Commit 4c5250f43aef07a5488241cc0ffc95c6af73f808

Authored by lst
1 parent 2a7cc3da
Exists in master


Showing 16 changed files with 1407 additions and 5 deletions   Show diff stats
backend/chkpower/src/main/java/com/hotent/chkpower/controller/ 0 → 100644
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
  1 +package com.hotent.chkpower.controller;
  2 +
  3 +
  4 +import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.ExcelExportUtil;
  5 +import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.entity.TemplateExportParams;
  6 +import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.QueryWrapper;
  7 +import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.ObjectUtils;
  8 +import com.hotent.base.controller.BaseController;
  9 +import com.hotent.base.model.CommonResult;
  10 +import com.hotent.base.util.StringUtil;
  11 +import com.hotent.chkpower.manager.WProjectLibraryInventoryManager;
  12 +import com.hotent.chkpower.model.WProjectLibraryInventory;
  13 +import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
  14 +import io.swagger.annotations.ApiParam;
  15 +import;
  16 +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
  17 +
  18 +import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
  19 +import;
  20 +import;
  21 +import java.time.LocalDate;
  22 +import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
  23 +import java.util.ArrayList;
  24 +import java.util.HashMap;
  25 +import java.util.List;
  26 +
  27 +/**
  28 + * 项目库清单 前端控制器
  29 + *
  30 + * @author admin
  31 + * @company 广州宏天软件股份有限公司
  32 + * @since 2024-07-12
  33 + */
  34 +@RestController
  35 +@RequestMapping("/wProjectLibraryInventory/v1/")
  36 +public class WProjectLibraryInventoryController extends BaseController<WProjectLibraryInventoryManager, WProjectLibraryInventory> {
  37 +
  38 + /**
  39 + * 根据id获取项目库清单数据详情
  40 + *
  41 + * @param id
  42 + * @return
  43 + * @throws Exception ModelAndView
  44 + */
  45 + @GetMapping(value = "/getDetail")
  46 + @ApiOperation(value = "根据id获取项目库清单数据详情", httpMethod = "GET", notes = "根据id获取项目库清单数据详情")
  47 + public CommonResult<WProjectLibraryInventory> getDetail(@ApiParam(name = "id", value = "业务对象主键", required = true) @RequestParam(required = true) String id) throws Exception {
  48 + return CommonResult.<WProjectLibraryInventory>ok().value(baseService.getDetail(id));
  49 + }
  50 +
  51 + /**
  52 + * 新增,更新项目库清单
  53 + *
  54 + * @param wProjectLibraryInventory
  55 + * @return
  56 + * @throws Exception
  57 + * @throws
  58 + */
  59 + @PostMapping(value = "/save")
  60 + @ApiOperation(value = "新增,更新项目库清单数据", httpMethod = "POST", notes = "新增,更新项目库清单数据")
  61 + public CommonResult<String> save(@ApiParam(name = "WProjectLibraryInventory", value = "项目库清单对象", required = true) @RequestBody WProjectLibraryInventory wProjectLibraryInventory) throws Exception {
  62 + String msg = StringUtil.isEmpty(wProjectLibraryInventory.getId()) ? "添加项目库清单成功" : "更新项目库清单成功";
  63 + baseService.createOrUpdate(wProjectLibraryInventory);
  64 + return CommonResult.<String>ok().message(msg);
  65 + }
  66 +
  67 + @GetMapping("/down")
  68 + public void down(HttpServletResponse response, WProjectLibraryInventory wProjectLibraryInventory) throws Exception {
  69 + QueryWrapper<WProjectLibraryInventory> queryWrapper = new QueryWrapper<>();
  70 + if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(wProjectLibraryInventory.getFProjectNo())) {
  71 + queryWrapper.eq("F_project_no", wProjectLibraryInventory.getFProjectNo());
  72 + }
  73 + if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(wProjectLibraryInventory.getFProjectName())) {
  74 +"F_project_name", wProjectLibraryInventory.getFProjectName());
  75 + }
  76 + if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(wProjectLibraryInventory.getFProjectCategory())) {
  77 + queryWrapper.eq("F_project_category", wProjectLibraryInventory.getFProjectCategory());
  78 + }
  79 + if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(wProjectLibraryInventory.getFProjectState())) {
  80 + queryWrapper.eq("F_project_state", wProjectLibraryInventory.getFProjectState());
  81 + }
  82 + if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(wProjectLibraryInventory.getCreateTime())) {
  83 +"F_create_time", wProjectLibraryInventory.getCreateTime());
  84 + }
  85 + if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(wProjectLibraryInventory.getFProjectNature())) {
  86 + queryWrapper.eq("F_project_nature", wProjectLibraryInventory.getFProjectNature());
  87 + }
  88 + if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(wProjectLibraryInventory.getFBusinessScenarios())) {
  89 + queryWrapper.eq("F_business_scenarios", wProjectLibraryInventory.getFBusinessScenarios());
  90 + }
  91 + if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(wProjectLibraryInventory.getFBusinessModel())) {
  92 + queryWrapper.eq("F_business_model", wProjectLibraryInventory.getFBusinessModel());
  93 + }
  94 + if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(wProjectLibraryInventory.getFProjectRating())) {
  95 + queryWrapper.eq("F_project_rating", wProjectLibraryInventory.getFProjectRating());
  96 + }
  97 + if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(wProjectLibraryInventory.getUpdateTime())) {
  98 +"F_update_time", wProjectLibraryInventory.getUpdateTime());
  99 + }
  100 + List<WProjectLibraryInventory> list = baseService.list(queryWrapper);
  101 + HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
  102 + ArrayList<HashMap> hashMaps = new ArrayList<>();
  103 + DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd");
  104 + for (WProjectLibraryInventory projectLibraryInventory : list) {
  105 + HashMap<String, Object> mapSon = new HashMap<>();
  106 + mapSon.put("projectNo", projectLibraryInventory.getFProjectNo());
  107 + mapSon.put("projectCompany", projectLibraryInventory.getFProjectCompany());
  108 + mapSon.put("warehouseEntryDate", ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(projectLibraryInventory.getFWarehouseEntryDate()) ? projectLibraryInventory.getFWarehouseEntryDate().format(dateTimeFormatter) : "");
  109 + mapSon.put("projectName", projectLibraryInventory.getFProjectName());
  110 + mapSon.put("projectCategory", projectLibraryInventory.getFProjectCategory());
  111 + mapSon.put("smartHeating", ObjectUtils.isEmpty(projectLibraryInventory.getFSmartHeating()) ? "" : projectLibraryInventory.getFSmartHeating());
  112 + mapSon.put("energyEfficiency", ObjectUtils.isEmpty(projectLibraryInventory.getFEnergyEfficiency()) ? "" : projectLibraryInventory.getFEnergyEfficiency());
  113 + mapSon.put("photovoltaic", ObjectUtils.isEmpty(projectLibraryInventory.getFPhotovoltaic()) ? "" : projectLibraryInventory.getFPhotovoltaic());
