Commit c99b51f86ff2cdc98c30f1b9468c5fde3951c30f

Authored by 陈威
1 parent 9dc2e741
Exists in dev


zr-cloud/zr-modules/zr-schsf/src/main/java/com/chinagas/modules/schsf/controller/ 0 → 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
  1 +package com.chinagas.modules.schsf.controller;
  2 +
  3 +import com.chinagas.common.core.domain.AjaxResult;
  4 +import com.chinagas.common.core.utils.uuid.IdUtils;
  5 +import com.chinagas.modules.schsf.domain.McFile;
  6 +import com.chinagas.modules.schsf.service.McFileService;
  7 +import com.chinagas.modules.schsf.utils.minio.MinioProperties;
  8 +import com.chinagas.modules.schsf.utils.minio.MinioUtil;
  9 +import io.minio.BucketExistsArgs;
  10 +import io.minio.MakeBucketArgs;
  11 +import io.minio.MinioClient;
  12 +import io.minio.PutObjectArgs;
  13 +import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
  14 +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
  15 +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
  16 +import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
  17 +
  18 +import javax.annotation.Resource;
  19 +import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
  20 +import java.time.LocalDate;
  21 +import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
  22 +import java.util.ArrayList;
  23 +import java.util.HashSet;
  24 +import java.util.Random;
  25 +
  26 +/**
  27 + * 市场化收费,文件控制层
  28 + */
  29 +@RestController
  30 +@Slf4j
  31 +@RequestMapping("/file")
  32 +public class FileController {
  33 +
  34 + @Resource
  35 + private MinioUtil minioUtil;
  36 + @Autowired
  37 + private MinioClient minioClient;
  38 + @Autowired
  39 + private MinioProperties minioProperties;
  40 + @Resource
  41 + private McFileService mcFileService;
  42 +
  43 + private final Long maxSize = (long) (1024 * 1024 * 20);
  44 +
  45 +
  46 + /**
  47 + * 批量文件上传
  48 + *
  49 + * @param file
  50 + * @return
  51 + */
  52 + @PostMapping("/upload")
  53 + public AjaxResult minioUpload(MultipartFile[] file) {
  54 + // 判断文件是否为空
  55 + if (null == file || 0 == file.length) {
  56 + return null;
  57 + }
  58 + if (!cheakIsRepeat(file)) {
  59 + throw new RuntimeException("文件名不允许重复");
  60 + }
  61 + String bucketName = minioProperties.getBucket();
  62 + ArrayList<McFile> list = new ArrayList<>();
  63 + String fileName = null;
  64 + try {
  65 + // 判断存储桶是否存在 不存在则创建
  66 + createBucket(bucketName);
  67 + for (int i = 0; i < file.length; i++) {
  68 + // 文件名
  69 + String originalFilename = file[i].getOriginalFilename();
  70 + // 判断大小
  71 + if (file[i].getSize() > maxSize) {
  72 + throw new RuntimeException("文件" + "<" + originalFilename + ">" + "过大,请上传小于20M文件!");
  73 + }
  74 + String file_uuid = IdUtils.fastSimpleUUID();
  75 + McFile McFile = new McFile();
  76 + // 后缀
  77 + String extension = originalFilename.substring(originalFilename.lastIndexOf("."));
  78 + if (!extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".pdf")
  79 + && !extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".doc")
  80 + && !extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".docx")
  81 + && !extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".xlsx")
  82 + && !extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".xls")
  83 + && !extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".jpg")
  84 + && !extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".jpeg")
  85 + && !extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".png")) {
  86 + throw new RuntimeException("文件" + "<" + originalFilename + ">" + "格式不正确");
  87 + }
  88 + // 新的文件名 = 时间戳_随机数.后缀名
  89 + assert originalFilename != null;
  90 + long now = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
  91 + String format ="yyyyMMdd"));
  92 + fileName = format + "_" + now + "_" + new Random().nextInt(1000) + extension;
  93 + // 启动minio客户端,文件名传新生成的随机名
  94 + minioClient.putObject(
  95 + PutObjectArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName).object(fileName).stream(
  96 + file[i].getInputStream(), file[i].getSize(), -1)
  97 + .contentType(file[i].getContentType())
  98 + .build());
  99 + // 用于图片预览,直接访问桶名+文件名
  100 + String url = minioProperties.getEndpoint() + "/" + bucketName + "/" + fileName;
  101 + // 持久化存储原文件名
  102 + McFile.setFileName(originalFilename);
  103 + McFile.setUrl(url);
  104 + McFile.setUuid(file_uuid);
  105 + McFile.setExtension(extension);
  106 + McFile.setFileSize(file[i].getSize());
  107 + list.add(McFile);
  108 + }
  109 + } catch (Exception e) {
  110 + throw new RuntimeException(e);
  111 + }
  112 + -> {
  113 + mcFileService.insertMcFile(o);
  114 + });
  115 + return AjaxResult.success(list);
  116 + }
  117 +
  118 + public void createBucket(String bucketName) throws Exception {
  119 + if (!minioClient.bucketExists(BucketExistsArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName).build())) {
  120 + minioClient.makeBucket(MakeBucketArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName).build());
  121 + }
  122 + }
  123 +
  124 + /**
  125 + * 文件下载
  126 + *
  127 + * @param
  128 + * @param res
  129 + * @return
  130 + */
  131 + @GetMapping("/download")
  132 + public AjaxResult download(String uuid, HttpServletResponse res) {
  133 + McFile McFile = mcFileService.selectMcFileByUuid(uuid);
  134 + if (McFile == null) {
  135 + throw new RuntimeException("文件不存在或已被删除!");
  136 + }
  137 +, res);
  138 + return AjaxResult.success();
  139 + }
  140 +
  141 +
  142 + @GetMapping("/getByUuid/{uuid}")
  143 + public AjaxResult download(@PathVariable("uuid") String uuid) {
  144 + McFile McFile = mcFileService.selectMcFileByUuid(uuid);
  145 + if (McFile == null) {
  146 + throw new RuntimeException("文件不存在或已被删除!");
  147 + }
  148 + return AjaxResult.success(McFile);
  149 + }
  150 +
  151 +
  152 +// /**
  153 +// * 批量下载
  154 +// *
  155 +// * @param uuid
  156 +// * @param zip
  157 +// * @param res
  158 +// * @param req
  159 +// */
  160 +// @GetMapping("/batchDownload")
  161 +// public void batchDownload(String[] uuid, String zip, HttpServletResponse res, HttpServletRequest req) {
  162 +// List<McFile> list = mcFileService.selectFileByUuid(uuid);
  163 +//// ArrayList<String> fileNames = new ArrayList<>();
  164 +//// -> {
  165 +//// // 获取minio中的真实文件名
  166 +//// fileNames.add(o.getUrl().substring(o.getUrl().indexOf("t/")+2));
  167 +//// });
  168 +// minioUtil.batchDownload1(list, zip, res, req);
  169 +// }
  170 +
  171 +
  172 +
  173 +
  174 + private static boolean cheakIsRepeat(MultipartFile[] array) {
  175 + HashSet<MultipartFile> hashSet = new HashSet<>();
  176 + for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
  177 + hashSet.add(array[i]);
  178 + }
  179 + if (hashSet.size() == array.length) {
  180 + return true;
  181 + } else {
  182 + return false;
  183 + }
  184 + }
  185 +}
zr-cloud/zr-modules/zr-schsf/src/main/java/com/chinagas/modules/schsf/domain/ 0 → 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
  1 +package com.chinagas.modules.schsf.domain;
  2 +
  3 +import;
  4 +import;
  5 +import com.chinagas.common.core.web.domain.BaseEntity;
  6 +
  7 +@ExcelIgnoreUnannotated
  8 +public class McFile extends BaseEntity
  9 +{
