Commit 1b9373813b1ee0acf8f9ffed48a72bc360a9a840

Authored by 陈威
1 parent f666c7c8
Exists in dev


1 1 <template>
2   - <view class="orderCardCss usuallyCard">
3   - <view class="flex justify-between">
4   - <view class="text-gray">
5   - 订单编号:{{orderObj.fDddh || ""}}
6   - </view>
7   - <view class="themeColor">
8   - {{orderObj.fDdzt || ""}}
9   - </view>
10   - </view>
11   - <view class="margin-top">
12   - <u-line></u-line>
13   - </view>
14   - <view class="shopItemCss flex" v-for="(item,index) in orderObj.ddxqList" :key="index">
15   - <view class="">
16   - <u-image :src="item.image" width="55px" height="55px"></u-image>
17   - </view>
18   - <view class="flex flex-direction margin-left w100">
19   - <view class="flex justify-between">
20   - <view class="text-lg text-bold">
21   - {{item.fSpmc || ""}}
22   - </view>
23   - <view class="">
24   - <u-tag :text="orderObj.fPsfs" :bgColor="orderObj.fPsfs==='自提'?'#E6F7F7':'#FFF6E6'"
25   - borderColor="#fff" :color="orderObj.fPsfs==='自提'?'#00AEAA':'#FFA500'"></u-tag>
26   - </view>
27   - </view>
28   - <view class="text-grey margin-top">
29   - {{item.fMs || ""}}
30   - </view>
31   - <view class="flex justify-between align-center margin-top">
32   - <view class="text-lg text-bold">
33   - ¥{{item.fDj || "0"}}
34   - </view>
35   - <view class="flex text-grey">
36   - X {{item.fSl || "0"}}
37   - </view>
38   - </view>
39   - </view>
40   - </view>
41   - <view>
42   - <u-line></u-line>
43   - </view>
44   - <view class="flex justify-between w100 margin-top align-center" v-if="mode === 'home' || mode ==='order'">
45   - <view class="text-grey" v-if="orderObj.fDdzt === '待配送'">
46   - 下单人:{{orderObj.fShlxr || ""}}({{orderObj.fShlxrdh || ''}})
47   - </view>
48   - <view class="" @click="handlePhone" v-if="orderObj.fDdzt === '待配送'">
49   - <u-image src="/static/images/home/dianhua.png" width="18px" height="18px"></u-image>
50   - </view>
51   - <view class="text-grey" v-if="orderObj.fDdzt === '已完成'">
52   - 安装时间:{{orderObj.fSjwcsj || ""}}
53   - </view>
54   - </view>
55   - <view class="flex justify-between w100 align-center" v-if="mode === 'home' || mode ==='order'">
56   - <view class="text-grey w80 flex align-start margin-top" v-if="orderObj.fDdzt === '待配送'">
57   - <u-icon name="map-fill" color="#8799AC" class="" style="margin:3px 5px 0 0;"></u-icon>
58   - <view class="">
59   - {{orderObj.fShsf || ""}} {{orderObj.fShs || ""}} {{orderObj.fShq || ""}} {{orderObj.fShjd || ''}}
60   - {{orderObj.fShxxdz || ""}}
  2 + <view class="orderCardCss usuallyCard">
  3 + <view class="flex justify-between">
  4 + <view class="text-gray">
  5 + 订单编号:{{ orderObj.fDddh || "" }}
  6 + </view>
  7 + <view class="themeColor">
  8 + {{ ddDdzt.get(orderObj.fDdzt) }}
  9 + </view>
  10 + </view>
  11 + <view class="margin-top">
  12 + <u-line></u-line>
  13 + </view>
  14 + <view class="shopItemCss flex" v-for="(item,index) in orderObj.ddxqList" :key="index">
  15 + <view class="">
  16 + <u-image :src="item.image" width="55px" height="55px"></u-image>
  17 + </view>
  18 + <view class="flex flex-direction margin-left w100">
  19 + <view class="flex justify-between">
  20 + <view class="text-lg text-bold">
  21 + {{ item.fSpmc }}
  22 + </view>
