catch"](6), v.e(e.t0); case 22: return e.prev = 22, v.f(), e.finish(22); case 25: return e.abrupt("return", [r, i, u, o, l, p, c, b, d]); case 26: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e, null, [[6, 19, 22, 25]]) }))); return function(t) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } (), O = function() { var e = Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t) { var n, r, i, u, o, l, c, b, d, f, h, p, v, g, m, y, x, w, O, S; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: n = Object(a["a"])(t, 9), r = n[0], i = n[1], u = n[2], o = n[3], l = n[4], c = n[5], b = n[6], d = n[7], f = n[8], h = u["ofd:Pages"]["ofd:Page"], p = [], p = p.concat(h), v = [], g = Object(s["a"])(p), e.prev = 6, g.s(); case 8: if ((m = g.n()).done) { e.next = 22; break } if (y = m.value, !y) { e.next = 20; break } return e.next = 13, I(r, y, i); case 13: x = e.sent, w = Object.keys(x)[0], O = o[w], O && (x[w].stamp = O), S = l[w], S && (x[w].annotation = S), v.push(x); case 20: e.next = 8; break; case 22: e.next = 27; break; case 24: e.prev = 24, e.t0 = e["catch"](6), g.e(e.t0); case 27: return e.prev = 27, g.f(), e.finish(27); case 30: return e.abrupt("return", { doc: i, document: u, pages: v, tpls: c, stampAnnot: o, fontResObj: b, drawParamResObj: d, multiMediaResObj: f }); case 31: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e, null, [[6, 24, 27, 30]]) }))); return function(t) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } (), S = function() { var e = Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t) { var n, a, r, i, u, o; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: if (n = t["ofd:Fonts"], a = {}, n) { r = [], r = r.concat(n["ofd:Font"]), i = Object(s["a"])(r); try { for (i.s(); ! (u = i.n()).done;) o = u.value, o && (o["@_FamilyName"] ? a[o["@_ID"]] = o["@_FamilyName"] : a[o["@_ID"]] = o["@_FontName"]) } catch(l) { i.e(l) } finally { i.f() } } return e.abrupt("return", a); case 4: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e) }))); return function(t) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } (), k = function() { var e = Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t) { var n, a, r, i, u, o; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: if (n = t["ofd:DrawParams"], a = {}, n) { r = [], r = r.concat(n["ofd:DrawParam"]), i = Object(s["a"])(r); try { for (i.s(); ! (u = i.n()).done;) o = u.value, o && (a[o["@_ID"]] = { LineWidth: o["@_LineWidth"], FillColor: o["ofd:FillColor"] ? o["ofd:FillColor"]["@_Value"] : "", StrokeColor: o["ofd:StrokeColor"] ? o["ofd:StrokeColor"]["@_Value"] : "", relative: o["@_Relative"] }) } catch(l) { i.e(l) } finally { i.f() } } return e.abrupt("return", a); case 4: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e) }))); return function(t) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } (), j = function() { var e = Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t, n, a) { var r, i, u, o, c, b, d, f, h, p, v; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: if (r = n["ofd:MultiMedias"], i = {}, !r) { e.next = 41; break } u = [], u = u.concat(r["ofd:MultiMedia"]), o = Object(s["a"])(u), e.prev = 6, o.s(); case 8: if ((c = o.n()).done) { e.next = 33; break } if (b = c.value, !b) { e.next = 31; break } if (d = b["ofd:MediaFile"], n["@_BaseLoc"] && -1 === d.indexOf(n["@_BaseLoc"]) && (d = "".concat(n["@_BaseLoc"], "/").concat(d)), -1 === d.indexOf(a) && (d = "".concat(a, "/").concat(d)), "image" !== b["@_Type"].toLowerCase()) { e.next = 30; break } if (f = b["@_Format"], h = Object(l["g"])(d), (!f || "gbig2" !== f.toLowerCase() && "jb2" !== f.toLowerCase()) && (!h || "jb2" !== h.toLowerCase() && "gbig2" !== h.toLowerCase())) { e.next = 24; break } return e.next = 20, A(t, d); case 20: p = e.sent, i[b["@_ID"]] = p, e.next = 28; break; case 24: return e.next = 26, R(t, d); case 26: v = e.sent, i[b["@_ID"]] = { img: v, format: "png" }; case 28: e.next = 31; break; case 30: i[b["@_ID"]] = d; case 31: e.next = 8; break; case 33: e.next = 38; break; case 35: e.prev = 35, e.t0 = e["catch"](6), o.e(e.t0); case 38: return e.prev = 38, o.f(), e.finish(38); case 41: return e.abrupt("return", i); case 42: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e, null, [[6, 35, 38, 41]]) }))); return function(t, n, s) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } (), I = function() { var e = Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t, n, s) { var a, r, i; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: return a = n["@_BaseLoc"], -1 == a.indexOf(s) && (a = "".concat(s, "/").concat(a)), e.next = 4, T(t, a); case 4: return r = e.sent, i = {}, i[n["@_ID"]] = { json: r["json"]["ofd:Page"], xml: r["xml"] }, e.abrupt("return", i); case 8: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e) }))); return function(t, n, s) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } (), C = function() { var e = Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t, n, a) { var r, i, u, o, c, b, d, f, h; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: if (r = [], !n) { e.next = 37; break } if (n = Object(l["m"])(n), -1 === n.indexOf(a) && (n = "".concat(a, "/").concat(n)), !t.files[n]) { e.next = 37; break } return e.next = 7, T(t, n); case 7: i = e.sent, u = i["json"]["ofd:Signatures"]["ofd:Signature"], o = [], o = o.concat(u), c = Object(s["a"])(o), e.prev = 12, c.s(); case 14: if ((b = c.n()).done) { e.next = 29; break } if (d = b.value, !d) { e.next = 27; break } return f = d["@_BaseLoc"], h = d["@_ID"], f = Object(l["m"])(f), -1 === f.indexOf("Signs") && (f = "Signs/".concat(f)), -1 === f.indexOf(a) && (f = "".concat(a, "/").concat(f)), e.t0 = r, e.next = 25, _(t, f, h); case 25: e.t1 = e.sent, e.t0.push.call(e.t0, e.t1); case 27: e.next = 14; break; case 29: e.next = 34; break; case 31: e.prev = 31, e.t2 = e["catch"](12), c.e(e.t2); case 34: return e.prev = 34, c.f(), e.finish(34); case 37: return e.abrupt("return", r); case 38: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e, null, [[12, 31, 34, 37]]) }))); return function(t, n, s) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } (), B = function() { var e = Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t, n) { return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: return e.abrupt("return", t.files[n].async("uint8array")); case 1: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e) }))); return function(t, n) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } (), _ = function() { var t = Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function t(n, s, a) { var i, u, o, l, c; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(t) { while (1) switch (t.prev = t.next) { case 0: return t.next = 2, T(n, s); case 2: return i = t.sent, u = i["json"]["ofd:Signature"]["ofd:SignedValue"], u = u.toString().replace("/", ""), n.files[u] || (u = "".concat(s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf("/")), "/").concat(u)), t.next = 8, Object(b["b"])(n, u); case 8: return o = t.sent, l = i["json"]["ofd:Signature"]["ofd:SignedInfo"]["ofd:References"]["@_CheckMethod"], e.toBeChecked = new Map, c = new Array, i["json"]["ofd:Signature"]["ofd:SignedInfo"]["ofd:References"]["ofd:Reference"].forEach(function() { var e = Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t) { var s, a, r; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: if (0 != Object.keys(t).length && 0 != Object.keys(t["@_FileRef"]).length) { e.next = 2; break } return e.abrupt("return", !0); case 2: return s = t["ofd:CheckValue"], a = t["@_FileRef"].replace("/", ""), e.next = 6, B(n, a); case 6: r = e.sent, c.push({ fileData: r, hashed: s, checkMethod: l }); case 8: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e) }))); return function(t) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } ()), e.toBeChecked.set(a, c), t.abrupt("return", { stampAnnot: i["json"]["ofd:Signature"]["ofd:SignedInfo"]["ofd:StampAnnot"], sealObj: o, signedInfo: { signatureID: a, VerifyRet: o.verifyRet, Provider: i["json"]["ofd:Signature"]["ofd:SignedInfo"]["ofd:Provider"], SignatureMethod: i["json"]["ofd:Signature"]["ofd:SignedInfo"]["ofd:SignatureMethod"], SignatureDateTime: i["json"]["ofd:Signature"]["ofd:SignedInfo"]["ofd:SignatureDateTime"] } }); case 15: case "end": return t.stop() } }), t) }))); return function(e, n, s) { return t.apply(this, arguments) } } (), D = function(e) { var t = this; return new Promise((function(n, s) { i["a"].call(t, Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function t() { return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(t) { while (1) switch (t.prev = t.next) { case 0: return t.next = 2, f(e.sealObj.ofdArray); case 2: return t.abrupt("return", t.sent); case 3: case "end": return t.stop() } }), t) }))), h, p).then((function(e) { n(e) })). catch((function(e) { s(e) })) })) }, T = function() { var e = Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t, n) { return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: return e.abrupt("return", new Promise((function(e, s) { t.files[n].async("string").then((function(t) { var n = { attributeNamePrefix: "@_", ignoreAttributes: !1, parseNodeValue: !1, trimValues: !1 }, s = d.parse(t, n), a = { xml: t, json: s }; e(a) }), (function(e) { s(e) })) }))); case 1: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e) }))); return function(t, n) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } (), A = function() { var e = Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t, n) { return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: return e.abrupt("return", new Promise((function(e, s) { t.files[n].async("uint8array").then((function(t) { var n = new c["a"], s = n.parse(t); e({ img: s, width: n.width, height: n.height, format: "gbig2" }) }), (function(e) { s(e) })) }))); case 1: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e) }))); return function(t, n) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } (), R = function() { var e = Object(r["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t, n) { return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: return e.abrupt("return", new Promise((function(e, s) { t.files[n].async("base64").then((function(t) { var n = "data:image/png;base64," + t; e(n) }), (function(e) { s(e) })) }))); case 1: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e) }))); return function(t, n) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } () }).call(this, n("c8ba")) }, "6b33": function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; n.d(t, "d", (function() { return a })), n.d(t, "b", (function() { return r })), n.d(t, "n", (function() { return l })), n.d(t, "o", (function() { return c })), n.d(t, "i", (function() { return b })), n.d(t, "f", (function() { return d })), n.d(t, "c", (function() { return h })), n.d(t, "m", (function() { return p })), n.d(t, "g", (function() { return v })), n.d(t, "h", (function() { return w })), n.d(t, "l", (function() { return O })), n.d(t, "k", (function() { return S })), n.d(t, "j", (function() { return k })), n.d(t, "e", (function() { return j })), n.d(t, "a", (function() { return I })); n("99af"), n("c975"), n("a15b"), n("baa5"), n("b64b"), n("d3b7"), n("ac1f"), n("25f0"), n("5319"), n("1276"), n("498a"); var s = n("b85c"), a = function(e) { var t = e.split(" "), n = [], s = 0; while (s < t.length) { if ("M" === t[s] || "S" === t[s]) { var a = { type: "M", x: parseFloat(t[s + 1]), y: parseFloat(t[s + 2]) }; s += 3, n.push(a) } if ("L" === t[s]) { var r = { type: "L", x: parseFloat(t[s + 1]), y: parseFloat(t[s + 2]) }; s += 3, n.push(r) } else if ("C" === t[s]) { var i = { type: "C", x: 0, y: 0 }; n.push(i), s++ } else if ("B" === t[s]) { var u = { type: "B", x1: parseFloat(t[s + 1]), y1: parseFloat(t[s + 2]), x2: parseFloat(t[s + 3]), y2: parseFloat(t[s + 4]), x3: parseFloat(t[s + 5]), y3: parseFloat(t[s + 6]) }; s += 7, n.push(u) } else s++ } return n }, r = function(e) { for (var t = [], n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var s = e[n]; if ("M" === s.type || "L" === s.type || "C" === s.type) { var a = 0, r = 0; a = s.x, r = s.y, s.x = d(a), s.y = d(r), t.push(s) } else if ("B" === s.type) { var i = s.x1, u = s.y1, o = s.x2, l = s.y2, c = s.x3, b = s.y3, f = { type: "B", x1: d(i), y1: d(u), x2: d(o), y2: d(l), x3: d(c), y3: d(b) }; t.push(f) } } return t }, i = function(e, t) { return e * t / 25.4 }, u = 10, o = u, l = function(e) { u = e > 5 ? 5 : e }, c = function(e) { o = e > 1 ? e: 1, o = o > u ? u: o }, b = function() { return o }, d = function(e) { return i(e, 25.4 * o) }, f = function(e) { if ( - 1 === e.indexOf("g")) { var t, n = [], a = Object(s["a"])(e.split(" ")); try { for (a.s(); ! (t = a.n()).done;) { var r = t.value; n.push(parseFloat(r)) } } catch(p) { a.e(p) } finally { a.f() } return n } var i, u = e.split(" "), o = !1, l = !1, c = 0, b = [], d = Object(s["a"])(u); try { for (d.s(); ! (i = d.n()).done;) { var f = i.value; if ("g" === f) o = !0; else { if (!f || 0 == f.trim().length) continue; if (o) c = parseInt(f), l = !0, o = !1; else if (l) { for (var h = 0; h < c; h++) b.push(parseFloat(f)); l = !1 } else b.push(parseFloat(f)) } } } catch(p) { d.e(p) } finally { d.f() } return b }, h = function(e) { var t = 0, n = 0, a = []; if (!e) return a; var r, i = Object(s["a"])(e); try { for (i.s(); ! (r = i.n()).done;) { var u = r.value; if (u) { t = parseFloat(u["@_X"]), n = parseFloat(u["@_Y"]), isNaN(t) && (t = 0), isNaN(n) && (n = 0); var o = [], l = []; u["@_DeltaX"] && u["@_DeltaX"].length > 0 && (o = f(u["@_DeltaX"])), u["@_DeltaY"] && u["@_DeltaY"].length > 0 && (l = f(u["@_DeltaY"])); var c = u["#text"]; if (c) { c += "", c = y(c), c = c.replace(/ /g, " "); for (var b = 0; b < c.length; b++) { b > 0 && o.length > 0 && (t += o[b - 1]), b > 0 && l.length > 0 && (n += l[b - 1]); var h = c.substring(b, b + 1), p = { x: d(t), y: d(n), text: h }; a.push(p) } } } } } catch(v) { i.e(v) } finally { i.f() } return a }, p = function(e) { return e && 0 === e.indexOf("/") && (e = e.replace("/", "")), e }, v = function(e) { return e || "string" === typeof e ? e.substring(e.lastIndexOf(".") + 1) : "" }, g = /&\w+;|&#(\d+);/g, m = { "<": "<", ">": ">", "&": "&", " ": " ", """: '"', "©": "", "'": "'" }, y = function(e) { return e = void 0 != e ? e: this.toString(), "string" != typeof e ? e: e.replace(g, (function(e, t) { var n = m[e]; return void 0 == n && (n = isNaN(t) ? e: String.fromCharCode(160 == t ? 32 : t)), n })) }, x = { "楷体": "楷体, KaiTi, Kai, simkai", kaiti: "楷体, KaiTi, Kai, simkai", Kai: "楷体, KaiTi, Kai", simsun: "SimSun, simsun, Songti SC", "宋体": "SimSun, simsun, Songti SC", "黑体": "SimHei, STHeiti, simhei", "仿宋": "FangSong, STFangsong, simfang", "小标宋体": "sSun", "方正小标宋_gbk": "sSun", "仿宋_gb2312": "FangSong, STFangsong, simfang", "楷体_gb2312": "楷体, KaiTi, Kai, simkai", couriernew: "Courier New", "courier new": "Courier New" }, w = function(e) { x[e.toLowerCase()] && (e = x[e.toLowerCase()]); for (var t = 0, n = Object.keys(x); t < n.length; t++) { var s = n[t]; if ( - 1 != e.toLowerCase().indexOf(s.toLowerCase())) return x[s] } return e }, O = function(e) { if (e) { var t = e.split(" "); return { x: parseFloat(t[0]), y: parseFloat(t[1]), w: parseFloat(t[2]), h: parseFloat(t[3]) } } return null }, S = function(e) { var t = e.split(" "); return t }, k = function(e) { if (e) { if ( - 1 !