  10 + private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  11 +
  12 + /** 自增id */
  13 + private Long id;
  14 +
  15 + /** 唯一标识 */
  16 + @ExcelProperty(value = "唯一标识")
  17 + private String uuid;
  18 +
  19 + /** 文件名称 */
  20 + @ExcelProperty(value = "文件名称")
  21 + private String fileName;
  22 +
  23 + /** 文件拓展名,如.txt */
  24 + @ExcelProperty(value = "文件拓展名,如.txt")
  25 + private String extension;
  26 +
  27 + /** 文件路径 */
  28 + @ExcelProperty(value = "文件路径")
  29 + private String path;
  30 +
  31 + /** 下载链接 */
  32 + @ExcelProperty(value = "下载链接")
  33 + private String url;
  34 +
  35 + /** 删除标志(0:未删除,1:已删除) */
  36 + @ExcelProperty(value = "删除标志")
  37 + private String defFlag;
  38 +
  39 + /** 是否被引用过(0:未被引用过,1:已被引用过) */
  40 + @ExcelProperty(value = "是否被引用过")
  41 + private String cited;
  42 +
  43 + /** 被引用次数 */
  44 + @ExcelProperty(value = "被引用次数")
  45 + private Long count;
  46 +
  47 + /** 文件大小(kb) */
  48 + @ExcelProperty(value = "文件大小(kb)")
  49 + private Long fileSize;
  50 +
  51 + public void setId(Long id)
  52 + {
  53 + = id;
  54 + }
  55 +
  56 + public Long getId()
  57 + {
  58 + return id;
  59 + }
  60 + public void setUuid(String uuid)
  61 + {
  62 + this.uuid = uuid;
  63 + }
  64 +
  65 + public String getUuid()
  66 + {
  67 + return uuid;
  68 + }
  69 + public void setFileName(String fileName)
  70 + {
  71 + this.fileName = fileName;
  72 + }
  73 +
  74 + public String getFileName()
  75 + {
  76 + return fileName;
  77 + }
  78 + public void setExtension(String extension)
  79 + {
  80 + this.extension = extension;
  81 + }
  82 +
  83 + public String getExtension()
  84 + {
  85 + return extension;
  86 + }
  87 + public void setPath(String path)
  88 + {
  89 + this.path = path;
  90 + }
  91 +
  92 + public String getPath()
  93 + {
  94 + return path;
  95 + }
  96 + public void setUrl(String url)
  97 + {
  98 + this.url = url;
  99 + }
  100 +
  101 + public String getUrl()
  102 + {
  103 + return url;
  104 + }
  105 + public void setDefFlag(String defFlag)
  106 + {
  107 + this.defFlag = defFlag;
  108 + }
  109 +
  110 + public String getDefFlag()
  111 + {
  112 + return defFlag;
  113 + }
  114 + public void setCited(String cited)
  115 + {
  116 + this.cited = cited;
  117 + }
  118 +
  119 + public String getCited()
  120 + {
  121 + return cited;
  122 + }
  123 + public void setCount(Long count)
  124 + {
  125 + this.count = count;
  126 + }
  127 +
  128 + public Long getCount()
  129 + {
  130 + return count;
  131 + }
  132 + public void setFileSize(Long fileSize)
  133 + {
  134 + this.fileSize = fileSize;
  135 + }
  136 +
  137 + public Long getFileSize()
  138 + {
  139 + return fileSize;
  140 + }
  141 +
  142 +}
zr-cloud/zr-modules/zr-schsf/src/main/java/com/chinagas/modules/schsf/mapper/ 0 → 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
  1 +package com.chinagas.modules.schsf.mapper;
  2 +
  3 +import com.chinagas.modules.schsf.domain.McFile;
  4 +
  5 +import java.util.List;
  6 +
  7 +/**
  8 + * 市场化收费相关文件Mapper接口
  9 + *
  10 + * @author lidwd
  11 + * @date 2024-05-22
  12 + */
  13 +public interface McFileMapper
  14 +{
  15 + /**
  16 + * 查询市场化收费相关文件
  17 + *
  18 + * @param id 市场化收费相关文件主键
  19 + * @return 市场化收费相关文件
  20 + */
  21 + public McFile selectMcFileById(Long id);
  22 +
  23 + /**
  24 + * 查询市场化收费相关文件列表
  25 + *
  26 + * @param mcFile 市场化收费相关文件
  27 + * @return 市场化收费相关文件集合
  28 + */
  29 + public List<McFile> selectMcFileList(McFile mcFile);
  30 +
  31 + /**
  32 + * 新增市场化收费相关文件
  33 + *
  34 + * @param mcFile 市场化收费相关文件
  35 + * @return 结果
  36 + */
  37 + public int insertMcFile(McFile mcFile);
  38 +
  39 + /**
  40 + * 修改市场化收费相关文件
  41 + *
  42 + * @param mcFile 市场化收费相关文件
  43 + * @return 结果
  44 + */
  45 + public int updateMcFile(McFile mcFile);
  46 +
  47 + /**
  48 + * 删除市场化收费相关文件
  49 + *
  50 + * @param id 市场化收费相关文件主键
  51 + * @return 结果
  52 + */
  53 + public int deleteMcFileById(Long id);
  54 +
  55 + /**
  56 + * 批量删除市场化收费相关文件
  57 + *
  58 + * @param ids 需要删除的数据主键集合
  59 + * @return 结果
  60 + */
  61 + public int deleteMcFileByIds(Long[] ids);
  62 +
  63 + McFile selectMcFileByUuid(String uuid);
  64 +
  65 +}
zr-cloud/zr-modules/zr-schsf/src/main/java/com/chinagas/modules/schsf/service/ 0 → 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
  1 +package com.chinagas.modules.schsf.service;
  2 +
  3 +import com.chinagas.modules.schsf.domain.McFile;
  4 +
  5 +import java.util.List;
  6 +
  7 +public interface McFileService {
  8 +
  9 + /**
  10 + * 查询市场化收费相关文件
  11 + *
  12 + * @param id 市场化收费相关文件主键
  13 + * @return 市场化收费相关文件
  14 + */
  15 + public McFile selectMcFileById(Long id);
  16 +
  17 + /**
  18 + * 查询市场化收费相关文件列表
  19 + *
  20 + * @param mcFile 市场化收费相关文件
  21 + * @return 市场化收费相关文件集合
  22 + */
  23 + public List<McFile> selectMcFileList(McFile mcFile);
  24 +
  25 + /**
  26 + * 新增市场化收费相关文件
  27 + *
  28 + * @param mcFile 市场化收费相关文件
  29 + * @return 结果
  30 + */
  31 + public int insertMcFile(McFile mcFile);
  32 +
  33 + /**
  34 + * 修改市场化收费相关文件
  35 + *
  36 + * @param mcFile 市场化收费相关文件
  37 + * @return 结果
  38 + */
  39 + public int updateMcFile(McFile mcFile);
  40 +
  41 + /**
  42 + * 批量删除市场化收费相关文件
  43 + *
  44 + * @param ids 需要删除的市场化收费相关文件主键集合
  45 + * @return 结果
  46 + */
  47 + public int deleteMcFileByIds(Long[] ids);
  48 +
  49 + /**
  50 + * 删除市场化收费相关文件信息
  51 + *
  52 + * @param id 市场化收费相关文件主键
  53 + * @return 结果
  54 + */
  55 + public int deleteMcFileById(Long id);
  56 +
  57 + McFile selectMcFileByUuid(String uuid);
  58 +
  59 +}
zr-cloud/zr-modules/zr-schsf/src/main/java/com/chinagas/modules/schsf/service/impl/ 0 → 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
  1 +package com.chinagas.modules.schsf.service.impl;
  2 +
  3 +import com.chinagas.common.core.utils.DateUtils;
  4 +import;
  5 +import com.chinagas.modules.schsf.service.McFileService;
  6 +import com.chinagas.modules.schsf.domain.McFile;
  7 +import com.chinagas.modules.schsf.mapper.McFileMapper;
  8 +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
  9 +import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
  10 +
  11 +import java.util.List;
  12 +
  13 +/**
  14 + * 市场化收费相关文件Service业务层处理
  15 + *
  16 + * @author lidwd
  17 + * @date 2024-05-22
  18 + */
  19 +@Service
  20 +public class McFileServiceImpl implements McFileService {
  21 + @Autowired
  22 + private McFileMapper mcFileMapper;
  23 +
  24 + /**
  25 + * 查询市场化收费相关文件
  26 + *
  27 + * @param id 市场化收费相关文件主键
  28 + * @return 市场化收费相关文件
  29 + */
  30 + @Override
  31 + public McFile selectMcFileById(Long id) {
  32 + return mcFileMapper.selectMcFileById(id);
  33 + }
  34 +
  35 + /**
  36 + * 查询市场化收费相关文件列表
  37 + *
  38 + * @param mcFile 市场化收费相关文件
  39 + * @return 市场化收费相关文件
  40 + */
  41 + @Override
  42 + public List<McFile> selectMcFileList(McFile mcFile) {
  43 + return mcFileMapper.selectMcFileList(mcFile);
  44 + }
  45 +
  46 + /**
  47 + * 新增市场化收费相关文件
  48 + *
  49 + * @param mcFile 市场化收费相关文件
  50 + * @return 结果
  51 + */
  52 + @Override
  53 + public int insertMcFile(McFile mcFile) {
  54 + mcFile.setCreateTime(DateUtils.getNowLocal());
  55 + mcFile.setCreateBy(SecurityUtils.getUserId().toString());