  23 + <view class="">
  24 + <u-tag :text="ddPsfs.get(orderObj.fPsfs)" :bgColor="orderObj.fPsfs==='1'?'#E6F7F7':'#FFF6E6'"
  25 + borderColor="#fff" :color="orderObj.fPsfs==='1'?'#00AEAA':'#FFA500'"></u-tag>
  26 + </view>
  27 + </view>
  28 + <view class="text-grey margin-top">
  29 + {{ item.fMs || "" }}
  30 + </view>
  31 + <view class="flex justify-between align-center margin-top">
  32 + <view class="text-lg text-bold">
  33 + ¥{{ item.fDj || "0" }}
  34 + </view>
  35 + <view class="flex text-grey">
  36 + X {{ item.fSl || "0" }}
  37 + </view>
  38 + </view>
  39 + </view>
  40 + </view>
  41 + <view>
  42 + <u-line></u-line>
  43 + </view>
  44 + <view class="flex justify-between w100 margin-top align-center" v-if="mode === 'home' || mode ==='order'">
  45 + <view class="text-grey" v-if="orderObj.fDdzt === '202'">
  46 + 下单人:{{ orderObj.fShlxr || "" }}({{ orderObj.fShlxrdh || '' }})
  47 + </view>
  48 + <view class="" @click="handlePhone" v-if="orderObj.fDdzt === '202'">
  49 + <u-image src="/static/images/home/dianhua.png" width="18px" height="18px"></u-image>
  50 + </view>
  51 + <view class="text-grey" v-if="orderObj.fDdzt === '204'">
  52 + 安装时间:{{ orderObj.fSjwcsj || "" }}
  53 + </view>
  54 + </view>
  55 + <view class="flex justify-between w100 align-center" v-if="mode === 'home' || mode ==='order'">
  56 + <view class="text-grey w80 flex align-start margin-top" v-if="orderObj.fDdzt === '202'">
  57 + <u-icon name="map-fill" color="#8799AC" class="" style="margin:3px 5px 0 0;"></u-icon>
  58 + <view class="">
  59 + {{ orderObj.fShsf || "" }} {{ orderObj.fShs || "" }} {{ orderObj.fShq || "" }} {{ orderObj.fShjd || '' }}
  60 + {{ orderObj.fShxxdz || "" }}
61 61  
62   - </view>
63   - </view>
64   - <view class="" @click="handleMap" v-if="orderObj.fDdzt === '待配送'">
65   - <u-image src="/static/images/home/daohang.png" width="18px" height="18px"></u-image>
66   - </view>
67   - </view>
68   - <!-- <view class="flex justify-between w100 margin-top align-center" v-if="mode === 'order'">
69   - <view class="text-grey" v-if="orderObj.fDdzt === '待配送'">
70   - 下单人:{{orderObj.fShlxr || ""}}({{orderObj.fShlxrdh || ''}})
71   - </view>
72   - <view class="text-grey" v-else-if="orderObj.fDdzt === '已完成'">
73   - 安装时间:{{orderObj.fSjwcsj || ""}}
74   - </view>
75   - </view> -->
76   - <view class="flex justify-between w100 margin-top align-center">
77   - <view class="text-grey">
78   - 备注信息:{{orderObj.fMjly || "-"}}
79   - </view>
80   - <view class="">
81   - </view>
82   - </view>
83   - <view class="flex justify-end margin-top-sm" v-if="mode === 'order' && orderObj.fMjly !== '无单配送'">
84   - <view class="text-grey">
85   - 共{{orderObj.fddsl || "0"}}件商品 合计:
86   - <text class="themeColor text-lg ">¥{{orderObj.fDdje || "0"}}</text>
87   - </view>
88   - </view>
89   - <view class="flex justify-end align-center margin-top-lg">
90   - <!-- <view class="" v-if="orderStatus === 0" @click="goToDetailPage">
91   - <u-button shape="circle" :customStyle="{color:'#666666'}">查看详情</u-button>
92   - </view> -->
93   - <!-- 查看详情 -->
94   - <view class="margin-left" @click="goToDetailPage">
95   - <u-button shape="circle" :customStyle="{color:['配送中','已完成'].includes(orderObj.fDdzt)?'#fff':'#666666'}"