== e.indexOf("#")) return e = e.replace(/#/g, ""), e = e.replace(/ /g, ""), e = "#" + e.toString(), e; var t = e.split(" "); return "rgb(".concat(t[0], ", ").concat(t[1], ", ").concat(t[2], ")") } return "rgb(0, 0, 0)" }, j = function(e) { return { x: d(e.x), y: d(e.y), w: d(e.w), h: d(e.h) } }, I = function(e) { for (var t = [], n = 0, s = 0; s < 2 * e.length; s += 2) t[s >>> 3] |= parseInt(e[n], 10) << 24 - s % 8 * 4, n++; for (var a = [], r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var i = t[r >>> 2] >>> 24 - r % 4 * 8 & 255; a.push((i >>> 4).toString(16)), a.push((15 & i).toString(16)) } return a.join("") } }, "73fd": function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; n.d(t, "a", (function() { return w })); n("99af"), n("d3b7"), n("fd87"), n("143c"), n("5cc6"), n("8a59"), n("84c3"), n("fb2c"), n("9a8c"), n("a975"), n("735e"), n("c1ac"), n("d139"), n("3a7b"), n("d5d6"), n("82f8"), n("e91f"), n("60bd"), n("5f96"), n("3280"), n("3fcc"), n("ca91"), n("25a1"), n("cd26"), n("3c5d"), n("2954"), n("649e"), n("219c"), n("170b"), n("b39a"), n("72f7"); var s = n("d4ec"), a = n("262e"), r = n("2caf"), i = (n("a623"), n("a15b"), n("fb6a"), n("b0c0"), n("a9e3"), n("8ba4"), n("ac1f"), n("25f0"), n("3ca3"), n("4d90"), n("5319"), n("ddb0"), n("2b3d"), n("bee2")), u = (n("53ca"), n("7f3b"), { ERRORS: 0, WARNINGS: 1, INFOS: 5 }), o = u.WARNINGS; function l(e) { o >= u.INFOS && console.log("Info: ".concat(e)) } function c(e) { throw new Error(e) } function b(e, t, n) { return Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !1 }), n } var d = function() { function e(t) { this.constructor === e && c("Cannot initialize BaseException."), this.message = t, this.name = this.constructor.name } return e.prototype = new Error, e.constructor = e, e } (); (function() { var e = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=" })(), n("90d7"); function f(e) { return e <= 0 ? 0 : Math.ceil(Math.log2(e)) } function h(e, t) { return e[t] << 24 >> 24 } function p(e, t) { return e[t] << 8 | e[t + 1] } function v(e, t) { return (e[t] << 24 | e[t + 1] << 16 | e[t + 2] << 8 | e[t + 3]) >>> 0 } var g = [{ qe: 22017, nmps: 1, nlps: 1, switchFlag: 1 }, { qe: 13313, nmps: 2, nlps: 6, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 6145, nmps: 3, nlps: 9, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 2753, nmps: 4, nlps: 12, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 1313, nmps: 5, nlps: 29, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 545, nmps: 38, nlps: 33, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 22017, nmps: 7, nlps: 6, switchFlag: 1 }, { qe: 21505, nmps: 8, nlps: 14, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 18433, nmps: 9, nlps: 14, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 14337, nmps: 10, nlps: 14, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 12289, nmps: 11, nlps: 17, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 9217, nmps: 12, nlps: 18, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 7169, nmps: 13, nlps: 20, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 5633, nmps: 29, nlps: 21, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 22017, nmps: 15, nlps: 14, switchFlag: 1 }, { qe: 21505, nmps: 16, nlps: 14, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 20737, nmps: 17, nlps: 15, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 18433, nmps: 18, nlps: 16, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 14337, nmps: 19, nlps: 17, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 13313, nmps: 20, nlps: 18, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 12289, nmps: 21, nlps: 19, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 10241, nmps: 22, nlps: 19, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 9217, nmps: 23, nlps: 20, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 8705, nmps: 24, nlps: 21, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 7169, nmps: 25, nlps: 22, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 6145, nmps: 26, nlps: 23, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 5633, nmps: 27, nlps: 24, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 5121, nmps: 28, nlps: 25, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 4609, nmps: 29, nlps: 26, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 4353, nmps: 30, nlps: 27, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 2753, nmps: 31, nlps: 28, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 2497, nmps: 32, nlps: 29, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 2209, nmps: 33, nlps: 30, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 1313, nmps: 34, nlps: 31, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 1089, nmps: 35, nlps: 32, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 673, nmps: 36, nlps: 33, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 545, nmps: 37, nlps: 34, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 321, nmps: 38, nlps: 35, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 273, nmps: 39, nlps: 36, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 133, nmps: 40, nlps: 37, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 73, nmps: 41, nlps: 38, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 37, nmps: 42, nlps: 39, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 21, nmps: 43, nlps: 40, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 9, nmps: 44, nlps: 41, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 5, nmps: 45, nlps: 42, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 1, nmps: 45, nlps: 43, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 22017, nmps: 46, nlps: 46, switchFlag: 0 }], m = function() { function e(t, n, a) { Object(s["a"])(this, e), this.data = t, this.bp = n, this.dataEnd = a, this.chigh = t[n], this.clow = 0, this.byteIn(), this.chigh = this.chigh << 7 & 65535 | this.clow >> 9 & 127, this.clow = this.clow << 7 & 65535, this.ct -= 7, this.a = 32768 } return Object(i["a"])(e, [{ key: "byteIn", value: function() { var e = this.data, t = this.bp; 255 === e[t] ? e[t + 1] > 143 ? (this.clow += 65280, this.ct = 8) : (t++, this.clow += e[t] << 9, this.ct = 7, this.bp = t) : (t++, this.clow += t < this.dataEnd ? e[t] << 8 : 65280, this.ct = 8, this.bp = t), this.clow > 65535 && (this.chigh += this.clow >> 16, this.clow &= 65535) } }, { key: "readBit", value: function(e, t) { var n, s = e[t] >> 1, a = 1 & e[t], r = g[s], i = r.qe, u = this.a - i; if (this.chigh < i) u < i ? (u = i, n = a, s = r.nmps) : (u = i, n = 1 ^ a, 1 === r.switchFlag && (a = n), s = r.nlps); else { if (this.chigh -= i, 0 !== (32768 & u)) return this.a = u, a; u < i ? (n = 1 ^ a, 1 === r.switchFlag && (a = n), s = r.nlps) : (n = a, s = r.nmps) } do { 0 === this.ct && this.byteIn(), u <<= 1, this.chigh = this.chigh << 1 & 65535 | this.clow >> 15 & 1, this.clow = this.clow << 1 & 65535, this.ct-- } while ( 0 === ( 32768 & u )); return this.a = u, e[t] = s << 1 | a, n } }]), e } (), y = function() { var e = -2, t = -1, n = 0, s = 1, a = 2, r = 3, i = 4, u = 5, o = 6, c = 7, b = 8, d = [[ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [7, b], [7, c], [6, o], [6, o], [6, u], [6, u], [4, n], [4, n], [4, n], [4, n], [4, n], [4, n], [4, n], [4, n], [3, s], [3, s], [3, s], [3, s], [3, s], [3, s], [3, s], [3, s], [3, s], [3, s], [3, s], [3, s], [3, s], [3, s], [3, s], [3, s], [3, i], [3, i], [3, i], [3, i], [3, i], [3, i], [3, i], [3, i], [3, i], [3, i], [3, i], [3, i], [3, i], [3, i], [3, i], [3, i], [3, r], [3, r], [3, r], [3, r], [3, r], [3, r], [3, r], [3, r], [3, r], [3, r], [3, r], [3, r], [3, r], [3, r], [3, r], [3, r], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a], [1, a]], f = [[ - 1, -1], [12, e], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [11, 1792], [11, 1792], [12, 1984], [12, 2048], [12, 2112], [12, 2176], [12, 2240], [12, 2304], [11, 1856], [11, 1856], [11, 1920], [11, 1920], [12, 2368], [12, 2432], [12, 2496], [12, 2560]], h = [[ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [8, 29], [8, 29], [8, 30], [8, 30], [8, 45], [8, 45], [8, 46], [8, 46], [7, 22], [7, 22], [7, 22], [7, 22], [7, 23], [7, 23], [7, 23], [7, 23], [8, 47], [8, 47], [8, 48], [8, 48], [6, 13], [6, 13], [6, 13], [6, 13], [6, 13], [6, 13], [6, 13], [6, 13], [7, 20], [7, 20], [7, 20], [7, 20], [8, 33], [8, 33], [8, 34], [8, 34], [8, 35], [8, 35], [8, 36], [8, 36], [8, 37], [8, 37], [8, 38], [8, 38], [7, 19], [7, 19], [7, 19], [7, 19], [8, 31], [8, 31], [8, 32], [8, 32], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 12], [6, 12], [6, 12], [6, 12], [6, 12], [6, 12], [6, 12], [6, 12], [8, 53], [8, 53], [8, 54], [8, 54], [7, 26], [7, 26], [7, 26], [7, 26], [8, 39], [8, 39], [8, 40], [8, 40], [8, 41], [8, 41], [8, 42], [8, 42], [8, 43], [8, 43], [8, 44], [8, 44], [7, 21], [7, 21], [7, 21], [7, 21], [7, 28], [7, 28], [7, 28], [7, 28], [8, 61], [8, 61], [8, 62], [8, 62], [8, 63], [8, 63], [8, 0], [8, 0], [8, 320], [8, 320], [8, 384], [8, 384], [5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11], [7, 27], [7, 27], [7, 27], [7, 27], [8, 59], [8, 59], [8, 60], [8, 60], [9, 1472], [9, 1536], [9, 1600], [9, 1728], [7, 18], [7, 18], [7, 18], [7, 18], [7, 24], [7, 24], [7, 24], [7, 24], [8, 49], [8, 49], [8, 50], [8, 50], [8, 51], [8, 51], [8, 52], [8, 52], [7, 25], [7, 25], [7, 25], [7, 25], [8, 55], [8, 55], [8, 56], [8, 56], [8, 57], [8, 57], [8, 58], [8, 58], [6, 192], [6, 192], [6, 192], [6, 192], [6, 192], [6, 192], [6, 192], [6, 192], [6, 1664], [6, 1664], [6, 1664], [6, 1664], [6, 1664], [6, 1664], [6, 1664], [6, 1664], [8, 448], [8, 448], [8, 512], [8, 512], [9, 704], [9, 768], [8, 640], [8, 640], [8, 576], [8, 576], [9, 832], [9, 896], [9, 960], [9, 1024], [9, 1088], [9, 1152], [9, 1216], [9, 1280], [9, 1344], [9, 1408], [7, 256], [7, 256], [7, 256], [7, 256], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9], [6, 16], [6, 16], [6, 16], [6, 16], [6, 16], [6, 16], [6, 16], [6, 16], [6, 17], [6, 17], [6, 17], [6, 17], [6, 17], [6, 17], [6, 17], [6, 17], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [6, 14], [6, 14], [6, 14], [6, 14], [6, 14], [6, 14], [6, 14], [6, 14], [6, 15], [6, 15], [6, 15], [6, 15], [6, 15], [6, 15], [6, 15], [6, 15], [5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7]], p = [[ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [12, e], [12, e], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [11, 1792], [11, 1792], [11, 1792], [11, 1792], [12, 1984], [12, 1984], [12, 2048], [12, 2048], [12, 2112], [12, 2112], [12, 2176], [12, 2176], [12, 2240], [12, 2240], [12, 2304], [12, 2304], [11, 1856], [11, 1856], [11, 1856], [11, 1856], [11, 1920], [11, 1920], [11, 1920], [11, 1920], [12, 2368], [12, 2368], [12, 2432], [12, 2432], [12, 2496], [12, 2496], [12, 2560], [12, 2560], [10, 18], [10, 18], [10, 18], [10, 18], [10, 18], [10, 18], [10, 18], [10, 18], [12, 52], [12, 52], [13, 640], [13, 704], [13, 768], [13, 832], [12, 55], [12, 55], [12, 56], [12, 56], [13, 1280], [13, 1344], [13, 1408], [13, 1472], [12, 59], [12, 59], [12, 60], [12, 60], [13, 1536], [13, 1600], [11, 24], [11, 24], [11, 24], [11, 24], [11, 25], [11, 25], [11, 25], [11, 25], [13, 1664], [13, 1728], [12, 320], [12, 320], [12, 384], [12, 384], [12, 448], [12, 448], [13, 512], [13, 576], [12, 53], [12, 53], [12, 54], [12, 54], [13, 896], [13, 960], [13, 1024], [13, 1088], [13, 1152], [13, 1216], [10, 64], [10, 64], [10, 64], [10, 64], [10, 64], [10, 64], [10, 64], [10, 64]], v = [[8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [11, 23], [11, 23], [12, 50], [12, 51], [12, 44], [12, 45], [12, 46], [12, 47], [12, 57], [12, 58], [12, 61], [12, 256], [10, 16], [10, 16], [10, 16], [10, 16], [10, 17], [10, 17], [10, 17], [10, 17], [12, 48], [12, 49], [12, 62], [12, 63], [12, 30], [12, 31], [12, 32], [12, 33], [12, 40], [12, 41], [11, 22], [11, 22], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [9, 15], [9, 15], [9, 15], [9, 15], [9, 15], [9, 15], [9, 15], [9, 15], [12, 128], [12, 192], [12, 26], [12, 27], [12, 28], [12, 29], [11, 19], [11, 19], [11, 20], [11, 20], [12, 34], [12, 35], [12, 36], [12, 37], [12, 38], [12, 39], [11, 21], [11, 21], [12, 42], [12, 43], [10, 0], [10, 0], [10, 0], [10, 0], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12]], g = [[ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [ - 1, -1], [6, 9], [6, 8], [5, 7], [5, 7], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 4], [3, 4], [3, 4], [3, 4], [3, 4], [3, 4], [3, 4], [3, 4], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2]]; function m(e) { var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; if (!e || "function" !== typeof e.next) throw new Error('CCITTFaxDecoder - invalid "source" parameter.'); this.source = e, this.eof = !1, this.encoding = t.K || 0, this.eoline = t.EndOfLine || !1, this.byteAlign = t.EncodedByteAlign || !1, this.columns = t.Columns || 1728, this.rows = t.Rows || 0; var n, s = t.EndOfBlock; null !== s && void 0 !== s || (s = !0), this.eoblock = s, this.black = t.BlackIs1 || !1, this.codingLine = new Uint32Array(this.columns + 1), this.refLine = new Uint32Array(this.columns + 2), this.codingLine[0] = this.columns, this.codingPos = 0, this.row = 0, this.nextLine2D = this.encoding < 0, this.inputBits = 0, this.inputBuf = 0, this.outputBits = 0, this.rowsDone = !1; while (0 === (n = this._lookBits(12))) this._eatBits(1); 1 === n && this._eatBits(12), this.encoding > 0 && (this.nextLine2D = !this._lookBits(1), this._eatBits(1)) } return m.prototype = { readNextChar: function() { if (this.eof) return - 1; var e, d, f, h, p, v = this.refLine, g = this.codingLine, m = this.columns; if (0 === this.outputBits) { if (this.rowsDone && (this.eof = !0), this.eof) return - 1; var y, x, w; if (this.err = !1, this.nextLine2D) { for (h = 0; g[h] < m; ++h) v[h] = g[h]; v[h++] = m, v[h] = m, g[0] = 0, this.codingPos = 0, e = 0, d = 0; while (g[this.codingPos] < m) switch (y = this._getTwoDimCode(), y) { case n: this._addPixels(v[e + 1], d), v[e + 1] < m && (e += 2); break; case s: if (y = x = 0, d) { do { y += w = this._getBlackCode() } while ( w >= 64 ); do { x += w = this._getWhiteCode() } while ( w >= 64 ) } else { do { y += w = this._getWhiteCode() } while ( w >= 64 ); do { x += w = this._getBlackCode() } while ( w >= 64 ) } this._addPixels(g[this.codingPos] + y, d), g[this.codingPos] < m && this._addPixels(g[this.codingPos] + x, 1 ^ d); while (v[e] <= g[this.codingPos] && v[e] < m) e += 2; break; case c: if (this._addPixels(v[e] + 3, d), d ^= 1, g[this.codingPos] < m) {++e; while (v[e] <= g[this.codingPos] && v[e] < m) e += 2 } break; case u: if (this._addPixels(v[e] + 2, d), d ^= 1, g[this.codingPos] < m) {++e; while (v[e] <= g[this.codingPos] && v[e] < m) e += 2 } break; case r: if (this._addPixels(v[e] + 1, d), d ^= 1, g[this.codingPos] < m) {++e; while (v[e] <= g[this.codingPos] && v[e] < m) e += 2 } break; case a: if (this._addPixels(v[e], d), d ^= 1, g[this.codingPos] < m) {++e; while (v[e] <= g[this.codingPos] && v[e] < m) e += 2 } break; case b: if (this._addPixelsNeg(v[e] - 3, d), d ^= 1, g[this.codingPos] < m) { e > 0 ? --e: ++e; while (v[e] <= g[this.codingPos] && v[e] < m) e += 2 } break; case o: if (this._addPixelsNeg(v[e] - 2, d), d ^= 1, g[this.codingPos] < m) { e > 0 ? --e: ++e; while (v[e] <= g[this.codingPos] && v[e] < m) e += 2 } break; case i: if (this._addPixelsNeg(v[e] - 1, d), d ^= 1, g[this.codingPos] < m) { e > 0 ? --e: ++e; while (v[e] <= g[this.codingPos] && v[e] < m) e += 2 } break; case t: this._addPixels(m, 0), this.eof = !0; break; default: l("bad 2d code"), this._addPixels(m, 0), this.err = !0 } } else { g[0] = 0, this.codingPos = 0, d = 0; while (g[this.codingPos] < m) { if (y = 0, d) do { y += w = this._getBlackCode() } while ( w >= 64 ); else do { y += w = this._getWhiteCode() } while ( w >= 64 ); this._addPixels(g[this.codingPos] + y, d), d ^= 1 } } var O = !1; if (this.byteAlign && (this.inputBits &= -8), this.eoblock || this.row !