  56 + mcFile.setUpdateTime(DateUtils.getNowLocal());
  57 + mcFile.setUpdateBy(SecurityUtils.getUserId().toString());
  58 + return mcFileMapper.insertMcFile(mcFile);
  59 + }
  60 +
  61 + /**
  62 + * 修改市场化收费相关文件
  63 + *
  64 + * @param mcFile 市场化收费相关文件
  65 + * @return 结果
  66 + */
  67 + @Override
  68 + public int updateMcFile(McFile mcFile) {
  69 + mcFile.setUpdateTime(DateUtils.getNowLocal());
  70 + mcFile.setUpdateBy(SecurityUtils.getUserId().toString());
  71 + return mcFileMapper.updateMcFile(mcFile);
  72 + }
  73 +
  74 + /**
  75 + * 批量删除市场化收费相关文件
  76 + *
  77 + * @param ids 需要删除的市场化收费相关文件主键
  78 + * @return 结果
  79 + */
  80 + @Override
  81 + public int deleteMcFileByIds(Long[] ids) {
  82 + return mcFileMapper.deleteMcFileByIds(ids);
  83 + }
  84 +
  85 + /**
  86 + * 删除市场化收费相关文件信息
  87 + *
  88 + * @param id 市场化收费相关文件主键
  89 + * @return 结果
  90 + */
  91 + @Override
  92 + public int deleteMcFileById(Long id) {
  93 + return mcFileMapper.deleteMcFileById(id);
  94 + }
  95 +
  96 + @Override
  97 + public McFile selectMcFileByUuid(String uuid) {
  98 + return mcFileMapper.selectMcFileByUuid(uuid);
  99 + }
  100 +}
zr-cloud/zr-modules/zr-schsf/src/main/java/com/chinagas/modules/schsf/utils/ 0 → 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
  1 +package com.chinagas.modules.schsf.utils;
  2 +
  3 +import;
  4 +import;
  5 +import;
  6 +import;
  7 +import;
  8 +
  9 +/**
  10 + * EasyExcel 样式工具类
  11 + *
  12 + * @author zhl
  13 + * @date 2023-12-29
  14 + */
  15 +public class StyleUtils {
  16 + /**
  17 + * 标题样式
  18 + * @return
  19 + */
  20 + public static WriteCellStyle getHeadStyle(){
  21 + // 头的策略
  22 + WriteCellStyle headWriteCellStyle = new WriteCellStyle();
  23 + // 背景颜色
  24 +// headWriteCellStyle.setFillForegroundColor(IndexedColors.LIGHT_TURQUOISE1.getIndex());
  25 +// headWriteCellStyle.setFillPatternType(FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND);
  26 +
  27 + // 字体
  28 + WriteFont headWriteFont = new WriteFont();
  29 + headWriteFont.setFontName("宋体");//设置字体名字
  30 + headWriteFont.setFontHeightInPoints((short)14);//设置字体大小
  31 + headWriteFont.setBold(true);//字体加粗
  32 + headWriteCellStyle.setWriteFont(headWriteFont); //在样式用应用设置的字体;
  33 +
  34 + // 样式
  35 + headWriteCellStyle.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN);//设置底边框;
  36 + headWriteCellStyle.setBottomBorderColor((short) 0);//设置底边框颜色;
  37 + headWriteCellStyle.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); //设置左边框;
  38 + headWriteCellStyle.setLeftBorderColor((short) 0);//设置左边框颜色;
  39 + headWriteCellStyle.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN);//设置右边框;
  40 + headWriteCellStyle.setRightBorderColor((short) 0);//设置右边框颜色;
  41 + headWriteCellStyle.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN);//设置顶边框;
  42 + headWriteCellStyle.setTopBorderColor((short) 0); //设置顶边框颜色;
  43 +
  44 + headWriteCellStyle.setWrapped(true); //设置自动换行;
  45 +
  46 + headWriteCellStyle.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER);//设置水平对齐的样式为居中对齐;
  47 + headWriteCellStyle.setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment.CENTER); //设置垂直对齐的样式为居中对齐;
  48 + headWriteCellStyle.setShrinkToFit(true);//设置文本收缩至合适
  49 +
  50 + return headWriteCellStyle;
  51 + }
  52 +
  53 +
  54 + /**
  55 + * 内容样式
  56 + * @return
  57 + */
  58 + public static WriteCellStyle getContentStyle(){
  59 + // 内容的策略
  60 + WriteCellStyle contentWriteCellStyle = new WriteCellStyle();
  61 +
  62 + // 背景绿色
  63 + // 这里需要指定 FillPatternType 为FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND 不然无法显示背景颜色.头默认了 FillPatternType所以可以不指定
  64 +// contentWriteCellStyle.setFillForegroundColor(IndexedColors.PALE_BLUE.getIndex());
  65 +// contentWriteCellStyle.setFillPatternType(FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND);
  66 +
  67 + // 设置字体
  68 + WriteFont contentWriteFont = new WriteFont();
  69 + contentWriteFont.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 12);//设置字体大小
  70 + contentWriteFont.setFontName("宋体"); //设置字体名字
  71 + contentWriteCellStyle.setWriteFont(contentWriteFont);//在样式用应用设置的字体;
  72 +
  73 + //设置样式;
  74 + contentWriteCellStyle.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN);//设置底边框;
  75 + contentWriteCellStyle.setBottomBorderColor((short) 0);//设置底边框颜色;
  76 + contentWriteCellStyle.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); //设置左边框;
  77 + contentWriteCellStyle.setLeftBorderColor((short) 0);//设置左边框颜色;
  78 + contentWriteCellStyle.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN);//设置右边框;
  79 + contentWriteCellStyle.setRightBorderColor((short) 0);//设置右边框颜色;
  80 + contentWriteCellStyle.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN);//设置顶边框;
  81 + contentWriteCellStyle.setTopBorderColor((short) 0); ///设置顶边框颜色;
  82 +
  83 + contentWriteCellStyle.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER);// 水平居中
  84 + contentWriteCellStyle.setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment.CENTER);// 垂直居中
  85 + contentWriteCellStyle.setWrapped(true); //设置自动换行;
  86 +
  87 +// contentWriteCellStyle.setShrinkToFit(true);//设置文本收缩至合适
  88 +
  89 + return contentWriteCellStyle;
  90 + }
  91 +}
zr-cloud/zr-modules/zr-schsf/src/main/java/com/chinagas/modules/schsf/utils/minio/ 0 → 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
  1 +package com.chinagas.modules.schsf.utils.minio;
  2 +
  3 +import io.minio.MinioClient;
  4 +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
  5 +import;
  6 +import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
  7 +import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
  8 +
  9 +@Configuration
  10 +@EnableConfigurationProperties(MinioProperties.class)
  11 +public class MinioConfig {
  12 +
  13 + @Autowired
  14 + private MinioProperties minioProperties;
  15 +
  16 + @Bean
  17 + public MinioClient minioClient(){
  18 + return MinioClient.builder()
  19 + .endpoint(minioProperties.getEndpoint())
  20 + .credentials(minioProperties.getAccessKey(),minioProperties.getSecretKey())
  21 + .build();
  22 + }
  23 +
  24 + /**
  25 + * 获取 MinioClient
  26 + * 取消ssl认证
  27 + */
  28 +// @Bean
  29 +// public MinioClient minioClient() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException {
  30 +//// return MinioClient.builder().endpoint(minioInfo.getEndpoint())
  31 +//// .credentials(minioInfo.getAccesskey(),minioInfo.getSecretkey())
  32 +//// .build();
  33 +// //取消ssl认证
  34 +// final TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[]{
  35 +// new X509TrustManager() {
  36 +// @Override
  37 +// public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] x509Certificates, String s) {
  38 +// }
  39 +// @Override
  40 +// public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] x509Certificates, String s) {
  41 +// }
  42 +// @Override
  43 +// public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
  44 +// return new X509Certificate[]{};
  45 +// }
  46 +// }
  47 +// };
  48 +//
  49 +// X509TrustManager x509TrustManager = (X509TrustManager) trustAllCerts[0];
  50 +// final SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
  51 +// sslContext.init(null, trustAllCerts, new SecureRandom());