96   - :color="['配送中','已完成'].includes(orderObj.fDdzt)?'#EA5504':''">查看详情</u-button>
97   - </view>
98   - <!-- 员工订单配送(去配送) -->
99   - <view class="margin-left" v-if="orderObj.fDdzt === '待配送' && orderStatus === 0 && orderObj.fPsfs === '配送'"
100   - @click="goToAjPage">
101   - <u-button shape="circle" color="#EA5504">去配送</u-button>
102   - </view>
103   - <!-- 管理自提 -->
104   - <view class="margin-left" v-if="orderObj.fPsfs==='自提' && orderObj.fDdzt !=='已完成'" @click="goToZtPage">
105   - <u-button shape="circle" color="#EA5504">确认自提</u-button>
106   - </view>
  62 + </view>
  63 + </view>
  64 + <view class="" @click="handleMap" v-if="orderObj.fDdzt === '202'">
  65 + <u-image src="/static/images/home/daohang.png" width="18px" height="18px"></u-image>
  66 + </view>
  67 + </view>
  68 + <!-- <view class="flex justify-between w100 margin-top align-center" v-if="mode === 'order'">
  69 + <view class="text-grey" v-if="orderObj.fDdzt === '待配送'">
  70 + 下单人:{{orderObj.fShlxr || ""}}({{orderObj.fShlxrdh || ''}})
  71 + </view>
  72 + <view class="text-grey" v-else-if="orderObj.fDdzt === '已完成'">
  73 + 安装时间:{{orderObj.fSjwcsj || ""}}
  74 + </view>
  75 + </view> -->
  76 + <view class="flex justify-between w100 margin-top align-center">
  77 + <view class="text-grey">
  78 + 备注信息:{{ orderObj.fMjly || "-" }}
  79 + </view>
  80 + <view class="">
  81 + </view>
  82 + </view>
  83 + <view class="flex justify-end margin-top-sm" v-if="mode === 'order' && orderObj.fMjly !== '无单配送'">
  84 + <view class="text-grey">
  85 + 共{{ orderObj.fddsl || "0" }}件商品 合计:
  86 + <text class="themeColor text-lg ">¥{{ orderObj.fDdje || "0" }}</text>
  87 + </view>
  88 + </view>
  89 + <view class="flex justify-end align-center margin-top-lg">
  90 + <!-- <view class="" v-if="orderStatus === 0" @click="goToDetailPage">
  91 + <u-button shape="circle" :customStyle="{color:'#666666'}">查看详情</u-button>
  92 + </view> -->
  93 + <!-- 查看详情 -->
  94 + <view class="margin-left" @click="goToDetailPage">
  95 + <u-button shape="circle" :customStyle="{color:['203','204'].includes(orderObj.fDdzt)?'#fff':'#666666'}"
  96 + :color="['203','204'].includes(orderObj.fDdzt)?'#EA5504':''">查看详情
  97 + </u-button>
  98 + </view>
  99 + <!-- 员工订单配送(去配送) -->
  100 + <view class="margin-left" v-if="orderObj.fDdzt === '202' && orderStatus === 0 && orderObj.fPsfs === '1'"
  101 + @click="goToAjPage">
  102 + <u-button shape="circle" color="#EA5504">去配送</u-button>
  103 + </view>
  104 + <!-- 管理自提 -->
  105 + <view class="margin-left" v-if="orderObj.fPsfs==='2' && orderObj.fDdzt !=='204'" @click="goToZtPage">
  106 + <u-button shape="circle" color="#EA5504">确认自提</u-button>
  107 + </view>
107 108  
108   - </view>
109   - </view>
  109 + </view>
  110 + </view>
110 111 </template>
111 112  
112 113 <script>
113   - export default {
114   - components: {
  114 +import {dd_zflx, dd_fkfs, dd_psfs, dd_zffs, dd_ddly, sys_sf, dd_ddzt} from "@/utils/enums";
115 115  
116   - },
117   - props: {
118   - mode: {
119   - type: String,
120   - default: ""
121   - },
122   - orderStatus: {
123   - type: Number,
124   - default: 0
125   - },
126   - orderObj: {
127   - type: Object,
128   - default: () => {}
129   - }
130   - },
