DELETE FROM form_right WHERE flow_key_=#{flowKey} and permission_type_=#{permissionType} and parent_flow_key_=#{parentFlowKey,jdbcType=VARCHAR} and (parent_flow_key_ is null or parent_flow_key_='') delete FROM form_right WHERE flow_key_=#{flowKey} and (node_id_ is null or node_id_ ='' ) and node_id_=#{nodeId} and parent_flow_key_=#{parentFlowKey,jdbcType=VARCHAR} and (parent_flow_key_ is null or parent_flow_key_='') DELETE FROM form_right WHERE form_key_=#{formKey} and (flow_key_ is null or flow_key_='') DELETE FROM form_right WHERE form_key_=#{formKey} and flow_key_=#{flowKey}