  52 +// final SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = sslContext.getSocketFactory();
  53 +// OkHttpClient.Builder builder = new OkHttpClient.Builder();
  54 +// builder.sslSocketFactory(sslSocketFactory,x509TrustManager);
  55 +//
  56 +// builder.hostnameVerifier((s, sslSession) -> true);
  57 +// OkHttpClient okHttpClient =;
  58 +//
  59 +// return MinioClient.builder()
  60 +// .endpoint(minioProperties.getEndpoint())
  61 +// .httpClient(okHttpClient).region("eu-west-1")
  62 +// .credentials(minioProperties.getAccessKey()
  63 +// , minioProperties.getSecretKey()).build();
  64 +// }
  65 +
  66 +}
zr-cloud/zr-modules/zr-schsf/src/main/java/com/chinagas/modules/schsf/utils/minio/ 0 → 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
  1 +package com.chinagas.modules.schsf.utils.minio;
  2 +
  3 +import lombok.Data;
  4 +import;
  5 +import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
  6 +
  7 +@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "minio")
  8 +@Component
  9 +@Data
  10 +public class MinioProperties {
  11 +
  12 + /**
  13 + * 连接地址
  14 + */
  15 + private String endpoint;
  16 + /**
  17 + * 用户名
  18 + */
  19 + private String accessKey;
  20 + /**
  21 + * 密码
  22 + */
  23 + private String secretKey;
  24 + /**
  25 + * 域名
  26 + */
  27 + private String nginxHost;
  28 + /**
  29 + * 默认文件桶
  30 + */
  31 + private String bucket;
  32 +
  33 +}
zr-cloud/zr-modules/zr-schsf/src/main/java/com/chinagas/modules/schsf/utils/minio/ 0 → 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
  1 +package com.chinagas.modules.schsf.utils.minio;//package com.chinagas.modules.insight.utils.minio;
  2 +//
  3 +//import;
  4 +//import io.minio.*;
  5 +//import io.minio.errors.ErrorResponseException;
  6 +//import io.minio.errors.InvalidResponseException;
  7 +//import io.minio.errors.XmlParserException;
  8 +//import io.minio.messages.DeleteError;
  9 +//import io.minio.messages.DeleteObject;
  10 +//import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
  11 +//import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
  12 +//import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
  13 +//import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
  14 +//import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;
  15 +//
  16 +//import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
  17 +//import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
  18 +//import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
  19 +//import;
  20 +//import;
  21 +//import;
  22 +//import;
  23 +//import;
  24 +//import java.util.List;
  25 +//import;
  26 +//import;
  27 +//import;
  28 +//
  29 +//@Component
  30 +//@Slf4j
  31 +//public class MinioService {
  32 +// @Autowired
  33 +// private MinioClient minioClient;
  34 +//
  35 +// /**
  36 +// * description: 判断bucket是否存在,不存在则创建
  37 +// * @return: void
  38 +// */
  39 +// public void existBucket(String name) {
  40 +// try {
  41 +// boolean exists = minioClient.bucketExists(BucketExistsArgs.builder().bucket(name).build());
  42 +// if (!exists) {
  43 +// minioClient.makeBucket(MakeBucketArgs.builder().bucket(name).build());
  44 +// }
  45 +// } catch (Exception e) {
  46 +// e.printStackTrace();
  47 +// }
  48 +// }
  49 +//
  50 +// /**
  51 +// * 创建存储bucket
  52 +// * @param bucketName 存储bucket名称
  53 +// * @return Boolean
  54 +// */
  55 +// public Boolean makeBucket(String bucketName) {
  56 +// try {
  57 +// minioClient.makeBucket(MakeBucketArgs.builder()
  58 +// .bucket(bucketName)
  59 +// .build());
  60 +// } catch (Exception e) {
  61 +// e.printStackTrace();
  62 +// return false;
  63 +// }
  64 +// return true;
  65 +// }
  66 +//
  67 +// /**
  68 +// * 删除存储bucket
  69 +// * @param bucketName 存储bucket名称
  70 +// * @return Boolean
  71 +// */
  72 +// public Boolean removeBucket(String bucketName) {
  73 +// try {
  74 +// minioClient.removeBucket(RemoveBucketArgs.builder()
  75 +// .bucket(bucketName)
  76 +// .build());
  77 +// } catch (Exception e) {
  78 +// e.printStackTrace();
  79 +// return false;
  80 +// }
  81 +// return true;
  82 +// }
  83 +//
  84 +// /**
  85 +// * description: 上传文件
  86 +// * @param multipartFile
  87 +// * @return: java.lang.String
  88 +// */
  89 +// public List<TxFileinfo> upload(MultipartFile[] multipartFile) {
  90 +//
  91 +// List<TxFileinfo> txFileinfos = Lists.newArrayList();
  92 +// for (MultipartFile file : multipartFile) {
  93 +// String fileName = file.getOriginalFilename();
  94 +// String[] split = fileName.split("\\.");
  95 +// String suffix = null;
  96 +// if (split.length > 1) {
  97 +// fileName = split[0] + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "." + split[1];
  98 +// suffix = split[1];
  99 +// } else {
  100 +// fileName = fileName + System.currentTimeMillis();
  101 +// }
  102 +//
  103 +// InputStream in = null;
  104 +// try {
  105 +// in = file.getInputStream();
  106 +// minioClient.putObject(PutObjectArgs.builder()
  107 +// .bucket(bucketName)
  108 +// .object(fileName)
  109 +// .stream(in, in.available(), -1)
  110 +// .contentType(file.getContentType())
  111 +// .build()
  112 +// );
  113 +// TxFileinfo txFileinfo = getTxFileinfo(file, fileName, suffix);
  114 +// txFileinfos.add(txFileinfo);
  115 +// } catch (Exception e) {
  116 +// e.printStackTrace();
  117 +// } finally {
  118 +// if (in != null) {
  119 +// try {
  120 +// in.close();
  121 +// } catch (IOException e) {
  122 +// e.printStackTrace();
  123 +// }
  124 +// }
  125 +// }
  126 +// }
  127 +// return txFileinfos;
  128 +// }
  129 +//
  130 +//
  131 +// /**
  132 +// * 通过文件名称下载文件
  133 +// *
  134 +// *
  135 +// */
  136 +// public void download(String filename, HttpServletResponse res, HttpServletRequest req) throws IOException,
  137 +// InvalidKeyException,
  138 +// InvalidResponseException, InsufficientDataException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, ServerException, InternalException, XmlParserException, ErrorResponseException, ServerException, InsufficientDataException, ErrorResponseException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, InvalidResponseException, XmlParserException {
  139 +// BucketExistsArgs bucketArgs = BucketExistsArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName).build();
  140 +// boolean bucketExists = minioClient.bucketExists(bucketArgs);
  141 +// GetObjectArgs objectArgs = GetObjectArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName)
  142 +// .object(filename).build();
  143 +// try (GetObjectResponse response = minioClient.getObject(objectArgs)) {
  144 +// byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
  145 +// int len;
  146 +// try (FastByteArrayOutputStream os = new FastByteArrayOutputStream()) {
  147 +// while ((len = != -1) {
  148 +// os.write(buf, 0, len);
  149 +// }
  150 +// os.flush();
  151 +// byte[] bytes = os.toByteArray();
  152 +// res.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");
  153 +// res.setContentType("application/force-download");// 设置强制下载不打开
  154 +// res.setHeader("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Content-Disposition");
  155 +//// filenameEncoding 方法兼容不同浏览器编码