131   - data() {
132   - return {};
133   - },
134   - async mounted() {
135   - this.loadImages();
136   - },
137   - watch: {
138   - orderObj: {
139   - handler() {
140   - this.$nextTick(() => {
141   - this.loadImages();
142   - });
143   - },
144   - // immediate:true,
145   - deep: true, // 深度监听orderList的变化
146   - },
147   - },
148   - methods: {
149   - async loadImages() {
150   - let that = this;
151   - if (this.orderObj.ddxqList && this.orderObj.ddxqList.length > 0) {
152   - for (let i = 0; i < this.orderObj.ddxqList.length; i++) {
153   - let JsonParse = JSON.parse(this.orderObj.ddxqList[i].fTp);
154   - let photoUrl = await this.$getPhotoUrl(JsonParse[0].response.fileId);
155   - this.orderObj.ddxqList[i].image = photoUrl;
156   - // console.log('组件data', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.orderObj)));
157   - this.$forceUpdate();
158   - // this.$set(this.orderObj.ddxqList[i], 'image', photoUrl);
159   - }
160   - }
161   - },
162   - goToDetailPage() {
163   - console.log(this.orderObj);
164   - let Json = JSON.stringify(this.orderObj)
165   - uni.navigateTo({
166   - url: '/pages/home/appList/orderDelivery/orderDetail?detail=' + Json
167   - })
168   - },
169   - // 自提
170   - goToZtPage() {
171   - console.log("自提", this.orderObj);
172   - let Json = JSON.stringify(this.orderObj)
173   - // let ddid =;
174   - uni.navigateTo({
175   - url: `/pages/home/appList/orderManagement/gasCylinderSelfPickup?ddObj=${Json}`
176   - })
177   - },
178   - handleMap(item) {
179   - console.log('orderObj', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.orderObj)));
180   - this.$viewMapLocation(this.orderObj.fShdzjd, this.orderObj.fShdzwd, this.orderObj.fCzmc);
181   - },
182   - handlePhone() {
183   - // console.log('电话详情',JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.orderObj)));
184   - uni.makePhoneCall({
185   - phoneNumber: this.orderObj.fShlxrdh, // 电话号码
186   - success: function() {
187   - console.log('拨打电话成功!');
188   - },
189   - fail: function(err) {
190   - console.log('拨打电话失败:' + JSON.stringify(err));
191   - }
192   - });
193   - },
194   - goToAjPage() {
195   - console.log('订单详情', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.orderObj)));
196   - let orderParams = {
197   - ddid:,
198   - khlxdzsf: this.orderObj.fShsf,
199   - khlxdzs: this.orderObj.fShs,
200   - khlxdzq: this.orderObj.fShq,
201   - khlxdzjd: this.orderObj.fShjd,
202   - ddxqList: this.orderObj.ddxqList
203   - }
204   - // console.log('orderParams', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(orderParams)));
205   - uni.navigateTo({
206   - url: '/pages/home/appList/securityCheck/securityCheck?type=0&orderParams=' + JSON.stringify(
207   - orderParams)
208   - })
209   - }
210   - }
211   - }
  116 +export default {
  117 + components: {},
  118 + props: {
  119 + mode: {
  120 + type: String,
  121 + default: ""
  122 + },
  123 + orderStatus: {
  124 + type: Number,
  125 + default: 0
  126 + },
  127 + orderObj: {
  128 + type: Object,
  129 + default: () => {
  130 + }
  131 + }
  132 + },
  133 + data() {
  134 + return {
  135 + ddDdzt: new Map(Object.values(dd_ddzt).map(item => [item.code,])),