  114 + mapSon.put("energyStorage", ObjectUtils.isEmpty(projectLibraryInventory.getFEnergyStorage()) ? "" : projectLibraryInventory.getFEnergyStorage());
  115 + mapSon.put("projectNature", projectLibraryInventory.getFProjectNature());
  116 + mapSon.put("businessScenarios", projectLibraryInventory.getFBusinessScenarios());
  117 + mapSon.put("projectOverview", projectLibraryInventory.getFProjectOverview());
  118 + mapSon.put("projectDebriefing", projectLibraryInventory.getFProjectDebriefing());
  119 + mapSon.put("deviationAnalysis", projectLibraryInventory.getFDeviationAnalysis());
  120 + mapSon.put("businessModel", projectLibraryInventory.getFBusinessModel());
  121 + mapSon.put("investmentScale", projectLibraryInventory.getFInvestmentScale());
  122 + mapSon.put("projectRating", projectLibraryInventory.getFProjectRating());
  123 + mapSon.put("staticPaybackPeriod", ObjectUtils.isEmpty(projectLibraryInventory.getFStaticPaybackPeriod()) ? "/" : projectLibraryInventory.getFStaticPaybackPeriod());
  124 + mapSon.put("calculateIRR", ObjectUtils.isEmpty(projectLibraryInventory.getFCalculateIrr()) ? "/" : projectLibraryInventory.getFCalculateIrr());
  125 + mapSon.put("annualIncomeForecast", projectLibraryInventory.getFAnnualIncomeForecast());
  126 + mapSon.put("annualNetProfitForecast", projectLibraryInventory.getFAnnualIncomeForecast());
  127 + mapSon.put("teamLeader", projectLibraryInventory.getFTeamLeader());
  128 + mapSon.put("teamCollaborationPer", projectLibraryInventory.getFTeamCollaborationPer());
  129 + mapSon.put("expectedSigningDate", ObjectUtils.isEmpty(projectLibraryInventory.getFExpectedSigningDate()) ? "待定" : projectLibraryInventory.getFExpectedSigningDate().format(dateTimeFormatter));
  130 + mapSon.put("expectedScheduledDate", ObjectUtils.isEmpty(projectLibraryInventory.getFExpectedScheduledDate()) ? "待定" : projectLibraryInventory.getFExpectedScheduledDate().format(dateTimeFormatter));
  131 + mapSon.put("strategicValue", ObjectUtils.isEmpty(projectLibraryInventory.getFStrategicValue()) ? "无" : projectLibraryInventory.getFStrategicValue());
  132 + mapSon.put("projectSource", projectLibraryInventory.getFProjectSource());
  133 + mapSon.put("customerContact", projectLibraryInventory.getFCustomerContact());
  134 + mapSon.put("projectState", projectLibraryInventory.getFProjectState());
  135 + hashMaps.add(mapSon);
  136 + }
  137 + map.put("list", hashMaps);
  138 +
  139 + TemplateExportParams params = new TemplateExportParams("doc/project_down.xls");
  140 + params.setColForEach(true);
  141 + Workbook workbook = ExcelExportUtil.exportExcel(params, map);
  142 + String filedisplay = "项目填报" +"yyyyMMdd")) + ".xls";
  143 + response.setContentType("APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM");
  144 + response.setHeader("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Content-Disposition");
  145 + response.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + URLEncoder.encode(filedisplay, "utf-8"));
  146 + OutputStream os = null;
  147 + try {
  148 + os = response.getOutputStream();
  149 + workbook.write(os);
  150 + os.flush();
  151 + os.close();
  152 + } catch (Exception e) {
  153 + e.printStackTrace();
  154 + } finally {
  155 + if (os != null)
  156 + os.close();
  157 + }
  158 +
  159 + }
  160 +
  161 +}
... ...
backend/chkpower/src/main/java/com/hotent/chkpower/controller/ 0 → 100644
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
  1 +package com.hotent.chkpower.controller;
  2 +
  3 +
  4 +import com.hotent.base.controller.BaseController;
  5 +import com.hotent.base.model.CommonResult;
  6 +import com.hotent.base.util.StringUtil;
  7 +import com.hotent.chkpower.manager.WProjectOperationRecordManager;
  8 +import com.hotent.chkpower.model.WProjectOperationRecord;
  9 +import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
  10 +import io.swagger.annotations.ApiParam;
  11 +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
  12 +
  13 +/**
  14 + * 项目操作记录 前端控制器
  15 + *
  16 + * @author admin
  17 + * @company 广州宏天软件股份有限公司
  18 + * @since 2024-07-12
  19 + */
  20 +@RestController
  21 +@RequestMapping("/wProjectOperationRecord/v1/")
  22 +public class WProjectOperationRecordController extends BaseController<WProjectOperationRecordManager, WProjectOperationRecord> {
  23 +
  24 + /**
  25 + * 根据id获取项目操作记录数据详情
  26 + *
  27 + * @param id
  28 + * @return
  29 + * @throws Exception ModelAndView
  30 + */
  31 + @GetMapping(value = "/getDetail")
  32 + @ApiOperation(value = "根据id获取项目操作记录数据详情", httpMethod = "GET", notes = "根据id获取项目操作记录数据详情")
  33 + public CommonResult<WProjectOperationRecord> getDetail(@ApiParam(name = "id", value = "业务对象主键", required = true) @RequestParam(required = true) String id) throws Exception {
  34 + return CommonResult.<WProjectOperationRecord>ok().value(baseService.getDetail(id));
  35 + }
  36 +
  37 + /**
  38 + * 新增,更新项目操作记录
  39 + *
  40 + * @param wProjectOperationRecord
  41 + * @return
  42 + * @throws Exception
  43 + * @throws
  44 + */
  45 + @PostMapping(value = "/save")
  46 + @ApiOperation(value = "新增,更新项目操作记录数据", httpMethod = "POST", notes = "新增,更新项目操作记录数据")
  47 + public CommonResult<String> save(@ApiParam(name = "WProjectOperationRecord", value = "项目操作记录对象", required = true) @RequestBody WProjectOperationRecord wProjectOperationRecord) throws Exception {
  48 + String msg = StringUtil.isEmpty(wProjectOperationRecord.getId()) ? "添加项目操作记录成功" : "更新项目操作记录成功";
  49 + baseService.createOrUpdate(wProjectOperationRecord);
  50 + return CommonResult.<String>ok().message(msg);
  51 + }
  52 +}
... ...
backend/chkpower/src/main/java/com/hotent/chkpower/dao/ 0 → 100644
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
  1 +package com.hotent.chkpower.dao;
  2 +
  3 +import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
  4 +import com.hotent.chkpower.model.WProjectLibraryInventory;
  5 +
  6 +/**
  7 + * 项目库清单 Mapper 接口
  8 + *
  9 + * @author admin
  10 + * @company 广州宏天软件股份有限公司
  11 + * @since 2024-07-12
  12 + */
  13 +public interface WProjectLibraryInventoryDao extends BaseMapper<WProjectLibraryInventory> {
  14 +
  15 +}
... ...
backend/chkpower/src/main/java/com/hotent/chkpower/dao/ 0 → 100644
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
  1 +package com.hotent.chkpower.dao;
  2 +
  3 +import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
  4 +import com.hotent.chkpower.model.WProjectOperationRecord;
  5 +
  6 +/**
  7 + * 项目操作记录 Mapper 接口
  8 + *
  9 + * @author admin
  10 + * @company 广州宏天软件股份有限公司
  11 + * @since 2024-07-12
  12 + */
  13 +public interface WProjectOperationRecordDao extends BaseMapper<WProjectOperationRecord> {
  14 +
  15 +}
... ...