== this.rows - 1) { if (y = this._lookBits(12), this.eoline) while (y !== t && 1 !== y) this._eatBits(1), y = this._lookBits(12); else while (0 === y) this._eatBits(1), y = this._lookBits(12); 1 === y ? (this._eatBits(12), O = !0) : y === t && (this.eof = !0) } else this.rowsDone = !0; if (!this.eof && this.encoding > 0 && !this.rowsDone && (this.nextLine2D = !this._lookBits(1), this._eatBits(1)), this.eoblock && O && this.byteAlign) { if (y = this._lookBits(12), 1 === y) { if (this._eatBits(12), this.encoding > 0 && (this._lookBits(1), this._eatBits(1)), this.encoding >= 0) for (h = 0; h < 4; ++h) y = this._lookBits(12), 1 !== y && l("bad rtc code: " + y), this._eatBits(12), this.encoding > 0 && (this._lookBits(1), this._eatBits(1)); this.eof = !0 } } else if (this.err && this.eoline) { while (1) { if (y = this._lookBits(13), y === t) return this.eof = !0, -1; if (y >> 1 === 1) break; this._eatBits(1) } this._eatBits(12), this.encoding > 0 && (this._eatBits(1), this.nextLine2D = !(1 & y)) } g[0] > 0 ? this.outputBits = g[this.codingPos = 0] : this.outputBits = g[this.codingPos = 1], this.row++ } if (this.outputBits >= 8) p = 1 & this.codingPos ? 0 : 255, this.outputBits -= 8, 0 === this.outputBits && g[this.codingPos] < m && (this.codingPos++, this.outputBits = g[this.codingPos] - g[this.codingPos - 1]); else { f = 8, p = 0; do { this.outputBits > f ? (p <<= f, 1 & this.codingPos || (p |= 255 >> 8 - f), this.outputBits -= f, f = 0) : (p <<= this.outputBits, 1 & this.codingPos || (p |= 255 >> 8 - this.outputBits), f -= this.outputBits, this.outputBits = 0, g[this.codingPos] < m ? (this.codingPos++, this.outputBits = g[this.codingPos] - g[this.codingPos - 1]) : f > 0 && (p <<= f, f = 0)) } while ( f ) } return this.black && (p ^= 255), p }, _addPixels: function(e, t) { var n = this.codingLine, s = this.codingPos; e > n[s] && (e > this.columns && (l("row is wrong length"), this.err = !0, e = this.columns), 1 & s ^ t && ++s, n[s] = e), this.codingPos = s }, _addPixelsNeg: function(e, t) { var n = this.codingLine, s = this.codingPos; if (e > n[s]) e > this.columns && (l("row is wrong length"), this.err = !0, e = this.columns), 1 & s ^ t && ++s, n[s] = e; else if (e < n[s]) { e < 0 && (l("invalid code"), this.err = !0, e = 0); while (s > 0 && e < n[s - 1])--s; n[s] = e } this.codingPos = s }, _findTableCode: function(e, n, s, a) { for (var r = a || 0, i = e; i <= n; ++i) { var u = this._lookBits(i); if (u === t) return [!0, 1, !1]; if (i < n && (u <<= n - i), !r || u >= r) { var o = s[u - r]; if (o[0] === i) return this._eatBits(i), [!0, o[1], !0] } } return [!1, 0, !1] }, _getTwoDimCode: function() { var e, n = 0; if (this.eoblock) { if (n = this._lookBits(7), e = d[n], e && e[0] > 0) return this._eatBits(e[0]), e[1] } else { var s = this._findTableCode(1, 7, d); if (s[0] && s[2]) return s[1] } return l("Bad two dim code"), t }, _getWhiteCode: function() { var e, n = 0; if (this.eoblock) { if (n = this._lookBits(12), n === t) return 1; if (e = n >> 5 === 0 ? f[n] : h[n >> 3], e[0] > 0) return this._eatBits(e[0]), e[1] } else { var s = this._findTableCode(1, 9, h); if (s[0]) return s[1]; if (s = this._findTableCode(11, 12, f), s[0]) return s[1] } return l("bad white code"), this._eatBits(1), 1 }, _getBlackCode: function() { var e, n; if (this.eoblock) { if (e = this._lookBits(13), e === t) return 1; if (n = e >> 7 === 0 ? p[e] : e >> 9 === 0 && e >> 7 !== 0 ? v[(e >> 1) - 64] : g[e >> 7], n[0] > 0) return this._eatBits(n[0]), n[1] } else { var s = this._findTableCode(2, 6, g); if (s[0]) return s[1]; if (s = this._findTableCode(7, 12, v, 64), s[0]) return s[1]; if (s = this._findTableCode(10, 13, p), s[0]) return s[1] } return l("bad black code"), this._eatBits(1), 1 }, _lookBits: function(e) { var n; while (this.inputBits < e) { if ( - 1 === (n = this.source.next())) return 0 === this.inputBits ? t: this.inputBuf << e - this.inputBits & 65535 >> 16 - e; this.inputBuf = this.inputBuf << 8 | n, this.inputBits += 8 } return this.inputBuf >> this.inputBits - e & 65535 >> 16 - e }, _eatBits: function(e) { (this.inputBits -= e) < 0 && (this.inputBits = 0) } }, m } (), x = function(e) { Object(a["a"])(n, e); var t = Object(r["a"])(n); function n(e) { return Object(s["a"])(this, n), t.call(this, "JBIG2 error: ".concat(e)) } return n } (d), w = function() { function e() {} function t(e, t, n) { this.data = e, this.start = t, this.end = n } function n(e, t, n) { var s = e.getContexts(t), a = 1; function r(e) { for (var t = 0, r = 0; r < e; r++) { var i = n.readBit(s, a); a = a < 256 ? a << 1 | i: 511 & (a << 1 | i) | 256, t = t << 1 | i } return t >>> 0 } var i = r(1), u = r(1) ? r(1) ? r(1) ? r(1) ? r(1) ? r(32) + 4436 : r(12) + 340 : r(8) + 84 : r(6) + 20 : r(4) + 4 : r(2); return 0 === i ? u: u > 0 ? -u: null } function s(e, t, n) { for (var s = e.getContexts("IAID"), a = 1, r = 0; r < n; r++) { var i = t.readBit(s, a); a = a << 1 | i } return n < 31 ? a & (1 << n) - 1 : 2147483647 & a } e.prototype = { getContexts: function(e) { return e in this ? this[e] : this[e] = new Int8Array(65536) } }, t.prototype = { get decoder() { var e = new m(this.data, this.start, this.end); return b(this, "decoder", e) }, get contextCache() { var t = new e; return b(this, "contextCache", t) } }; var a = ["SymbolDictionary", null, null, null, "IntermediateTextRegion", null, "ImmediateTextRegion", "ImmediateLosslessTextRegion", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "PatternDictionary", null, null, null, "IntermediateHalftoneRegion", null, "ImmediateHalftoneRegion", "ImmediateLosslessHalftoneRegion", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "IntermediateGenericRegion", null, "ImmediateGenericRegion", "ImmediateLosslessGenericRegion", "IntermediateGenericRefinementRegion", null, "ImmediateGenericRefinementRegion", "ImmediateLosslessGenericRefinementRegion", null, null, null, null, "PageInformation", "EndOfPage", "EndOfStripe", "EndOfFile", "Profiles", "Tables", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Extension"], r = [[{ x: -1, y: -2 }, { x: 0, y: -2 }, { x: 1, y: -2 }, { x: -2, y: -1 }, { x: -1, y: -1 }, { x: 0, y: -1 }, { x: 1, y: -1 }, { x: 2, y: -1 }, { x: -4, y: 0 }, { x: -3, y: 0 }, { x: -2, y: 0 }, { x: -1, y: 0 }], [{ x: -1, y: -2 }, { x: 0, y: -2 }, { x: 1, y: -2 }, { x: 2, y: -2 }, { x: -2, y: -1 }, { x: -1, y: -1 }, { x: 0, y: -1 }, { x: 1, y: -1 }, { x: 2, y: -1 }, { x: -3, y: 0 }, { x: -2, y: 0 }, { x: -1, y: 0 }], [{ x: -1, y: -2 }, { x: 0, y: -2 }, { x: 1, y: -2 }, { x: -2, y: -1 }, { x: -1, y: -1 }, { x: 0, y: -1 }, { x: 1, y: -1 }, { x: -2, y: 0 }, { x: -1, y: 0 }], [{ x: -3, y: -1 }, { x: -2, y: -1 }, { x: -1, y: -1 }, { x: 0, y: -1 }, { x: 1, y: -1 }, { x: -4, y: 0 }, { x: -3, y: 0 }, { x: -2, y: 0 }, { x: -1, y: 0 }]], i = [{ coding: [{ x: 0, y: -1 }, { x: 1, y: -1 }, { x: -1, y: 0 }], reference: [{ x: 0, y: -1 }, { x: 1, y: -1 }, { x: -1, y: 0 }, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: 1, y: 0 }, { x: -1, y: 1 }, { x: 0, y: 1 }, { x: 1, y: 1 }] }, { coding: [{ x: -1, y: -1 }, { x: 0, y: -1 }, { x: 1, y: -1 }, { x: -1, y: 0 }], reference: [{ x: 0, y: -1 }, { x: -1, y: 0 }, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: 1, y: 0 }, { x: 0, y: 1 }, { x: 1, y: 1 }] }], u = [39717, 1941, 229, 405], o = [32, 8]; function l(e, t, n) { var s, a, r, i, u, o, l, c = n.decoder, b = n.contextCache.getContexts("GB"), d = [], f = 31735; for (a = 0; a < t; a++) for (u = d[a] = new Uint8Array(e), o = a < 1 ? u: d[a - 1], l = a < 2 ? u: d[a - 2], s = l[0] << 13 | l[1] << 12 | l[2] << 11 | o[0] << 7 | o[1] << 6 | o[2] << 5 | o[3] << 4, r = 0; r < e; r++) u[r] = i = c.readBit(b, s), s = (s & f) << 1 | (r + 3 < e ? l[r + 3] << 11 : 0) | (r + 4 < e ? o[r + 4] << 4 : 0) | i; return d } function c(e, t, n, s, a, i, o, c) { if (e) { var b = new M(c.data, c.start, c.end); return U(b, t, n, !1) } if (0 === s && !i && !a && 4 === o.length && 3 === o[0].x && -1 === o[0].y && -3 === o[1].x && -1 === o[1].y && 2 === o[2].x && -2 === o[2].y && -2 === o[3].x && -2 === o[3].y) return l(t, n, c); var d = !!i, f = r[s].concat(o); f.sort((function(e, t) { return e.y - t.y || e.x - t.x })); var h, p, v = f.length, g = new Int8Array(v), m = new Int8Array(v), y = [], x = 0, w = 0, O = 0, S = 0; for (p = 0; p < v; p++) g[p] = f[p].x, m[p] = f[p].y, w = Math.min(w, f[p].x), O = Math.max(O, f[p].x), S = Math.min(S, f[p].y), p < v - 1 && f[p].y === f[p + 1].y && f[p].x === f[p + 1].x - 1 ? x |= 1 << v - 1 - p: y.push(p); var k = y.length, j = new Int8Array(k), I = new Int8Array(k), C = new Uint16Array(k); for (h = 0; h < k; h++) p = y[h], j[h] = f[p].x, I[h] = f[p].y, C[h] = 1 << v - 1 - p; for (var B, _, D, T, A, R = -w, F = -S, P = t - O, E = u[s], L = new Uint8Array(t), N = [], V = c.decoder, H = c.contextCache.getContexts("GB"), q = 0, W = 0, $ = 0; $ < n; $++) { if (a) { var z = V.readBit(H, E); if (q ^= z, q) { N.push(L); continue } } for (L = new Uint8Array(L), N.push(L), B = 0; B < t; B++) if (d && i[$][B]) L[B] = 0; else { if (B >= R && B < P && $ >= F) for (W = W << 1 & x, p = 0; p < k; p++) _ = $ + I[p], D = B + j[p], T = N[_][D], T && (T = C[p], W |= T); else for (W = 0, A = v - 1, p = 0; p < v; p++, A--) D = B + g[p], D >= 0 && D < t && (_ = $ + m[p], _ >= 0 && (T = N[_][D], T && (W |= T << A))); var J = V.readBit(H, W); L[B] = J } } return N } function d(e, t, n, s, a, r, u, l, c) { var b = i[n].coding; 0 === n && (b = b.concat([l[0]])); var d, f = b.length, h = new Int32Array(f), p = new Int32Array(f); for (d = 0; d < f; d++) h[d] = b[d].x, p[d] = b[d].y; var v = i[n].reference; 0 === n && (v = v.concat([l[1]])); var g = v.length, m = new Int32Array(g), y = new Int32Array(g); for (d = 0; d < g; d++) m[d] = v[d].x, y[d] = v[d].y; for (var w = s[0].length, O = s.length, S = o[n], k = [], j = c.decoder, I = c.contextCache.getContexts("GR"), C = 0, B = 0; B < t; B++) { if (u) { var _ = j.readBit(I, S); if (C ^= _, C) throw new x("prediction is not supported") } var D = new Uint8Array(e); k.push(D); for (var T = 0; T < e; T++) { var A, R, F = 0; for (d = 0; d < f; d++) A = B + p[d], R = T + h[d], A < 0 || R < 0 || R >= e ? F <<= 1 : F = F << 1 | k[A][R]; for (d = 0; d < g; d++) A = B + y[d] - r, R = T + m[d] - a, A < 0 || A >= O || R < 0 || R >= w ? F <<= 1 : F = F << 1 | s[A][R]; var P = j.readBit(I, F); D[T] = P } } return k } function g(e, t, a, r, i, u, o, l, b, h, p, v) { if (e && t) throw new x("symbol refinement with Huffman is not supported"); var g, m, y = [], O = 0, S = f(a.length + r), k = p.decoder, j = p.contextCache; e && (g = N(1), m = [], S = Math.max(S, 1)); while (y.length < r) { var I = e ? u.tableDeltaHeight.decode(v) : n(j, "IADH", k); O += I; var C = 0, B = 0, _ = e ? m.length: 0; while (1) { var D, T = e ? u.tableDeltaWidth.decode(v) : n(j, "IADW", k); if (null === T) break; if (C += T, B += C, t) { var A = n(j, "IAAI", k); if (A > 1) D = w(e, t, C, O, 0, A, 1, a.concat(y), S, 0, 0, 1, 0, u, b, h, p, 0, v); else { var R = s(j, k, S), F = n(j, "IARDX", k), P = n(j, "IARDY", k), E = R < a.length ? a[R] : y[R - a.length]; D = d(C, O, b, E, F, P, !1, h, p) } y.push(D) } else e ? m.push(C) : (D = c(!1, C, O, o, !1, null, l, p), y.push(D)) } if (e && !t) { var L = u.tableBitmapSize.decode(v); v.byteAlign(); var M = void 0; if (0 === L) M = W(v, B, O); else { var V = v.end, H = v.position + L; v.end = H, M = U(v, B, O, !1), v.end = V, v.position = H } var q = m.length; if (_ === q - 1) y.push(M); else { var $ = void 0, z = void 0, J = 0, G = void 0, K = void 0, X = void 0; for ($ = _; $ < q; $++) { for (K = m[$], G = J + K, X = [], z = 0; z < O; z++) X.push(M[z].subarray(J, G)); y.push(X), J = G } } } } var Y = [], Z = [], Q = !1, ee = a.length + r; while (Z.length < ee) { var te = e ? g.decode(v) : n(j, "IAEX", k); while (te--) Z.push(Q); Q = !Q } for (var ne = 0, se = a.length; ne < se; ne++) Z[ne] && Y.push(a[ne]); for (var ae = 0; ae < r; ne++, ae++) Z[ne] && Y.push(y[ae]); return Y } function w(e, t, a, r, i, u, o, l, c, b, f, h, p, v, g, m, y, w, O) { if (e && t) throw new x("refinement with Huffman is not supported"); var S, k, j = []; for (S = 0; S < r; S++) { if (k = new Uint8Array(a), i) for (var I = 0; I < a; I++) k[I] = i; j.push(k) } var C = y.decoder, B = y.contextCache, _ = e ? -v.tableDeltaT.decode(O) : -n(B, "IADT", C), D = 0; S = 0; while (S < u) { var T = e ? v.tableDeltaT.decode(O) : n(B, "IADT", C); _ += T; var A = e ? v.tableFirstS.decode(O) : n(B, "IAFS", C); D += A; var R = D; do { var F = 0; o > 1 && (F = e ? O.readBits(w) : n(B, "IAIT", C)); var P = o * _ + F, E = e ? v.symbolIDTable.decode(O) : s(B, C, c), L = t && (e ? O.readBit() : n(B, "IARI", C)), N = l[E], M = N[0].length, V = N.length; if (L) { var H = n(B, "IARDW", C), q = n(B, "IARDH", C), W = n(B, "IARDX", C), U = n(B, "IARDY", C); M += H, V += q, N = d(M, V, g, N, (H >> 1) + W, (q >> 1) + U, !1, m, y) } var $, z, J, G = P - (1 & h ? 0 : V - 1), K = R - (2 & h ? M - 1 : 0); if (b) { for ($ = 0; $ < V; $++) if (k = j[K + $], k) { J = N[$]; var X = Math.min(a - G, M); switch (p) { case 0: for (z = 0; z < X; z++) k[G + z] |= J[z]; break; case 2: for (z = 0; z < X; z++) k[G + z] ^= J[z]; break; default: throw new x("operator ".concat(p, " is not supported")) } } R += V - 1 } else { for (z = 0; z < V; z++) if (k = j[G + z], k) switch (J = N[z], p) { case 0: for ($ = 0; $ < M; $++) k[K + $] |= J[$]; break; case 2: for ($ = 0; $ < M; $++) k[K + $] ^= J[$]; break; default: throw new x("operator ".concat(p, " is not supported")) } R += M - 1 } S++; var Y = e ? v.tableDeltaS.decode(O) : n(B, "IADS", C); if (null === Y) break; R += Y + f } while ( 1 ) } return j } function O(e, t, n, s, a, r) { var i = []; e || (i.push({ x: -t, y: 0 }), 0 === a && (i.push({ x: -3, y: -1 }), i.push({ x: 2, y: -2 }), i.push({ x: -2, y: -2 }))); for (var u = (s + 1) * t, o = c(e, u, n, a, !1, null, i, r), l = [], b = 0; b <= s; b++) { for (var d = [], f = t * b, h = f + t, p = 0; p < n; p++) d.push(o[p].subarray(f, h)); l.push(d) } return l } function S(e, t, n, s, a, r, i, u, o, l, b, d, h, p, v) { var g = null; if (i) throw new x("skip is not supported"); if (0 !