package.json 6.99 KB
  "name": "@bootstrap-vue/form-group",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "meta": {
    "title": "Form Group",
    "description": "Easily add some structure to forms. Its purpose is to pair form controls with a legend or label, and to provide help text and invalid/valid feedback text, as well as visual (color) contextual state feedback.",
    "components": [
        "component": "BFormGroup",
        "alias": [
        "props": [
            "prop": "contentCols",
            "version": "2.21.0",
            "description": "Number of columns for the content width 'xs' screens and up"
            "prop": "contentColsLg",
            "version": "2.21.0",
            "description": "Number of columns for the content width 'lg' screens and up"
            "prop": "contentColsMd",
            "version": "2.21.0",
            "description": "Number of columns for the content width 'md' screens and up"
            "prop": "contentColsSm",
            "version": "2.21.0",
            "description": "Number of columns for the content width 'sm' screens and up"
            "prop": "contentColsXl",
            "version": "2.21.0",
            "description": "Number of columns for the content width 'xl' screens and up"
            "prop": "description",
            "description": "Text to place in the help text area of the form group"
            "prop": "disabled",
            "description": "Disabled the fieldset element, which in turn disables the form controls (on browsers that support disabled fieldsets). Has no effect if `label-for` is set"
            "prop": "feedbackAriaLive",
            "description": "Value to use for the `aria-live` attribute on the feedback text"
            "prop": "invalidFeedback",
            "description": "Text to show when the form group has an invalid state"
            "prop": "label",
            "description": "Text to place in the label/legend of the form group"
            "prop": "labelAlign",
            "description": "Text alignment 'left', 'center', 'right' for the label 'xs' screens and up"
            "prop": "labelAlignLg",
            "description": "Text alignment 'left', 'center', 'right' for the label 'lg' screens and up"
            "prop": "labelAlignMd",
            "description": "Text alignment 'left', 'center', 'right' for the label 'md' screens and up"
            "prop": "labelAlignSm",
            "description": "Text alignment 'left', 'center', 'right' for the label 'sm' screens and up"
            "prop": "labelAlignXl",
            "description": "Text alignment 'left', 'center', 'right' for the label 'xl' screens and up"
            "prop": "labelClass",
            "description": "CSS class (or classes) to add to the label/legend element"
            "prop": "labelCols",
            "description": "Number of columns for the label width 'xs' screens and up"
            "prop": "labelColsLg",
            "description": "Number of columns for the label width 'lg' screens and up"
            "prop": "labelColsMd",
            "description": "Number of columns for the label width 'md' screens and up"
            "prop": "labelColsSm",
            "description": "Number of columns for the label width 'sm' screens and up"
            "prop": "labelColsXl",
            "description": "Number of columns for the label width 'xl' screens and up"
            "prop": "labelFor",
            "description": "Set to the ID of the singular form control in the form group. Do not set a value if there is more than one form control in the group"
            "prop": "labelSize",
            "description": "Sets the text size of the label: 'sm', 'md' (default) or 'lg'. Use this prop to have the label size match the form control size"
            "prop": "labelSrOnly",
            "description": "Visually hides the label content, but makes it available to screen reader users"
            "prop": "state",
            "description": "Controls the validation state of the feedback. `true` force shows valid-feedback, `false` force shows invalid feedback, `null` does not force show the feedback"
            "prop": "tooltip",
            "description": "Renders the feedback text in a rudimentary tooltip style"
            "prop": "validFeedback",
            "description": "Text to show when the form group has a valid state"
            "prop": "validated",
            "description": "When set, adds the Bootstrap validation trigger class 'was-validated' on the component"
        "slots": [
            "name": "default",
            "description": "Content to place in the form group",
            "scope": [
                "prop": "ariaDescribedby",
                "type": "String",
                "version": "2.21.0",
                "description": "The value for the `aria-describedby` attribute for input elements in the form group. Will be auto-assigned when `label-for` prop is given"
                "prop": "id",
                "type": "String",
                "version": "2.21.0",
                "description": "The ID of the form group. Will equal `id` prop, when provided"
                "prop": "descriptionId",
                "type": "String",
                "version": "2.21.0",
                "description": "The ID of the description element. Will be `null` when no description content given"
                "prop": "labelId",
                "type": "String",
                "version": "2.21.0",
                "description": "The ID of the label element. Will be `null` when no description content given"
            "name": "description",
            "description": "Content to place in the description area. Overrides the `description` prop"
            "name": "invalid-feedback",
            "description": "Content to place in the invalid feedback area. Overrides the `invalid-feedback` prop"
            "name": "label",
            "description": "Content to place inside the label element. Overrides the `label` prop"
            "name": "valid-feedback",
            "description": "Content to place in the valid feedback area. Overrides the `valid-feedback` prop"