... ... @@ -9,4 +9,6 @@ public interface WAfterScriptManager {
9 9  
10 10 void editFinance(Map map);
11 11  
  12 + void createWProjectOperationRecord(Map map);
  13 +
12 14 }
... ...
backend/chkpower/src/main/java/com/hotent/chkpower/manager/ 0 → 100644
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
  1 +package com.hotent.chkpower.manager;
  2 +
  3 +import com.hotent.base.manager.BaseManager;
  4 +import com.hotent.chkpower.model.WProjectLibraryInventory;
  5 +
  6 +/**
  7 + * 项目库清单 服务类
  8 + *
  9 + * @author admin
  10 + * @company 广州宏天软件股份有限公司
  11 + * @since 2024-07-12
  12 + */
  13 +public interface WProjectLibraryInventoryManager extends BaseManager<WProjectLibraryInventory> {
  14 + /**
  15 + * 根据主键获取详情
  16 + *
  17 + * @param id
  18 + * @return
  19 + */
  20 + WProjectLibraryInventory getDetail(String id);
  21 +
  22 + /**
  23 + * 新建、更新项目库清单
  24 + *
  25 + * @param wProjectLibraryInventory
  26 + * @return
  27 + */
  28 + void createOrUpdate(WProjectLibraryInventory wProjectLibraryInventory);
  29 +}
... ...
backend/chkpower/src/main/java/com/hotent/chkpower/manager/ 0 → 100644
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
  1 +package com.hotent.chkpower.manager;
  2 +
  3 +import com.hotent.base.manager.BaseManager;
  4 +import com.hotent.chkpower.model.WProjectOperationRecord;
  5 +
  6 +/**
  7 + * 项目操作记录 服务类
  8 + *
  9 + * @author admin
  10 + * @company 广州宏天软件股份有限公司
  11 + * @since 2024-07-12
  12 + */
  13 +public interface WProjectOperationRecordManager extends BaseManager<WProjectOperationRecord> {
  14 + /**
  15 + * 根据主键获取详情
  16 + *
  17 + * @param id
  18 + * @return
  19 + */
  20 + WProjectOperationRecord getDetail(String id);
  21 +
  22 + /**
  23 + * 新建、更新项目操作记录
  24 + *
  25 + * @param wProjectOperationRecord
  26 + * @return
  27 + */
  28 + void createOrUpdate(WProjectOperationRecord wProjectOperationRecord);
  29 +}
... ...
1 1 package com.hotent.chkpower.manager.impl;
2 2  
  3 +import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.ObjectUtils;
  4 +import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.Wrappers;
3 5 import;
4   -import;
5 6 import com.hotent.chkpower.manager.WAfterScriptManager;
6 7 import com.hotent.chkpower.manager.WDailyFundsManager;
7   -import com.hotent.chkpower.model.WCurrent;
  8 +import com.hotent.chkpower.manager.WProjectOperationRecordManager;
  9 +import com.hotent.chkpower.model.WProjectOperationRecord;
  10 +import com.hotent.chkpower.model.enums.EventTypeEnum;
8 11 import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
9 12 import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
10 13 import org.activiti.engine.impl.util.json.JSONObject;
11   -import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
12 14 import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
13 15 import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
14 16  
15 17 import javax.annotation.Resource;
16   -import java.lang.reflect.Type;
17 18 import java.time.LocalDate;
18 19 import java.time.LocalDateTime;
19 20 import java.time.LocalTime;
... ... @@ -30,7 +31,8 @@ import java.util.Map;
30 31 public class WAfterScriptManagerImpl implements WAfterScriptManager {
31 32 @Resource
32 33 private WDailyFundsManager wDailyFundsManager;
33   -
  34 + @Resource
  35 + private WProjectOperationRecordManager wProjectOperationRecordManager;
34 36  
35 37 @Override
36 38 public void editCurrentReport(Map map) {
... ... @@ -54,6 +56,19 @@ public class WAfterScriptManagerImpl implements WAfterScriptManager {
54 56 wDailyFundsManager.editWDailyFunds(list, date);
55 57 }
56 58  
  59 + @Override
  60 + public void createWProjectOperationRecord(Map map) {
  61 + String project_state = String.valueOf(map.get("project_state"));
  62 + String projectId = String.valueOf(map.get("id"));
  63 + List<WProjectOperationRecord> list = wProjectOperationRecordManager.list(Wrappers.<WProjectOperationRecord>lambdaQuery().eq(WProjectOperationRecord::getFProjectId, projectId).eq(WProjectOperationRecord::getFEventType, EventTypeEnum.tibao.getInfo()));
  64 + if ("待入库".equals(project_state) && ObjectUtils.isEmpty(list)) {
  65 + WProjectOperationRecord wProjectOperationRecord = new WProjectOperationRecord();
  66 + wProjectOperationRecord.setFProjectId(projectId);
  67 + wProjectOperationRecord.setFEventType(EventTypeEnum.tibao.getCode());
  68 + wProjectOperationRecordManager.createOrUpdate(wProjectOperationRecord);
  69 + }
  70 + }
  71 +
57 72  
58 73 private static LocalDateTime convertStringToLocalDateTime(String dateString) {
59 74 String datePart = dateString.substring(0, 10);
... ...
backend/chkpower/src/main/java/com/hotent/chkpower/manager/impl/ 0 → 100644
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
  1 +package com.hotent.chkpower.manager.impl;
  2 +
  3 +import com.hotent.base.manager.impl.BaseManagerImpl;
  4 +import com.hotent.chkpower.dao.WProjectLibraryInventoryDao;
  5 +import com.hotent.chkpower.manager.WProjectLibraryInventoryManager;
  6 +import com.hotent.chkpower.model.WProjectLibraryInventory;
  7 +import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
  8 +import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
  9 +
  10 +
  11 +/**
  12 + * 项目库清单 服务实现类
  13 + *
  14 + * @author admin
  15 + * @company 广州宏天软件股份有限公司
  16 + * @since 2024-07-12
  17 + */
  18 +@Service
  19 +public class WProjectLibraryInventoryManagerImpl extends BaseManagerImpl<WProjectLibraryInventoryDao, WProjectLibraryInventory> implements WProjectLibraryInventoryManager {
  20 +
  21 + @Override
  22 + public WProjectLibraryInventory getDetail(String id) {
  23 + WProjectLibraryInventory wProjectLibraryInventory = this.get(id);
  24 + return wProjectLibraryInventory;
  25 + }
  26 +
  27 + @Override
  28 + @Transactional
  29 + public void createOrUpdate(WProjectLibraryInventory wProjectLibraryInventory) {
  30 + //新建或更新
  31 + this.saveOrUpdate(wProjectLibraryInventory);
  32 + }
  33 +}
... ...