== u) throw new x("operator " + u + " is not supported in halftone region"); var m, y, w, O = []; for (m = 0; m < a; m++) { if (w = new Uint8Array(s), r) for (y = 0; y < s; y++) w[y] = r; O.push(w) } var S = t.length, k = t[0], j = k[0].length, I = k.length, C = f(S), B = []; e || (B.push({ x: n <= 1 ? 3 : 2, y: -1 }), 0 === n && (B.push({ x: -3, y: -1 }), B.push({ x: 2, y: -2 }), B.push({ x: -2, y: -2 }))); var _, D, T, A, R, F, P, E, L, N, V, H = []; for (e && (_ = new M(v.data, v.start, v.end)), m = C - 1; m >= 0; m--) D = e ? U(_, o, l, !0) : c(!1, o, l, n, !1, g, B, v), H[m] = D; for (T = 0; T < l; T++) for (A = 0; A < o; A++) { for (R = 0, F = 0, y = C - 1; y >= 0; y--) R = H[y][T][A] ^ R, F |= R << y; if (P = t[F], E = b + T * p + A * h >> 8, L = d + T * h - A * p >> 8, E >= 0 && E + j <= s && L >= 0 && L + I <= a) for (m = 0; m < I; m++) for (V = O[L + m], N = P[m], y = 0; y < j; y++) V[E + y] |= N[y]; else { var q = void 0, W = void 0; for (m = 0; m < I; m++) if (W = L + m, !(W < 0 || W >= a)) for (V = O[W], N = P[m], y = 0; y < j; y++) q = E + y, q >= 0 && q < s && (V[q] |= N[y]) } } return O } function k(e, t) { var n = {}; n.number = v(e, t); var s = e[t + 4], r = 63 & s; if (!a[r]) throw new x("invalid segment type: " + r); n.type = r, n.typeName = a[r], n.deferredNonRetain = !!(128 & s); var i = !!(64 & s), u = e[t + 5], o = u >> 5 & 7, l = [31 & u], c = t + 6; if (7 === u) { o = 536870911 & v(e, c - 1), c += 3; var b = o + 7 >> 3; l[0] = e[c++]; while (--b > 0) l.push(e[c++]) } else if (5 === u || 6 === u) throw new x("invalid referred-to flags"); n.retainBits = l; var d = 4; n.number <= 256 ? d = 1 : n.number <= 65536 && (d = 2); var f, h, g = []; for (f = 0; f < o; f++) { var m = void 0; m = 1 === d ? e[c] : 2 === d ? p(e, c) : v(e, c), g.push(m), c += d } if (n.referredTo = g, i ? (n.pageAssociation = v(e, c), c += 4) : n.pageAssociation = e[c++], n.length = v(e, c), c += 4, 4294967295 === n.length) { if (38 !== r) throw new x("invalid unknown segment length"); var y = I(e, c), w = e[c + C], O = !!(1 & w), S = 6, k = new Uint8Array(S); for (O || (k[0] = 255, k[1] = 172), k[2] = y.height >>> 24 & 255, k[3] = y.height >> 16 & 255, k[4] = y.height >> 8 & 255, k[5] = 255 & y.height, f = c, h = e.length; f < h; f++) { var j = 0; while (j < S && k[j] === e[f + j]) j++; if (j === S) { n.length = f + S; break } } if (4294967295 === n.length) throw new x("segment end was not found") } return n.headerEnd = c, n } function j(e, t, n, s) { var a = [], r = n; while (r < s) { var i = k(t, r); r = i.headerEnd; var u = { header: i, data: t }; if (e.randomAccess || (u.start = r, r += i.length, u.end = r), a.push(u), 51 === i.type) break } if (e.randomAccess) for (var o = 0, l = a.length; o < l; o++) a[o].start = r, r += a[o].header.length, a[o].end = r; return a } function I(e, t) { return { width: v(e, t), height: v(e, t + 4), x: v(e, t + 8), y: v(e, t + 12), combinationOperator: 7 & e[t + 16] } } var C = 17; function B(e, t) { var n, s, a, r, i = e.header, u = e.data, o = e.start, l = e.end; switch (i.type) { case 0: var c = {}, b = p(u, o); if (c.huffman = !!(1 & b), c.refinement = !!(2 & b), c.huffmanDHSelector = b >> 2 & 3, c.huffmanDWSelector = b >> 4 & 3, c.bitmapSizeSelector = b >> 6 & 1, c.aggregationInstancesSelector = b >> 7 & 1, c.bitmapCodingContextUsed = !!(256 & b), c.bitmapCodingContextRetained = !!(512 & b), c.template = b >> 10 & 3, c.refinementTemplate = b >> 12 & 1, o += 2, !c.huffman) { for (r = 0 === c.template ? 4 : 1, s = [], a = 0; a < r; a++) s.push({ x: h(u, o), y: h(u, o + 1) }), o += 2; c.at = s } if (c.refinement && !c.refinementTemplate) { for (s = [], a = 0; a < 2; a++) s.push({ x: h(u, o), y: h(u, o + 1) }), o += 2; c.refinementAt = s } c.numberOfExportedSymbols = v(u, o), o += 4, c.numberOfNewSymbols = v(u, o), o += 4, n = [c, i.number, i.referredTo, u, o, l]; break; case 6: case 7: var d = {}; d.info = I(u, o), o += C; var f = p(u, o); if (o += 2, d.huffman = !!(1 & f), d.refinement = !!(2 & f), d.logStripSize = f >> 2 & 3, d.stripSize = 1 << d.logStripSize, d.referenceCorner = f >> 4 & 3, d.transposed = !!(64 & f), d.combinationOperator = f >> 7 & 3, d.defaultPixelValue = f >> 9 & 1, d.dsOffset = f << 17 >> 27, d.refinementTemplate = f >> 15 & 1, d.huffman) { var g = p(u, o); o += 2, d.huffmanFS = 3 & g, d.huffmanDS = g >> 2 & 3, d.huffmanDT = g >> 4 & 3, d.huffmanRefinementDW = g >> 6 & 3, d.huffmanRefinementDH = g >> 8 & 3, d.huffmanRefinementDX = g >> 10 & 3, d.huffmanRefinementDY = g >> 12 & 3, d.huffmanRefinementSizeSelector = !!(16384 & g) } if (d.refinement && !d.refinementTemplate) { for (s = [], a = 0; a < 2; a++) s.push({ x: h(u, o), y: h(u, o + 1) }), o += 2; d.refinementAt = s } d.numberOfSymbolInstances = v(u, o), o += 4, n = [d, i.referredTo, u, o, l]; break; case 16: var m = {}, y = u[o++]; m.mmr = !!(1 & y), m.template = y >> 1 & 3, m.patternWidth = u[o++], m.patternHeight = u[o++], m.maxPatternIndex = v(u, o), o += 4, n = [m, i.number, u, o, l]; break; case 22: case 23: var w = {}; w.info = I(u, o), o += C; var O = u[o++]; w.mmr = !!(1 & O), w.template = O >> 1 & 3, w.enableSkip = !!(8 & O), w.combinationOperator = O >> 4 & 7, w.defaultPixelValue = O >> 7 & 1, w.gridWidth = v(u, o), o += 4, w.gridHeight = v(u, o), o += 4, w.gridOffsetX = 4294967295 & v(u, o), o += 4, w.gridOffsetY = 4294967295 & v(u, o), o += 4, w.gridVectorX = p(u, o), o += 2, w.gridVectorY = p(u, o), o += 2, n = [w, i.referredTo, u, o, l]; break; case 38: case 39: var S = {}; S.info = I(u, o), o += C; var k = u[o++]; if (S.mmr = !!(1 & k), S.template = k >> 1 & 3, S.prediction = !!(8 & k), !S.mmr) { for (r = 0 === S.template ? 4 : 1, s = [], a = 0; a < r; a++) s.push({ x: h(u, o), y: h(u, o + 1) }), o += 2; S.at = s } n = [S, u, o, l]; break; case 48: var j = { width: v(u, o), height: v(u, o + 4), resolutionX: v(u, o + 8), resolutionY: v(u, o + 12) }; 4294967295 === j.height && delete j.height; var B = u[o + 16]; p(u, o + 17), j.lossless = !!(1 & B), j.refinement = !!(2 & B), j.defaultPixelValue = B >> 2 & 1, j.combinationOperator = B >> 3 & 3, j.requiresBuffer = !!(32 & B), j.combinationOperatorOverride = !!(64 & B), n = [j]; break; case 49: break; case 50: break; case 51: break; case 53: n = [i.number, u, o, l]; break; case 62: break; default: throw new x("segment type ".concat(i.typeName, "(").concat(i.type, ")") + " is not implemented") } var _ = "on" + i.typeName; _ in t && t[_].apply(t, n) } function _(e, t) { for (var n = 0, s = e.length; n < s; n++) B(e[n], t) } function D(e) { for (var t = new A, n = 0, s = e.length; n < s; n++) { var a = e[n], r = j({}, a.data, a.start, a.end); _(r, t) } return t.buffer } function T(e) { var t = e.length, n = 0; if (151 !== e[n] || 74 !== e[n + 1] || 66 !== e[n + 2] || 50 !== e[n + 3] || 13 !== e[n + 4] || 10 !== e[n + 5] || 26 !== e[n + 6] || 10 !== e[n + 7]) throw new x("parseJbig2 - invalid header."); var s = Object.create(null); n += 8; var a = e[n++]; s.randomAccess = !(1 & a), 2 & a || (s.numberOfPages = v(e, n), n += 4); var r = j(s, e, n, t), i = new A; _(r, i); for (var u = i.currentPageInfo, o = u.width, l = u.height, c = i.buffer, b = new Uint8ClampedArray(o * l), d = 0, f = 0, h = 0; h < l; h++) for (var p = 0, g = void 0, m = 0; m < o; m++) p || (p = 128, g = c[f++]), b[d++] = g & p ? 0 : 255, p >>= 1; return { imgData: b, width: o, height: l } } function A() {} function R(e) { 2 === e.length ? (this.isOOB = !0, this.rangeLow = 0, this.prefixLength = e[0], this.rangeLength = 0, this.prefixCode = e[1], this.isLowerRange = !1) : (this.isOOB = !1, this.rangeLow = e[0], this.prefixLength = e[1], this.rangeLength = e[2], this.prefixCode = e[3], this.isLowerRange = "lower" === e[4]) } function F(e) { this.children = [], e ? (this.isLeaf = !0, this.rangeLength = e.rangeLength, this.rangeLow = e.rangeLow, this.isLowerRange = e.isLowerRange, this.isOOB = e.isOOB) : this.isLeaf = !1 } function P(e, t) { t || this.assignPrefixCodes(e), this.rootNode = new F(null); for (var n = 0, s = e.length; n < s; n++) { var a = e[n]; a.prefixLength > 0 && this.rootNode.buildTree(a, a.prefixLength - 1) } } function E(e, t, n) { var s, a, r = e[t], i = 4294967295 & v(e, t + 1), u = 4294967295 & v(e, t + 5), o = new M(e, t + 9, n), l = 1 + (r >> 1 & 7), c = 1 + (r >> 4 & 7), b = [], d = i; do { s = o.readBits(l), a = o.readBits(c), b.push(new R([d, s, a, 0])), d += 1 << a } while ( d < u ); return s = o.readBits(l), b.push(new R([i - 1, s, 32, 0, "lower"])), s = o.readBits(l), b.push(new R([u, s, 32, 0])), 1 & r && (s = o.readBits(l), b.push(new R([s, 0]))), new P(b, !1) } A.prototype = { onPageInformation: function(e) { this.currentPageInfo = e; var t = e.width + 7 >> 3, n = new Uint8ClampedArray(t * e.height); if (e.defaultPixelValue) for (var s = 0, a = n.length; s < a; s++) n[s] = 255; this.buffer = n }, drawBitmap: function(e, t) { var n, s, a, r, i = this.currentPageInfo, u = e.width, o = e.height, l = i.width + 7 >> 3, c = i.combinationOperatorOverride ? e.combinationOperator: i.combinationOperator, b = this.buffer, d = 128 >> (7 & e.x), f = e.y * l + (e.x >> 3); switch (c) { case 0: for (n = 0; n < o; n++) { for (a = d, r = f, s = 0; s < u; s++) t[n][s] && (b[r] |= a), a >>= 1, a || (a = 128, r++); f += l } break; case 2: for (n = 0; n < o; n++) { for (a = d, r = f, s = 0; s < u; s++) t[n][s] && (b[r] ^= a), a >>= 1, a || (a = 128, r++); f += l } break; default: throw new x("operator ".concat(c, " is not supported")) } }, onImmediateGenericRegion: function(e, n, s, a) { var r = e.info, i = new t(n, s, a), u = c(e.mmr, r.width, r.height, e.template, e.prediction, null, e.at, i); this.drawBitmap(r, u) }, onImmediateLosslessGenericRegion: function() { this.onImmediateGenericRegion.apply(this, arguments) }, onSymbolDictionary: function(e, n, s, a, r, i) { var u, o; e.huffman && (u = q(e, s, this.customTables), o = new M(a, r, i)); var l = this.symbols; l || (this.symbols = l = {}); for (var c = [], b = 0, d = s.length; b < d; b++) { var f = l[s[b]]; f && (c = c.concat(f)) } var h = new t(a, r, i); l[n] = g(e.huffman, e.refinement, c, e.numberOfNewSymbols, e.numberOfExportedSymbols, u, e.template, e.at, e.refinementTemplate, e.refinementAt, h, o) }, onImmediateTextRegion: function(e, n, s, a, r) { for (var i, u, o = e.info, l = this.symbols, c = [], b = 0, d = n.length; b < d; b++) { var h = l[n[b]]; h && (c = c.concat(h)) } var p = f(c.length); e.huffman && (u = new M(s, a, r), i = H(e, n, this.customTables, c.length, u)); var v = new t(s, a, r), g = w(e.huffman, e.refinement, o.width, o.height, e.defaultPixelValue, e.numberOfSymbolInstances, e.stripSize, c, p, e.transposed, e.dsOffset, e.referenceCorner, e.combinationOperator, i, e.refinementTemplate, e.refinementAt, v, e.logStripSize, u); this.drawBitmap(o, g) }, onImmediateLosslessTextRegion: function() { this.onImmediateTextRegion.apply(this, arguments) }, onPatternDictionary: function(e, n, s, a, r) { var i = this.patterns; i || (this.patterns = i = {}); var u = new t(s, a, r); i[n] = O(e.mmr, e.patternWidth, e.patternHeight, e.maxPatternIndex, e.template, u) }, onImmediateHalftoneRegion: function(e, n, s, a, r) { var i = this.patterns[n[0]], u = e.info, o = new t(s, a, r), l = S(e.mmr, i, e.template, u.width, u.height, e.defaultPixelValue, e.enableSkip, e.combinationOperator, e.gridWidth, e.gridHeight, e.gridOffsetX, e.gridOffsetY, e.gridVectorX, e.gridVectorY, o); this.drawBitmap(u, l) }, onImmediateLosslessHalftoneRegion: function() { this.onImmediateHalftoneRegion.apply(this, arguments) }, onTables: function(e, t, n, s) { var a = this.customTables; a || (this.customTables = a = {}), a[e] = E(t, n, s) } }, F.prototype = { buildTree: function(e, t) { var n = e.prefixCode >> t & 1; if (t <= 0) this.children[n] = new F(e); else { var s = this.children[n]; s || (this.children[n] = s = new F(null)), s.buildTree(e, t - 1) } }, decodeNode: function(e) { if (this.isLeaf) { if (this.isOOB) return null; var t = e.readBits(this.rangeLength); return this.rangeLow + (this.isLowerRange ? -t: t) } var n = this.children[e.readBit()]; if (!n) throw new x("invalid Huffman data"); return n.decodeNode(e) } }, P.prototype = { decode: function(e) { return this.rootNode.decodeNode(e) }, assignPrefixCodes: function(e) { for (var t = e.length, n = 0, s = 0; s < t; s++) n = Math.max(n, e[s].prefixLength); for (var a = new Uint32Array(n + 1), r = 0; r < t; r++) a[e[r].prefixLength]++; var i, u, o, l = 1, c = 0; a[0] = 0; while (l <= n) { c = c + a[l - 1] << 1, i = c, u = 0; while (u < t) o = e[u], o.prefixLength === l && (o.prefixCode = i, i++), u++; l++ } } }; var L = {}; function N(e) { var t, n = L[e]; if (n) return n; switch (e) { case 1: t = [[0, 1, 4, 0], [16, 2, 8, 2], [272, 3, 16, 6], [65808, 3, 32, 7]]; break; case 2: t = [[0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 2, 0, 2], [2, 3, 0, 6], [3, 4, 3, 14], [11, 5, 6, 30], [75, 6, 32, 62], [6, 63]]; break; case 3: t = [[ - 256, 8, 8, 254], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 2, 0, 2], [2, 3, 0, 6], [3, 4, 3, 14], [11, 5, 6, 30], [ - 257, 8, 32, 255, "lower"], [75, 7, 32, 126], [6, 62]]; break; case 4: t = [[1, 1, 0, 0], [2, 2, 0, 2], [3, 3, 0, 6], [4, 4, 3, 14], [12, 5, 6, 30], [76, 5, 32, 31]]; break; case 5: t = [[ - 255, 7, 8, 126], [1, 1, 0, 0], [2, 2, 0, 2], [3, 3, 0, 6], [4, 4, 3, 14], [12, 5, 6, 30], [ - 256, 7, 32, 127, "lower"], [76, 6, 32, 62]]; break; case 6: t = [[ - 2048, 5, 10, 28], [ - 1024, 4, 9, 8], [ - 512, 4, 8, 9], [ - 256, 4, 7, 10], [ - 128, 5, 6, 29], [ - 64, 5, 5, 30], [ - 32, 4, 5, 11], [0, 2, 7, 0], [128, 3, 7, 2], [256, 3, 8, 3], [512, 4, 9, 12], [1024, 4, 10, 13], [ - 2049, 6, 32, 62, "lower"], [2048, 6, 32, 63]]; break; case 7: t = [[ - 1024, 4, 9, 8], [ - 512, 3, 8, 0], [ - 256, 4, 7, 9], [ - 128, 5, 6, 26], [ - 64, 5, 5, 27], [ - 32, 4, 5, 10], [0, 4, 5, 11], [32, 5, 5, 28], [64, 5, 6, 29], [128, 4, 7, 12], [256, 3, 8, 1], [512, 3, 9, 2], [1024, 3, 10, 3], [ - 1025, 5, 32, 30, "lower"], [2048, 5, 32, 31]]; break; case 8: t = [[ - 15, 8, 3, 252], [ - 7, 9, 1, 508], [ - 5, 8, 1, 253], [ - 3, 9, 0, 509], [ - 2, 7, 0, 124], [ - 1, 4, 0, 10], [0, 2, 1, 0], [2, 5, 0, 26], [3, 6, 0, 58], [4, 3, 4, 4], [20, 6, 1, 59], [22, 4, 4, 11], [38, 4, 5, 12], [70, 5, 6, 27], [134, 5, 7, 28], [262, 6, 7, 60], [390, 7, 8, 125], [646, 6, 10, 61], [ - 16, 9, 32, 510, "lower"], [1670, 9, 32, 511], [2, 1]]; break; case 9: t = [[ - 31, 8, 4, 252], [ - 15, 9, 2, 508], [ - 11, 8, 2, 253], [ - 7, 9, 1, 509], [ - 5, 7, 1, 124], [ - 3, 4, 1, 10], [ - 1, 3, 1, 2], [1, 3, 1, 3], [3, 5, 1, 26], [5, 6, 1, 58], [7, 3, 5, 4], [39, 6, 2, 59], [43, 4, 