  156 +// res.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;fileName=" + filenameEncoding(filename,req));
  157 +// try (ServletOutputStream stream = res.getOutputStream()) {
  158 +// stream.write(bytes);
  159 +// stream.flush();
  160 +// }
  161 +// }
  162 +//
  163 +// } catch (Exception e) {
  164 +// e.printStackTrace();
  165 +// }
  166 +// }
  167 +//
  168 +// /**
  169 +// * @description: 批量下载
  170 +// * @date: 2022/8/17 16:50
  171 +// * @param: filenames: 多个文件名称
  172 +// * @Param: zip: 压缩包名称
  173 +// * @Param: res: 响应对象
  174 +// * @return: void
  175 +// **/
  176 +// public void batchDownload(List<String> filenames, String zip, HttpServletResponse res, HttpServletRequest req){
  177 +// try {
  178 +// BucketExistsArgs bucketArgs = BucketExistsArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName).build();
  179 +// boolean bucketExists = minioClient.bucketExists(bucketArgs);
  180 +// BufferedOutputStream bos = null;
  181 +// res.reset();
  182 +// bos = new BufferedOutputStream(res.getOutputStream());
  183 +// ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(bos);
  184 +// res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
  185 +// for (int i=0;i<filenames.size();i++) {
  186 +// GetObjectArgs objectArgs = GetObjectArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName)
  187 +// .object(filenames.get(i)).build();
  188 +// InputStream object = minioClient.getObject(objectArgs);
  189 +// byte buf[] = new byte[1024];
  190 +// int length = 0;
  191 +// res.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");
  192 +// res.setContentType("application/force-download");// 设置强制下载不打开
  193 +// res.setHeader("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Content-Disposition");
  194 +// res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + filenameEncoding(zip,req) + ".zip");
  195 +// out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(filenames.get(i)));
  196 +// while ((length = > 0) {
  197 +// out.write(buf, 0, length);
  198 +// }
  199 +// }
  200 +// out.close();
  201 +// bos.close();
  202 +// } catch (Exception e) {
  203 +// e.printStackTrace();
  204 +// }
  205 +// }
  206 +//
  207 +// /**
  208 +// * 设置不同浏览器编码
  209 +// * @param filename 文件名称
  210 +// * @param request 请求对象
  211 +// */
  212 +// public static String filenameEncoding(String filename, HttpServletRequest request) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
  213 +// // 获得请求头中的User-Agent
  214 +// String agent = request.getHeader("User-Agent");
  215 +// // 根据不同的客户端进行不同的编码
  216 +//
  217 +// if (agent.contains("MSIE")) {
  218 +// // IE浏览器
  219 +// filename = URLEncoder.encode(filename, "utf-8");
  220 +// } else if (agent.contains("Firefox")) {
  221 +// // 火狐浏览器
  222 +// BASE64Encoder base64Encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
  223 +// filename = "=?utf-8?B?" + base64Encoder.encode(filename.getBytes("utf-8")) + "?=";
  224 +// } else {
  225 +// // 其它浏览器
  226 +// filename = URLEncoder.encode(filename, "utf-8");
  227 +// }
  228 +// return filename;
  229 +// }
  230 +//
  231 +//
  232 +// /**
  233 +// * 批量删除文件对象
  234 +// * @param bucketName 存储bucket名称
  235 +// * @param objects 对象名称集合
  236 +// */
  237 +// public Iterable<Result<DeleteError>> removeObjects(String bucketName, List<String> objects) {
  238 +// List<DeleteObject> dos = -> new DeleteObject(e)).collect(Collectors.toList());
  239 +// Iterable<Result<DeleteError>> results = minioClient.removeObjects(RemoveObjectsArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName).objects(dos).build());
  240 +// return results;
  241 +// }
  242 +//
  243 +// /**
  244 +// * @description:获取文件预览接口
  245 +// * @date: 2022/8/18 9:44
  246 +// * @param: fileName: 文件名
  247 +// * @Param: bucketName: 桶名
  248 +// * @Param: previewExpiry: 预览到期时间(小时)
  249 +// * @return: java.lang.String
  250 +// **/
  251 +// public String getPreviewUrl(String fileName, String bucketName,Integer previewExpiry) {
  252 +// if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fileName)) {
  253 +// bucketName = StringUtils.isNotBlank(bucketName) ? bucketName : this.bucketName;
  254 +// try {
  255 +// minioClient.statObject(StatObjectArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName).object(fileName).build());
  256 +// if (null != previewExpiry){
  257 +// return minioClient.getPresignedObjectUrl(GetPresignedObjectUrlArgs.builder()
  258 +// .method(Method.GET)
  259 +// .bucket(bucketName)
  260 +// .object(fileName)
  261 +// .expiry(previewExpiry, TimeUnit.HOURS)
  262 +// .build());
  263 +// }else {
  264 +// return minioClient.getPresignedObjectUrl(GetPresignedObjectUrlArgs.builder()
  265 +// .method(Method.GET)
  266 +// .bucket(bucketName)
  267 +// .object(fileName)
  268 +// .build());
  269 +// }
  270 +// } catch (Exception e) {
  271 +// e.printStackTrace();
  272 +// }
  273 +// }
  274 +// return null;
  275 +// }
  276 +//}
zr-cloud/zr-modules/zr-schsf/src/main/java/com/chinagas/modules/schsf/utils/minio/ 0 → 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
  1 +package com.chinagas.modules.schsf.utils.minio;
  2 +
  3 +import com.chinagas.common.core.utils.uuid.IdUtils;
  4 +import com.chinagas.modules.schsf.domain.McFile;
  5 +import io.minio.*;
  6 +import io.minio.errors.*;
  7 +import io.minio.http.Method;
  8 +import io.minio.messages.Bucket;
  9 +import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
  10 +import net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails;
  11 +import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem;
  12 +import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItemFactory;
  13 +import org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItemFactory;
  14 +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
  15 +import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
  16 +import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
  17 +import org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartFile;
  18 +import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;
  19 +
  20 +import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
  21 +import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
  22 +import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
  23 +import*;
  24 +import;
  25 +import;
  26 +import;
  27 +import java.time.LocalDate;
  28 +import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
  29 +import java.util.ArrayList;
  30 +import java.util.List;
  31 +import java.util.Optional;
  32 +import java.util.Random;
  33 +import;
  34 +import;
  35 +
  36 +@Component
  37 +@Slf4j
  38 +public class MinioUtil {
  39 +
  40 + @Autowired
  41 + private MinioProperties minioProperties;
  42 +
  43 + @Autowired
  44 + private MinioClient minioClient;
  45 +
  46 + private final Long maxSize = (long) (1024 * 1024);
  47 +
  48 + /**
  49 + * 创建bucket
  50 + */
  51 + public void createBucket(String bucketName) throws Exception {
  52 + if (!minioClient.bucketExists(BucketExistsArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName).build())) {
  53 + minioClient.makeBucket(MakeBucketArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName).build());