backend/chkpower/src/main/java/com/hotent/chkpower/manager/impl/ 0 → 100644
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
  1 +package com.hotent.chkpower.manager.impl;
  2 +
  3 +import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.ObjectUtils;
  4 +import com.hotent.base.manager.impl.BaseManagerImpl;
  5 +import com.hotent.chkpower.dao.WProjectLibraryInventoryDao;
  6 +import com.hotent.chkpower.dao.WProjectOperationRecordDao;
  7 +import com.hotent.chkpower.manager.WProjectOperationRecordManager;
  8 +import com.hotent.chkpower.model.WProjectLibraryInventory;
  9 +import com.hotent.chkpower.model.WProjectOperationRecord;
  10 +import com.hotent.chkpower.model.enums.EventTypeEnum;
  11 +import com.hotent.runtime.script.ScriptImpl;
  12 +import com.hotent.uc.api.model.IUser;
  13 +import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
  14 +import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
  15 +
  16 +import javax.annotation.Resource;
  17 +import java.time.LocalDateTime;
  18 +
  19 +
  20 +/**
  21 + * 项目操作记录 服务实现类
  22 + *
  23 + * @author admin
  24 + * @company 广州宏天软件股份有限公司
  25 + * @since 2024-07-12
  26 + */
  27 +@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
  28 +@Service
  29 +public class WProjectOperationRecordManagerImpl extends BaseManagerImpl<WProjectOperationRecordDao, WProjectOperationRecord> implements WProjectOperationRecordManager {
  30 +
  31 + @Resource
  32 + private WProjectLibraryInventoryDao projectLibraryInventoryDao;
  33 + @Resource
  34 + private ScriptImpl script;
  35 +
  36 + @Override
  37 + public WProjectOperationRecord getDetail(String id) {
  38 + WProjectOperationRecord wProjectOperationRecord = this.get(id);
  39 + return wProjectOperationRecord;
  40 + }
  41 +
  42 + @Override
  43 + @Transactional
  44 + public void createOrUpdate(WProjectOperationRecord wProjectOperationRecord) {
  45 + //新建或更新
  46 + if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(wProjectOperationRecord.getFEventType())) {
  47 + throw new RuntimeException("请填写事件类型");
  48 + }
  49 + if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(wProjectOperationRecord.getFProjectId())) {
  50 + throw new RuntimeException("请填写项目id");
  51 + }
  52 + EventTypeEnum eventTypeEnum = null;
  53 + try {
  54 + eventTypeEnum = EventTypeEnum.valueOf(wProjectOperationRecord.getFEventType());
  55 + } catch (Exception e) {
  56 + throw new RuntimeException("事件类型不存在");
  57 + }
  58 + if (eventTypeEnum == null) {
  59 + throw new RuntimeException("事件类型不存在");
  60 + }
  61 + WProjectLibraryInventory wProjectLibraryInventory = projectLibraryInventoryDao.selectById(wProjectOperationRecord.getFProjectId());
  62 + if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(wProjectLibraryInventory)) {
  63 + throw new RuntimeException("项目库清单不存在");
  64 + }
  65 + IUser currentUser = script.getCurrentUser();
  66 + wProjectOperationRecord.setFCreateBy(currentUser.getFullname());
  67 + wProjectOperationRecord.setFCreateById(currentUser.getUserId());
  68 + wProjectOperationRecord.setFCreateTime(;
  69 +
  70 + wProjectOperationRecord.setFEventType(eventTypeEnum.getInfo());
  71 + if (EventTypeEnum.tibao.getCode().equals(eventTypeEnum.getCode())) {
  72 + wProjectOperationRecord.setFProgressStatus(null);
  73 + } else if (EventTypeEnum.zuofei.getCode().equals(eventTypeEnum.getCode())) {
  74 + wProjectOperationRecord.setFProgressStatus(null);
  75 + wProjectLibraryInventory.setFProjectState("已作废");
  76 + } else if (EventTypeEnum.ruku.getCode().equals(eventTypeEnum.getCode())) {
  77 + wProjectOperationRecord.setFProgressStatus(null);
  78 + wProjectLibraryInventory.setFProjectState("已入库");
  79 + } else if (EventTypeEnum.xiangmujinzhan.getCode().equals(eventTypeEnum.getCode())) {
  80 + wProjectLibraryInventory.setFProjectDebriefing(wProjectLibraryInventory.getFProjectDebriefing() + "\n" + wProjectOperationRecord.getFProgressStatus());
  81 + } else if (EventTypeEnum.chuku.getCode().equals(eventTypeEnum.getCode())) {
  82 + wProjectOperationRecord.setFProgressStatus(null);
  83 + wProjectLibraryInventory.setFProjectState("已出库");
  84 + }
  85 + this.saveOrUpdate(wProjectOperationRecord);
  86 + projectLibraryInventoryDao.updateById(wProjectLibraryInventory);
  87 + }
  88 +}
... ...
backend/chkpower/src/main/java/com/hotent/chkpower/model/ 0 → 100644
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
  1 +package com.hotent.chkpower.model;
  2 +
  3 +import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.IdType;
  4 +import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField;
  5 +import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableId;
  6 +import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
  7 +import com.hotent.base.entity.BaseModel;
  8 +import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
  9 +import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
  10 +
  11 +import;
  12 +import java.time.LocalDateTime;
  13 +
  14 +/**
  15 + * 项目库清单
  16 + *
  17 + * @author admin
  18 + * @company 广州宏天软件股份有限公司
  19 + * @since 2024-07-12
  20 + */
  21 +@ApiModel(value = "WProjectLibraryInventory对象", description = "项目库清单")
  22 +public class WProjectLibraryInventory extends BaseModel<WProjectLibraryInventory> {
  23 +
  24 + private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  25 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "主键")
  26 + @TableId(value = "ID_", type = IdType.ASSIGN_ID)
  27 + @JsonProperty("id")
  28 + private String id;
  29 +
  30 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "外键")
  31 + @TableField("REF_ID_")
  32 + @JsonProperty("refId")
  33 + private String refId;
  34 +
  35 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "项目公司或代表处")
  36 + @TableField("F_project_company")
  37 + @JsonProperty("fProjectCompany")
  38 + private String fProjectCompany;
  39 +
  40 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "入库时间")
  41 + @TableField("F_warehouse_entry_date")
  42 + @JsonProperty("fWarehouseEntryDate")
  43 + private LocalDateTime fWarehouseEntryDate;
  44 +
  45 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "项目名称")
  46 + @TableField("F_project_name")
  47 + @JsonProperty("fProjectName")
  48 + private String fProjectName;
  49 +
  50 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "项目类别")
  51 + @TableField("F_project_category")
  52 + @JsonProperty("fProjectCategory")
  53 + private String fProjectCategory;
  54 +
  55 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "业务场景")
  56 + @TableField("F_business_scenarios")
  57 + @JsonProperty("fBusinessScenarios")
  58 + private String fBusinessScenarios;
  59 +
  60 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "万㎡/智慧供热")
  61 + @TableField("F_smart_heating")
  62 + @JsonProperty("fSmartHeating")
  63 + private String fSmartHeating;
  64 +
  65 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "万KWh/综合能效")
  66 + @TableField("F_energy_efficiency")
  67 + @JsonProperty("fEnergyEfficiency")
  68 + private String fEnergyEfficiency;
  69 +
  70 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "MW/光伏")
  71 + @TableField("F_photovoltaic")
  72 + @JsonProperty("fPhotovoltaic")
  73 + private String fPhotovoltaic;
  74 +
  75 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "MWh/储能")
  76 + @TableField("F_energy_storage")
  77 + @JsonProperty("fEnergyStorage")
  78 + private String fEnergyStorage;
  79 +
  80 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "项目性质")
  81 + @TableField("F_project_nature")
  82 + @JsonProperty("fProjectNature")
  83 + private String fProjectNature;
  84 +
  85 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "商务模式")
  86 + @TableField("F_business_model")
  87 + @JsonProperty("fBusinessModel")
  88 + private String fBusinessModel;
  89 +
  90 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "投资规模(万元)")
  91 + @TableField("F_investment_scale")
  92 + @JsonProperty("fInvestmentScale")
  93 + private String fInvestmentScale;
  94 +
  95 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "项目评级")
  96 + @TableField("F_project_rating")
  97 + @JsonProperty("fProjectRating")
  98 + private String fProjectRating;
  99 +
  100 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "静态回收期")
  101 + @TableField("F_static_payback_period")
  102 + @JsonProperty("fStaticPaybackPeriod")
  103 + private String fStaticPaybackPeriod;