5, 11], [75, 4, 6, 12], [139, 5, 7, 27], [267, 5, 8, 28], [523, 6, 8, 60], [779, 7, 9, 125], [1291, 6, 11, 61], [ - 32, 9, 32, 510, "lower"], [3339, 9, 32, 511], [2, 0]]; break; case 10: t = [[ - 21, 7, 4, 122], [ - 5, 8, 0, 252], [ - 4, 7, 0, 123], [ - 3, 5, 0, 24], [ - 2, 2, 2, 0], [2, 5, 0, 25], [3, 6, 0, 54], [4, 7, 0, 124], [5, 8, 0, 253], [6, 2, 6, 1], [70, 5, 5, 26], [102, 6, 5, 55], [134, 6, 6, 56], [198, 6, 7, 57], [326, 6, 8, 58], [582, 6, 9, 59], [1094, 6, 10, 60], [2118, 7, 11, 125], [ - 22, 8, 32, 254, "lower"], [4166, 8, 32, 255], [2, 2]]; break; case 11: t = [[1, 1, 0, 0], [2, 2, 1, 2], [4, 4, 0, 12], [5, 4, 1, 13], [7, 5, 1, 28], [9, 5, 2, 29], [13, 6, 2, 60], [17, 7, 2, 122], [21, 7, 3, 123], [29, 7, 4, 124], [45, 7, 5, 125], [77, 7, 6, 126], [141, 7, 32, 127]]; break; case 12: t = [[1, 1, 0, 0], [2, 2, 0, 2], [3, 3, 1, 6], [5, 5, 0, 28], [6, 5, 1, 29], [8, 6, 1, 60], [10, 7, 0, 122], [11, 7, 1, 123], [13, 7, 2, 124], [17, 7, 3, 125], [25, 7, 4, 126], [41, 8, 5, 254], [73, 8, 32, 255]]; break; case 13: t = [[1, 1, 0, 0], [2, 3, 0, 4], [3, 4, 0, 12], [4, 5, 0, 28], [5, 4, 1, 13], [7, 3, 3, 5], [15, 6, 1, 58], [17, 6, 2, 59], [21, 6, 3, 60], [29, 6, 4, 61], [45, 6, 5, 62], [77, 7, 6, 126], [141, 7, 32, 127]]; break; case 14: t = [[ - 2, 3, 0, 4], [ - 1, 3, 0, 5], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 3, 0, 6], [2, 3, 0, 7]]; break; case 15: t = [[ - 24, 7, 4, 124], [ - 8, 6, 2, 60], [ - 4, 5, 1, 28], [ - 2, 4, 0, 12], [ - 1, 3, 0, 4], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 3, 0, 5], [2, 4, 0, 13], [3, 5, 1, 29], [5, 6, 2, 61], [9, 7, 4, 125], [ - 25, 7, 32, 126, "lower"], [25, 7, 32, 127]]; break; default: throw new x("standard table B.".concat(e, " does not exist")) } for (var s = 0, a = t.length; s < a; s++) t[s] = new R(t[s]); return n = new P(t, !0), L[e] = n, n } function M(e, t, n) { this.data = e, this.start = t, this.end = n, this.position = t, this.shift = -1, this.currentByte = 0 } function V(e, t, n) { for (var s = 0, a = 0, r = t.length; a < r; a++) { var i = n[t[a]]; if (i) { if (e === s) return i; s++ } } throw new x("can't find custom Huffman table") } function H(e, t, n, s, a) { for (var r = [], i = 0; i <= 34; i++) { var u = a.readBits(4); r.push(new R([i, u, 0, 0])) } var o = new P(r, !1); r.length = 0; for (var l = 0; l < s;) { var c = o.decode(a); if (c >= 32) { var b = void 0, d = void 0, f = void 0; switch (c) { case 32: if (0 === l) throw new x("no previous value in symbol ID table"); d = a.readBits(2) + 3, b = r[l - 1].prefixLength; break; case 33: d = a.readBits(3) + 3, b = 0; break; case 34: d = a.readBits(7) + 11, b = 0; break; default: throw new x("invalid code length in symbol ID table") } for (f = 0; f < d; f++) r.push(new R([l, b, 0, 0])), l++ } else r.push(new R([l, c, 0, 0])), l++ } a.byteAlign(); var h, p, v, g = new P(r, !1), m = 0; switch (e.huffmanFS) { case 0: case 1: h = N(e.huffmanFS + 6); break; case 3: h = V(m, t, n), m++; break; default: throw new x("invalid Huffman FS selector") } switch (e.huffmanDS) { case 0: case 1: case 2: p = N(e.huffmanDS + 8); break; case 3: p = V(m, t, n), m++; break; default: throw new x("invalid Huffman DS selector") } switch (e.huffmanDT) { case 0: case 1: case 2: v = N(e.huffmanDT + 11); break; case 3: v = V(m, t, n), m++; break; default: throw new x("invalid Huffman DT selector") } if (e.refinement) throw new x("refinement with Huffman is not supported"); return { symbolIDTable: g, tableFirstS: h, tableDeltaS: p, tableDeltaT: v } } function q(e, t, n) { var s, a, r, i, u = 0; switch (e.huffmanDHSelector) { case 0: case 1: s = N(e.huffmanDHSelector + 4); break; case 3: s = V(u, t, n), u++; break; default: throw new x("invalid Huffman DH selector") } switch (e.huffmanDWSelector) { case 0: case 1: a = N(e.huffmanDWSelector + 2); break; case 3: a = V(u, t, n), u++; break; default: throw new x("invalid Huffman DW selector") } return e.bitmapSizeSelector ? (r = V(u, t, n), u++) : r = N(1), i = e.aggregationInstancesSelector ? V(u, t, n) : N(1), { tableDeltaHeight: s, tableDeltaWidth: a, tableBitmapSize: r, tableAggregateInstances: i } } function W(e, t, n) { for (var s = [], a = 0; a < n; a++) { var r = new Uint8Array(t); s.push(r); for (var i = 0; i < t; i++) r[i] = e.readBit(); e.byteAlign() } return s } function U(e, t, n, s) { for (var a, r = { K: -1, Columns: t, Rows: n, BlackIs1: !0, EndOfBlock: s }, i = new y(e, r), u = [], o = !1, l = 0; l < n; l++) { var c = new Uint8Array(t); u.push(c); for (var b = -1, d = 0; d < t; d++) b < 0 && (a = i.readNextChar(), -1 === a && (a = 0, o = !0), b = 7), c[d] = a >> b & 1, b-- } if (s && !o) for (var f = 5, h = 0; h < f; h++) if ( - 1 === i.readNextChar()) break; return u } function $() {} return M.prototype = { readBit: function() { if (this.shift < 0) { if (this.position >= this.end) throw new x("end of data while reading bit"); this.currentByte = this.data[this.position++], this.shift = 7 } var e = this.currentByte >> this.shift & 1; return this.shift--, e }, readBits: function(e) { var t, n = 0; for (t = e - 1; t >= 0; t--) n |= this.readBit() << t; return n }, byteAlign: function() { this.shift = -1 }, next: function() { return this.position >= this.end ? -1 : this.data[this.position++] } }, $.prototype = { parseChunks: function(e) { return D(e) }, parse: function(e) { var t = T(e), n = t.imgData, s = t.width, a = t.height; return this.width = s, this.height = a, n } }, $ } () }, "7f3b": function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; (function(e) { n("a4d3"), n("e01a"), n("a630"), n("caad"), n("fb6a"), n("6c57"), n("4ec9"), n("90d7"), n("a9e3"), n("8ba4"), n("9129"), n("4fad"), n("c1f9"), n("d3b7"), n("07ac"), n("25f0"), n("6062"), n("f5b2"), n("8a79"), n("f6d6"), n("2532"), n("3ca3"), n("843c"), n("4d90"), n("2ca0"), n("5cc6"), n("9a8c"), n("a975"), n("735e"), n("c1ac"), n("d139"), n("3a7b"), n("d5d6"), n("82f8"), n("e91f"), n("60bd"), n("5f96"), n("3280"), n("3fcc"), n("ca91"), n("25a1"), n("cd26"), n("3c5d"), n("2954"), n("649e"), n("219c"), n("170b"), n("b39a"), n("72f7"), n("10d1"), n("1fe2"), n("ddb0"), n("2b3d"); var t = n("d00a"); "undefined" !== typeof PDFJSDev && PDFJSDev.test("SKIP_BABEL") || "undefined" !== typeof globalThis && globalThis._pdfjsCompatibilityChecked || ("undefined" !== typeof globalThis && globalThis.Math === Math || (globalThis = n("eb73")), globalThis._pdfjsCompatibilityChecked = !0, function() { ! globalThis.btoa && t["a"] && (globalThis.btoa = function(t) { return e.from(t, "binary").toString("base64") }) } (), function() { ! globalThis.atob && t["a"] && (globalThis.atob = function(t) { return e.from(t, "base64").toString("binary") }) } (), function() { String.prototype.startsWith || n("d2a2") } (), function() { String.prototype.endsWith || n("8f4c") } (), function() { String.prototype.includes || n("4661") } (), function() { Array.prototype.includes || n("bf2c") } (), function() { Array.from || n("6b84") } (), function() { Object.assign || n("2418") } (), function() { Object.fromEntries || n("8ac5") } (), function() { Math.log2 || (Math.log2 = n("dc57")) } (), function() { Number.isNaN || (Number.isNaN = n("9020")) } (), function() { Number.isInteger || (Number.isInteger = n("f2e6")) } (), function() { Uint8Array.prototype.slice || n("8f2a") } (), function() { "undefined" !== typeof PDFJSDev && PDFJSDev.test("IMAGE_DECODERS") || globalThis.Promise.allSettled || (globalThis.Promise = n("3980")) } (), function() { "undefined" !== typeof PDFJSDev && PDFJSDev.test("PRODUCTION") && PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC") && (PDFJSDev.test("IMAGE_DECODERS") || (globalThis.URL = n("14d8"))) } (), function() { if ("undefined" === typeof PDFJSDev || !PDFJSDev.test("IMAGE_DECODERS")) { var e = !1; if ("undefined" !== typeof ReadableStream) try { new ReadableStream({ start: function(e) { e.close() } }), e = !0 } catch(t) {} e || (globalThis.ReadableStream = n("87c2").ReadableStream) } } (), function() { globalThis.Map && globalThis.Map.prototype.entries || (globalThis.Map = n("5eff")) } (), function() { globalThis.Set && globalThis.Set.prototype.entries || (globalThis.Set = n("9a35")) } (), function() { globalThis.WeakMap || (globalThis.WeakMap = n("ad63")) } (), function() { globalThis.WeakSet || (globalThis.WeakSet = n("ee42")) } (), function() { String.prototype.codePointAt || n("d627") } (), function() { String.fromCodePoint || (String.fromCodePoint = n("1cd7")) } (), function() { globalThis.Symbol || n("1f4a") } (), function() { String.prototype.padStart || n("1920") } (), function() { String.prototype.padEnd || n("476b") } (), function() { Object.values || (Object.values = n("4e28")) } (), function() { Object.entries || (Object.entries = n("a960")) } ()) }).call(this, n("b639").Buffer) }, "81a2": function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; n.d(t, "c", (function() { return w })), n.d(t, "d", (function() { return S })), n.d(t, "e", (function() { return k })), n.d(t, "a", (function() { return j })), n.d(t, "f", (function() { return I })), n.d(t, "b", (function() { return C })); n("99af"), n("c19f"), n("b64b"), n("d3b7"); var s = n("b85c"), a = (n("96cf"), n("1da1")), r = (n("b680"), n("ac1f"), n("5319"), n("1276"), n("8a59"), n("9a8c"), n("a975"), n("735e"), n("c1ac"), n("d139"), n("3a7b"), n("d5d6"), n("82f8"), n("e91f"), n("60bd"), n("5f96"), n("3280"), n("3fcc"), n("ca91"), n("25a1"), n("cd26"), n("3c5d"), n("2954"), n("649e"), n("219c"), n("170b"), n("b39a"), n("72f7"), n("6b33")), i = function(e, t, n) { var s, a = n[Object.keys(n)[0]]["json"]["ofd:Area"]; if (a) { var i = a["ofd:PhysicalBox"]; if (i) s = i; else { var u = a["ofd:ApplicationBox"]; if (u) s = u; else { var o = a["ofd:ContentBox"]; o && (s = o) } } } else { var l = t["ofd:CommonData"]["ofd:PageArea"], c = l["ofd:PhysicalBox"]; if (c) s = c; else { var b = l["ofd:ApplicationBox"]; if (b) s = b; else { var d = l["ofd:ContentBox"]; d && (s = d) } } } var f = s.split(" "), h = ((e - 10) / parseFloat(f[2])).toFixed(1); return Object(r["n"])(h), Object(r["o"])(h), s = Object(r["l"])(s), s = Object(r["e"])(s), s }, u = function(e, t) { var n, s = t[Object.keys(t)[0]]["json"]["ofd:Area"]; if (s) { var a = s["ofd:PhysicalBox"]; if (a) n = a; else { var i = s["ofd:ApplicationBox"]; if (i) n = i; else { var u = s["ofd:ContentBox"]; u && (n = u) } } } else { var o = e["ofd:CommonData"]["ofd:PageArea"], l = o["ofd:PhysicalBox"]; if (l) n = l; else { var c = o["ofd:ApplicationBox"]; if (c) n = c; else { var b = o["ofd:ContentBox"]; b && (n = b) } } } return n = Object(r["l"])(n), n = Object(r["e"])(n), n }, o = function(e, t, n, a, i, u) { var o = Object.keys(t)[0], d = t[o]["json"]["ofd:Template"]; if (d) { var f = [], p = n[d["@_TemplateID"]]["json"]["ofd:Content"]["ofd:Layer"]; f = f.concat(p); var v, g = Object(s["a"])(f); try { for (g.s(); ! (v = g.n()).done;) { var m = v.value; m && b(e, a, i, u, m, !1) } } catch(R) { g.e(R) } finally { g.f() } } var y = t[o]["json"]["ofd:Content"]["ofd:Layer"], x = []; x = x.concat(y); var w, O = Object(s["a"])(x); try { for (O.s(); ! (w = O.n()).done;) { var S = w.value; S && b(e, a, i, u, S, !1) } } catch(R) { O.e(R) } finally { O.f() } if (t[o].stamp) { var k, j = Object(s["a"])(t[o].stamp); try { for (j.s(); ! (k = j.n()).done;) { var I = k.value; if ("ofd" === I.type) c(e, I.obj.pages, I.obj.tpls, !0, I.stamp.stampAnnot, I.obj.fontResObj, I.obj.drawParamResObj, I.obj.multiMediaResObj, I.stamp.sealObj.SES_Signature, I.stamp.signedInfo); else if ("png" === I.type) { var C = Object(r["e"])(I.obj.boundary), B = Array.isArray(I.stamp.stampAnnot) ? I.stamp.stampAnnot[0]["pfIndex"] : I.stamp.stampAnnot["pfIndex"], _ = h(e.style.width, e.style.height, I.obj.img, C, I.obj.clip, !0, I.stamp.sealObj.SES_Signature, I.stamp.signedInfo, B); e.appendChild(_) } } } catch(R) { j.e(R) } finally { j.f() } } if (t[o].annotation) { var D, T = Object(s["a"])(t[o].annotation); try { for (T.s(); ! (D = T.n()).done;) { var A = D.value; l(e, A, a, i, u) } } catch(R) { T.e(R) } finally { T.f() } } }, l = function(e, t, n, s, a) { var i = document.createElement("div"); i.setAttribute("style", "position:relative;"); var u = t["appearance"]["@_Boundary"]; if (u) { var o = Object(r["e"])(Object(r["l"])(u)); i.setAttribute("style", "z-index:-1;position:absolute; left: ".concat(o.x, "px; top: ").concat(o.y, "px; width: ").concat(o.w, "px; height: ").concat(o.h, "px")) } var l = t["appearance"]; b(i, n, s, a, l, !1), e.appendChild(i) }, c = function(e, t, n, a, i, u, o, l, c, d) { var f, h = Object(s["a"])(t); try { for (h.s(); ! (f = h.n()).done;) { var p = f.value, v = Object.keys(p)[0], g = { x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, h: 0 }; a && i && (g = i.boundary); var m = Object(r["e"])(g), y = document.createElement("div"); y.setAttribute("name", "seal_img_div"), y.setAttribute("style", "cursor: pointer; position:relative; left: ".concat(m.x, "px; top: ").concat(m.y, "px; width: ").concat(m.w, "px; height: ").concat(m.h, "px")), y.setAttribute("data-ses-signature", "".concat(JSON.stringify(c))), y.setAttribute("data-signed-info", "".concat(JSON.stringify(d))); var x = p[v]["json"]["ofd:Template"]; if (x) { var w = n[x["@_TemplateID"]]["json"]["ofd:Content"]["ofd:Layer"], O = []; O = O.concat(w); var S, k = Object(s["a"])(O); try { for (k.s(); ! (S = k.n()).done;) { var j = S.value; j && b(y, u, o, l, j, a) } } catch(T) { k.e(T) } finally { k.f() } } var I = p[v]["json"]["ofd:Content"]["ofd:Layer"], C = []; C = C.concat(I); var B, _ = Object(s["a"])(C); try { for (_.s(); ! (B = _.n()).done;) { var D = B.value; D && b(y, u, o, l, D, a) } } catch(T) { _.e(T) } finally { _.f() } e.appendChild(y) } } catch(T) { h.e(T) } finally { h.f() } }, b = function(e, t, n, a, i, u) { var o = null, l = null, c = Object(r["f"])(.353), b = i["@_DrawParam"]; b && Object.keys(n).length > 0 && n[b] && (n[b]["relative"] && (b = n[b]["relative"], n[b]["FillColor"] && (o = Object(r["j"])(n[b]["FillColor"])), n[b]["StrokeColor"] && (l = Object(r["j"])(n[b]["StrokeColor"])), n[b]["LineWidth"] && (c = Object(r["f"])(n[b]["LineWidth"]))), n[b]["FillColor"] && (o = Object(r["j"])(n[b]["FillColor"])), n[b]["StrokeColor"] && (l = Object(r["j"])(n[b]["StrokeColor"])), n[b]["LineWidth"] && (c = Object(r["f"])(n[b]["LineWidth"]))); var f = i["ofd:ImageObject"], h = []; h = h.concat(f); var g, m = Object(s["a"])(h); try { for (m.s(); ! (g = m.n()).done;) { var y = g.value; if (y) { var x = d(e.style.width, e.style.height, a, y); e.appendChild(x) } } } catch(R) { m.e(R) } finally { m.f() } var w = i["ofd:PathObject"], O = []; O = O.concat(w); var S, k = Object(s["a"])(O); try { for (k.s(); ! (S = k.n()).done;) { var j = S.value; if (j) { var I = v(n, j, o, l, c, u); e.appendChild(I) } } } catch(R) { k.e(R) } finally { k.f() } var C = i["ofd:TextObject"], B = []; B = B.concat(C); var _, D = Object(s["a"])(B); try { for (D.s(); ! (_ = D.n()).done;) { var T = _.value; if (T) { var A = p(t, T, o, l); e.appendChild(A) } } } catch(R) { D.e(R) } finally { D.f() } }, d = function(e, t, n, s) { var a = Object(r["l"])(s["@_Boundary"]); a = Object(r["e"])(a); var i = s["@_ResourceID"]; if ("gbig2" === n[i].format) { var u = n[i].img, o = n[i].width, l = n[i].height; return f(u, o, l, a, s["pfIndex"]) } return h(e, t, n[i].img, a, !1, !1, null, null, s["pfIndex"]) }, f = function(e, t, n, s, a) { for (var r = new Uint8ClampedArray(4 * t * n), i = 0; i < e.length; i++) r[4 * i] = e[i], r[4 * i + 1] = e[i], r[4 * i + 2] = e[i], r[4 * i + 3] = 255; var u = new ImageData(r, t, n), o = document.createElement("canvas"); o.width = t, o.height = n; var l = o.getContext("2d"); return l.putImageData(u, 0, 0), o.setAttribute("style", "left: ".concat(s.x, "px; top: ").concat(s.y, "px; width: ").concat(s.w, "px; height: ").concat(s.h, "px;z-index: ").concat(a)), o.style.position = "absolute", o }, h = function(e, t, n, s, a, i, u, o, l) { var c = document.createElement("div"); i && (c.setAttribute("name", "seal_img_div"), c.setAttribute("data-ses-signature", "".concat(JSON.stringify(u))), c.setAttribute("data-signed-info", "".concat(JSON.stringify(o)))); var b = document.createElement("img"); b.src = n, b.setAttribute("width", "100%"), b.setAttribute("height", "100%"), c.appendChild(b); var d = parseFloat(e.replace("px", "")), f = parseFloat(t.replace("px", "")), h = s.w > d ? d: s.w, p = s.h > f ? f: s.h, v = ""; return a && (a = Object(r["e"])(a), v = "clip: rect(".concat(a.y, "px, ").concat(a.w + a.x, "px, ").concat(a.h + a.y, "px, ").concat(a.x, "px)")), c.setAttribute("style", "cursor: pointer; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; left: ".concat(v ? s.x: s.x < 0 ? 