  54 + }
  55 + }
  56 +
  57 + /**
  58 + * 上传文件
  59 + */
  60 + public List<McFile> uploadFile(MultipartFile[] file, String bucketName) throws Exception {
  61 + // 判断文件是否为空
  62 + if (null == file || 0 == file.length) {
  63 + return null;
  64 + }
  65 +// HashMap<Object, String> map = new HashMap<>();
  66 + ArrayList<McFile> list = new ArrayList<>();
  67 + String fileName = null;
  68 + // 判断存储桶是否存在 不存在则创建
  69 + createBucket(bucketName);
  70 + for (int i = 0; i < file.length; i++) {
  71 + String file_uuid = IdUtils.fastSimpleUUID();
  72 + McFile McFile = new McFile();
  73 + // 文件名
  74 + String originalFilename = file[i].getOriginalFilename();
  75 + // 后缀
  76 + String extension = originalFilename.substring(originalFilename.lastIndexOf("."));
  77 + if (!extension.equalsIgnoreCase("pdf") || !extension.equalsIgnoreCase("docx")
  78 + || !extension.equalsIgnoreCase("xlsx") || !extension.equalsIgnoreCase("xls")) {
  79 + throw new RuntimeException("文件" + originalFilename + "文件格式不正确");
  80 + }
  81 + // 新的文件名 = 时间戳_随机数.后缀名
  82 + assert originalFilename != null;
  83 + long now = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
  84 + String format ="yyyyMMdd"));
  85 + fileName = format + "_" + now + "_" + new Random().nextInt(1000) + extension;
  86 + // 开始上传
  87 +"file压缩前大小:{}", file[i].getSize());
  88 + if (file[i].getSize() > maxSize) {
  89 + FileItemFactory fileItemFactory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
  90 + FileItem fileItem = fileItemFactory.createItem(fileName, "text/plain", true, fileName);
  91 + OutputStream outputStream = fileItem.getOutputStream();
  92 + Thumbnails.of(file[i].getInputStream()).scale(1f).outputFormat(originalFilename.substring(originalFilename.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)).outputQuality(0.25f).toOutputStream(outputStream);
  93 + file[i] = new CommonsMultipartFile(fileItem);
  94 + }
  95 +"file压缩后大小:{}", file[i].getSize());
  96 + minioClient.putObject(
  97 + PutObjectArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName).object(fileName).stream(
  98 + file[i].getInputStream(), file[i].getSize(), -1)
  99 + .contentType(file[i].getContentType())
  100 + .build());
  101 + String url = minioProperties.getEndpoint() + "/" + bucketName + "/" + fileName;
  102 +// String urlHost = minioProperties.getNginxHost() + "/" + bucketName + "/" + fileName;
  103 +// map.put("bucket", bucketName);
  104 +// map.put("url", url);
  105 + McFile.setFileName(originalFilename);
  106 + McFile.setUrl(url);
  107 + McFile.setUuid(file_uuid);
  108 + McFile.setExtension(extension);
  109 + list.add(McFile);
  110 + }
  111 + return list;
  112 + }
  113 +
  114 + /**
  115 + * 获取全部bucket
  116 + *
  117 + * @return
  118 + */
  119 + public List<Bucket> getAllBuckets() throws Exception {
  120 + return minioClient.listBuckets();
  121 + }
  122 +
  123 + /**
  124 + * 根据bucketName获取信息
  125 + *
  126 + * @param bucketName bucket名称
  127 + */
  128 + public Optional<Bucket> getBucket(String bucketName) throws IOException, InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InsufficientDataException, InvalidResponseException, InternalException, ErrorResponseException, ServerException, XmlParserException, ServerException {
  129 + return minioClient.listBuckets().stream().filter(b ->;
  130 + }
  131 +
  132 + /**
  133 + * 根据bucketName删除信息
  134 + *
  135 + * @param bucketName bucket名称
  136 + */
  137 + public void removeBucket(String bucketName) throws Exception {
  138 + minioClient.removeBucket(RemoveBucketArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName).build());
  139 + }
  140 +
  141 + /**
  142 + * 获取⽂件外链
  143 + *
  144 + * @param bucketName bucket名称
  145 + * @param objectName ⽂件名称
  146 + * @param expires 过期时间 <=7
  147 + * @return url
  148 + */
  149 + public String getObjectURL(String bucketName, String objectName, Integer expires) throws Exception {
  150 + return minioClient.getPresignedObjectUrl(GetPresignedObjectUrlArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName).object(objectName).expiry(expires).build());
  151 + }
  152 +
  153 + /**
  154 + * 获取⽂件
  155 + *
  156 + * @param bucketName bucket名称
  157 + * @param objectName ⽂件名称
  158 + * @return ⼆进制流
  159 + */
  160 + public InputStream getObject(String bucketName, String objectName) throws Exception {
  161 + return minioClient.getObject(GetObjectArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName).object(objectName).build());
  162 + }
  163 +
  164 + /**
  165 + * 上传⽂件
  166 + *
  167 + * @param bucketName bucket名称
  168 + * @param objectName ⽂件名称
  169 + * @param stream ⽂件流
  170 + * @throws Exception https://
  171 + */
  172 + public void putObject(String bucketName, String objectName, InputStream stream) throws
  173 + Exception {
  174 + minioClient.putObject(PutObjectArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName).object(objectName).stream(stream, stream.available(), -1).contentType(objectName.substring(objectName.lastIndexOf("."))).build());
  175 + }
  176 +
  177 + /**
  178 + * 上传⽂件
  179 + *
  180 + * @param bucketName bucket名称
  181 + * @param objectName ⽂件名称
  182 + * @param stream ⽂件流
  183 + * @param size ⼤⼩
  184 + * @param contextType 类型
  185 + * @throws Exception https://
  186 + */
  187 + public void putObject(String bucketName, String objectName, InputStream stream, long
  188 + size, String contextType) throws Exception {
  189 + minioClient.putObject(PutObjectArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName).object(objectName).stream(stream, size, -1).contentType(contextType).build());
  190 + }
  191 +
  192 + /**
  193 + * 获取⽂件信息
  194 + *
  195 + * @param bucketName bucket名称
  196 + * @param objectName ⽂件名称
  197 + * @throws Exception https://
  198 + */
  199 + public StatObjectResponse getObjectInfo(String bucketName, String objectName) throws Exception {
  200 + return minioClient.statObject(StatObjectArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName).object(objectName).build());
  201 + }
  202 +
  203 + /**
  204 + * 删除⽂件
  205 + *
  206 + * @param bucketName bucket名称
  207 + * @param objectName ⽂件名称
  208 + * @throws Exception https://
  209 + */
  210 + public void removeObject(String bucketName, String objectName) throws Exception {
  211 + minioClient.removeObject(RemoveObjectArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName).object(objectName).build());
  212 + }
  213 +
  214 +
  215 + /***
  216 + * 上传视频
  217 + * @param file
  218 + * @param bucketName
  219 + * @return
  220 + * @throws Exception
  221 + */
  222 + public UploadResponse uploadVideo(MultipartFile file, String bucketName) throws Exception {
  223 + // 判断文件是否为空
  224 + if (null == file || 0 == file.getSize()) {
  225 + return null;
  226 + }
  227 + // 判断存储桶是否存在 不存在则创建
  228 + createBucket(bucketName);
  229 + // 文件名
  230 + String originalFilename = file.getOriginalFilename();
  231 + // 新的文件名 = 时间戳_随机数.后缀名
  232 + assert originalFilename != null;
  233 + long now = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
  234 + String format ="yyyyMMdd"));
  235 + String fileName = format + "_" + now + "_" + new Random().nextInt(1000) +