  104 +
  105 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "测算IRR")
  106 + @TableField("F_calculate_IRR")
  107 + @JsonProperty("fCalculateIrr")
  108 + private String fCalculateIrr;
  109 +
  110 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "年收入预测(万元)")
  111 + @TableField("F_annual_income_forecast")
  112 + @JsonProperty("fAnnualIncomeForecast")
  113 + private String fAnnualIncomeForecast;
  114 +
  115 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "年净利润预测(万元)")
  116 + @TableField("F_annual_net_profit_forecast")
  117 + @JsonProperty("fAnnualNetProfitForecast")
  118 + private String fAnnualNetProfitForecast;
  119 +
  120 + @ApiModelProperty(value = " 团队负责人")
  121 + @TableField("F_team_leader")
  122 + @JsonProperty("fTeamLeader")
  123 + private String fTeamLeader;
  124 +
  125 + @ApiModelProperty(value = " 团队负责人id")
  126 + @TableField("F_team_leader_id")
  127 + @JsonProperty("fTeamLeaderId")
  128 + private String fTeamLeaderId;
  129 +
  130 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "团队协同人员")
  131 + @TableField("F_team_collaboration_per")
  132 + @JsonProperty("fTeamCollaborationPer")
  133 + private String fTeamCollaborationPer;
  134 +
  135 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "团队协同人员id")
  136 + @TableField("F_team_collaboration_per_id")
  137 + @JsonProperty("fTeamCollaborationPerId")
  138 + private String fTeamCollaborationPerId;
  139 +
  140 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "预计签约时间")
  141 + @TableField("F_expected_signing_date")
  142 + @JsonProperty("fExpectedSigningDate")
  143 + private LocalDateTime fExpectedSigningDate;
  144 +
  145 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "预计开工时间")
  146 + @TableField("F_expected_scheduled_date")
  147 + @JsonProperty("fExpectedScheduledDate")
  148 + private LocalDateTime fExpectedScheduledDate;
  149 +
  150 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "战略价值")
  151 + @TableField("F_strategic_value")
  152 + @JsonProperty("fStrategicValue")
  153 + private String fStrategicValue;
  154 +
  155 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "项目来源")
  156 + @TableField("F_project_source")
  157 + @JsonProperty("fProjectSource")
  158 + private String fProjectSource;
  159 +
  160 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "客户联系人/职位")
  161 + @TableField("F_customer_contact")
  162 + @JsonProperty("fCustomerContact")
  163 + private String fCustomerContact;
  164 +
  165 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "项目概况")
  166 + @TableField("F_project_overview")
  167 + @JsonProperty("fProjectOverview")
  168 + private String fProjectOverview;
  169 +
  170 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "项目进展")
  171 + @TableField("F_project_debriefing")
  172 + @JsonProperty("fProjectDebriefing")
  173 + private String fProjectDebriefing;
  174 +
  175 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "偏差分析")
  176 + @TableField("F_deviation_analysis")
  177 + @JsonProperty("fDeviationAnalysis")
  178 + private String fDeviationAnalysis;
  179 +
  180 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "项目状态")
  181 + @TableField("F_project_state")
  182 + @JsonProperty("fProjectState")
  183 + private String fProjectState;
  184 +
  185 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "创建人")
  186 + @TableField("F_create_by")
  187 + @JsonProperty("fCreateBy")
  188 + private String fCreateBy;
  189 +
  190 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "创建人id")
  191 + @TableField("F_create_by_id")
  192 + @JsonProperty("fCreateById")
  193 + private String fCreateById;
  194 +
  195 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
  196 + @TableField("F_create_time")
  197 + @JsonProperty("fCreateTime")
  198 + private LocalDateTime fCreateTime;
  199 +
  200 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "修改人")
  201 + @TableField("F_update_by")
  202 + @JsonProperty("fUpdateBy")
  203 + private String fUpdateBy;
  204 +
  205 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "修改人id")
  206 + @TableField("F_update_by_id")
  207 + @JsonProperty("fUpdateById")
  208 + private String fUpdateById;
  209 +
  210 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "修改时间")
  211 + @TableField("F_update_time")
  212 + @JsonProperty("fUpdateTime")
  213 + private LocalDateTime fUpdateTime;
  214 +
  215 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "表单数据版本")
  216 + @TableField("F_form_data_rev_")
  217 + @JsonProperty("fFormDataRev")
  218 + private Long fFormDataRev;
  219 +
  220 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "项目编号")
  221 + @TableField("F_project_no")
  222 + @JsonProperty("fProjectNo")
  223 + private String fProjectNo;
  224 +
  225 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "组织id")
  226 + @TableField("F_org_id")
  227 + @JsonProperty("fOrgId")
  228 + private String fOrgId;
  229 +
  230 + public String getCreateTime() {
  231 + return createTime;
  232 + }
  233 +
  234 + public void setCreateTime(String createTime) {
  235 + this.createTime = createTime;
  236 + }
  237 +
  238 + public String getUpdateTime() {
  239 + return updateTime;
  240 + }
  241 +
  242 + public void setUpdateTime(String updateTime) {
  243 + this.updateTime = updateTime;
  244 + }
  245 +
  246 + @TableField(exist = false)
  247 + private String createTime;
  248 + @TableField(exist = false)
  249 + private String updateTime;
  250 +
  251 +
  252 + public String getId() {
  253 + return id;
  254 + }
  255 +
  256 + public void setId(String id) {
  257 + = id;
  258 + }
  259 +
  260 + public String getRefId() {
  261 + return refId;
  262 + }
  263 +
  264 + public void setRefId(String refId) {
  265 + this.refId = refId;
  266 + }
  267 +
  268 + public String getFProjectCompany() {
  269 + return fProjectCompany;
  270 + }
  271 +
  272 + public void setFProjectCompany(String fProjectCompany) {
  273 + this.fProjectCompany = fProjectCompany;
  274 + }
  275 +
  276 + public LocalDateTime getFWarehouseEntryDate() {
  277 + return fWarehouseEntryDate;
  278 + }
  279 +
  280 + public void setFWarehouseEntryDate(LocalDateTime fWarehouseEntryDate) {
  281 + this.fWarehouseEntryDate = fWarehouseEntryDate;
  282 + }
  283 +
  284 + public String getFProjectName() {
  285 + return fProjectName;
  286 + }
  287 +
  288 + public void setFProjectName(String fProjectName) {
  289 + this.fProjectName = fProjectName;
  290 + }
  291 +
  292 + public String getFProjectCategory() {
  293 + return fProjectCategory;
  294 + }
  295 +
  296 + public void setFProjectCategory(String fProjectCategory) {
  297 + this.fProjectCategory = fProjectCategory;
  298 + }
  299 +
  300 + public String getFBusinessScenarios() {
  301 + return fBusinessScenarios;
  302 + }
  303 +
  304 + public void setFBusinessScenarios(String fBusinessScenarios) {
  305 + this.fBusinessScenarios = fBusinessScenarios;
  306 + }
  307 +
  308 + public String getFSmartHeating() {
  309 + return fSmartHeating;
  310 + }
  311 +
  312 + public void setFSmartHeating(String fSmartHeating) {
  313 + this.fSmartHeating = fSmartHeating;
  314 + }
  315 +
  316 + public String getFEnergyEfficiency() {
  317 + return fEnergyEfficiency;
  318 + }
  319 +
  320 + public void setFEnergyEfficiency(String fEnergyEfficiency) {
  321 + this.fEnergyEfficiency = fEnergyEfficiency;
  322 + }
  323 +
  324 + public String getFPhotovoltaic() {
  325 + return fPhotovoltaic;
  326 + }
  327 +
  328 + public void setFPhotovoltaic(String fPhotovoltaic) {
  329 + this.fPhotovoltaic = fPhotovoltaic;
  330 + }
  331 +
  332 + public String getFEnergyStorage() {
  333 + return fEnergyStorage;
  334 + }
  335 +
  336 + public void setFEnergyStorage(String fEnergyStorage) {
  337 + this.fEnergyStorage = fEnergyStorage;
  338 + }
  339 +
  340 + public String getFProjectNature() {
  341 + return fProjectNature;
  342 + }
  343 +
  344 + public void setFProjectNature(String fProjectNature) {
  345 + this.fProjectNature = fProjectNature;
  346 + }
  347 +
  348 + public String getFBusinessModel() {
  349 + return fBusinessModel;
  350 + }
  351 +
  352 + public void setFBusinessModel(String fBusinessModel) {
  353 + this.fBusinessModel = fBusinessModel;
  354 + }
  355 +
  356 + public String getFInvestmentScale() {
  357 + return fInvestmentScale;
  358 + }
  359 +
  360 + public void setFInvestmentScale(String fInvestmentScale) {