0 : s.x, "px; top: ").concat(v ? s.y: s.y < 0 ? 0 : s.y, "px; width: ").concat(h, "px; height: ").concat(p, "px; ").concat(v, ";z-index: ").concat(l)), c }, p = function(e, t, n, a) { var i = 1, u = Object(r["l"])(t["@_Boundary"]); u = Object(r["e"])(u); var o = t["@_CTM"], l = t["@_HScale"], c = t["@_Font"], b = t["@_Weight"], d = Object(r["f"])(parseFloat(t["@_Size"])), f = []; f = f.concat(t["ofd:TextCode"]); var h = Object(r["c"])(f), p = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg"); p.setAttribute("version", "1.1"); var v = t["ofd:FillColor"]; if (v) { n = Object(r["j"])(v["@_Value"]); var g = v["@_Alpha"]; g && (i = g > 1 ? g / 255 : g) } var m, y = Object(s["a"])(h); try { for (y.s(); ! (m = y.n()).done;) { var x = m.value; if (x && !isNaN(x.x)) { var w = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "text"); if (w.setAttribute("x", x.x), w.setAttribute("y", x.y), w.innerHTML = x.text, o) { var O = Object(r["k"])(o); w.setAttribute("transform", "matrix(".concat(O[0], " ").concat(O[1], " ").concat(O[2], " ").concat(O[3], " ").concat(Object(r["f"])(O[4]), " ").concat(Object(r["f"])(O[5]), ")")) } l && w.setAttribute("transform", "matrix(".concat(l, ", 0, 0, 1, ").concat((1 - l) * x.x, ", 0)")), w.setAttribute("fill", a), w.setAttribute("fill", n), w.setAttribute("fill-opacity", i), w.setAttribute("style", "font-weight: ".concat(b, ";font-size:").concat(d, "px;font-family: ").concat(Object(r["h"])(e[c]), ";")), p.appendChild(w) } } } catch(C) { y.e(C) } finally { y.f() } var S = u.w, k = u.h, j = u.x, I = u.y; return p.setAttribute("style", "overflow:visible;position:absolute;width:".concat(S, "px;height:").concat(k, "px;left:").concat(j, "px;top:").concat(I, "px;z-index:").concat(t["pfIndex"])), p }, v = function(e, t, n, a, i, u) { var o = Object(r["l"])(t["@_Boundary"]); o = Object(r["e"])(o); var l = t["@_LineWidth"], c = t["ofd:AbbreviatedData"], b = Object(r["b"])(Object(r["d"])(c)), d = t["@_CTM"], f = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg"); f.setAttribute("version", "1.1"); var h = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path"); l && (i = Object(r["f"])(l)); var p = t["@_DrawParam"]; if (p && (l = e[p].LineWidth, l && (i = Object(r["f"])(l))), d) { var v = Object(r["k"])(d); h.setAttribute("transform", "matrix(".concat(v[0], " ").concat(v[1], " ").concat(v[2], " ").concat(v[3], " ").concat(Object(r["f"])(v[4]), " ").concat(Object(r["f"])(v[5]), ")")) } var g = "", m = t["ofd:StrokeColor"]; m && (a = Object(r["j"])(m["@_Value"])); var y = "fill: none;", x = t["ofd:FillColor"]; x && (n = Object(r["j"])(x["@_Value"])), i > 0 && !a && (a = n, a || (a = "rgb(0, 0, 0)")), g = "stroke:".concat(a, ";stroke-width:").concat(i, "px;"), "false" == t["@_Stroke"] && (g = ""), "false" != t["@_Fill"] && (y = "fill:".concat(u ? "none": n || "none", ";")), h.setAttribute("style", "".concat(g, ";").concat(y)); var w, O = "", S = Object(s["a"])(b); try { for (S.s(); ! (w = S.n()).done;) { var k = w.value; "M" === k.type ? O += "M".concat(k.x, " ").concat(k.y, " ") : "L" === k.type ? O += "L".concat(k.x, " ").concat(k.y, " ") : "B" === k.type ? O += "C".concat(k.x1, " ").concat(k.y1, " ").concat(k.x2, " ").concat(k.y2, " ").concat(k.x3, " ").concat(k.y3, " ") : "C" === k.type && (O += "Z") } } catch(_) { S.e(_) } finally { S.f() } h.setAttribute("d", O), f.appendChild(h); var j = u ? o.w: Math.ceil(o.w), I = u ? o.h: Math.ceil(o.h), C = o.x, B = o.y; return f.setAttribute("style", "overflow:visible;position:absolute;width:".concat(j, "px;height:").concat(I, "px;left:").concat(C, "px;top:").concat(B, "px;z-index:").concat(t["pfIndex"])), f }, g = n("3662"), m = n("67d3"), y = n("a9c6"), x = n("0083"), w = function(e) { e.ofd instanceof File || e.ofd instanceof ArrayBuffer ? O(e) : x["getBinaryContent"](e.ofd, (function(t, n) { t ? e.fail && e.fail(t) : (e.ofd = n, O(e)) })) }, O = function(e) { g["a"].call(this, Object(a["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function t() { return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(t) { while (1) switch (t.prev = t.next) { case 0: return t.next = 2, Object(m["c"])(e.ofd); case 2: return t.abrupt("return", t.sent); case 3: case "end": return t.stop() } }), t) }))), m["a"], m["b"]).then((function(t) { e.success && e.success(t) })). catch((function(t) { console.log(t), e.fail && e.fail(t) })) }, S = function(e, t) { var n = []; if (!t) return n; var a, r = Object(s["a"])(t.pages); try { for (r.s(); ! (a = r.n()).done;) { var u = a.value, l = i(e, t.document, u), c = Object.keys(u)[0], b = document.createElement("div"); b.id = c, b.setAttribute("style", "margin-bottom: 20px;position: relative;width:".concat(l.w, "px;height:").concat(l.h, "px;background: white;")), o(b, u, t.tpls, t.fontResObj, t.drawParamResObj, t.multiMediaResObj), n.push(b) } } catch(d) { r.e(d) } finally { r.f() } return n }, k = function(e) { var t = []; if (!e) return t; var n, a = Object(s["a"])(e.pages); try { for (a.s(); ! (n = a.n()).done;) { var r = n.value, i = u(e.document, r), l = Object.keys(r)[0], c = document.createElement("div"); c.id = l, c.setAttribute("style", "margin-bottom: 20px;position: relative;width:".concat(i.w, "px;height:").concat(i.h, "px;background: white;")), o(c, r, e.tpls, e.fontResObj, e.drawParamResObj, e.multiMediaResObj), t.push(c) } } catch(b) { a.e(b) } finally { a.f() } return t }, j = function(e) { return Object(y["a"])(e) }, I = function(e) { Object(r["o"])(e) }, C = function() { return Object(r["i"])() } }, 8374 : function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; (function(e) { n("c975"), n("c19f"), n("b0c0"), n("b64b"), n("d3b7"), n("ac1f"), n("3ca3"), n("5319"), n("1276"), n("5cc6"), n("9a8c"), n("a975"), n("735e"), n("c1ac"), n("d139"), n("3a7b"), n("d5d6"), n("82f8"), n("e91f"), n("60bd"), n("5f96"), n("3280"), n("3fcc"), n("ca91"), n("25a1"), n("cd26"), n("3c5d"), n("2954"), n("649e"), n("219c"), n("170b"), n("b39a"), n("72f7"), n("ddb0"), n("2b3d"); var s = n("b85c"), a = n("81a2"), r = n("0083"); t["a"] = { name: "HelloWorld", data: function() { return { pdfFile: null, ofdBase64: null, loading: !1, pageIndex: 1, pageCount: 0, scale: 0, title: null, value: null, dialogFormVisible: !1, ofdObj: null, screenWidth: document.body.clientWidth } }, created: function() { this.pdfFile = null, this.file = null }, mounted: function() { this.screenWidth = document.body.clientWidth - document.getElementById("leftMenu").getBoundingClientRect().width; var e = this; this.$refs.contentDiv.addEventListener("scroll", this.scrool), window.onresize = function() { return function() { e.screenWidth = document.body.clientWidth - 88; var t = Object(a["d"])(e.screenWidth, e.ofdObj); e.displayOfdDiv(t) } () } var file = this.getQueryVariable("file"); this.demo(file); }, methods: { getQueryVariable :function (variable){ var query = window.location.search.substring(1); var vars = query.split("&"); for (var i=0;i 104857600) this.$alert("error", "文件大小需 < 100M", { confirmButtonText: "确定", callback: function(t) { e.$message({ type: "info", message: "action: ".concat(t) }) } }); else { var n = this, s = new FileReader; s.readAsDataURL(this.file), s.onload = function(e) { n.ofdBase64 = e.target.result.split(",")[1] }, this.getOfdDocumentObj(this.file, this.screenWidth), this.$refs.file.value = null } else this.$alert("error", "仅支持ofd类型", { confirmButtonText: "确定", callback: function(t) { e.$message({ type: "info", message: "action: ".concat(t) }) } }) }, uploadPdfFile: function() { this.pdfFile = null, this.$refs.pdfFile.click() }, pdfFileChanged: function() { var e = this; this.pdfFile = this.$refs.pdfFile.files[0]; var t = this.pdfFile.name.replace(/.+\./, ""); if ( - 1 !== ["pdf"].indexOf(t)) if (this.pdfFile.size > 104857600) this.$alert("error", "文件大小需 < 100M", { confirmButtonText: "确定", callback: function(t) { e.$message({ type: "info", message: "action: ".concat(t) }) } }); else { var n = this, s = new FileReader; s.readAsDataURL(this.pdfFile), s.onload = function(e) { var t = e.target.result.split(",")[1]; n.downOfd(t) }, this.$refs.pdfFile.value = null } else this.$alert("error", "仅支持pdf类型", { confirmButtonText: "确定", callback: function(t) { e.$message({ type: "info", message: "action: ".concat(t) }) } }) }, getOfdDocumentObj: function(e, t) { var n = this, s = (new Date).getTime(); this.loading = !0, Object(a["c"])({ ofd: e, success: function(e) { console.log(e); var r = (new Date).getTime(); console.log("解析ofd", r - s), n.ofdObj = e[0], n.pageCount = e[0].pages.length; var i = Object(a["d"])(t, e[0]), u = (new Date).getTime(); console.log("xml转svg", u - r), n.displayOfdDiv(i); var o = (new Date).getTime(); console.log("svg渲染到页面", o - u), n.loading = !1 }, fail: function(e) { var t = this; n.loading = !1, n.$alert("OFD打开失败", e, { confirmButtonText: "确定", callback: function(e) { t.$message({ type: "info", message: "action: ".concat(e) }) } }) } }) }, displayOfdDiv: function(e) { this.scale = Object(a["b"])(); var t = document.getElementById("content"); t.innerHTML = ""; var n, r = Object(s["a"])(e); try { for (r.s(); ! 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" + (e.VerifyRet ? "签名值验证成功": "签名值验证失败"), (null == e.HashRet || void 0 == e.HashRet || Object.keys(e.HashRet).length <= 0) && setTimeout((function() { var t = e.VerifyRet ? "签名值验证成功": "签名值验证失败"; e.HashRet = Object(a["a"])(e.toBeChecked.get(s.signatureID)); var n = e.HashRet ? "文件摘要值验证成功": "文件摘要值验证失败"; document.getElementById("VerifyRet").innerText = n + " " + t }), 1e3) })) } catch(r) { console.log(r) } e.VerifyRet || t.setAttribute("class", "gray") } } } }).call(this, n("c8ba")) }, "85ec": function(e, t, n) {}, a9c6: function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; n.d(t, "b", (function() { return V })), n.d(t, "a", (function() { return H })); n("4160"), n("c975"), n("4ec9"), n("d3b7"), n("ac1f"), n("3ca3"), n("5319"), n("1276"), n("4c53"), n("159b"), n("ddb0"); var s = n("b85c"), a = (n("96cf"), n("1da1")), r = n("6f9c"), i = n.n(r), u = n("64c1"), o = n.n(u), l = n("a476"), c = n.n(l), b = n("8060"); n("99af"), n("a15b"), n("13d5"), n("25f0"), n("f5b2"); function d(e, t) { return e.length >= t ? e: new Array(t - e.length + 1).join("0") + e } function f(e) { for (var t = 8, n = "", s = 0; s < e.length / t; s++) n += d(parseInt(e.substr(s * t, t), 2).toString(16), 2); return n } function h(e) { for (var t = 2, n = "", s = 0; s < e.length / t; s++) n += d(parseInt(e.substr(s * t, t), 16).toString(2), 8); return n } function p(e, t) { return e.substring(t % e.length) + e.substr(0, t % e.length) } function v(e, t, n) { for (var s, a = e || "", r = t || "", i = [], u = a.length - 1; u >= 0; u--) s = n(a[u], r[u], s), i[u] = s[0]; return i.join("") } function g(e, t) { return v(e, t, (function(e, t) { return [e === t ? "0": "1"] })) } function m(e, t) { return v(e, t, (function(e, t) { return ["1" === e && "1" === t ? "1": "0"] })) } function y(e, t) { return v(e, t, (function(e, t) { return ["1" === e || "1" === t ? "1": "0"] })) } function x(e, t) { var n = v(e, t, (function(e, t, n) { var s = n ? n[1] : "0"; return e !== t ? ["0" === s ? "1": "0", s] : [s, e] })); return n } function w(e) { return v(e, void 0, (function(e) { return ["1" === e ? "0": "1"] })) } function O(e) { return function() { for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), s = 0; s < t; s++) n[s] = arguments[s]; return n.reduce((function(t, n) { return e(t, n) })) } } function S(e) { return O(g)(e, p(e, 9), p(e, 17)) } function k(e) { return O(g)(e, p(e, 15), p(e, 23)) } function j(e, t, n, s) { return s >= 0 && s <= 15 ? O(g)(e, t, n) : O(y)(m(e, t), m(e, n), m(t, n)) } function I(e, t, n, s) { return s >= 0 && s <= 15 ? O(g)(e, t, n) : y(m(e, t), m(w(e), n)) } function C(e) { return h(e >= 0 && e <= 15 ? "79cc4519": "7a879d8a") } function B(e, t) { for (var n = 32, s = [], a = [], r = 0; r < 16; r++) s.push(t.substr(r * n, n)); for (var i = 16; i < 68; i++) s.push(O(g)(k(O(g)(s[i - 16], s[i - 9], p(s[i - 3], 15))), p(s[i - 13], 7), s[i - 6])); for (var u = 0; u < 64; u++) a.push(g(s[u], s[u + 4])); for (var o = [], l = 0; l < 8; l++) o.push(e.substr(l * n, n)); for (var c, b, d, f, h = o[0], v = o[1], m = o[2], y = o[3], w = o[4], B = o[5], _ = o[6], D = o[7], T = 0; T < 64; T++) c = p(O(x)(p(h, 12), w, p(C(T), T)), 7), b = g(c, p(h, 12)), d = O(x)(j(h, v, m, T), y, b, a[T]), f = O(x)(I(w, B, _, T), D, c, s[T]), y = m, m = p(v, 9), v = h, h = d, D = _, _ = p(B, 19), B = w, w = S(f); return g([h, v, m, y, w, B, _, D].join(""), e) } function _(e) { var t = h(e), n = t.length, s = n % 512; s = s >= 448 ? 