  136 + ddPsfs: new Map(Object.values(dd_psfs).map(item => [item.code,])),
  137 + };
  138 + },
  139 + async mounted() {
  140 + this.loadImages();
  141 + },
  142 + watch: {
  143 + orderObj: {
  144 + handler() {
  145 + this.$nextTick(() => {
  146 + this.loadImages();
  147 + });
  148 + },
  149 + // immediate:true,
  150 + deep: true, // 深度监听orderList的变化
  151 + },
  152 + },
  153 + methods: {
  154 + async loadImages() {
  155 + let that = this;
  156 + if (this.orderObj.ddxqList && this.orderObj.ddxqList.length > 0) {
  157 + for (let i = 0; i < this.orderObj.ddxqList.length; i++) {
  158 + let JsonParse = JSON.parse(this.orderObj.ddxqList[i].fTp);
  159 + let photoUrl = await this.$getPhotoUrl(JsonParse[0].response.fileId);
  160 + this.orderObj.ddxqList[i].image = photoUrl;
  161 + // console.log('组件data', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.orderObj)));
  162 + this.$forceUpdate();
  163 + // this.$set(this.orderObj.ddxqList[i], 'image', photoUrl);
  164 + }
  165 + }
  166 + },
  167 + goToDetailPage() {
  168 + console.log(this.orderObj);
  169 + let Json = JSON.stringify(this.orderObj)
  170 + uni.navigateTo({
  171 + url: '/pages/home/appList/orderDelivery/orderDetail?detail=' + Json
  172 + })
  173 + },
  174 + // 自提
  175 + goToZtPage() {
  176 + console.log("自提", this.orderObj);
  177 + let Json = JSON.stringify(this.orderObj)
  178 + // let ddid =;
  179 + uni.navigateTo({
  180 + url: `/pages/home/appList/orderManagement/gasCylinderSelfPickup?ddObj=${Json}`
  181 + })
  182 + },
  183 + handleMap(item) {
  184 + console.log('orderObj', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.orderObj)));
  185 + this.$viewMapLocation(this.orderObj.fShdzjd, this.orderObj.fShdzwd, this.orderObj.fCzmc);
  186 + },
  187 + handlePhone() {
  188 + // console.log('电话详情',JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.orderObj)));
  189 + uni.makePhoneCall({
  190 + phoneNumber: this.orderObj.fShlxrdh, // 电话号码
  191 + success: function () {
  192 + console.log('拨打电话成功!');
  193 + },
  194 + fail: function (err) {
  195 + console.log('拨打电话失败:' + JSON.stringify(err));
  196 + }
  197 + });
  198 + },
  199 + goToAjPage() {
  200 + console.log('订单详情', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.orderObj)));
  201 + let orderParams = {
  202 + ddid:,
  203 + khlxdzsf: this.orderObj.fShsf,
  204 + khlxdzs: this.orderObj.fShs,
  205 + khlxdzq: this.orderObj.fShq,
  206 + khlxdzjd: this.orderObj.fShjd,
  207 + ddxqList: this.orderObj.ddxqList
  208 + }
  209 + // console.log('orderParams', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(orderParams)));
  210 + uni.navigateTo({
  211 + url: '/pages/home/appList/securityCheck/securityCheck?type=0&orderParams=' + JSON.stringify(
  212 + orderParams)
  213 + })
  214 + }
  215 + }
  216 +}
212 217 </script>
213 218  
214 219 <style lang="scss" scoped>
215   - .orderCardCss {
216   - padding: 12px 15px;
  220 +.orderCardCss {
  221 + padding: 12px 15px;
217 222  
218   - .shopItemCss {
219   - height: 108px;
220   - margin: 15px 0 0 0;
221   - }
222   - }
223   -</style>
224 223 \ No newline at end of file
  224 + .shopItemCss {
  225 + height: 108px;
  226 + margin: 15px 0 0 0;
  227 + }
  228 +}
  229 +</style>
... ...