  361 + this.fInvestmentScale = fInvestmentScale;
  362 + }
  363 +
  364 + public String getFProjectRating() {
  365 + return fProjectRating;
  366 + }
  367 +
  368 + public void setFProjectRating(String fProjectRating) {
  369 + this.fProjectRating = fProjectRating;
  370 + }
  371 +
  372 + public String getFStaticPaybackPeriod() {
  373 + return fStaticPaybackPeriod;
  374 + }
  375 +
  376 + public void setFStaticPaybackPeriod(String fStaticPaybackPeriod) {
  377 + this.fStaticPaybackPeriod = fStaticPaybackPeriod;
  378 + }
  379 +
  380 + public String getFCalculateIrr() {
  381 + return fCalculateIrr;
  382 + }
  383 +
  384 + public void setFCalculateIrr(String fCalculateIrr) {
  385 + this.fCalculateIrr = fCalculateIrr;
  386 + }
  387 +
  388 + public String getFAnnualIncomeForecast() {
  389 + return fAnnualIncomeForecast;
  390 + }
  391 +
  392 + public void setFAnnualIncomeForecast(String fAnnualIncomeForecast) {
  393 + this.fAnnualIncomeForecast = fAnnualIncomeForecast;
  394 + }
  395 +
  396 + public String getFAnnualNetProfitForecast() {
  397 + return fAnnualNetProfitForecast;
  398 + }
  399 +
  400 + public void setFAnnualNetProfitForecast(String fAnnualNetProfitForecast) {
  401 + this.fAnnualNetProfitForecast = fAnnualNetProfitForecast;
  402 + }
  403 +
  404 + public String getFTeamLeader() {
  405 + return fTeamLeader;
  406 + }
  407 +
  408 + public void setFTeamLeader(String fTeamLeader) {
  409 + this.fTeamLeader = fTeamLeader;
  410 + }
  411 +
  412 + public String getFTeamLeaderId() {
  413 + return fTeamLeaderId;
  414 + }
  415 +
  416 + public void setFTeamLeaderId(String fTeamLeaderId) {
  417 + this.fTeamLeaderId = fTeamLeaderId;
  418 + }
  419 +
  420 + public String getFTeamCollaborationPer() {
  421 + return fTeamCollaborationPer;
  422 + }
  423 +
  424 + public void setFTeamCollaborationPer(String fTeamCollaborationPer) {
  425 + this.fTeamCollaborationPer = fTeamCollaborationPer;
  426 + }
  427 +
  428 + public String getFTeamCollaborationPerId() {
  429 + return fTeamCollaborationPerId;
  430 + }
  431 +
  432 + public void setFTeamCollaborationPerId(String fTeamCollaborationPerId) {
  433 + this.fTeamCollaborationPerId = fTeamCollaborationPerId;
  434 + }
  435 +
  436 + public LocalDateTime getFExpectedSigningDate() {
  437 + return fExpectedSigningDate;
  438 + }
  439 +
  440 + public void setFExpectedSigningDate(LocalDateTime fExpectedSigningDate) {
  441 + this.fExpectedSigningDate = fExpectedSigningDate;
  442 + }
  443 +
  444 + public LocalDateTime getFExpectedScheduledDate() {
  445 + return fExpectedScheduledDate;
  446 + }
  447 +
  448 + public void setFExpectedScheduledDate(LocalDateTime fExpectedScheduledDate) {
  449 + this.fExpectedScheduledDate = fExpectedScheduledDate;
  450 + }
  451 +
  452 + public String getFStrategicValue() {
  453 + return fStrategicValue;
  454 + }
  455 +
  456 + public void setFStrategicValue(String fStrategicValue) {
  457 + this.fStrategicValue = fStrategicValue;
  458 + }
  459 +
  460 + public String getFProjectSource() {
  461 + return fProjectSource;
  462 + }
  463 +
  464 + public void setFProjectSource(String fProjectSource) {
  465 + this.fProjectSource = fProjectSource;
  466 + }
  467 +
  468 + public String getFCustomerContact() {
  469 + return fCustomerContact;
  470 + }
  471 +
  472 + public void setFCustomerContact(String fCustomerContact) {
  473 + this.fCustomerContact = fCustomerContact;
  474 + }
  475 +
  476 + public String getFProjectOverview() {
  477 + return fProjectOverview;
  478 + }
  479 +
  480 + public void setFProjectOverview(String fProjectOverview) {
  481 + this.fProjectOverview = fProjectOverview;
  482 + }
  483 +
  484 + public String getFProjectDebriefing() {
  485 + return fProjectDebriefing;
  486 + }
  487 +
  488 + public void setFProjectDebriefing(String fProjectDebriefing) {
  489 + this.fProjectDebriefing = fProjectDebriefing;
  490 + }
  491 +
  492 + public String getFDeviationAnalysis() {
  493 + return fDeviationAnalysis;
  494 + }
  495 +
  496 + public void setFDeviationAnalysis(String fDeviationAnalysis) {
  497 + this.fDeviationAnalysis = fDeviationAnalysis;
  498 + }
  499 +
  500 + public String getFProjectState() {
  501 + return fProjectState;
  502 + }
  503 +
  504 + public void setFProjectState(String fProjectState) {
  505 + this.fProjectState = fProjectState;
  506 + }
  507 +
  508 + public String getFCreateBy() {
  509 + return fCreateBy;
  510 + }
  511 +
  512 + public void setFCreateBy(String fCreateBy) {
  513 + this.fCreateBy = fCreateBy;
  514 + }
  515 +
  516 + public String getFCreateById() {
  517 + return fCreateById;
  518 + }
  519 +
  520 + public void setFCreateById(String fCreateById) {
  521 + this.fCreateById = fCreateById;
  522 + }
  523 +
  524 + public LocalDateTime getFCreateTime() {
  525 + return fCreateTime;
  526 + }
  527 +
  528 + public void setFCreateTime(LocalDateTime fCreateTime) {
  529 + this.fCreateTime = fCreateTime;
  530 + }
  531 +
  532 + public String getFUpdateBy() {
  533 + return fUpdateBy;
  534 + }
  535 +
  536 + public void setFUpdateBy(String fUpdateBy) {
  537 + this.fUpdateBy = fUpdateBy;
  538 + }
  539 +
  540 + public String getFUpdateById() {
  541 + return fUpdateById;
  542 + }
  543 +
  544 + public void setFUpdateById(String fUpdateById) {
  545 + this.fUpdateById = fUpdateById;
  546 + }
  547 +
  548 + public LocalDateTime getFUpdateTime() {
  549 + return fUpdateTime;
  550 + }
  551 +
  552 + public void setFUpdateTime(LocalDateTime fUpdateTime) {
  553 + this.fUpdateTime = fUpdateTime;
  554 + }
  555 +
  556 + public Long getFFormDataRev() {
  557 + return fFormDataRev;
  558 + }
  559 +
  560 + public void setFFormDataRev(Long fFormDataRev) {
  561 + this.fFormDataRev = fFormDataRev;
  562 + }
  563 +
  564 + public String getFProjectNo() {
  565 + return fProjectNo;
  566 + }
  567 +
  568 + public void setFProjectNo(String fProjectNo) {
  569 + this.fProjectNo = fProjectNo;
  570 + }
  571 +
  572 + public String getFOrgId() {
  573 + return fOrgId;
  574 + }
  575 +
  576 + public void setFOrgId(String fOrgId) {
  577 + this.fOrgId = fOrgId;
  578 + }
  579 +
  580 +
  581 + @Override
  582 + protected Serializable pkVal() {
  583 + return;
  584 + }
  585 +
  586 + @Override
  587 + public String toString() {
  588 + return "WProjectLibraryInventory{" +
  589 + "id=" + id +
  590 + ", refId=" + refId +
  591 + ", fProjectCompany=" + fProjectCompany +
  592 + ", fWarehouseEntryDate=" + fWarehouseEntryDate +
  593 + ", fProjectName=" + fProjectName +
  594 + ", fProjectCategory=" + fProjectCategory +
  595 + ", fBusinessScenarios=" + fBusinessScenarios +
  596 + ", fSmartHeating=" + fSmartHeating +
  597 + ", fEnergyEfficiency=" + fEnergyEfficiency +
  598 + ", fPhotovoltaic=" + fPhotovoltaic +
  599 + ", fEnergyStorage=" + fEnergyStorage +
  600 + ", fProjectNature=" + fProjectNature +
  601 + ", fBusinessModel=" + fBusinessModel +
  602 + ", fInvestmentScale=" + fInvestmentScale +
  603 + ", fProjectRating=" + fProjectRating +
  604 + ", fStaticPaybackPeriod=" + fStaticPaybackPeriod +
  605 + ", fCalculateIrr=" + fCalculateIrr +
  606 + ", fAnnualIncomeForecast=" + fAnnualIncomeForecast +
  607 + ", fAnnualNetProfitForecast=" + fAnnualNetProfitForecast +
  608 + ", fTeamLeader=" + fTeamLeader +
  609 + ", fTeamLeaderId=" + fTeamLeaderId +
  610 + ", fTeamCollaborationPer=" + fTeamCollaborationPer +
  611 + ", fTeamCollaborationPerId=" + fTeamCollaborationPerId +
  612 + ", fExpectedSigningDate=" + fExpectedSigningDate +
  613 + ", fExpectedScheduledDate=" + fExpectedScheduledDate +
  614 + ", fStrategicValue=" + fStrategicValue +
  615 + ", fProjectSource=" + fProjectSource +
  616 + ", fCustomerContact=" + fCustomerContact +
  617 + ", fProjectOverview=" + fProjectOverview +
  618 + ", fProjectDebriefing=" + fProjectDebriefing +
  619 + ", fDeviationAnalysis=" + fDeviationAnalysis +
  620 + ", fProjectState=" + fProjectState +
  621 + ", fCreateBy=" + fCreateBy +
  622 + ", fCreateById=" + fCreateById +
  623 + ", fCreateTime=" + fCreateTime +
  624 + ", fUpdateBy=" + fUpdateBy +
  625 + ", fUpdateById=" + fUpdateById +
  626 + ", fUpdateTime=" + fUpdateTime +
  627 + ", fFormDataRev=" + fFormDataRev +
  628 + ", fProjectNo=" + fProjectNo +
  629 + ", fOrgId=" + fOrgId +
  630 + "}";
  631 + }
  632 +}
... ...