512 - s % 448 - 1 : 448 - s - 1; for (var a = "".concat(t, "1").concat(d("", s)).concat(d(n.toString(2), 64)).toString(), r = (n + s + 65) / 512, i = h("7380166f4914b2b9172442d7da8a0600a96f30bc163138aae38dee4db0fb0e4e"), u = 0; u <= r - 1; u++) { var o = a.substr(512 * u, 512); i = B(i, o) } return f(i) } var D = n("8237"), T = n.n(D), A = n("6199"), R = n.n(A), F = n("81fa"), P = n.n(F), E = n("6b33"), L = function(e, t, n) { var s = Object(E["a"])(o.a.decode(t)); return n = n.toLowerCase(), n.indexOf("") >= 0 || n.indexOf("sm3") >= 0 ? s == _(Object(E["a"])(e)) : n.indexOf("md5") >= 0 ? s == T()(e) : n.indexOf("sha1") >= 0 ? s == R()(e) : "" }, N = function(e) { try { var t = e.realVersion < 4 ? e.toSign.signatureAlgorithm: e.signatureAlgID; t = t.toLowerCase(); var n = e.toSignDer; if (t.indexOf("") >= 0 || t.indexOf("sm2") >= 0) { var s = e.signature.replace(/ /g, "").replace(/\n/g, ""); 0 == s.indexOf("00") && (s = s.substr(2, s.length - 2)); var a = e.realVersion < 4 ? e.toSign.cert: e.cert, r = a.subjectPublicKeyInfo.subjectPublicKey.replace(/ /g, "").replace(/\n/g, ""); return 0 == r.indexOf("00") && (r = r.substr(2, r.length - 2)), b["sm2"].doVerifySignature(n, s, r, { der: !0, hash: !0, userId: "1234567812345678" }) } var i = new P.a.KJUR.crypto.Signature({ alg: "SHA1withRSA" }), u = e.realVersion < 4 ? e.toSign.cert: e.cert, o = e.signature.replace(/ /g, "").replace(/\n/g, ""); return 0 == o.indexOf("00") && (o = o.substr(2, o.length - 2)), i.init(u), i.updateHex(n), i.verify(o) } catch(l) { return console.log(l), !1 } }, M = /^\s*(?:[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]\s*)+$/, V = function() { var e = Object(a["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e(t, n) { return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) { while (1) switch (e.prev = e.next) { case 0: return e.abrupt("return", new Promise((function(e, s) { t.files[n].async("base64").then((function(t) { var n = q(t); e(n) }), (function(e) { s(e) })) }))); case 1: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e) }))); return function(t, n) { return e.apply(this, arguments) } } (), H = function(e) { var t, n = !0, a = Object(s["a"])(e); try { for (a.s(); ! (t = a.n()).done;) { var r = t.value, i = L(r.fileData, r.hashed, r.checkMethod); n = n && i } } catch(u) { a.e(u) } finally { a.f() } return n }, q = function(e) { try { var t = M.test(e) ? i.a.decode(e) : o.a.unarmor(e); return W(t) } catch(n) { return console.log(n), {} } }, W = function(e, t) { t = t || 0; try { var n = $(e, t), s = n.toSign.eseal.esealInfo.picture.type, a = n.toSign.eseal.esealInfo.picture.data.byte; return { ofdArray: a, type: s.toLowerCase(), SES_Signature: n, verifyRet: N(n) } } catch(r) { return console.log(r), {} } }, U = function(e) { e = e.replace("Unrecognized time: ", ""); e.indexOf("Z"); return e = e.replace("Z", ""), e = e.substr(0, 1) < "5" ? "20" + e: "19" + e, e }, $ = function(e, t) { t = t || 0; var n, s = c.a.decode(e, t); try { var a, r, i, u, o, l, b, d, f, h, p, v, g, m, y, x, w, O, S, k, j, I, C, B, _, D, T, A, R, F, P, E, L, N, M, V, H, q, W, $, G, K, X, Y, Z, Q, ee, te, ne, se, ae, re, ie, ue, oe, le, ce, be, de, fe, he, pe, ve, ge, me, ye, xe, we, Oe, Se, ke, je, Ie, Ce, Be, _e, De, Te, Ae, Re, Fe, Pe, Ee, Le, Ne, Me, Ve, He, qe, We, Ue, $e, ze, Je, Ge, Ke, Xe, Ye, Ze, Qe, et = U(null === (a = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === a || null === (r = a.sub[1]) || void 0 === r || null === (i = r.sub[0]) || void 0 === i || null === (u = i.sub[2]) || void 0 === u || null === (o = u.sub[3]) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.stream.parseTime(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[3].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[3].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[3].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[3].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[3].length)), tt = U(null === (l = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === l || null === (b = l.sub[1]) || void 0 === b || null === (d = b.sub[0]) || void 0 === d || null === (f = d.sub[2]) || void 0 === f || null === (h = f.sub[4]) || void 0 === h ? void 0 : h.stream.parseTime(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[4].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[4].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[4].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[4].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[4].length)), nt = U(null === (p = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === p || null === (v = p.sub[1]) || void 0 === v || null === (g = v.sub[0]) || void 0 === g || null === (m = g.sub[2]) || void 0 === m || null === (y = m.sub[5]) || void 0 === y ? void 0 : y.stream.parseTime(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[5].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[5].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[5].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[5].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[5].length)), st = U(null === (x = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === x || null === (w = x.sub[2]) || void 0 === w ? void 0 : w.stream.parseTime(s.sub[0].sub[2].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[2].header, s.sub[0].sub[2].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[2].header + s.sub[0].sub[2].length, !1)), at = null === (O = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === O || null === (S = O.sub[1]) || void 0 === S || null === (k = S.sub[0]) || void 0 === k || null === (j = k.sub[2]) || void 0 === j ? void 0 : j.sub[2], rt = new Array; at && at.sub.forEach((function(e) { rt.push(e.stream.parseOctetString(e.stream.pos + e.header, e.stream.pos + e.header + e.length)) })); var it = null === (I = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === I || null === (C = I.sub[1]) || void 0 === C || null === (B = C.sub[0]) || void 0 === B ? void 0 : B.sub[4], ut = new Array; it && it.sub.forEach((function(e) { var t, n, s; ut.push({ extnID: null === (t = e.sub[0]) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.stream.parseOID(e.sub[0].stream.pos + e.sub[0].header, e.sub[0].stream.pos + e.sub[0].header + e.sub[0].length), critical: null === (n = e.sub[1]) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.stream.parseInteger(e.sub[1].stream.pos + e.sub[1].header, e.sub[1].stream.pos + e.sub[1].header + e.sub[1].length), extnValue: null === (s = e.sub[2]) || void 0 === s ? void 0 : s.stream.parseOctetString(e.sub[2].stream.pos + e.sub[2].header, e.sub[2].stream.pos + e.sub[2].header + e.sub[2].length) }) })), n = { realVersion: 1, toSignDer: null === (_ = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === _ ? void 0 : _.stream.enc.subarray(s.sub[0].stream.pos, s.sub[0].stream.pos + s.sub[0].header + s.sub[0].length), toSign: { version: null === (D = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === D || null === (T = D.sub[0]) || void 0 === T ? void 0 : T.stream.parseInteger(s.sub[0].sub[0].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[0].header, s.sub[0].sub[0].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[0].header + s.sub[0].sub[0].length), eseal: { esealInfo: { header: { ID: null === (A = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === A || null === (R = A.sub[1]) || void 0 === R || null === (F = R.sub[0]) || void 0 === F || null === (P = F.sub[0]) || void 0 === P || null === (E = P.sub[0]) || void 0 === E ? void 0 : E.stream.parseStringUTF(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[0].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[0].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[0].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[0].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[0].length), version: null === (L = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === L || null === (N = L.sub[1]) || void 0 === N || null === (M = N.sub[0]) || void 0 === M || null === (V = M.sub[0]) || void 0 === V || null === (H = V.sub[1]) || void 0 === H ? void 0 : H.stream.parseInteger(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[1].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[1].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[1].length), Vid: null === (q = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === q || null === (W = q.sub[1]) || void 0 === W || null === ($ = W.sub[0]) || void 0 === $ || null === (G = $.sub[0]) || void 0 === G || null === (K = G.sub[2]) || void 0 === K ? void 0 : K.stream.parseStringUTF(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[2].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[2].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[2].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[2].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[2].length) }, esID: null === (X = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === X || null === (Y = X.sub[1]) || void 0 === Y || null === (Z = Y.sub[0]) || void 0 === Z || null === (Q = Z.sub[1]) || void 0 === Q ? void 0 : Q.stream.parseStringUTF(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[1].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[1].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[1].length), property: { type: null === (ee = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === ee || null === (te = ee.sub[1]) || void 0 === te || null === (ne = te.sub[0]) || void 0 === ne || null === (se = ne.sub[2]) || void 0 === se || null === (ae = se.sub[0]) || void 0 === ae ? void 0 : ae.stream.parseInteger(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[0].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[0].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[0].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[0].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[0].length), name: null === (re = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === re || null === (ie = re.sub[1]) || void 0 === ie || null === (ue = ie.sub[0]) || void 0 === ue || null === (oe = ue.sub[2]) || void 0 === oe || null === (le = oe.sub[1]) || void 0 === le ? void 0 : le.stream.parseStringUTF(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[1].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[1].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[1].length), certList: rt, createDate: et, validStart: tt, validEnd: nt }, picture: { type: null === (ce = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === ce || null === (be = ce.sub[1]) || void 0 === be || null === (de = be.sub[0]) || void 0 === de || null === (fe = de.sub[3]) || void 0 === fe || null === (he = fe.sub[0]) || void 0 === he ? void 0 : he.stream.parseStringUTF(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[0].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[0].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[0].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[0].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[0].length), data: { hex: null === (pe = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === pe || null === (ve = pe.sub[1]) || void 0 === ve || null === (ge = ve.sub[0]) || void 0 === ge || null === (me = ge.sub[3]) || void 0 === me || null === (ye = me.sub[1]) || void 0 === ye ? void 0 : ye.stream.parseOctetString(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[1].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[1].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[1].length), byte: null === (xe = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === xe || null === (we = xe.sub[1]) || void 0 === we || null === (Oe = we.sub[0]) || void 0 === Oe || null === (Se = Oe.sub[3]) || void 0 === Se || null === (ke = Se.sub[1]) || void 0 === ke ? void 0 : ke.stream.enc.subarray(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[1].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[1].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[1].length) }, width: null === (je = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === je || null === (Ie = je.sub[1]) || void 0 === Ie || null === (Ce = Ie.sub[0]) || void 0 === Ce || null === (Be = Ce.sub[3]) || void 0 === Be || null === (_e = Be.sub[2]) || void 0 === _e ? void 0 : _e.stream.parseInteger(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[2].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[2].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[2].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[2].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[2].length), height: null === (De = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === De || null === (Te = De.sub[1]) || void 0 === Te || null === (Ae = Te.sub[0]) || void 0 === Ae || null === (Re = Ae.sub[3]) || void 0 === Re || null === (Fe = Re.sub[3]) || void 0 === Fe ? void 0 : Fe.stream.parseInteger(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[3].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[3].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[3].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[3].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[3].length) }, extDatas: ut }, signInfo: { cert: z(null === (Pe = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === Pe || null === (Ee = Pe.sub[1]) || void 0 === Ee || null === (Le = Ee.sub[1]) || void 0 === Le ? void 0 : Le.sub[0]), signatureAlgorithm: null === (Ne = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === Ne || null === (Me = Ne.sub[1]) || void 0 === Me || null === (Ve = Me.sub[1]) || void 0 === Ve || null === (He = Ve.sub[1]) || void 0 === He ? void 0 : He.stream.parseOID(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[1].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[1].sub[1].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[1].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[1].sub[1].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[1].sub[1].length), signData: null === (qe = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === qe || null === (We = qe.sub[1]) || void 0 === We || null === (Ue = We.sub[1]) || void 0 === Ue || null === ($e = Ue.sub[2]) || void 0 === $e ? void 0 : $e.stream.hexDump(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[1].sub[2].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[1].sub[2].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[1].sub[2].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[1].sub[2].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[1].sub[2].length, !1) } }, timeInfo: st, dataHash: null === (ze = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === ze || null === (Je = ze.sub[3]) || void 0 === Je ? void 0 : Je.stream.hexDump(s.sub[0].sub[3].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[3].header, s.sub[0].sub[3].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[3].header + s.sub[0].sub[3].length, !1), propertyInfo: null === (Ge = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === Ge || null === (Ke = Ge.sub[4]) || void 0 === Ke ? void 0 : Ke.stream.parseStringUTF(s.sub[0].sub[4].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[4].header, s.sub[0].sub[4].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[4].header + s.sub[0].sub[4].length), cert: z(null === (Xe = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === Xe ? void 0 : Xe.sub[5]), signatureAlgorithm: null === (Ye = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === Ye || null === (Ze = Ye.sub[6]) || void 0 === Ze ? void 0 : Ze.stream.parseOID(s.sub[0].sub[6].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[6].header, s.sub[0].sub[6].