... ... @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
85 85 </view>
86 86 <view class="flex justify-between margin-top">
87 87 <view class="">
88   - {{psfs || ""}}
  88 + {{ ddPsfs.get(psfs) || ""}}
89 89 </view>
90 90 <view class="" @click="openExtract">
91 91 <u-icon name="arrow-right"></u-icon>
... ... @@ -136,6 +136,7 @@
136 136 </template>
137 137  
138 138 <script>
  139 +import {dd_zflx, dd_fkfs, dd_psfs, dd_zffs, dd_ddly, sys_sf, dd_ddzt} from "@/utils/enums";
139 140 import {
140 141 mergeRecursive
141 142 } from "@/utils/ruoyi";
... ... @@ -153,6 +154,8 @@
153 154 },
154 155 data() {
155 156 return {
  157 + ddDdzt: new Map(Object.values(dd_ddzt).map(item => [item.code,])),
  158 + ddPsfs: new Map(Object.values(dd_psfs).map(item => [item.code,])),
156 159 gasDetail: {
157 160 num: 1,
158 161 total: 0,
... ... @@ -163,9 +166,9 @@
163 166 hasShop: false,
164 167 khxx: {},
165 168 columns: [
166   - ['配送', '自提']
  169 + ['1', '2']
167 170 ],
168   - psfs: '配送',
  171 + psfs: '1',
169 172 extractShow: false,
170 173 }
171 174 },
... ... @@ -400,4 +403,4 @@
400 403 width: 120px;
401 404 }
402 405 }
403   -</style>
404 406 \ No newline at end of file
  407 +</style>
... ...
... ... @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
71 71 size: 10,
72 72 khdh: "",
73 73 qptm: "", //扫码使用
74   - zt: '待配送'
  74 + zt: '202'
75 75 }
76 76 }
77 77 },
... ... @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
154 154 changeStatus(status) {
155 155 this.formData.current = 1;
156 156 this.deliveryStatus = status;
157   - this.formData.zt = this.deliveryStatus ? '已完成' : '待配送';
  157 + this.formData.zt = this.deliveryStatus ? '204' : '202';
158 158 this.getStaffOrderPage();
159 159 },
160 160 // 搜索
... ... @@ -210,4 +210,4 @@
210 210 position: absolute;
211 211 right: 15%;
212 212 }
213   -</style>
214 213 \ No newline at end of file
  214 +</style>
... ...