backend/chkpower/src/main/java/com/hotent/chkpower/model/ 0 → 100644
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
  1 +package com.hotent.chkpower.model;
  2 +
  3 +import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.IdType;
  4 +import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField;
  5 +import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableId;
  6 +import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
  7 +import com.hotent.base.entity.BaseModel;
  8 +import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
  9 +import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
  10 +
  11 +import;
  12 +import java.time.LocalDateTime;
  13 +
  14 +/**
  15 + * 项目操作记录
  16 + *
  17 + * @author admin
  18 + * @company 广州宏天软件股份有限公司
  19 + * @since 2024-07-12
  20 + */
  21 +@ApiModel(value = "WProjectOperationRecord对象", description = "项目操作记录")
  22 +public class WProjectOperationRecord extends BaseModel<WProjectOperationRecord> {
  23 +
  24 + private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  25 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "主键")
  26 + @TableId(value = "ID_", type = IdType.ASSIGN_ID)
  27 + @JsonProperty("id")
  28 + private String id;
  29 +
  30 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "外键")
  31 + @TableField("REF_ID_")
  32 + @JsonProperty("refId")
  33 + private String refId;
  34 +
  35 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "项目id")
  36 + @TableField("F_project_id")
  37 + @JsonProperty("fProjectId")
  38 + private String fProjectId;
  39 +
  40 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "创建人")
  41 + @TableField("F_create_by")
  42 + @JsonProperty("fCreateBy")
  43 + private String fCreateBy;
  44 +
  45 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "创建人id")
  46 + @TableField("F_create_by_id")
  47 + @JsonProperty("fCreateById")
  48 + private String fCreateById;
  49 +
  50 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
  51 + @TableField("F_create_time")
  52 + @JsonProperty("fCreateTime")
  53 + private LocalDateTime fCreateTime;
  54 +
  55 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "事件类型")
  56 + @TableField("F_event_type")
  57 + @JsonProperty("fEventType")
  58 + private String fEventType;
  59 +
  60 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "进展情况")
  61 + @TableField("F_progress_status")
  62 + @JsonProperty("fProgressStatus")
  63 + private String fProgressStatus;
  64 +
  65 + @ApiModelProperty(value = "表单数据版本")
  66 + @TableField("F_form_data_rev_")
  67 + @JsonProperty("fFormDataRev")
  68 + private Long fFormDataRev;
  69 +
  70 +
  71 + public String getId() {
  72 + return id;
  73 + }
  74 +
  75 + public void setId(String id) {
  76 + = id;
  77 + }
  78 +
  79 + public String getRefId() {
  80 + return refId;
  81 + }
  82 +
  83 + public void setRefId(String refId) {
  84 + this.refId = refId;
  85 + }
  86 +
  87 + public String getFProjectId() {
  88 + return fProjectId;
  89 + }
  90 +
  91 + public void setFProjectId(String fProjectId) {
  92 + this.fProjectId = fProjectId;
  93 + }
  94 +
  95 + public String getFCreateBy() {
  96 + return fCreateBy;
  97 + }
  98 +
  99 + public void setFCreateBy(String fCreateBy) {
  100 + this.fCreateBy = fCreateBy;
  101 + }
  102 +
  103 + public String getFCreateById() {
  104 + return fCreateById;
  105 + }
  106 +
  107 + public void setFCreateById(String fCreateById) {
  108 + this.fCreateById = fCreateById;
  109 + }
  110 +
  111 + public LocalDateTime getFCreateTime() {
  112 + return fCreateTime;
  113 + }
  114 +
  115 + public void setFCreateTime(LocalDateTime fCreateTime) {
  116 + this.fCreateTime = fCreateTime;
  117 + }
  118 +
  119 + public String getFEventType() {
  120 + return fEventType;
  121 + }
  122 +
  123 + public void setFEventType(String fEventType) {
  124 + this.fEventType = fEventType;
  125 + }
  126 +
  127 + public String getFProgressStatus() {
  128 + return fProgressStatus;
  129 + }
  130 +
  131 + public void setFProgressStatus(String fProgressStatus) {
  132 + this.fProgressStatus = fProgressStatus;
  133 + }
  134 +
  135 + public Long getFFormDataRev() {
  136 + return fFormDataRev;
  137 + }
  138 +
  139 + public void setFFormDataRev(Long fFormDataRev) {
  140 + this.fFormDataRev = fFormDataRev;
  141 + }
  142 +
  143 +
  144 + @Override
  145 + protected Serializable pkVal() {
  146 + return;
  147 + }
  148 +
  149 + @Override
  150 + public String toString() {
  151 + return "WProjectOperationRecord{" +
  152 + "id=" + id +
  153 + ", refId=" + refId +
  154 + ", fProjectId=" + fProjectId +
  155 + ", fCreateBy=" + fCreateBy +
  156 + ", fCreateById=" + fCreateById +
  157 + ", fCreateTime=" + fCreateTime +
  158 + ", fEventType=" + fEventType +
  159 + ", fProgressStatus=" + fProgressStatus +
  160 + ", fFormDataRev=" + fFormDataRev +
  161 + "}";
  162 + }
  163 +}
... ...