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[6].header + s.sub[0].sub[6].length) }, signature: null === (Qe = s.sub[1]) || void 0 === Qe ? void 0 : Qe.stream.hexDump(s.sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[1].header, s.sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[1].header + s.sub[1].length, !1) } } catch(rs) { try { var ot, lt, ct, bt, dt, ft, ht, pt, vt, gt, mt, yt, xt, wt, Ot, St, kt, jt, It, Ct, Bt, _t, Dt, Tt, At, Rt, Ft, Pt, Et, Lt, Nt, Mt, Vt, Ht, qt, Wt, Ut, $t, zt, Jt, Gt, Kt, Xt, Yt, Zt, Qt, en, tn, nn, sn, an, rn, un, on, ln, cn, bn, dn, fn, hn, pn, vn, gn, mn, yn, xn, wn, On, Sn, kn, jn, In, Cn, Bn, _n, Dn, Tn, An, Rn, Fn, Pn, En, Ln, Nn, Mn, Vn, Hn, qn, Wn, Un, $n, zn, Jn, Gn, Kn, Xn, Yn, Zn, Qn, es = null === (ot = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === ot || null === (lt = ot.sub[1]) || void 0 === lt || null === (ct = lt.sub[0]) || void 0 === ct || null === (bt = ct.sub[2]) || void 0 === bt || null === (dt = bt.sub[2]) || void 0 === dt ? void 0 : dt.stream.parseInteger(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[2].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[2].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[2].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[2].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[2].length), ts = null === (ft = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === ft || null === (ht = ft.sub[1]) || void 0 === ht || null === (pt = ht.sub[0]) || void 0 === pt || null === (vt = pt.sub[2]) || void 0 === vt ? void 0 : vt.sub[3], ns = new Array; ts && ts.sub.forEach((function(e) { ns.push(e.stream.parseOctetString(e.stream.pos + e.header, e.stream.pos + e.header + e.length)) })); var ss = null === (gt = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === gt || null === (mt = gt.sub[1]) || void 0 === mt || null === (yt = mt.sub[0]) || void 0 === yt ? void 0 : yt.sub[4], as = new Array; ss && ss.sub.forEach((function(e) { var t, n, s; as.push({ extnID: null === (t = e.sub[0]) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.stream.parseOID(e.sub[0].stream.pos + e.sub[0].header, e.sub[0].stream.pos + e.sub[0].header + e.sub[0].length), critical: null === (n = e.sub[1]) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.stream.parseInteger(e.sub[1].stream.pos + e.sub[1].header, e.sub[1].stream.pos + e.sub[1].header + e.sub[1].length), extnValue: null === (s = e.sub[2]) || void 0 === s ? void 0 : s.stream.parseOctetString(e.sub[2].stream.pos + e.sub[2].header, e.sub[2].stream.pos + e.sub[2].header + e.sub[2].length) }) })), n = { realVersion: 4, toSignDer: null === (xt = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === xt ? void 0 : xt.stream.enc.subarray(s.sub[0].stream.pos, s.sub[0].stream.pos + s.sub[0].header + s.sub[0].length), toSign: { version: null === (wt = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === wt || null === (Ot = wt.sub[0]) || void 0 === Ot ? void 0 : Ot.stream.parseInteger(s.sub[0].sub[0].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[0].header, s.sub[0].sub[0].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[0].header + s.sub[0].sub[0].length), eseal: { esealInfo: { header: { ID: null === (St = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === St || null === (kt = St.sub[1]) || void 0 === kt || null === (jt = kt.sub[0]) || void 0 === jt || null === (It = jt.sub[0]) || void 0 === It || null === (Ct = It.sub[0]) || void 0 === Ct ? void 0 : Ct.stream.parseStringUTF(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[0].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[0].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[0].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[0].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[0].length), version: null === (Bt = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === Bt || null === (_t = Bt.sub[1]) || void 0 === _t || null === (Dt = _t.sub[0]) || void 0 === Dt || null === (Tt = Dt.sub[0]) || void 0 === Tt || null === (At = Tt.sub[1]) || void 0 === At ? void 0 : At.stream.parseInteger(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[1].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[1].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[1].length), Vid: null === (Rt = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === Rt || null === (Ft = Rt.sub[1]) || void 0 === Ft || null === (Pt = Ft.sub[0]) || void 0 === Pt || null === (Et = Pt.sub[0]) || void 0 === Et || null === (Lt = Et.sub[2]) || void 0 === Lt ? void 0 : Lt.stream.parseStringUTF(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[2].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[2].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[2].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[2].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].sub[2].length) }, esID: null === (Nt = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === Nt || null === (Mt = Nt.sub[1]) || void 0 === Mt || null === (Vt = Mt.sub[0]) || void 0 === Vt || null === (Ht = Vt.sub[1]) || void 0 === Ht ? void 0 : Ht.stream.parseStringUTF(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[1].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[1].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[1].length), property: { type: null === (qt = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === qt || null === (Wt = qt.sub[1]) || void 0 === Wt || null === (Ut = Wt.sub[0]) || void 0 === Ut || null === ($t = Ut.sub[2]) || void 0 === $t || null === (zt = $t.sub[0]) || void 0 === zt ? void 0 : zt.stream.parseInteger(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[0].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[0].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[0].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[0].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[0].length), name: null === (Jt = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === Jt || null === (Gt = Jt.sub[1]) || void 0 === Gt || null === (Kt = Gt.sub[0]) || void 0 === Kt || null === (Xt = Kt.sub[2]) || void 0 === Xt || null === (Yt = Xt.sub[1]) || void 0 === Yt ? void 0 : Yt.stream.parseStringUTF(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[1].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[1].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[1].length), certListType: es, certList: ns, createDate: null === (Zt = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === Zt || null === (Qt = Zt.sub[1]) || void 0 === Qt || null === (en = Qt.sub[0]) || void 0 === en || null === (tn = en.sub[2]) || void 0 === tn || null === (nn = tn.sub[4]) || void 0 === nn ? void 0 : nn.stream.parseTime(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[4].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[4].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[4].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[4].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[4].length), validStart: null === (sn = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === sn || null === (an = sn.sub[1]) || void 0 === an || null === (rn = an.sub[0]) || void 0 === rn || null === (un = rn.sub[2]) || void 0 === un || null === (on = un.sub[5]) || void 0 === on ? void 0 : on.stream.parseTime(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[5].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[5].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[5].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[5].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[5].length), validEnd: null === (ln = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === ln || null === (cn = ln.sub[1]) || void 0 === cn || null === (bn = cn.sub[0]) || void 0 === bn || null === (dn = bn.sub[2]) || void 0 === dn || null === (fn = dn.sub[6]) || void 0 === fn ? void 0 : fn.stream.parseTime(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[6].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[6].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[6].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[6].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[2].sub[6].length) }, picture: { type: null === (hn = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === hn || null === (pn = hn.sub[1]) || void 0 === pn || null === (vn = pn.sub[0]) || void 0 === vn || null === (gn = vn.sub[3]) || void 0 === gn || null === (mn = gn.sub[0]) || void 0 === mn ? void 0 : mn.stream.parseStringUTF(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[0].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[0].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[0].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[0].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[0].length), data: { hex: null === (yn = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === yn || null === (xn = yn.sub[1]) || void 0 === xn || null === (wn = xn.sub[0]) || void 0 === wn || null === (On = wn.sub[3]) || void 0 === On || null === (Sn = On.sub[1]) || void 0 === Sn ? void 0 : Sn.stream.parseOctetString(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[1].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[1].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[1].length), byte: null === (kn = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === kn || null === (jn = kn.sub[1]) || void 0 === jn || null === (In = jn.sub[0]) || void 0 === In || null === (Cn = In.sub[3]) || void 0 === Cn || null === (Bn = Cn.sub[1]) || void 0 === Bn ? void 0 : Bn.stream.enc.subarray(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[1].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[1].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[1].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[1].length) }, width: null === (_n = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === _n || null === (Dn = _n.sub[1]) || void 0 === Dn || null === (Tn = Dn.sub[0]) || void 0 === Tn || null === (An = Tn.sub[3]) || void 0 === An || null === (Rn = An.sub[2]) || void 0 === Rn ? void 0 : Rn.stream.parseInteger(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[2].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[2].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[2].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[2].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[2].length), height: null === (Fn = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === Fn || null === (Pn = Fn.sub[1]) || void 0 === Pn || null === (En = Pn.sub[0]) || void 0 === En || null === (Ln = En.sub[3]) || void 0 === Ln || null === (Nn = Ln.sub[3]) || void 0 === Nn ? void 0 : Nn.stream.parseInteger(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[3].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[3].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[3].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[3].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[0].sub[3].sub[3].length) }, extDatas: as }, cert: z(null === (Mn = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === Mn || null === (Vn = Mn.sub[1]) || void 0 === Vn ? void 0 : Vn.sub[1]), signAlgID: null === (Hn = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === Hn || null === (qn = Hn.sub[1]) || void 0 === qn || null === (Wn = qn.sub[2]) || void 0 === Wn ? void 0 : Wn.stream.parseOID(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[2].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[2].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[2].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[2].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[2].length), signedValue: null === (Un = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === Un || null === ($n = Un.sub[1]) || void 0 === $n || null === (zn = $n.sub[3]) || void 0 === zn ? void 0 : zn.stream.hexDump(s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[3].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[3].header, s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[3].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[3].header + s.sub[0].sub[1].sub[3].length, !1) }, timeInfo: null === (Jn = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === Jn || null === (Gn = Jn.sub[2]) || void 0 === Gn ? void 0 : Gn.stream.parseTime(s.sub[0].sub[2].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[2].header, s.sub[0].sub[2].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[2].header + s.sub[0].sub[2].length, !1), dataHash: null === (Kn = s.sub[0]) || void 0 === Kn || null === (Xn = Kn.sub[3]) || void 0 === Xn ? void 0 : Xn.stream.hexDump(s.sub[0].sub[3].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[3].header, s.sub[0].sub[3].stream.pos + s.sub[0].sub[3].header + s.sub[0].sub[3].length, !1), propertyInfo: J(s.sub[0].sub[4]) }, cert: z(s.sub[1]), signatureAlgID: null === (Yn = s.sub[2]) || void 0 === Yn ? void 0 : Yn.stream.parseOID(s.sub[2].stream.pos + s.sub[2].header, s.sub[2].stream.pos + s.sub[2].header + s.sub[2].length), signature: null === (Zn = s.sub[3]) || void 0 === Zn ? void 0 : Zn.stream.hexDump(s.sub[3].stream.pos + s.sub[3].header, s.sub[3].stream.pos + s.sub[3].header + s.sub[3].length, !1), timpStamp: null === (Qn = s.sub[4]) || void 0 === Qn ? void 0 : Qn.stream.parseTime(s.sub[4].stream.pos + s.sub[4].header, s.sub[4].stream.pos + s.sub[4].header + s.sub[4].length) } } catch(rs) { console.log(rs), n = {} } } return n }, z = function(e, t) { t = t || 0; try { var n, s, a = e.sub[0].sub[0].sub[5], r = new Map; a.sub.forEach((function(e) { var t, n = e.sub[0].sub[0].content().split("\n")[0], s = null === (t = e.sub[0].sub[1]) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.stream.parseStringUTF(e.sub[0].sub[1].stream.pos + e.sub[0].sub[1].header, e.sub[0].sub[1].stream.pos + e.sub[0].sub[1].header + e.sub[0].sub[1].length); r.set(n, s) })); var i = e.sub[0].sub[0].sub[6]; return { subject: r, commonName: r.get(""), subjectPublicKeyInfo: { algorithm: null === (n = i.sub[0]) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.stream.parseOID(i.sub[0].stream.pos + i.sub[0].header, i.sub[0].stream.pos + i.sub[0].header + i.sub[0].length), subjectPublicKey: null === (s = i.sub[1]) || void 0 === s ? void 0 : s.stream.hexDump(i.sub[1].stream.pos + i.sub[1].header, i.sub[1].stream.pos + i.sub[1].header + i.sub[1].length) } } } catch(u) { return console.log(u), {} } }, J = function(e) { for (var t = "", n = 0; n < e.length; n++) t += String.fromCharCode(e[n]); return t } }, d00a: function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; (function(e) { n.d(t, "a", (function() { return a })); var s = n("53ca"), a = "object" === ("undefined" === typeof e ? "undefined": Object(s["a"])(e)) && e + "" === "[object process]" && !e.versions.nw && !(e.versions.electron && e.type && "browser" !== e.type) }).call(this, n("4362")) }, e12b: function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; n("ed1a") }, ed1a: function(e, t, n) {} });