... ... @@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
3 3 <Navbar title="订单详情" :canBack="true"></Navbar>
4 4 <view class="topTitleCss flex flex-direction">
5 5 <view class="text-xxl text-bold">
6   - {{orderDetail.fDdzt || ""}}
  6 + {{ ddDdzt.get(orderDetail.fDdzt)}}
7 7 </view>
8 8 <view class="text-gray text-lg margin-top">
9   - 订单完成时间:{{ orderDetail.fSjwcsj?orderDetail.fSjwcsj:orderDetail.fDdzt==='待配送'? "等待配送中":orderDetail==='已取消'?'已取消':orderDetail.fDdzt }}
  9 + 订单完成时间:{{ orderDetail.fSjwcsj?orderDetail.fSjwcsj:orderDetail.fDdzt==='202'? "等待配送中":orderDetail==='207'?'已取消':ddDdzt.get(orderDetail.fDdzt)}}
10 10 </view>
11 11 </view>
12 12 <view class="orderCard">
... ... @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
139 139 提取方式
140 140 </view>
141 141 <view class="flex justify-end w70">
142   - {{orderDetail.fPsfs || ""}}
  142 + {{ ddPsfs.get(orderDetail.fPsfs)}}
143 143 </view>
144 144 </view>
145 145 </view>
... ... @@ -148,6 +148,8 @@
148 148 </template>
149 149  
150 150 <script>
  151 +import {dd_zflx, dd_fkfs, dd_psfs, dd_zffs, dd_ddly, sys_sf, dd_ddzt} from "@/utils/enums";
  152 +
151 153 export default {
152 154 components: {},
153 155 props: {
... ... @@ -155,6 +157,8 @@
155 157 },
156 158 data() {
157 159 return {
  160 + ddDdzt: new Map(Object.values(dd_ddzt).map(item => [item.code,])),
  161 + ddPsfs: new Map(Object.values(dd_psfs).map(item => [item.code,])),
158 162 orderDetail: {},
159 163 }
160 164 },
... ... @@ -235,4 +239,4 @@
235 239 background: #fff;
236 240 border-radius: 15px;
237 241 }
238   -</style>
239 242 \ No newline at end of file
  243 +</style>
... ...
frontend/app-employee/utils/enums.js 0 → 100644
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
  1 +export const sys_sf = {
  2 + Y: {code: '1', info: '是'},
  3 + N: {code: '0', info: '否'}
  4 +};
  5 +
  6 +/**
  7 + * 订单来源枚举
  8 + */
  9 +export const dd_ddly = {
  10 + XSXD: {code: '1', info: '线上下单'},
  11 + WDPS: {code: '2', info: '无单配送'},
  12 + BZXD: {code: '3', info: '帮助下单'}
  13 +};
  14 +
  15 +/**
  16 + * 付款方式枚举
  17 + */
  18 +export const dd_fkfs = {
  19 + CASH_ON_DELIVERY: {code: '1', info: '货到付款'},
  20 + ONLINE_PAYMENT: {code: '2', info: '在线支付'}
  21 +};
  22 +
  23 +/**
  24 + * 配送方式枚举
  25 + */
  26 +export const dd_psfs = {
  27 + PS: {code: '1', info: '配送'},
  28 + ZT: {code: '2', info: '自提'}
  29 +};
  30 +
  31 +
  32 +/**
  33 + * 付款方式枚举
  34 + */
  35 +export const dd_zffs = {
  36 + CASH: {code: 'CASH', info: '现金支付'},
  37 + WX_PAY: {code: 'WX_PAY', info: '微信支付'},
  38 + ALI_PAY: {code: 'ALI_PAY', info: '支付宝支付'}
  39 +};
  40 +
  41 +
  42 +/**
  43 + * 支付场景枚举
  44 + */
  45 +export const dd_zflx = {
  46 + APP: {code: 'APP', info: '移动应用内的支付场景'},
  47 + NATIVE: {code: 'NATIVE', info: '线下消费场景'},
  48 + JSAPI: {code: 'JSAPI', info: '公众号内或者微信内的网页支付'},
  49 + MWEB: {code: 'MWEB', info: '手机浏览器中的支付场景'}
  50 +};
  51 +
  52 +
  53 +export const dd_ddzt = {
  54 + CREATED: {code: '201', info: '待支付'},
  55 + PAID: {code: '202', info: '待配送'},
  56 + SHIPPED: {code: '203', info: '配送中'},
  57 + COMPLETED: {code: '204', info: '已完成'},
  58 + CANCELLED: {code: '205', info: '取消中'},
  59 + REFUNDING: {code: '206', info: '退款中'},
  60 + REFUNDED: {code: '207', info: '已取消'}
  61 +};
  62 +
  63 +
  64 +
  65 +
... ...