backend/chkpower/src/main/java/com/hotent/chkpower/model/enums/ 0 → 100644
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
  1 +package com.hotent.chkpower.model.enums;
  2 +
  3 +import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
  4 +import lombok.Getter;
  5 +
  6 +/**
  7 + * 安检类型
  8 + */
  9 +@AllArgsConstructor
  10 +@Getter
  11 +public enum EventTypeEnum {
  12 +
  13 + /**
  14 + * 提报
  15 + */
  16 + tibao("tibao", "提报"),
  17 +
  18 + /**
  19 + * 作废
  20 + */
  21 + zuofei("zuofei", "作废"),
  22 +
  23 + /**
  24 + * 入库
  25 + */
  26 + ruku("ruku", "入库"),
  27 +
  28 + /**
  29 + * 项目进展
  30 + */
  31 + xiangmujinzhan("xiangmujinzhan", "项目进展"),
  32 +
  33 + /**
  34 + * 出库
  35 + */
  36 + chuku("chuku", "出库"),
  37 +
  38 + ;
  39 +
  40 + private final String code;
  41 + private final String info;
  42 +}
... ...
backend/chkpower/src/main/resources/doc/project_down.xls 0 → 100644
No preview for this file type
backend/chkpower/src/main/resources/mapper/WProjectLibraryInventoryMapper.xml 0 → 100644
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
  1 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2 +<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "">
  3 +<mapper namespace="com.hotent.chkpower.dao.WProjectLibraryInventoryDao">
  4 +
  5 + <!-- 通用查询映射结果 -->
  6 + <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.hotent.chkpower.model.WProjectLibraryInventory">
  7 + <id column="ID_" property="id"/>
  8 + <result column="REF_ID_" property="refId"/>
  9 + <result column="F_project_company" property="fProjectCompany"/>
  10 + <result column="F_warehouse_entry_date" property="fWarehouseEntryDate"/>
  11 + <result column="F_project_name" property="fProjectName"/>
  12 + <result column="F_project_category" property="fProjectCategory"/>
  13 + <result column="F_business_scenarios" property="fBusinessScenarios"/>
  14 + <result column="F_smart_heating" property="fSmartHeating"/>
  15 + <result column="F_energy_efficiency" property="fEnergyEfficiency"/>
  16 + <result column="F_photovoltaic" property="fPhotovoltaic"/>
  17 + <result column="F_energy_storage" property="fEnergyStorage"/>
  18 + <result column="F_project_nature" property="fProjectNature"/>
  19 + <result column="F_business_model" property="fBusinessModel"/>
  20 + <result column="F_investment_scale" property="fInvestmentScale"/>
  21 + <result column="F_project_rating" property="fProjectRating"/>
  22 + <result column="F_static_payback_period" property="fStaticPaybackPeriod"/>
  23 + <result column="F_calculate_IRR" property="fCalculateIrr"/>
  24 + <result column="F_annual_income_forecast" property="fAnnualIncomeForecast"/>
  25 + <result column="F_annual_net_profit_forecast" property="fAnnualNetProfitForecast"/>
  26 + <result column="F_team_leader" property="fTeamLeader"/>
  27 + <result column="F_team_leader_id" property="fTeamLeaderId"/>
  28 + <result column="F_team_collaboration_per" property="fTeamCollaborationPer"/>
  29 + <result column="F_team_collaboration_per_id" property="fTeamCollaborationPerId"/>
  30 + <result column="F_expected_signing_date" property="fExpectedSigningDate"/>
  31 + <result column="F_expected_scheduled_date" property="fExpectedScheduledDate"/>
  32 + <result column="F_strategic_value" property="fStrategicValue"/>
  33 + <result column="F_project_source" property="fProjectSource"/>
  34 + <result column="F_customer_contact" property="fCustomerContact"/>
  35 + <result column="F_project_overview" property="fProjectOverview"/>
  36 + <result column="F_project_debriefing" property="fProjectDebriefing"/>
  37 + <result column="F_deviation_analysis" property="fDeviationAnalysis"/>
  38 + <result column="F_project_state" property="fProjectState"/>
  39 + <result column="F_create_by" property="fCreateBy"/>
  40 + <result column="F_create_by_id" property="fCreateById"/>
  41 + <result column="F_create_time" property="fCreateTime"/>
  42 + <result column="F_update_by" property="fUpdateBy"/>
  43 + <result column="F_update_by_id" property="fUpdateById"/>
  44 + <result column="F_update_time" property="fUpdateTime"/>
  45 + <result column="F_form_data_rev_" property="fFormDataRev"/>
  46 + <result column="F_project_no" property="fProjectNo"/>
  47 + <result column="F_org_id" property="fOrgId"/>
  48 + </resultMap>
  49 +
  50 + <!-- 通用查询结果列 -->
  51 + <sql id="Base_Column_List">
  52 + ID_, REF_ID_, F_project_company, F_warehouse_entry_date, F_project_name, F_project_category, F_business_scenarios, F_smart_heating, F_energy_efficiency, F_photovoltaic, F_energy_storage, F_project_nature, F_business_model, F_investment_scale, F_project_rating, F_static_payback_period, F_calculate_IRR, F_annual_income_forecast, F_annual_net_profit_forecast, F_team_leader, F_team_leader_id, F_team_collaboration_per, F_team_collaboration_per_id, F_expected_signing_date, F_expected_scheduled_date, F_strategic_value, F_project_source, F_customer_contact, F_project_overview, F_project_debriefing, F_deviation_analysis, F_project_state, F_create_by, F_create_by_id, F_create_time, F_update_by, F_update_by_id, F_update_time, F_form_data_rev_, F_project_no, F_org_id
  53 + </sql>
  54 +
  55 + <select id="selectPage" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
  56 + select
  57 + <include refid="Base_Column_List"/>
  58 + from
  59 + w_project_library_inventory
  60 + ${ew.customSqlSegment}
  61 + </select>
  62 +
  63 + <select id="selectList" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
  64 + select
  65 + <include refid="Base_Column_List"/>
  66 + from
  67 + w_project_library_inventory
  68 + ${ew.customSqlSegment}
  69 + </select>
  70 +
  71 + <select id="selectById" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
  72 + select
  73 + <include refid="Base_Column_List"/>
  74 + from
  75 + w_project_library_inventory
  76 + where
  77 + ID_ = #{id}
  78 + </select>
  79 +</mapper>
... ...
backend/chkpower/src/main/resources/mapper/WProjectOperationRecordMapper.xml 0 → 100644
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
  1 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2 +<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "">
  3 +<mapper namespace="com.hotent.chkpower.dao.WProjectOperationRecordDao">
  4 +
  5 + <!-- 通用查询映射结果 -->
  6 + <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.hotent.chkpower.model.WProjectOperationRecord">
  7 + <id column="ID_" property="id"/>
  8 + <result column="REF_ID_" property="refId"/>
  9 + <result column="F_project_id" property="fProjectId"/>
  10 + <result column="F_create_by" property="fCreateBy"/>
  11 + <result column="F_create_by_id" property="fCreateById"/>
  12 + <result column="F_create_time" property="fCreateTime"/>
  13 + <result column="F_event_type" property="fEventType"/>
  14 + <result column="F_progress_status" property="fProgressStatus"/>
  15 + <result column="F_form_data_rev_" property="fFormDataRev"/>
  16 + </resultMap>
  17 +
  18 + <!-- 通用查询结果列 -->
  19 + <sql id="Base_Column_List">
  20 + ID_, REF_ID_, F_project_id, F_create_by, F_create_by_id, F_create_time, F_event_type, F_progress_status, F_form_data_rev_
  21 + </sql>
  22 +
  23 + <select id="selectPage" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
  24 + select
  25 + <include refid="Base_Column_List"/>
  26 + from
  27 + w_project_operation_record
  28 + ${ew.customSqlSegment}
  29 + </select>
  30 +
  31 + <select id="selectList" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
  32 + select
  33 + <include refid="Base_Column_List"/>
  34 + from
  35 + w_project_operation_record
  36 + ${ew.customSqlSegment}
  37 + </select>
  38 +
  39 + <select id="selectById" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
  40 + select
  41 + <include refid="Base_Column_List"/>
  42 + from
  43 + w_project_operation_record
  44 + where
  45 + ID_ = #{id}
  46 + </select>
  47 +</mapper>
... ...