  236 + originalFilename.substring(originalFilename.lastIndexOf("."));
  237 + // 开始上传
  238 +"file大小:{}", file.getSize());
  239 + minioClient.putObject(
  240 + PutObjectArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName).object(fileName).stream(
  241 + file.getInputStream(), file.getSize(), -1)
  242 + .contentType("video/mp4")
  243 + .build());
  244 + String url = minioProperties.getEndpoint() + "/" + bucketName + "/" + fileName;
  245 + String urlHost = minioProperties.getNginxHost() + "/" + bucketName + "/" + fileName;
  246 + return new UploadResponse(url, urlHost);
  247 + }
  248 +
  249 + /**
  250 + * 文件下载
  251 + *
  252 + * @param McFile 文件实体
  253 + * @param res response
  254 + * @return Boolean
  255 + */
  256 + public void download(McFile McFile, HttpServletResponse res) {
  257 +// res.reset();
  258 + try (InputStream inputStream = minioClient.getObject(GetObjectArgs.builder()
  259 + .bucket(minioProperties.getBucket())
  260 + .object(McFile.getUrl().substring(McFile.getUrl().indexOf("t/")+2))
  261 + .build())) {
  262 + ServletOutputStream outputStream = res.getOutputStream();
  263 + res.setContentType("application/octet-stream");
  264 + res.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");
  265 + res.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + URLEncoder.encode(McFile.getFileName(), "UTF-8"));
  266 + byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];
  267 + int len;
  268 + while ((len = > 0) {
  269 + outputStream.write(bytes, 0, len);
  270 + }
  271 + outputStream.close();
  272 + } catch (Exception e) {
  273 + e.printStackTrace();
  274 + }
  275 + }
  276 +
  277 + /**
  278 + * 批量下载
  279 + *
  280 + * @param filenames
  281 + * @param zip
  282 + * @param res
  283 + * @param req
  284 + */
  285 + public void batchDownload(List<String> filenames, String zip, HttpServletResponse res, HttpServletRequest req) {
  286 + try {
  287 + BucketExistsArgs bucketArgs = BucketExistsArgs.builder().bucket(minioProperties.getBucket()).build();
  288 + boolean bucketExists = minioClient.bucketExists(bucketArgs);
  289 + BufferedOutputStream bos = null;
  290 + long now = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
  291 + String format ="yyyyMMdd"));
  292 + String fileName = format + "_" + now + "_" + new Random().nextInt(1000);
  293 +// res.reset();
  294 + bos = new BufferedOutputStream(res.getOutputStream());
  295 + ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(bos);
  296 + res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
  297 + for (int i = 0; i < filenames.size(); i++) {
  298 + GetObjectArgs objectArgs = GetObjectArgs.builder().bucket(minioProperties.getBucket())
  299 + .object(filenames.get(i)).build();
  300 + InputStream object = minioClient.getObject(objectArgs);
  301 + byte buf[] = new byte[1024];
  302 + int length = 0;
  303 + res.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");
  304 + // 设置强制下载不打开
  305 + res.setContentType("application/force-download");
  306 + res.setHeader("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Content-Disposition");
  307 + res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + filenameEncoding(fileName, req) + ".zip");
  308 + out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(filenames.get(i)));
  309 + while ((length = > 0) {
  310 + out.write(buf, 0, length);
  311 + }
  312 + }
  313 + out.close();
  314 + bos.close();
  315 + } catch (Exception e) {
  316 + e.printStackTrace();
  317 + }
  318 + }
  319 +
  320 + public void batchDownload1(List<McFile> list, String zip, HttpServletResponse res, HttpServletRequest req) {
  321 + try {
  322 + BucketExistsArgs bucketArgs = BucketExistsArgs.builder().bucket(minioProperties.getBucket()).build();
  323 + boolean bucketExists = minioClient.bucketExists(bucketArgs);
  324 + BufferedOutputStream bos = null;
  325 + long now = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
  326 + String format ="yyyyMMdd"));
  327 + String fileName = format + "_" + now + "_" + new Random().nextInt(1000);
  328 +// res.reset();
  329 + bos = new BufferedOutputStream(res.getOutputStream());
  330 + ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(bos);
  331 + res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
  332 + for (McFile McFile : list) {
  333 + GetObjectArgs objectArgs = GetObjectArgs.builder().bucket(minioProperties.getBucket())
  334 + .object(McFile.getUrl().substring(McFile.getUrl().indexOf("t/")+2)).build();
  335 + InputStream object = minioClient.getObject(objectArgs);
  336 + byte buf[] = new byte[1024];
  337 + int length = 0;
  338 + res.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");
  339 + // 设置强制下载不打开
  340 + res.setContentType("application/force-download");
  341 + res.setHeader("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Content-Disposition");
  342 + res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + filenameEncoding(fileName, req) + ".zip");
  343 + out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(McFile.getFileName()));
  344 + while ((length = > 0) {
  345 + out.write(buf, 0, length);
  346 + }
  347 + }
  348 + out.close();
  349 + bos.close();
  350 + } catch (Exception e) {
  351 + e.printStackTrace();
  352 + }
  353 + }
  354 +
  355 + /**
  356 + * 设置不同浏览器编码
  357 + *
  358 + * @param filename 文件名称
  359 + * @param request 请求对象
  360 + */
  361 + public static String filenameEncoding(String filename, HttpServletRequest request) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
  362 + // 获得请求头中的User-Agent
  363 + String agent = request.getHeader("User-Agent");
  364 + // 根据不同的客户端进行不同的编码
  365 +
  366 + if (agent.contains("MSIE")) {
  367 + // IE浏览器
  368 + filename = URLEncoder.encode(filename, "utf-8");
  369 + } else if (agent.contains("Firefox")) {
  370 + // 火狐浏览器
  371 + BASE64Encoder base64Encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
  372 + filename = "=?utf-8?B?" + base64Encoder.encode(filename.getBytes("utf-8")) + "?=";
  373 + } else {
  374 + // 其它浏览器
  375 + filename = URLEncoder.encode(filename, "utf-8");
  376 + }
  377 + return filename;
  378 + }
  379 +
  380 + /**
  381 + * 预览图片
  382 + *
  383 + * @param fileName
  384 + * @return
  385 + */
  386 + public String preview(String fileName) {
  387 + // 查看文件地址
  388 + GetPresignedObjectUrlArgs build = new GetPresignedObjectUrlArgs().builder().bucket(minioProperties.getBucket()).object(fileName).method(Method.GET).build();
  389 + try {
  390 + String url = minioClient.getPresignedObjectUrl(build);
  391 + return url;
  392 + } catch (Exception e) {
  393 + e.printStackTrace();
  394 + }
  395 + return null;
  396 + }
  397 +
  398 + /**
  399 + * 删除
  400 + *
  401 + * @param fileName
  402 + * @return
  403 + * @throws Exception
  404 + */
  405 + public boolean remove(String fileName) {
  406 + try {
  407 + minioClient.removeObject(RemoveObjectArgs.builder().bucket(minioProperties.getBucket()).object(fileName).build());
  408 + } catch (Exception e) {
  409 + return false;
  410 + }
  411 + return true;
  412 + }
  413 +}
zr-cloud/zr-modules/zr-schsf/src/main/java/com/chinagas/modules/schsf/utils/minio/ 0 → 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
  1 +package com.chinagas.modules.schsf.utils.minio;
  2 +
  3 +import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
  4 +import lombok.Data;
  5 +import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
  6 +
  7 +@Data
  8 +@NoArgsConstructor
  9 +@AllArgsConstructor
  10 +public class UploadResponse {
  11 +
  12 + private String minIoUrl;
  13 +
  14 + private String nginxUrl;
  15 +}
zr-cloud/zr-modules/zr-schsf/src/main/resources/mapper/McFileMapper.xml 0 → 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
  1 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  2 +<!DOCTYPE mapper
  3 + PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
  4 + "">
  5 +<mapper namespace="com.chinagas.modules.schsf.mapper.McFileMapper">
  6 + <resultMap type="com.chinagas.modules.schsf.domain.McFile" id="McFileResult">
  7 + <result property="id" column="id"/>
  8 + <result property="uuid" column="uuid"/>
  9 + <result property="fileName" column="file_name"/>
  10 + <result property="extension" column="extension"/>
  11 + <result property="path" column="path"/>
  12 + <result property="url" column="url"/>
  13 + <result property="createTime" column="create_time"/>
  14 + <result property="createBy" column="create_by"/>
  15 + <result property="updateTime" column="update_time"/>
  16 + <result property="updateBy" column="update_by"/>
  17 + <result property="defFlag" column="def_flag"/>
  18 + <result property="cited" column="cited"/>
  19 + <result property="count" column="count"/>
  20 + <result property="fileSize" column="file_size"/>
  21 + </resultMap>
  22 +
  23 + <sql id="selectMcFileVo">
  24 + select id,
  25 + uuid,
  26 + file_name,
  27 + extension,
  28 + path,
  29 + url,
  30 + create_time,
  31 + create_by,
  32 + update_time,
  33 + update_by,
  34 + def_flag,
  35 + cited,
  36 + count,
  37 + file_size
  38 + from mc_file
  39 + </sql>
  40 +
  41 + <select id="selectMcFileList" parameterType="com.chinagas.modules.schsf.domain.McFile" resultMap="McFileResult">
  42 + <include refid="selectMcFileVo"/>
  43 + <where>
  44 + <if test="uuid != null and uuid != ''">
  45 + and uuid = #{uuid}
  46 + </if>
  47 + <if test="fileName != null and fileName != ''">
  48 + and file_name like concat('%', #{fileName}, '%')
  49 + </if>
  50 + <if test="extension != null and extension != ''">
  51 + and extension = #{extension}
  52 + </if>
  53 + <if test="path != null and path != ''">
  54 + and path = #{path}
  55 + </if>
  56 + <if test="url != null and url != ''">
  57 + and url = #{url}
  58 + </if>
  59 + <if test="defFlag != null and defFlag != ''">
  60 + and def_flag = #{defFlag}
  61 + </if>
  62 + <if test="cited != null and cited != ''">
  63 + and cited = #{cited}
  64 + </if>
  65 + <if test="count != null">
  66 + and count = #{count}
  67 + </if>
  68 + <if test="fileSize != null">
  69 + and file_size = #{fileSize}
  70 + </if>
  71 + </where>
  72 + </select>
  73 +
  74 + <select id="selectMcFileById" parameterType="Long" resultMap="McFileResult">
  75 + <include refid="selectMcFileVo"/>
  76 + where id = #{id}
  77 + </select>
  78 +
  79 +
  80 +
  81 + <select id="selectMcFileByUuid" parameterType="String" resultMap="McFileResult">
  82 + <include refid="selectMcFileVo"/>
  83 + where uuid = #{uuid}
  84 + </select>
  85 +
  86 +
  87 +
  88 +
  89 + <insert id="insertMcFile" parameterType="com.chinagas.modules.schsf.domain.McFile">
  90 + insert into mc_file
  91 + <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
  92 + <if test="id != null">
  93 + id,
  94 + </if>
  95 + <if test="uuid != null">
  96 + uuid,
  97 + </if>
  98 + <if test="fileName != null">
  99 + file_name,
  100 + </if>
  101 + <if test="extension != null">
  102 + extension,
  103 + </if>
  104 + <if test="path != null">
  105 + path,
  106 + </if>
  107 + <if test="url != null">
  108 + url,
  109 + </if>
  110 + <if test="createTime != null">
  111 + create_time,
  112 + </if>
  113 + <if test="createBy != null">
  114 + create_by,
  115 + </if>
  116 + <if test="updateTime != null">
  117 + update_time,
  118 + </if>
  119 + <if test="updateBy != null">
  120 + update_by,
  121 + </if>
  122 + <if test="defFlag != null">
  123 + def_flag,
  124 + </if>
  125 + <if test="cited != null">
  126 + cited,
  127 + </if>
  128 + <if test="count != null">
  129 + count,
  130 + </if>
  131 + <if test="fileSize != null">
  132 + file_size,
  133 + </if>
  134 + </trim>
  135 + <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
  136 + <if test="id != null">
  137 + #{id},
  138 + </if>
  139 + <if test="uuid != null">
  140 + #{uuid},
  141 + </if>
  142 + <if test="fileName != null">
  143 + #{fileName},
  144 + </if>
  145 + <if test="extension != null">
  146 + #{extension},
  147 + </if>
  148 + <if test="path != null">
  149 + #{path},
  150 + </if>
  151 + <if test="url != null">
  152 + #{url},
  153 + </if>
  154 + <if test="createTime != null">
  155 + #{createTime},
  156 + </if>
  157 + <if test="createBy != null">
  158 + #{createBy},
  159 + </if>
  160 + <if test="updateTime != null">
  161 + #{updateTime},
  162 + </if>
  163 + <if test="updateBy != null">
  164 + #{updateBy},
  165 + </if>
  166 + <if test="defFlag != null">
  167 + #{defFlag},
  168 + </if>
  169 + <if test="cited != null">
  170 + #{cited},
  171 + </if>
  172 + <if test="count != null">
  173 + #{count},
  174 + </if>
  175 + <if test="fileSize != null">
  176 + #{fileSize},
  177 + </if>
  178 + </trim>
  179 + </insert>
  180 +
  181 + <update id="updateMcFile" parameterType="com.chinagas.modules.schsf.domain.McFile">
  182 + update mc_file
  183 + <trim prefix="SET" suffixOverrides=",">
  184 + <if test="uuid != null">
  185 + uuid = #{uuid},
  186 + </if>
  187 + <if test="fileName != null">
  188 + file_name = #{fileName},
  189 + </if>
  190 + <if test="extension != null">
  191 + extension = #{extension},
  192 + </if>
  193 + <if test="path != null">
  194 + path = #{path},
  195 + </if>
  196 + <if test="url != null">
  197 + url = #{url},
  198 + </if>
  199 + <if test="createTime != null">
  200 + create_time = #{createTime},
  201 + </if>
  202 + <if test="createBy != null">
  203 + create_by = #{createBy},
  204 + </if>
  205 + <if test="updateTime != null">
  206 + update_time = #{updateTime},
  207 + </if>
  208 + <if test="updateBy != null">
  209 + update_by = #{updateBy},
  210 + </if>
  211 + <if test="defFlag != null">
  212 + def_flag = #{defFlag},
  213 + </if>
  214 + <if test="cited != null">
  215 + cited = #{cited},
  216 + </if>
  217 + <if test="count != null">
  218 + count = #{count},
  219 + </if>
  220 + <if test="fileSize != null">
  221 + file_size = #{fileSize},
  222 + </if>
  223 + </trim>
  224 + where id = #{id}
  225 + </update>
  226 +
  227 + <delete id="deleteMcFileById" parameterType="Long">
  228 + delete
  229 + from mc_file
  230 + where id = #{id}
  231 + </delete>
  232 +
  233 + <delete id="deleteMcFileByIds" parameterType="String">
  234 + delete
  235 + from mc_file where id in
  236 + <foreach item="id" collection="array" open="(" separator="," close=")">
  237 + #{id}
  238 + </foreach>
  239 + </delete>
  240 +</mapper>